#include #include #include #include #include #include "AtomBusMon.h" /******************************************************** * VERSION and NAME are used in the start-up message ********************************************************/ #define VERSION "0.50" #if (CPU == Z80) #define NAME "ICE-T80" #elif (CPU == 6502) #define NAME "ICE-T65" #elif (CPU == 6809) #define NAME "ICE-6809" #else #error "Unsupported CPU type" #endif /******************************************************** * User Command Definitions ********************************************************/ #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED #if (CPU == Z80) #define NUM_CMDS 28 #elif (CPU == 6502) #define NUM_CMDS 22 #else #define NUM_CMDS 21 #endif #else #define NUM_CMDS 14 #endif // The command process accepts abbreviated forms, for example // if h is entered, then help will match. // Must be kept in step with cmdFuncs (just below) char *cmdStrings[NUM_CMDS] = { "help", "continue", #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED "regs", "dis", "fill", "crc", "mem", "rdm", "wrm", #if (CPU == Z80) "io", "rdi", "wri", #endif #if (CPU == 6502) "test", #endif #endif "reset", "step", "trace", "blist", "breakx", "watchx", "breakrm", "watchrm", "breakwm", "watchwm", #if (CPU == Z80) "breakri", "watchri", "breakwi", "watchwi", #endif "clear", "trigger" }; // Must be kept in step with cmdStrings (just above) void (*cmdFuncs[NUM_CMDS])(char *params) = { doCmdHelp, doCmdContinue, #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED doCmdRegs, doCmdDis, doCmdFill, doCmdCrc, doCmdMem, doCmdReadMem, doCmdWriteMem, #if (CPU == Z80) doCmdIO, doCmdReadIO, doCmdWriteIO, #endif #if (CPU == 6502) doCmdTest, #endif #endif doCmdReset, doCmdStep, doCmdTrace, doCmdList, doCmdBreakI, doCmdWatchI, doCmdBreakRdMem, doCmdWatchRdMem, doCmdBreakWrMem, doCmdWatchWrMem, #if (CPU == Z80) doCmdBreakRdIO, doCmdWatchRdIO, doCmdBreakWrIO, doCmdWatchWrIO, #endif doCmdClear, doCmdTrigger }; /******************************************************** * AVR Control Register Definitions ********************************************************/ // The control register allows commands to be sent to the AVR #define CTRL_PORT PORTB #define CTRL_DDR DDRB #define CTRL_DIN PINB // A 0->1 transition on bit 5 actually sends a command #define CMD_EDGE 0x20 // Commands are placed on bits 4..0 // Currently bits 6 and 7 are unused #define CMD_MASK 0x3F // Hardware Commands: // // 0000x Enable/Disable single strpping // 0001x Enable/Disable breakpoints / watches // 0010x Load breakpoint / watch register // 0011x Reset CPU // 01000 Singe Step CPU // 01001 Read FIFO // 01010 Reset FIFO // 01011 Unused // 0110x Load address/data register // 0111x Unused // 10000 Read Memory // 10001 Read Memory and Auto Inc Address // 10010 Write Memory // 10011 Write Memory and Auto Inc Address // 10000 Read Memory // 10001 Read Memory and Auto Inc Address // 10010 Write Memory // 10011 Write Memory and Auto Inc Address // 1x1xx Unused // 11xxx Unused #define CMD_SINGLE_ENABLE 0x00 #define CMD_BRKPT_ENABLE 0x02 #define CMD_LOAD_BRKPT 0x04 #define CMD_RESET 0x06 #define CMD_STEP 0x08 #define CMD_WATCH_READ 0x09 #define CMD_FIFO_RST 0x0A #define CMD_LOAD_MEM 0x0C #define CMD_RD_MEM 0x10 #define CMD_RD_MEM_INC 0x11 #define CMD_WR_MEM 0x12 #define CMD_WR_MEM_INC 0x13 #define CMD_RD_IO 0x14 #define CMD_RD_IO_INC 0x15 #define CMD_WR_IO 0x16 #define CMD_WR_IO_INC 0x17 /******************************************************** * AVR Status Register Definitions ********************************************************/ // The status register shares the same port as the mux select register // Bits 5..0 are the mux select bits (outputs) // Bits 7..6 are the status bist (inputs) #define STATUS_PORT PORTD #define STATUS_DDR DDRD #define STATUS_DIN PIND // This bit indicates the interrupt button on the hardware has been pressed #define INTERRUPTED_MASK 0x40 // This bit indicates the hardware FIFO contains data // which will be either a watch or a breakpoint event #define BW_ACTIVE_MASK 0x80 /******************************************************** * AVR MUX Select Register Definitions ********************************************************/ // The mux select register shares the same port as the status register // This register controls what data is visible through the mux data register // Bits 5..0 are the mux select bits (outputs) // Bits 7..6 are the status bist (inputs) #define MUXSEL_PORT PORTD #define MUXSEL_MASK 0x3F #define MUXSEL_BIT 0 // Additional hardware registers defined below are accessed by writing the offset // to the MUX Select register, waiting a couple of microseconds, then reading // the MUX Data register // Offsets 0-15 are defined below // Offsets 16-31 are used to return the processor registers // Instruction Address register: address of the last executed instruction #define OFFSET_IAL 0 #define OFFSET_IAH 1 // Data register: Memory and IO read/write commands return data via this register #define OFFSET_DATA 2 // Cycle count register: a 24 bit register that runs while the CPU is running // this gives visibility of how long (in cycles) each instruction takes #define OFFSET_CNTH 3 #define OFFSET_CNTL 4 #define OFFSET_CNTM 5 // Watch/Breakpoint Event FIFO // // Watch and breakpoint events are queued in a 512 (deep) x 72 (wide) FIFO // // Status register BW_ACTIVE indicates the FIFO is non empty. There is currently // no indication if events are lost due overflow. // // The CMD_WATCH_READ command reads the next word from this FIFO. // // The following 9 register provide read access to the word at the head of the // FIFO, i.e. the FIFO is write-through: // Instruction address of the watch/breakpoint #define OFFSET_BW_IAL 6 #define OFFSET_BW_IAH 7 // IO or Memory Read/write address of the watch/breakpoint #define OFFSET_BW_BAL 8 #define OFFSET_BW_BAH 9 // IO or Memory Read/write data of the watch/breakpoint #define OFFSET_BW_BD 10 // Type of event, see the watch/breakpoint modes below // Only bits 0-3 are currently used #define OFFSET_BW_M 11 // Cycle count at the start of the instruction that caused the event #define OFFSET_BW_CNTL 12 #define OFFSET_BW_CNTM 13 #define OFFSET_BW_CNTH 14 // Offset 15 is currently unused /******************************************************** * AVR MUX Data Register Definitions ********************************************************/ // The mux data register is used for reading back the 8-bit register // addressed by the mux select register. // This port is input only #define MUX_PORT PORTE #define MUX_DDR DDRE #define MUX_DIN PINE /******************************************************** * Watch/Breakpoint Definitions ********************************************************/ // The space available for address comparators depends on the size of the CPU core #if ((CPU == Z80) || (CPU == 6809)) #define MAXBKPTS 4 #else #define MAXBKPTS 8 #endif // The current number of watches/breakpoints int numbkpts = 0; // Watches/Breakpoints are loaded into a massive shift register by the // continue command. The following variables in the AVR track what the // user has requested. These are updated by the watch/break/clear/trigger // commands. // Each watch/breakpoint is defined with 46 bits in the shift register // MS Bit ............................................ LS Bit //
// A 16 bit breakpoint address unsigned int breakpoints[MAXBKPTS]; // A 16 bit breakpoint address mask unsigned int masks[MAXBKPTS]; // The type (aka mode) of breakpoint (a 10 bit values), allowing // multiple types to be defined. The bits correspond to the mode // definitions below. unsigned int modes[MAXBKPTS]; // The number of different watch/breakpoint modes #define NUM_MODES 10 // The following watch/breakpoint modes are defined #define BRKPT_MEM_READ 0 #define WATCH_MEM_READ 1 #define BRKPT_MEM_WRITE 2 #define WATCH_MEM_WRITE 3 #define BRKPT_IO_READ 4 #define WATCH_IO_READ 5 #define BRKPT_IO_WRITE 6 #define WATCH_IO_WRITE 7 #define BRKPT_EXEC 8 #define WATCH_EXEC 9 // Breakpoint Mode Strings, should match the modes above char *modeStrings[NUM_MODES] = { "Mem Rd Brkpt", "Mem Rd Watch", "Mem Wr Brkpt", "Mem Wr Watch", "IO Rd Brkpt", "IO Rd Watch", "IO Wr Brkpt", "IO Wr Watch", "Ex Brkpt", "Ex Watch" }; // For convenience, several masks are defined that group similar types of breakpoint/watch // Mask for all breakpoint types #define B_MASK ((1<> "); while (1) { c = Serial_RxByte0(); if (c == 8) { // Handle backspace/delete if (i > 0) { i--; Serial_TxByte0(c); Serial_TxByte0(32); Serial_TxByte0(c); } } else if (c == 13) { // Handle return if (i == 0) { while (cmd[i]) { Serial_TxByte0(cmd[i++]); } } else { cmd[i] = 0; } Serial_TxByte0(10); Serial_TxByte0(13); return; } else { // Handle any other character Serial_TxByte0(c); cmd[i] = c; i++; } } } /******************************************************** * Low-level hardware commands ********************************************************/ // Send a single hardware command void hwCmd(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int param) { cmd |= param; CTRL_PORT &= ~CMD_MASK; CTRL_PORT |= cmd; Delay_us(2); CTRL_PORT |= CMD_EDGE; Delay_us(2); } // Read an 8-bit register via the Mux unsigned int hwRead8(unsigned int offset) { MUXSEL_PORT &= ~MUXSEL_MASK; MUXSEL_PORT |= offset << MUXSEL_BIT; Delay_us(1); return MUX_DIN; } // Read an 16-bit register via the Mux unsigned int hwRead16(unsigned int offset) { unsigned int lsb; MUXSEL_PORT &= ~MUXSEL_MASK; MUXSEL_PORT |= offset << MUXSEL_BIT; Delay_us(1); lsb = MUX_DIN; MUXSEL_PORT |= 1 << MUXSEL_BIT; Delay_us(1); return (MUX_DIN << 8) | lsb; } // Shift a breakpoint definition into the breakpoint shift register void shift(unsigned int value, int numbits) { while (numbits-- > 0) { hwCmd(CMD_LOAD_BRKPT, value & 1); value >>= 1; } } void shiftBreakpointRegister(unsigned int addr, unsigned int mask, unsigned int mode, int trigger) { shift(addr, 16); shift(mask, 16); shift(mode, 10); shift(trigger, 4); } #ifdef LCD // LCD support code (will be depricated soon) void lcdAddr(unsigned int addr) { int i; int nibble; lcd_goto(6); // Avoid using sprintf, as it adds quite a lot of code for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { nibble = addr >> (i * 4); nibble &= 0x0F; nibble += '0'; if (nibble > '9') { nibble += 'A' - '9' - 1; } lcd_putc(nibble); } } #endif /******************************************************** * Host Memory/IO Access helpers ********************************************************/ #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED void loadData(unsigned int data) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { hwCmd(CMD_LOAD_MEM, data & 1); data >>= 1; } } void loadAddr(unsigned int addr) { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { hwCmd(CMD_LOAD_MEM, addr & 1); addr >>= 1; } } unsigned int readMemByte() { hwCmd(CMD_RD_MEM, 0); Delay_us(10); return hwRead8(OFFSET_DATA); } unsigned int readMemByteInc() { hwCmd(CMD_RD_MEM_INC, 0); Delay_us(10); return hwRead8(OFFSET_DATA); } void writeMemByte() { hwCmd(CMD_WR_MEM, 0); } void writeMemByteInc() { hwCmd(CMD_WR_MEM_INC, 0); } unsigned int readIOByte() { hwCmd(CMD_RD_IO, 0); Delay_us(10); return hwRead8(OFFSET_DATA); } unsigned int readIOByteInc() { hwCmd(CMD_RD_IO_INC, 0); Delay_us(10); return hwRead8(OFFSET_DATA); } void writeIOByte() { hwCmd(CMD_WR_IO, 0); } void writeIOByteInc() { hwCmd(CMD_WR_IO_INC, 0); } unsigned int disMem(unsigned int addr) { loadAddr(addr); return disassemble(addr); } void genericDump(char *params, unsigned int (*readFunc)()) { int i, j; unsigned int row[16]; sscanf(params, "%x", &memAddr); loadAddr(memAddr); for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i+= 16) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { row[j] = (*readFunc)(); } log0("%04X ", memAddr + i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { log0("%02X ", row[j]); } log0(" "); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { unsigned int c = row[j]; if (c < 32 || c > 126) { c = '.'; } log0("%c", c); } log0("\n"); } memAddr += 0x100; } void genericWrite(char *params, void (*writeFunc)()) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int data; long count = 1; sscanf(params, "%x %x %ld", &addr, &data, &count); log0("Wr: %04X = %02X\n", addr, data); loadData(data); loadAddr(addr); while (count-- > 0) { (*writeFunc)(); } } void genericRead(char *params, unsigned int (*readFunc)()) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int data; unsigned int data2; long count = 1; sscanf(params, "%x %ld", &addr, &count); loadAddr(addr); data = (*readFunc)(); log0("Rd: %04X = %02X\n", addr, data); while (count-- > 1) { data2 = (*readFunc)(); if (data2 != data) { log0("Inconsistent Rd: %02X <> %02X\n", data2, data); } data = data2; } } #endif /******************************************************** * Logging Helpers ********************************************************/ void logCycleCount(int offsetLow, int offsetHigh) { unsigned long count = (((unsigned long) hwRead8(offsetHigh)) << 16) | hwRead16(offsetLow); unsigned long countSecs = count / 1000000; unsigned long countMicros = count % 1000000; log0("%02ld.%06ld: ", countSecs, countMicros); } void logMode(unsigned int mode) { int i; int first = 1; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MODES; i++) { if (mode & 1) { if (!first) { log0(", "); } log0("%s", modeStrings[i]); first = 0; } mode >>= 1; } } void logTrigger(int trigger) { if (trigger >= 0 && trigger < NUM_TRIGGERS) { log0("trigger: %s", triggerStrings[trigger]); } else { log0("trigger: ILLEGAL"); } } int logDetails() { unsigned int i_addr = hwRead16(OFFSET_BW_IAL); unsigned int b_addr = hwRead16(OFFSET_BW_BAL); unsigned int b_data = hwRead8(OFFSET_BW_BD); unsigned int mode = hwRead8(OFFSET_BW_M); unsigned int watch = mode & 1; // Convert from 4-bit compressed to 10 bit expanded mode representation mode = 1 << mode; // Update the serial console if (mode & W_MASK) { logCycleCount(OFFSET_BW_CNTL, OFFSET_BW_CNTH); } logMode(mode); log0(" hit at %04X", i_addr); if (mode & BW_RDWR_MASK) { if (mode & BW_WR_MASK) { log0(" writing"); } else { log0(" reading"); } log0(" %04X = %02X\n", b_addr, b_data); } else { log0("\n"); } #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED if (mode & B_RDWR_MASK) { // It's only safe to do this for brkpts, as it makes memory accesses logCycleCount(OFFSET_BW_CNTL, OFFSET_BW_CNTH); disMem(i_addr); } #endif return watch; } void logAddr() { memAddr = hwRead16(OFFSET_IAL); // Update the LCD display #ifdef LCD lcdAddr(memAddr); #endif // Update the serial console logCycleCount(OFFSET_CNTL, OFFSET_CNTH); #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED //log0("%04X\n", i_addr); disMem(memAddr); #else log0("%04X\n", memAddr); #endif return; } void version() { #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED log0("%s In-Circuit Emulator version %s\n", NAME, VERSION); #else log0("%s Bus Monitor version %s\n", NAME, VERSION); #endif log0("Compiled at %s on %s\n",__TIME__,__DATE__); log0("%d watches/breakpoints implemented\n",MAXBKPTS); } /******************************************************** * Watch/Breakpoint helpers ********************************************************/ // Return the index of a breakpoint from the user specified address int lookupBreakpoint(char *params) { int i; int n = -1; sscanf(params, "%x", &n); // First, look assume n is an address, and try to map to an index for (i = 0; i < numbkpts; i++) { if (breakpoints[i] == n) { n = i; break; } } if (n < numbkpts) { return n; } log0("Breakpoint/watch not set at %04X\n", n); return -1; } // Enable/Disable single stepping void setSingle(int single) { hwCmd(CMD_SINGLE_ENABLE, single ? 1 : 0); } // Enable/Disable tracing void setTrace(long i) { trace = i; if (trace) { log0("Tracing every %ld instructions while single stepping\n", trace); } else { log0("Tracing disabled\n"); } } // Set the breakpoint state variables void setBreakpoint(int i, unsigned int addr, unsigned int mask, unsigned int mode, int trigger) { logMode(mode); log0(" set at %04X\n", addr); breakpoints[i] = addr & mask; masks[i] = mask; modes[i] = mode; triggers[i] = trigger; } // A generic helper that does most of the work of the watch/breakpoint commands void genericBreakpoint(char *params, unsigned int mode) { int i; unsigned int addr; unsigned int mask = 0xFFFF; int trigger = -1; sscanf(params, "%x %x %x", &addr, &mask, &trigger); for (i = 0; i < numbkpts; i++) { if (breakpoints[i] == addr) { if (modes[i] & mode) { logMode(mode); log0(" already set at %04X\n", addr); } else { // Preserve the existing trigger, unless it is overridden if (trigger == -1) { trigger = triggers[i]; } setBreakpoint(i, addr, mask, modes[i] | mode, trigger); } return; } } if (numbkpts == MAXBKPTS) { log0("All %d breakpoints are already set\n", numbkpts); return; } numbkpts++; // New breakpoint, so if trigger not specified, set to ALWAYS if (trigger == -1) { trigger = TRIGGER_ALWAYS; } for (i = numbkpts - 2; i >= -1; i--) { if (i == -1 || breakpoints[i] < addr) { setBreakpoint(i + 1, addr, mask, mode, trigger); return; } else { breakpoints[i + 1] = breakpoints[i]; masks[i + 1] = masks[i]; modes[i + 1] = modes[i]; triggers[i + 1] = triggers[i]; } } } /******************************************************** * Test Helpers ********************************************************/ #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED #if (CPU == 6502) char *testNames[6] = { "Fixed", "Checkerboard", "Inverse checkerboard", "Address pattern", "Inverse address pattern", "Random" }; unsigned int getData(unsigned int addr, int data) { if (data == -1) { // checkerboard return (addr & 1) ? 0x55 : 0xAA; } else if (data == -2) { // inverse checkerboard return (addr & 1) ? 0xAA : 0x55; } else if (data == -3) { // address pattern return (0xC3 ^ addr ^ (addr >> 8)) & 0xff; } else if (data == -4) { // address pattern return (0x3C ^ addr ^ (addr >> 8)) & 0xff; } else if (data < 0) { // random data return rand() & 0xff; } else { // fixed data return data & 0xff; } } void test(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, int data) { long i; int name; int actual; int expected; unsigned int fail = 0; // Write srand(data); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { loadData(getData(i, data)); loadAddr(i); writeMemByteInc(); } // Read srand(data); loadAddr(start); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { actual = readMemByteInc(); expected = getData(i, data); if (expected != actual) { log0("Fail at %04lX (Wrote: %02X, Read back %02X)\n", i, expected, actual); fail++; } } name = -data; if (name < 0) { name = 0; } if (name > 5) { name = 5; } log0("Memory test: %s", testNames[name]); if (data >= 0) { log0(" %02X", data); } if (fail) { log0(": failed: %d errors\n", fail); } else { log0(": passed\n"); } } #endif #endif // CPUEMBEDDED /******************************************* * User Commands *******************************************/ void doCmdHelp(char *params) { int i; version(); log0("Commands:\n"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++) { log0(" %s\n", cmdStrings[i]); } } void doCmdStep(char *params) { static long instructions = 1; long i; long j; sscanf(params, "%ld", &instructions); if (instructions <= 0) { log0("Number of instuctions must be positive\n"); return; } log0("Stepping %ld instructions\n", instructions); j = trace; for (i = 1; i <= instructions; i++) { // Step the CPU hwCmd(CMD_STEP, 0); if (i == instructions || (trace && (--j == 0))) { Delay_us(10); logAddr(); j = trace; } } } void doCmdReset(char *params) { log0("Resetting CPU\n"); hwCmd(CMD_RESET, 1); Delay_us(50); hwCmd(CMD_STEP, 0); Delay_us(50); hwCmd(CMD_RESET, 0); logAddr(); } #ifdef CPUEMBEDDED // doCmdRegs is now in regs.c void doCmdDis(char *params) { int i; sscanf(params, "%x", &memAddr); loadAddr(memAddr); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { memAddr = disassemble(memAddr); } } void doCmdFill(char *params) { long i; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; unsigned int data; sscanf(params, "%x %x %x", &start, &end, &data); log0("Wr: %04X to %04X = %02X\n", start, end, data); loadData(data); loadAddr(start); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { writeMemByteInc(); } } void doCmdCrc(char *params) { long i; int j; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; unsigned int data; unsigned long crc = 0; sscanf(params, "%x %x", &start, &end); loadAddr(start); for (i = start; i <= end; i++) { data = readMemByteInc(); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { crc = crc << 1; crc = crc | (data & 1); data >>= 1; if (crc & 0x10000) crc = (crc ^ CRC_POLY) & 0xFFFF; } } log0("crc: %04X\n", crc); } void doCmdMem(char *params) { genericDump(params, readMemByteInc); } void doCmdReadMem(char *params) { genericRead(params, readMemByte); } void doCmdWriteMem(char *params) { genericWrite(params, writeMemByte); } #if (CPU == Z80) void doCmdIO(char *params) { genericDump(params, readIOByteInc); } void doCmdReadIO(char *params) { genericRead(params, readIOByte); } void doCmdWriteIO(char *params) { genericWrite(params, writeIOByte); } #endif #if (CPU == 6502) void doCmdTest(char *params) { unsigned int start; unsigned int end; int data =-100; int i; sscanf(params, "%x %x %d", &start, &end, &data); if (data == -100) { test(start, end, 0x55); test(start, end, 0xAA); test(start, end, 0xFF); for (i = 0; i >= -7; i--) { test(start, end, i); } } else { test(start, end, data); } } #endif #endif // CPUEMBEDDED void doCmdTrace(char *params) { long i; sscanf(params, "%ld", &i); setTrace(i); } void doCmdList(char *params) { int i; if (numbkpts) { for (i = 0; i < numbkpts; i++) { log0("%d: %04X mask %04X: ", i, breakpoints[i], masks[i]); logMode(modes[i]); log0(" ("); logTrigger(triggers[i]); log0(")\n"); } } else { log0("No breakpoints set\n"); } } void doCmdBreakI(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << BRKPT_EXEC); } void doCmdWatchI(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << WATCH_EXEC); } void doCmdBreakRdMem(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << BRKPT_MEM_READ); } void doCmdWatchRdMem(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << WATCH_MEM_READ); } void doCmdBreakWrMem(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << BRKPT_MEM_WRITE); } void doCmdWatchWrMem(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << WATCH_MEM_WRITE); } #if (CPU == Z80) void doCmdBreakRdIO(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << BRKPT_IO_READ); } void doCmdWatchRdIO(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << WATCH_IO_READ); } void doCmdBreakWrIO(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << BRKPT_IO_WRITE); } void doCmdWatchWrIO(char *params) { genericBreakpoint(params, 1 << WATCH_IO_WRITE); } #endif void doCmdClear(char *params) { int i; int n = lookupBreakpoint(params); if (n < 0) { return; } log0("Removing "); logMode(modes[n]); log0(" at %04X\n", breakpoints[n]); for (i = n; i < numbkpts; i++) { breakpoints[i] = breakpoints[i + 1]; masks[i] = masks[i + 1]; modes[i] = modes[i + 1]; triggers[i] = triggers[i + 1]; } numbkpts--; } void doCmdTrigger(char *params) { int trigger = -1; int n = lookupBreakpoint(params); if (n < 0) { log0("Trigger Codes:\n"); for (trigger = 0; trigger < NUM_TRIGGERS; trigger++) { log0(" %X = %s\n", trigger, triggerStrings[trigger]); } return; } sscanf(params, "%*x %x", &trigger); if (trigger >= 0 && trigger < NUM_TRIGGERS) { triggers[n] = trigger; } else { log0("Illegal trigger code (see help for trigger codes)\n"); } } void doCmdContinue(char *params) { int i; int status; #ifdef LCD unsigned int i_addr; #endif int reset = 0; sscanf(params, "%d", &reset); // Disable breakpoints to allow loading hwCmd(CMD_BRKPT_ENABLE, 0); // Load breakpoints into comparators for (i = 0; i < numbkpts; i++) { shiftBreakpointRegister(breakpoints[i], masks[i], modes[i], triggers[i]); } for (i = numbkpts; i < MAXBKPTS; i++) { shiftBreakpointRegister(0, 0, 0, 0); } // Step the 6502, otherwise the breakpoint happends again immediately hwCmd(CMD_STEP, 0); // Enable breakpoints hwCmd(CMD_BRKPT_ENABLE, 1); // Disable single stepping setSingle(0); // Reset if required if (reset) { log0("Resetting CPU\n"); hwCmd(CMD_RESET, 1); Delay_us(100); hwCmd(CMD_RESET, 0); } // Wait for breakpoint to become active log0("CPU free running...\n"); int cont = 1; do { // Update the LCD display #ifdef LCD i_addr = hwRead16(OFFSET_IAL); lcdAddr(i_addr); #endif status = STATUS_DIN; if (status & BW_ACTIVE_MASK) { cont = logDetails(); hwCmd(CMD_WATCH_READ, 0); } if (status & INTERRUPTED_MASK || Serial_ByteRecieved0()) { log0("Interrupted\n"); cont = 0; } Delay_us(10); } while (cont); // Junk the interrupt character if (Serial_ByteRecieved0()) { Serial_RxByte0(); } // Enable single stepping setSingle(1); // Disable breakpoints hwCmd(CMD_BRKPT_ENABLE, 0); // Show current instruction logAddr(); } void initialize() { CTRL_DDR = 255; STATUS_DDR = MUXSEL_MASK; MUX_DDR = 0; CTRL_PORT = 0; Serial_Init(57600,57600); #ifdef LCD lcd_init(); lcd_puts("Addr: xxxx"); #endif version(); hwCmd(CMD_RESET, 0); hwCmd(CMD_FIFO_RST, 0); setSingle(1); setTrace(1); } void dispatchCmd(char *cmd) { int i; char *cmdString; int minLen; int cmdStringLen; int cmdLen = 0; while (cmd[cmdLen] >= 'a' && cmd[cmdLen] <= 'z') { cmdLen++; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_CMDS; i++) { cmdString = cmdStrings[i]; cmdStringLen = strlen(cmdString); minLen = cmdLen < cmdStringLen ? cmdLen : cmdStringLen; if (strncmp(cmdString, cmd, minLen) == 0) { (*cmdFuncs[i])(cmd + cmdLen); return; } } log0("Unknown command %s\n", cmd); } int main(void) { static char command[32]; initialize(); doCmdContinue(NULL); while (1) { readCmd(command); dispatchCmd(command); } return 0; }