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Change-Id: Ie59536f97544885673000f2a383efd1a1338792b
This commit is contained in:
David Banks 2021-03-11 19:01:46 +00:00
parent b23bb1d9ce
commit 0aa58bb25c

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This is a table driven 65Cx2 core by A.Daly
-- This is a table driven 65Cx2 core by A.Daly
-- This is a derivative of the excellent FPGA64 core see below
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
entity R65C02 is
port (
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
enable : in std_logic;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
cyclePreRead, -- Cycle before read while doing zeropage indexed addressing.
cycleRead, -- Read cycle
cycleRead2, -- Second read cycle after page-boundary crossing.
cycleRmw, -- Calculate ALU output for read-modify-write instr.
cycleRmw, -- Calculate ALU output for read-modify-write instr.
cyclePreWrite, -- Cycle before write when doing indexed addressing.
cycleWrite, -- Write cycle for zeropage or absolute addressing.
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant opcRti : integer := 24;
constant opcIRQ : integer := 25;
constant opcInA : integer := 26;
constant opcInBrk : integer := 27;
constant opcInX : integer := 28;
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant opcInT : integer := 31;
constant opcInH : integer := 32;
constant opcInClear : integer := 33;
constant aluMode1From : integer := 34;
constant aluMode1To : integer := 37;
constant aluMode2From : integer := 38;
constant aluMode2To : integer := 40;
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant opcInCmp : integer := 41;
constant opcInCpx : integer := 42;
constant opcInCpy : integer := 43;
subtype addrDef is unsigned(0 to 15);
@ -177,15 +177,15 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant writeInd : addrDef := "1001000000010000";
-- |AZI||JBXY|WM||
-- Absolute
constant readAbs : addrDef := "1100000000000000";
constant writeAbs : addrDef := "1100000000010000";
constant rmwAbs : addrDef := "1100000000001000";
constant readAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010000000";
constant writeAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010010000";
constant rmwAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010001000";
constant readAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001000000";
constant writeAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001010000";
constant rmwAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001001000";
constant readAbs : addrDef := "1100000000000000";
constant writeAbs : addrDef := "1100000000010000";
constant rmwAbs : addrDef := "1100000000001000";
constant readAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010000000";
constant writeAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010010000";
constant rmwAbsX : addrDef := "1100000010001000";
constant readAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001000000";
constant writeAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001010000";
constant rmwAbsY : addrDef := "1100000001001000";
constant push : addrDef := "0000010000000000";
@ -203,13 +203,13 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
-- constant irq : addrDef := "0000111000000001";
-- constant : unsigned(0 to 0) := "0";
constant xxxxxxxx : addrDef := "----------0---00";
-- A = accu
-- X = index X
-- Y = index Y
-- S = Stack pointer
-- H = indexH
constant aluInA : unsigned(0 to 7) := "10000000";
constant aluInBrk : unsigned(0 to 7) := "01000000";
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant aluInClr : unsigned(0 to 7) := "00000001";
constant aluInSet : unsigned(0 to 7) := "00000000";
constant aluInXXX : unsigned(0 to 7) := "--------";
-- Most of the aluModes are just like the opcodes.
-- aluModeInp -> input is output. calculate N and Z
-- aluModeCmp -> Compare for CMP, CPX, CPY
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant aluRor : aluMode := aluModeRor & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluLsr : aluMode := aluModeLsr & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluRol : aluMode := aluModeRol & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluAsl : aluMode := aluModeAsl & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluAsl : aluMode := aluModeAsl & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluTSB : aluMode := aluModeTSB & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluTRB : aluMode := aluModeTRB & aluModePss & "---";
constant aluCmp : aluMode := aluModeInp & aluModeCmp & "100";
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
constant aluAnd : aluMode := aluModeInp & aluModeAnd & "---";
constant aluOra : aluMode := aluModeInp & aluModeOra & "---";
constant aluEor : aluMode := aluModeInp & aluModeEor & "---";
constant aluXXX : aluMode := (others => '-');
@ -299,11 +299,11 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
-- ||+----- Update register Y
-- |||+---- Update register S
-- |||| +-- Update Flags
-- |||| |
-- |||| _|__
-- |||| |
-- |||| _|__
-- |||| / \
-- AXYS NVDIZC addressing aluInput aluMode
-- AXYS NVDIZC addressing aluInput aluMode
-- AXYS NVDIZC addressing aluInput aluMode
"0000" & "001100" & brk & aluInBrk & aluP, -- 00 BRK
"1000" & "100010" & readIndX & aluInT & aluOra, -- 01 ORA (zp,x)
"0000" & "000000" & immediate & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 02 NOP ------- 65C02
@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 0F NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 10 BPL
"1000" & "100010" & readIndY & aluInT & aluOra, -- 11 ORA (zp),y
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluOra, -- 12 ORA (zp) --------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluOra, -- 12 ORA (zp) --------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 13 NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000010" & rmwZp & aluInT & aluTRB, -- 14 TRB zp ~---------- 65C02
"0000" & "000010" & rmwZp & aluInT & aluTRB, -- 14 TRB zp ~---------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluOra, -- 15 ORA zp,x
"0000" & "100011" & rmwZpX & aluInT & aluAsl, -- 16 ASL zp,x
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 17 NOP ------- 65C02
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"1000" & "100010" & readAbsY & aluInT & aluOra, -- 19 ORA abs,y
"1000" & "100010" & implied & aluInA & aluInc, -- 1A INC accu --------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 1B NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000010" & rmwAbs & aluInT & aluTRB, -- 1C TRB abs ~----- --- 65C02
"0000" & "000010" & rmwAbs & aluInT & aluTRB, -- 1C TRB abs ~----- --- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readAbsX & aluInT & aluOra, -- 1D ORA abs,x
"0000" & "100011" & rmwAbsX & aluInT & aluAsl, -- 1E ASL abs,x
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 1F NOP ------- 65C02
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 2F NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 30 BMI
"1000" & "100010" & readIndY & aluInT & aluAnd, -- 31 AND (zp),y
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluAnd, -- 32 AND (zp) -------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluAnd, -- 32 AND (zp) -------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 33 NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "110010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluBit, -- 34 BIT zp,x -------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluAnd, -- 35 AND zp,x
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 4F NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 50 BVC
"1000" & "100010" & readIndY & aluInT & aluEor, -- 51 EOR (zp),y
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluEor, -- 52 EOR (zp) -------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluEor, -- 52 EOR (zp) -------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 53 NOP ------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & immediate & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 54 NOP ------- 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluEor, -- 55 EOR zp,x
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 6F NOP ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 70 BVS
"1000" & "110011" & readIndY & aluInT & aluAdc, -- 71 ADC (zp),y
"1000" & "110011" & readInd & aluInT & aluAdc, -- 72 ADC (zp) -------- 65C02
"1000" & "110011" & readInd & aluInT & aluAdc, -- 72 ADC (zp) -------- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 73 NOP ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & writeZpX & aluInClr & aluInp, -- 74 STZ zp,x -------- 65C02
"1000" & "110011" & readZpX & aluInT & aluAdc, -- 75 ADC zp,x
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 8F NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 90 BCC
"0000" & "000000" & writeIndY & aluInA & aluInp, -- 91 STA (zp),y
"0000" & "000000" & writeInd & aluInA & aluInp, -- 92 STA (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & writeInd & aluInA & aluInp, -- 92 STA (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- 93 NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & writeZpX & aluInY & aluInp, -- 94 STY zp,x
"0000" & "000000" & writeZpX & aluInA & aluInp, -- 95 STA zp,x
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- AF NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- B0 BCS
"1000" & "100010" & readIndY & aluInT & aluInp, -- B1 LDA (zp),y
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluInp, -- B2 LDA (zp) ------ 65C02
"1000" & "100010" & readInd & aluInT & aluInp, -- B2 LDA (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- B3 NOP ----- 65C02
"0010" & "100010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluInp, -- B4 LDY zp,x
"1000" & "100010" & readZpX & aluInT & aluInp, -- B5 LDA zp,x
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- CF NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- D0 BNE
"0000" & "100011" & readIndY & aluInT & aluCmp, -- D1 CMP (zp),y
"0000" & "100011" & readInd & aluInT & aluCmp, -- D2 CMP (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "100011" & readInd & aluInT & aluCmp, -- D2 CMP (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- D3 NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & immediate & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- D4 NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "100011" & readZpX & aluInT & aluCmp, -- D5 CMP zp,x
@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ architecture Behavioral of R65C02 is
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- EF NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & relative & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- F0 BEQ
"1000" & "110011" & readIndY & aluInT & aluSbc, -- F1 SBC (zp),y
"1000" & "110011" & readInd & aluInT & aluSbc, -- F2 SBC (zp) ------ 65C02
"1000" & "110011" & readInd & aluInT & aluSbc, -- F2 SBC (zp) ------ 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & implied & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- F3 NOP ----- 65C02
"0000" & "000000" & immediate & aluInXXX & aluXXX, -- F4 NOP ----- 65C02
"1000" & "110011" & readZpX & aluInT & aluSbc, -- F5 SBC zp,x
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ processAluInput: process(clk, opcInfo, A, X, Y, T, S)
variable temp : unsigned(7 downto 0);
temp := (others => '1');
if opcInfo(opcInA) = '1' then
temp := temp and A;
end if;
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ processAluInput: process(clk, opcInfo, A, X, Y, T, S)
if opcInfo(opcInClear) = '1' then
temp := (others => '0');
end if;
aluInput <= temp;
end process;
@ -681,35 +681,35 @@ processCmpInput: process(clk, opcInfo, A, X, Y)
if opcInfo(opcInCpy) = '1' then
temp := temp and Y;
end if;
aluCmpInput <= temp;
end process;
-- ALU consists of two parts
-- Read-Modify-Write or index instructions: INC/DEC/ASL/LSR/ROR/ROL
-- Read-Modify-Write or index instructions: INC/DEC/ASL/LSR/ROR/ROL
-- Accumulator instructions: ADC, SBC, EOR, AND, EOR, ORA
-- Some instructions are both RMW and accumulator so for most
-- instructions the rmw results are routed through accu alu too.
-- The B flag
--No actual "B" flag exists inside the 6502's processor status register. The B
--flag only exists in the status flag byte pushed to the stack. Naturally,
--No actual "B" flag exists inside the 6502's processor status register. The B
--flag only exists in the status flag byte pushed to the stack. Naturally,
--when the flags are restored (via PLP or RTI), the B bit is discarded.
--Depending on the means, the B status flag will be pushed to the stack as
--Depending on the means, the B status flag will be pushed to the stack as
--either 0 or 1.
--software instructions BRK & PHP will push the B flag as being 1.
--hardware interrupts IRQ & NMI will push the B flag as being 0.
processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V, D, I, Z, C)
variable lowBits: unsigned(5 downto 0);
variable nineBits: unsigned(8 downto 0);
variable rmwBits: unsigned(8 downto 0);
variable tsxBits: unsigned(8 downto 0);
variable varC : std_logic;
variable varZ : std_logic;
variable varV : std_logic;
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
rmwBits := (others => '-');
tsxBits := (others => '-');
R <= '1';
-- Shift unit
case opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) is
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
when aluModeRoR => rmwBits := aluInput(0) & C & aluInput(7 downto 1);
when others => rmwBits := C & aluInput;
end case;
-- ALU
case opcInfo(aluMode2From to aluMode2To) is
when aluModeAdc => lowBits := ("0" & A(3 downto 0) & rmwBits(8)) + ("0" & rmwBits(3 downto 0) & "1");
@ -754,10 +754,10 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
when others => ninebits := rmwBits;
end case;
varV := aluInput(6); -- Default for BIT / PLP / RTI
if (opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) = aluModeFlg) then
varZ := rmwBits(1);
elsif (opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) = aluModeTSB) or (opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) = aluModeTRB) then
@ -771,22 +771,22 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
varZ := '0';
end if;
if (opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) = aluModeBit) or (opcInfo(aluMode1From to aluMode1To) = aluModeFlg) then
varN := rmwBits(7);
varN := nineBits(7);
end if;
varC := ninebits(8);
case opcInfo(aluMode2From to aluMode2To) is
-- Flags Affected: n v — — — — z c
-- n Set if most significant bit of result is set; else cleared.
-- v Set if signed overflow; cleared if valid signed result.
-- z Set if result is zero; else cleared.
-- c Set if unsigned overflow; cleared if valid unsigned result
when aluModeAdc =>
-- decimal mode low bits correction, is done after setting Z flag.
if D = '1' then
@ -808,9 +808,9 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
if ninebits(8 downto 4) > 9 then
ninebits(8 downto 4) := ninebits(8 downto 4) + 6;
varC := '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
when aluModeSbc =>
varV := (A(7) xor ninebits(7)) and ((not rmwBits(7)) xor ninebits(7));
if D = '1' then
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
varZ := '1';
varZ := '0';
end if;
end if;
varN := ninebits(7);
end if;
when aluModeSbc =>
@ -843,14 +843,14 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
varZ := '1';
varZ := '0';
end if;
end if;
varN := ninebits(7);
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end case;
-- DMB Remove Pipelining
-- if rising_edge(clk) then
-- DMB Remove Pipelining
-- if rising_edge(clk) then
aluRmwOut <= rmwBits(7 downto 0);
aluRegisterOut <= ninebits(7 downto 0);
aluC <= varC;
@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ processAlu: process(clk, opcInfo, aluInput, aluCmpInput, A, T, irqActive, N, V,
aluV <= varV;
aluN <= varN;
-- end if;
end process;
calcInterrupt: process(clk)
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ calcInterrupt: process(clk)
if enable = '1' then
if theCpuCycle = cycleStack4 or reset = '0' then
nmiReg <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if nextCpuCycle /= cycleBranchTaken and nextCpuCycle /= opcodeFetch then
irqReg <= irq_n;
nmiEdge <= nmi_n;
@ -877,11 +877,11 @@ calcInterrupt: process(clk)
end if;
-- The 'or opcInfo(opcSetI)' prevents NMI immediately after BRK or IRQ.
-- Presumably this is done in the real 6502/6510 to prevent a double IRQ.
processIrq <= not ((nmiReg and (irqReg or I)) or opcInfo(opcIRQ));
processIrq <= not ((nmiReg and (irqReg or I)) or opcInfo(opcIRQ));
end if;
end if;
end process;
--pipeirq: process(clk)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk) then
@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ calcNextOpcode: process(clk, di, reset, processIrq)
-- Next opcode is read from input unless a reset or IRQ is pending.
myNextOpcode := di;
if reset = '0' then
myNextOpcode := X"4C";
elsif processIrq = '1' then
@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ calcNextOpcode: process(clk, di, reset, processIrq)
end process;
nextOpcInfo <= opcodeInfoTable(to_integer(nextOpcode));
-- DMB Remove Pipelining
-- DMB Remove Pipelining
-- process(clk)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk) then
@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ calcOpcInfo: process(clk)
end process;
calcTheOpcode: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if enable = '1' then
if theCpuCycle = opcodeFetch then
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ calcTheOpcode: process(clk)
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- State machine
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ calcTheOpcode: process(clk)
end if;
if reset = '0' then
theCpuCycle <= cycle2;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Determine the next cpu cycle. After the last cycle we always
@ -1005,24 +1005,24 @@ calcNextCpuCycle: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, theOpcode, indexOut, T, N, V, C,
nextCpuCycle <= cycle3;
elsif opcInfo(opcIndirect) = '1' then
if opcInfo(indexX) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cyclePreIndirect;
nextCpuCycle <= cyclePreIndirect;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleIndirect;
end if;
end if;
elsif opcInfo(opcZeroPage) = '1' then
if opcInfo(opcWrite) = '1' then
if (opcInfo(indexX) = '1') or (opcInfo(indexY) = '1') then
nextCpuCycle <= cyclePreWrite;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleWrite;
end if;
end if;
if (opcInfo(indexX) = '1') or (opcInfo(indexY) = '1') then
nextCpuCycle <= cyclePreRead;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead2;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
elsif opcInfo(opcJump) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleJump;
end if;
@ -1030,14 +1030,14 @@ calcNextCpuCycle: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, theOpcode, indexOut, T, N, V, C,
if opcInfo(opcWrite) = '1' then
if (opcInfo(indexX) = '1') or (opcInfo(indexY) = '1') then
nextCpuCycle <= cyclePreWrite;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleWrite;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if (opcInfo(opcIndirect) = '1') and (opcInfo(indexX) = '1') then
if opcInfo(opcWrite) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleWrite;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead2;
end if;
end if;
@ -1059,16 +1059,16 @@ calcNextCpuCycle: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, theOpcode, indexOut, T, N, V, C,
if opcInfo(indexX) = '1' or opcInfo(indexY) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead2;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when cycleRead2 => if opcInfo(opcRmw) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleRmw;
end if;
end if;
when cycleRmw => nextCpuCycle <= cycleWrite;
when cyclePreWrite => nextCpuCycle <= cycleWrite;
when cycleStack1 => nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead;
if opcInfo(opcStackAddr) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleStack2;
end if;
end if;
when cycleStack2 => nextCpuCycle <= cycleStack3;
if opcInfo(opcRti) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead;
@ -1080,15 +1080,15 @@ calcNextCpuCycle: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, theOpcode, indexOut, T, N, V, C,
if opcInfo(opcStackData) = '0' or opcInfo(opcStackUp) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleJump;
elsif opcInfo(opcStackAddr) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleStack4;
nextCpuCycle <= cycleStack4;
end if;
when cycleStack4 => nextCpuCycle <= cycleRead;
when cycleJump => if opcInfo(opcIncrAfter) = '1' then
nextCpuCycle <= cycleEnd;
end if;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end process;
end process;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- T register
@ -1106,12 +1106,12 @@ calcT: process(clk)
T <= di;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when cycleIndirect | cycleRead | cycleRead2 => T <= di;
when others => null;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ calcT: process(clk)
if updateRegisters then
if opcInfo(opcUpdateA) = '1' then
A <= aluRegisterOut;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ calcT: process(clk)
if updateRegisters then
if opcInfo(opcUpdateX) = '1' then
X <= aluRegisterOut;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ calcT: process(clk)
if updateRegisters then
if opcInfo(opcUpdateY) = '1' then
Y <= aluRegisterOut;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ calcT: process(clk)
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- D flag
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1256,40 +1256,40 @@ calcT: process(clk)
sIncDec := S + 1;
sIncDec := S - 1;
end if;
end if;
if enable = '1' then
updateFlag := false;
updateFlag := false;
case nextCpuCycle is
when cycleStack1 =>
if (opcInfo(opcStackUp) = '1') or (opcInfo(opcStackData) = '1') then
updateFlag := true;
end if;
when cycleStack2 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleStack3 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleStack4 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleRead => if opcInfo(opcRti) = '1' then
updateFlag := true;
end if;
end if;
when cycleStack2 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleStack3 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleStack4 => updateFlag := true;
when cycleRead => if opcInfo(opcRti) = '1' then
updateFlag := true;
end if;
when cycleWrite => if opcInfo(opcStackData) = '1' then
updateFlag := true;
end if;
when others => null;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
if updateFlag then
S <= sIncDec;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if updateRegisters then
if opcInfo(opcUpdateS) = '1' then
S <= aluRegisterOut;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
@ -1311,11 +1311,11 @@ calcDo: process(clk)
when cycleRmw => doReg <= di; -- Read-modify-write write old value first.
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
do <= doReg;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ calcWe: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if enable = '1' then
theWe <= '1';
theWe <= '1';
case nextCpuCycle is
when cycleStack1 =>
if opcInfo(opcStackUp) = '0' and ((opcInfo(opcStackAddr) = '0') or (opcInfo(opcStackData) = '1')) then
@ -1333,14 +1333,14 @@ calcWe: process(clk)
end if;
when cycleStack2 | cycleStack3 | cycleStack4 =>
if opcInfo(opcStackUp) = '0' then
theWe <= '0';
end if;
when cycleRmw => theWe <= '0';
when cycleWrite => theWe <= '0';
theWe <= '0';
end if;
when cycleRmw => theWe <= '0';
when cycleWrite => theWe <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
--nwe <= theWe;
end process;
nwe <= theWe;
@ -1357,19 +1357,19 @@ calcPC: process(clk)
when cycle2 => if irqActive = '0' then
if opcInfo(opcSecondByte) = '1' then
PC <= myAddrIncr;
PC <= myAddr;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when cycle3 => if opcInfo(opcAbsolute) = '1' then
PC <= myAddrIncr;
PC <= myAddrIncr;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Address generation
@ -1393,15 +1393,15 @@ calcNextAddr: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, indexOut, T, reset)
end if;
when cycle3 => if (opcInfo(opcIndirect) = '1') and (opcInfo(indexX) = '1') then
nextAddr <= nextAddrAbs;
nextAddr <= nextAddrAbsIndexed;
end if;
end if;
when cyclePreIndirect => nextAddr <= nextAddrZPIndexed;
when cycleIndirect => nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrL;
when cycleBranchTaken => nextAddr <= nextAddrRelative;
when cycleBranchPage => if T(7) = '0' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrH;
nextAddr <= nextAddrDecrH;
end if;
when cyclePreRead => nextAddr <= nextAddrZPIndexed;
@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ calcNextAddr: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, indexOut, T, reset)
-- Emulate 6510 bug, jmp(xxFF) fetches from same page.
-- Replace with nextAddrIncr if emulating 65C02 or later cpu.
nextAddr <= nextAddrIncr;
--nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrL;
--nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrL;
elsif indexOut(8) = '1' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrH;
elsif opcInfo(opcRmw) = '1' then
@ -1420,45 +1420,45 @@ calcNextAddr: process(theCpuCycle, opcInfo, indexOut, T, reset)
if opcInfo(opcRmw) = '1' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrHold;
end if;
when cycleRmw => nextAddr <= nextAddrHold;
when cyclePreWrite => nextAddr <= nextAddrHold;
when cycleRmw => nextAddr <= nextAddrHold;
when cyclePreWrite => nextAddr <= nextAddrHold;
if opcInfo(opcZeroPage) = '1' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrZPIndexed;
elsif indexOut(8) = '1' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrIncrH;
end if;
when cycleWrite => nextAddr <= nextAddrPc;
end if;
when cycleWrite => nextAddr <= nextAddrPc;
when cycleStack1 => nextAddr <= nextAddrStack;
when cycleStack2 => nextAddr <= nextAddrStack;
when cycleStack3 => nextAddr <= nextAddrStack;
if opcInfo(opcStackData) = '0' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrPc;
end if;
end if;
when cycleStack4 => nextAddr <= nextAddrIrq;
when cycleJump => nextAddr <= nextAddrAbs;
when cycleJump => nextAddr <= nextAddrAbs;
when others => null;
end case;
end case;
if reset = '0' then
nextAddr <= nextAddrReset;
end if;
end process;
indexAlu: process(opcInfo, myAddr, T, X, Y)
if opcInfo(indexX) = '1' then
indexOut <= (B"0" & T) + (B"0" & X);
elsif opcInfo(indexY) = '1' then
indexOut <= (B"0" & T) + (B"0" & Y);
elsif opcInfo(opcBranch) = '1' then
indexOut <= (B"0" & T) + (B"0" & Y);
elsif opcInfo(opcBranch) = '1' then
indexOut <= (B"0" & T) + (B"0" & myAddr(7 downto 0));
indexOut <= B"0" & T;
@ -1494,38 +1494,36 @@ calcAddr: process(clk)
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end if;
end process;
myAddrIncr <= myAddr + 1;
myAddrIncrH <= myAddr(15 downto 8) + 1;
myAddrDecrH <= myAddr(15 downto 8) - 1;
addr <= myAddr;
-- DMB This looked plain broken and inferred a latch
-- calcsync: process(clk)
-- begin
-- if enable = '1' then
-- case theCpuCycle is
-- when opcodeFetch => sync <= '1';
-- when others => sync <= '0';
-- when others => sync <= '0';
-- end case;
-- end if;
-- end process;
sync <= '1' when theCpuCycle = opcodeFetch else '0';
sync_irq <= irqActive;
Regs <= std_logic_vector(myAddr) &
"00000001" & std_logic_vector(S)&
N & V & R & B & D & I & Z & C &
std_logic_vector(Y) &
std_logic_vector(X) &
"00000001" & std_logic_vector(S)&
N & V & R & B & D & I & Z & C &
std_logic_vector(Y) &
std_logic_vector(X) &
end architecture;