/* dis6809.c -- 6809 disassembler Copyright (C) 1998 Jerome Thoen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "AtomBusMon.h" unsigned char get_memb(unsigned int addr) { loadAddr(addr); return readMemByteInc(); } #include typedef unsigned char tt_u8; typedef signed char tt_s8; typedef unsigned short tt_u16; typedef signed short tt_s16; unsigned int get_memw(unsigned int addr) { loadAddr(addr); return readMemByteInc() + (readMemByteInc() << 8); } enum opcodes { OP_UU , OP_XX , OP_ABX , OP_ADCA, OP_ADCB, OP_ADDA, OP_ADDB, OP_ADDD, OP_ANDA, OP_ANDB, OP_ANDC, OP_ASL , OP_ASLA, OP_ASR , OP_ASRA, OP_ASRB, OP_BCC , OP_BEQ , OP_BGE , OP_BGT , OP_BHI , OP_BITA, OP_BITB, OP_BLE , OP_BLO , OP_BLS , OP_BLT , OP_BMI , OP_BNE , OP_BPL , OP_BRA , OP_BRN , OP_BSR , OP_BVC , OP_BVS , OP_CLR , OP_CLRA, OP_CLRB, OP_CMPA, OP_CMPB, OP_CMPD, OP_CMPS, OP_CMPU, OP_CMPX, OP_CMPY, OP_COM , OP_COMA, OP_COMB, OP_CWAI, OP_DAA , OP_DEC , OP_DECA, OP_DECB, OP_EORA, OP_EORB, OP_EXG , OP_INC , OP_INCA, OP_INCB, OP_JMP , OP_JSR , OP_LBCC, OP_LBEQ, OP_LBGE, OP_LBGT, OP_LBHI, OP_LBLE, OP_LBLO, OP_LBLS, OP_LBLT, OP_LBMI, OP_LBNE, OP_LBPL, OP_LBRA, OP_LBRN, OP_LBSR, OP_LBVC, OP_LBVS, OP_LDA , OP_LDB , OP_LDD , OP_LDS , OP_LDU , OP_LDX , OP_LDY , OP_LEAS, OP_LEAU, OP_LEAX, OP_LEAY, OP_LSLB, OP_LSR , OP_LSRA, OP_LSRB, OP_MUL , OP_NEG , OP_NEGA, OP_NEGB, OP_NOP , OP_ORA , OP_ORB , OP_ORCC, OP_PSHS, OP_PSHU, OP_PULS, OP_PULU, OP_ROL , OP_ROLA, OP_ROLB, OP_ROR , OP_RORA, OP_RORB, OP_RTI , OP_RTS , OP_SBCA, OP_SBCB, OP_SEX , OP_STA , OP_STB , OP_STD , OP_STS , OP_STU , OP_STX , OP_STY , OP_SUBA, OP_SUBB, OP_SUBD, OP_SWI , OP_SWI2, OP_SWI3, OP_SYNC, OP_TFR , OP_TST , OP_TSTA, OP_TSTB }; static const char inst[] = "\ -- \ ?? \ ABX \ ADCA\ ADCB\ ADDA\ ADDB\ ADDD\ ANDA\ ANDB\ ANDC\ ASL \ ASLA\ ASR \ ASRA\ ASRB\ BCC \ BEQ \ BGE \ BGT \ BHI \ BITA\ BITB\ BLE \ BLO \ BLS \ BLT \ BMI \ BNE \ BPL \ BRA \ BRN \ BSR \ BVC \ BVS \ CLR \ CLRA\ CLRB\ CMPA\ CMPB\ CMPD\ CMPS\ CMPU\ CMPX\ CMPY\ COM \ COMA\ COMB\ CWAI\ DAA \ DEC \ DECA\ DECB\ EORA\ EORB\ EXG \ INC \ INCA\ INCB\ JMP \ JSR \ LBCC\ LBEQ\ LBGE\ LBGT\ LBHI\ LBLE\ LBLO\ LBLS\ LBLT\ LBMI\ LBNE\ LBPL\ LBRA\ LBRN\ LBSR\ LBVC\ LBVS\ LDA \ LDB \ LDD \ LDS \ LDU \ LDX \ LDY \ LEAS\ LEAU\ LEAX\ LEAY\ LSLB\ LSR \ LSRA\ LSRB\ MUL \ NEG \ NEGA\ NEGB\ NOP \ ORA \ ORB \ ORCC\ PSHS\ PSHU\ PULS\ PULU\ ROL \ ROLA\ ROLB\ ROR \ RORA\ RORB\ RTI \ RTS \ SBCA\ SBCB\ SEX \ STA \ STB \ STD \ STS \ STU \ STX \ STY \ SUBA\ SUBB\ SUBD\ SWI \ SWI2\ SWI3\ SYNC\ TFR \ TST \ TSTA\ TSTB"; // The first byte is the opcode index // The second byte is // modes: // 1 immediate // 2 direct // 3 indexed // 4 extended // 5 inherent // 6 relative unsigned char map0[] = { OP_NEG , 0x22, OP_XX , 0x22, OP_XX , 0x12, OP_COM , 0x22, OP_LSR , 0x22, OP_XX , 0x12, OP_ROR , 0x22, OP_ASR , 0x22, OP_ASL , 0x22, OP_ROL , 0x22, OP_DEC , 0x22, OP_XX , 0x12, OP_INC , 0x22, OP_TST , 0x22, OP_JMP , 0x22, OP_CLR , 0x22, OP_UU , 0x10, OP_UU , 0x10, OP_NOP , 0x15, OP_SYNC, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_LBRA, 0x36, OP_LBSR, 0x36, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_DAA , 0x15, OP_ORCC, 0x25, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_ANDC, 0x25, OP_SEX , 0x15, OP_EXG , 0x25, OP_TFR , 0x25, OP_BRA , 0x26, OP_BRN , 0x26, OP_BHI , 0x26, OP_BLS , 0x26, OP_BCC , 0x26, OP_BLO , 0x26, OP_BNE , 0x26, OP_BEQ , 0x26, OP_BVC , 0x26, OP_BVS , 0x26, OP_BPL , 0x26, OP_BMI , 0x26, OP_BGE , 0x26, OP_BLT , 0x26, OP_BGT , 0x26, OP_BLE , 0x26, OP_LEAX, 0x23, OP_LEAY, 0x23, OP_LEAS, 0x23, OP_LEAU, 0x23, OP_PSHS, 0x25, OP_PULS, 0x25, OP_PSHU, 0x25, OP_PULU, 0x25, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_RTS , 0x15, OP_ABX , 0x15, OP_RTI , 0x15, OP_CWAI, 0x25, OP_MUL , 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_SWI , 0x15, OP_NEGA, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_COMA, 0x15, OP_LSRA, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_RORA, 0x15, OP_ASRA, 0x15, OP_ASLA, 0x15, OP_ROLA, 0x15, OP_DECA, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_INCA, 0x15, OP_TSTA, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_CLRA, 0x15, OP_NEGB, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_COMB, 0x15, OP_LSRB, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_RORB, 0x15, OP_ASRB, 0x15, OP_LSLB, 0x15, OP_ROLB, 0x15, OP_DECB, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_INCB, 0x15, OP_TSTB, 0x15, OP_XX , 0x15, OP_CLRB, 0x15, OP_NEG , 0x23, OP_XX , 0x13, OP_XX , 0x13, OP_COM , 0x23, OP_LSR , 0x23, OP_XX , 0x13, OP_ROR , 0x23, OP_ASR , 0x23, OP_ASL , 0x23, OP_ROL , 0x23, OP_DEC , 0x23, OP_XX , 0x13, OP_INC , 0x23, OP_TST , 0x23, OP_JMP , 0x23, OP_CLR , 0x23, OP_NEG , 0x34, OP_XX , 0x14, OP_XX , 0x14, OP_COM , 0x34, OP_LSR , 0x34, OP_XX , 0x14, OP_ROR , 0x34, OP_ASR , 0x34, OP_ASL , 0x34, OP_ROL , 0x34, OP_DEC , 0x34, OP_XX , 0x14, OP_INC , 0x34, OP_TST , 0x34, OP_JMP , 0x34, OP_CLR , 0x34, OP_SUBA, 0x21, OP_CMPA, 0x21, OP_SBCA, 0x21, OP_SUBD, 0x31, OP_ANDA, 0x21, OP_BITA, 0x21, OP_LDA , 0x21, OP_XX , 0x11, OP_EORA, 0x21, OP_ADCA, 0x21, OP_ORA , 0x21, OP_ADDA, 0x21, OP_CMPX, 0x31, OP_BSR , 0x26, OP_LDX , 0x31, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_SUBA, 0x22, OP_CMPA, 0x22, OP_SBCA, 0x22, OP_SUBD, 0x22, OP_ANDA, 0x22, OP_BITA, 0x22, OP_LDA , 0x22, OP_STA , 0x22, OP_EORA, 0x22, OP_ADCA, 0x22, OP_ORA , 0x22, OP_ADDA, 0x22, OP_CMPX, 0x22, OP_JSR , 0x22, OP_LDX , 0x22, OP_STX , 0x22, OP_SUBA, 0x23, OP_CMPA, 0x23, OP_SBCA, 0x23, OP_SUBD, 0x23, OP_ANDA, 0x23, OP_BITA, 0x23, OP_LDA , 0x23, OP_STA , 0x23, OP_EORA, 0x23, OP_ADCA, 0x23, OP_ORA , 0x23, OP_ADDA, 0x23, OP_CMPX, 0x23, OP_JSR , 0x23, OP_LDX , 0x23, OP_STX , 0x23, OP_SUBA, 0x34, OP_CMPA, 0x34, OP_SBCA, 0x34, OP_SUBD, 0x34, OP_ANDA, 0x34, OP_BITA, 0x34, OP_LDA , 0x34, OP_STA , 0x34, OP_EORA, 0x34, OP_ADCA, 0x34, OP_ORA , 0x34, OP_ADDA, 0x34, OP_CMPX, 0x34, OP_JSR , 0x34, OP_LDX , 0x34, OP_STX , 0x34, OP_SUBB, 0x21, OP_CMPB, 0x21, OP_SBCB, 0x21, OP_ADDD, 0x31, OP_ANDB, 0x21, OP_BITB, 0x21, OP_LDB , 0x21, OP_XX , 0x11, OP_EORB, 0x21, OP_ADCB, 0x21, OP_ORB , 0x21, OP_ADDB, 0x21, OP_LDD , 0x31, OP_XX , 0x11, OP_LDU , 0x31, OP_XX , 0x10, OP_SUBB, 0x22, OP_CMPB, 0x22, OP_SBCB, 0x22, OP_ADDD, 0x22, OP_ANDB, 0x22, OP_BITB, 0x22, OP_LDB , 0x22, OP_STB , 0x22, OP_EORB, 0x22, OP_ADCB, 0x22, OP_ORB , 0x22, OP_ADDB, 0x22, OP_LDD , 0x22, OP_STD , 0x22, OP_LDU , 0x22, OP_STU , 0x22, OP_SUBB, 0x23, OP_CMPB, 0x23, OP_SBCB, 0x23, OP_ADDD, 0x23, OP_ANDB, 0x23, OP_BITB, 0x23, OP_LDB , 0x23, OP_STB , 0x23, OP_EORB, 0x23, OP_ADCB, 0x23, OP_ORB , 0x23, OP_ADDB, 0x23, OP_LDD , 0x23, OP_STD , 0x23, OP_LDU , 0x23, OP_STU , 0x23, OP_SUBB, 0x34, OP_CMPB, 0x34, OP_SBCB, 0x34, OP_ADDD, 0x34, OP_ANDB, 0x34, OP_BITB, 0x34, OP_LDB , 0x34, OP_STB , 0x34, OP_EORB, 0x34, OP_ADCB, 0x34, OP_ORB , 0x34, OP_ADDB, 0x34, OP_LDD , 0x34, OP_STD , 0x34, OP_LDU , 0x34, OP_STU , 0x34, }; unsigned char map1[] = { 33, OP_LBRN, 0x46, 34, OP_LBHI, 0x46, 35, OP_LBLS, 0x46, 36, OP_LBCC, 0x46, 37, OP_LBLO, 0x46, 38, OP_LBNE, 0x46, 39, OP_LBEQ, 0x46, 40, OP_LBVC, 0x46, 41, OP_LBVS, 0x46, 42, OP_LBPL, 0x46, 43, OP_LBMI, 0x46, 44, OP_LBGE, 0x46, 45, OP_LBLT, 0x46, 46, OP_LBGT, 0x46, 47, OP_LBLE, 0x46, 63, OP_SWI2, 0x25, 131, OP_CMPD, 0x41, 140, OP_CMPY, 0x41, 142, OP_LDY , 0x41, 147, OP_CMPD, 0x32, 156, OP_CMPY, 0x32, 158, OP_LDY , 0x32, 159, OP_STY , 0x32, 163, OP_CMPD, 0x33, 172, OP_CMPY, 0x33, 174, OP_LDY , 0x33, 175, OP_STY , 0x33, 179, OP_CMPD, 0x44, 188, OP_CMPY, 0x44, 190, OP_LDY , 0x44, 191, OP_STY , 0x44, 206, OP_LDS , 0x41, 222, OP_LDS , 0x32, 223, OP_STS , 0x32, 238, OP_LDS , 0x33, 239, OP_STS , 0x33, 254, OP_LDS , 0x44, 255, OP_STS , 0x44, }; unsigned char map2[] = { 63, OP_SWI3, 0x25, 131, OP_CMPU, 0x41, 140, OP_CMPS, 0x41, 147, OP_CMPU, 0x32, 156, OP_CMPS, 0x32, 163, OP_CMPU, 0x33, 172, OP_CMPS, 0x33, 179, OP_CMPU, 0x44, 188, OP_CMPS, 0x44, 255, OP_XX , 0x10 }; static const char regi[] = { 'X', 'Y', 'U', 'S' }; static const char *exgi[] = { "D", "X", "Y", "U", "S", "PC", "??", "??", "A", "B", "CC", "DP", "??", "??", "??", "??" }; static const char *pshsregi[] = { "PC", "U", "Y", "X", "DP", "B", "A", "CC" }; static const char *pshuregi[] = { "PC", "S", "Y", "X", "DP", "B", "A", "CC" }; /* disassemble one instruction at adress adr and return its size */ char hexdigit(tt_u16 v) { v &= 0xf; if (v <= 9) return '0' + v; else return 'A' - 10 + v; } char *hex8str(tt_u8 v) { static char tmpbuf[3] = " "; tmpbuf[1] = hexdigit(v); tmpbuf[0] = hexdigit(v >> 4); return tmpbuf; } char *hex16str(tt_u16 v) { static char tmpbuf[5] = " "; tmpbuf[3] = hexdigit(v); v >>= 4; tmpbuf[2] = hexdigit(v); v >>= 4; tmpbuf[1] = hexdigit(v); v >>= 4; tmpbuf[0] = hexdigit(v); return tmpbuf; } extern char *statusString; char *ccstr(tt_u8 val) { static char tempbuf[9] = " "; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (val & 0x80) tempbuf[i] = statusString[i]; else tempbuf[i] = '.'; val <<= 1; } return tempbuf; } unsigned int disassemble(unsigned int addr) { int d = get_memb(addr); int s, i; tt_u8 pb; char reg; unsigned char *map = NULL; // Default for most undefined opcodes unsigned char sm = 0x10; // size_mode byte unsigned char oi = OP_XX; // opcode index FILE *stream = &ser0stream; if (d == 0x10) { d = get_memb(addr + 1); map = map1; } if (d == 0x11) { d = get_memb(addr + 1); map = map2; } if (map) { // Search for the opcode in map1 or map2 map -= 3; do { map += 3; if (*map == d) { oi = *++map; sm = *++map; break; } } while (*map < 255); } else { // Lookup directly in map0 map = map0 + 2 * d; oi = *map++; sm = *map++; } s = sm >> 4; fprintf(stream, "%04X ", addr); for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { fputs(hex8str(get_memb(addr + i)), stream); fputc(' ', stream); } for (i = s; i < 4; i++) { fputs(" ", stream); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fputc(inst[oi * 4 + i], stream); fputs(" ", stream); switch(sm & 15) { case 1: /* immediate */ fputs("#$", stream); if (s == 2) fputs(hex8str(get_memb(addr + 1)), stream); else fputs(hex16str(get_memw(addr + s - 2)), stream); break; case 2: /* direct */ fputs("$", stream); fputs(hex8str(get_memb(addr + s - 1)), stream); break; case 3: /* indexed */ pb = get_memb(addr + s - 1); reg = regi[(pb >> 5) & 0x03]; if (!(pb & 0x80)) { /* n4,R */ if (pb & 0x10) fprintf(stream, "-$%s,%c", hex8str(((pb & 0x0f) ^ 0x0f) + 1), reg); else fprintf(stream, "$%s,%c", hex8str(pb & 0x0f), reg); } else { if (pb & 0x10) fputc('[', stream); switch (pb & 0x0f) { case 0: /* ,R+ */ fprintf(stream, ",%c+", reg); break; case 1: /* ,R++ */ fprintf(stream, ",%c++", reg); break; case 2: /* ,-R */ fprintf(stream, ",-%c", reg); break; case 3: /* ,--R */ fprintf(stream, ",--%c", reg); break; case 4: /* ,R */ fprintf(stream, ",%c", reg); break; case 5: /* B,R */ fprintf(stream, "B,%c", reg); break; case 6: /* A,R */ fprintf(stream, "A,%c", reg); break; case 8: /* n7,R */ s += 1; fprintf(stream, "$%s,%c", hex8str(get_memb(addr + s - 1)), reg); break; case 9: /* n15,R */ s += 2; fprintf(stream, "$%s,%c", hex16str(get_memw(addr + s - 2)), reg); break; case 11: /* D,R */ fprintf(stream, "D,%c", reg); break; case 12: /* n7,PCR */ s += 1; fprintf(stream, "$%s,PCR", hex8str(get_memb(addr + s - 1))); break; case 13: /* n15,PCR */ s += 2; fprintf(stream, "$%s,PCR", hex16str(get_memw(addr + s - 2))); break; case 15: /* [n] */ s += 2; fprintf(stream, "$%s", hex16str(get_memw(addr + s - 2))); break; default: fputs("??", stream); break; } if (pb & 0x10) fputc(']', stream); } break; case 4: /* extended */ fprintf(stream, "$%s", hex16str(get_memw(addr + s - 2))); break; case 5: /* inherent */ pb = get_memb(addr + 1); switch (d) { case 0x1e: case 0x1f: /* exg tfr */ fprintf(stream, "%s,%s", exgi[(pb >> 4) & 0x0f], exgi[pb & 0x0f]); break; case 0x1a: case 0x1c: case 0x3c: /* orcc andcc cwai */ fprintf(stream, "#$%s=%s", hex8str(pb), ccstr(pb)); break; case 0x34: /* pshs */ { int p = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (pb & 0x80) { if (p) fputc(',', stream); fputs(pshsregi[i], stream); p = 1; } pb <<= 1; } } break; case 0x35: /* puls */ { int p = 0; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { if (pb & 0x01) { if (p) fputc(',', stream); fputs(pshsregi[i], stream); p = 1; } pb >>= 1; } } break; case 0x36: /* pshu */ { int p = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (pb & 0x80) { if (p) fputc(',', stream); fputs(pshuregi[i], stream); p = 1; } pb <<= 1; } } break; case 0x37: /* pulu */ { int p = 0; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { if (pb & 0x01) { if (p) fputc(',', stream); fputs(pshuregi[i], stream); p = 1; } pb >>= 1; } } break; } break; case 6: /* relative */ { tt_s16 v; if (s == 2) v = (tt_s16)(tt_s8)get_memb(addr + 1); else v = (tt_s16)get_memw(addr + s - 2); fprintf(stream, "$%s", hex16str(addr + (tt_u16)s + v)); break; } } fputc('\n', stream); return addr + s; }