David Banks 43df61cd06 Single-stepping functionality complete
Change-Id: Ic21b05ae8ecb828d32e55fe36be501800cfb3407
2015-06-07 11:19:33 +01:00

193 lines
11 KiB

-- *****************************************************************************************
-- AVR constants and type declarations
-- Version 1.0A(Special version for the JTAG OCD)
-- Modified 05.05.2004
-- Designed by Ruslan Lepetenok
-- *****************************************************************************************
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use WORK.SynthCtrlPack.all;
package AVRuCPackage is
-- Old package
type ext_mux_din_type is array(0 to CExtMuxInSize-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
subtype ext_mux_en_type is std_logic_vector(0 to CExtMuxInSize-1);
-- End of old package
constant IOAdrWidth : positive := 16;
type AVRIOAdr_Type is array(0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0);
constant CAVRIOAdr : AVRIOAdr_Type :=("0000000000000000","0000000000000001","0000000000000010","0000000000000011",
"0000000000111100","0000000000111101","0000000000111110","0000000000111111"); -- I/O port addresses
-- I/O register file
constant RAMPZ_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3B#);
constant SPL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3D#);
constant SPH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3E#);
constant SREG_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3F#);
-- End of I/O register file
constant UDR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0C#);
constant UBRR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#09#);
constant USR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0B#);
constant UCR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0A#);
-- End of UART
-- Timer/Counter
constant TCCR0_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#33#);
constant TCCR1A_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2F#);
constant TCCR1B_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2E#);
constant TCCR2_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#25#);
constant ASSR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#30#);
constant TIMSK_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#37#);
constant TIFR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#36#);
constant TCNT0_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#32#);
constant TCNT2_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#24#);
constant OCR0_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#31#);
constant OCR2_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#23#);
constant TCNT1H_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2D#);
constant TCNT1L_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2C#);
constant OCR1AH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2B#);
constant OCR1AL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#2A#);
constant OCR1BH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#29#);
constant OCR1BL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#28#);
constant ICR1AH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#27#);
constant ICR1AL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#26#);
-- End of Timer/Counter
-- Service module
constant MCUCR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#35#);
constant EIMSK_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#39#);
constant EIFR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#38#);
constant EICR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3A#);
constant MCUSR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#34#);
constant XDIV_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#3C#);
-- End of service module
constant EEARH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1F#);
constant EEARL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1E#);
constant EEDR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1D#);
constant EECR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1C#);
-- End of EEPROM
-- SPI
constant SPDR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0F#);
constant SPSR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0E#);
constant SPCR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#0D#);
-- End of SPI
-- PORTA addresses
constant PORTA_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1B#);
constant DDRA_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#1A#);
constant PINA_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#19#);
-- PORTB addresses
constant PORTB_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#18#);
constant DDRB_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#17#);
constant PINB_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#16#);
-- PORTC addresses
constant PORTC_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#15#);
constant DDRC_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#14#);
constant PINC_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#13#);
-- PORTD addresses
constant PORTD_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#12#);
constant DDRD_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#11#);
constant PIND_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#10#);
-- PORTE addresses
constant PORTE_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#03#);
constant DDRE_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#02#);
constant PINE_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#01#);
-- PORTF addresses
constant PORTF_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#07#);
constant DDRF_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#08#);
constant PINF_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#00#);
-- ******************** Parallel port address table **************************************
constant CMaxNumOfPPort : positive := 6;
type PPortAdrTbl_Type is record Port_Adr : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0);
DDR_Adr : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0);
Pin_Adr : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0);
end record;
type PPortAdrTblArray_Type is array (0 to CMaxNumOfPPort-1) of PPortAdrTbl_Type;
constant PPortAdrArray : PPortAdrTblArray_Type := ((PORTA_Address,DDRA_Address,PINA_Address), -- PORTA
(PORTB_Address,DDRB_Address,PINB_Address), -- PORTB
(PORTC_Address,DDRC_Address,PINC_Address), -- PORTC
(PORTD_Address,DDRD_Address,PIND_Address), -- PORTD
(PORTE_Address,DDRE_Address,PINE_Address), -- PORTE
(PORTF_Address,DDRF_Address,PINF_Address)); -- PORTF
-- ***************************************************************************************
-- Analog to digital converter
constant ADCL_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#04#);
constant ADCH_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#05#);
constant ADCSR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#06#);
constant ADMUX_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#07#);
-- Analog comparator
constant ACSR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#08#);
-- Watchdog
constant WDTCR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#21#);
-- JTAG OCDR (ATmega128)
constant OCDR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#22#);
-- JTAG OCDR (ATmega16)
--constant OCDR_Address : std_logic_vector(IOAdrWidth-1 downto 0) := CAVRIOAdr(16#31#);
-- ***************************************************************************************
-- Function declaration
function LOG2(Number : positive) return natural;
end AVRuCPackage;
package body AVRuCPackage is
-- Functions
function LOG2(Number : positive) return natural is
variable Temp : positive;
Temp := 1;
if Number=1 then
return 0;
for i in 1 to integer'high loop
Temp := 2*Temp;
if Temp>=Number then
return i;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end LOG2;
-- End of functions
end AVRuCPackage;