/* Status.h Functions for logging program status to the serial port, to be used for debugging pruposes etc. 2008-03-21, P.Harvey-Smith. Some functions and macros borrowed from Dean Camera's LURFA USB libraries. */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef __STATUS_DEFINES__ #define __STATUS_DEFINES__ /******************************************************** * Simple string logger, as log0 is expensive ********************************************************/ #define logstr(s) logpgmstr(PSTR((s))) void logc(char c); void logs(const char *s); void logpgmstr(const char *s); void loghex1(uint8_t i); void loghex2(uint8_t i); void loghex4(uint16_t i); void logint(int i); void loglong(long i); char *strfill(char *buffer, char c, uint8_t i); char *strhex1(char *buffer, uint8_t i); char *strhex2(char *buffer, uint8_t i); char *strhex4(char *buffer, uint16_t i); char *strint(char *buffer, int i); char *strlong(char *buffer, long i); char *strinsert(char *buffer, const char *s); char *parselong(char *params, long *val); char *parsehex2(char *params, uint8_t *val); char *parsehex4(char *params, uint16_t *val); #define log0(format,...) fprintf_P(&ser0stream,PSTR(format),##__VA_ARGS__) // // For stdio // extern FILE ser0stream; /* Default baud rate if 0 passed to Serial_Init */ #define DefaultBaudRate 9600 /** Indicates whether a character has been received through the USART - boolean false if no character * has been received, or non-zero if a character is waiting to be read from the reception buffer. */ #define Serial_IsCharReceived() ((UCSR1A & (1 << RXC1)) ? true : false) /** Macro for calculating the baud value from a given baud rate when the U2X (double speed) bit is * not set. */ #define SERIAL_UBBRVAL(baud) (((F_CPU / 16) / baud) - 1) /** Macro for calculating the baud value from a given baud rate when the U2X (double speed) bit is * set. */ #define SERIAL_2X_UBBRVAL(baud) (((F_CPU / 8) / baud) - 1) #define SerEOL0() { Serial_TxByte0('\r'); Serial_TxByte0('\n'); } #ifdef NOUSART1 #undef UCSR1A #endif void USART_Init0(const uint32_t BaudRate); void Serial_TxByte0(const char DataByte); char Serial_RxByte0(void); uint8_t Serial_ByteRecieved0(void); void Serial_Init(const uint32_t BaudRate0); void cls(); #endif