David Banks 43df61cd06 Single-stepping functionality complete
Change-Id: Ic21b05ae8ecb828d32e55fe36be501800cfb3407
2015-06-07 11:19:33 +01:00

661 lines
20 KiB

-- SPI Peripheral for the AVR Core
-- Version 1.2
-- Modified 10.01.2007
-- Designed by Ruslan Lepetenok
-- Internal resynchronizers for scki and ss_b inputs were added
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use WORK.std_library.all;
use WORK.avr_adr_pack.all;
use WORK.rsnc_comp_pack.all;
entity spi_mod is port(
-- AVR Control
ireset : in std_logic;
cp2 : in std_logic;
adr : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
dbus_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
dbus_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
iore : in std_logic;
iowe : in std_logic;
out_en : out std_logic;
-- SPI i/f
misoi : in std_logic;
mosii : in std_logic;
scki : in std_logic; -- Resynch
ss_b : in std_logic; -- Resynch
misoo : out std_logic;
mosio : out std_logic;
scko : out std_logic;
spe : out std_logic;
spimaster : out std_logic;
-- IRQ
spiirq : out std_logic;
spiack : in std_logic;
-- Slave Programming Mode
por : in std_logic;
spiextload : in std_logic;
spidwrite : out std_logic;
spiload : out std_logic
end spi_mod;
architecture RTL of spi_mod is
-- Resynch
signal scki_resync : std_logic;
signal ss_b_resync : std_logic;
-- Registers
signal SPCR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
alias SPIE : std_logic is SPCR(7);
alias SPEB : std_logic is SPCR(6); -- SPE in Atmel's doc
alias DORD : std_logic is SPCR(5);
alias MSTR : std_logic is SPCR(4);
alias CPOL : std_logic is SPCR(3);
alias CPHA : std_logic is SPCR(2);
alias SPR : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is SPCR(1 downto 0);
signal SPSR : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
alias SPIF : std_logic is SPSR(7);
alias WCOL : std_logic is SPSR(6);
alias SPI2X : std_logic is SPSR(0);
signal SPIE_Next : std_logic;
signal SPEB_Next : std_logic;
signal DORD_Next : std_logic;
signal CPOL_Next : std_logic;
signal CPHA_Next : std_logic;
signal SPR_Next : std_logic_vector(SPR'range);
signal SPI2X_Next : std_logic;
signal SPDR_Rc : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal SPDR_Rc_Next : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal SPDR_Sh_Current : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal SPDR_Sh_Next : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Div_Next : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal Div_Current : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal Div_Toggle : std_logic;
signal DivCntMsb_Current : std_logic;
signal DivCntMsb_Next : std_logic;
type MstSMSt_Type is (MstSt_Idle,MstSt_B0,MstSt_B1,MstSt_B2,MstSt_B3,MstSt_B4,MstSt_B5,MstSt_B6,MstSt_B7);
signal MstSMSt_Current : MstSMSt_Type;
signal MstSMSt_Next : MstSMSt_Type;
signal TrStart : std_logic;
signal scko_Next : std_logic;
signal scko_Current : std_logic; --!!!
signal UpdRcDataRg_Current : std_logic;
signal UpdRcDataRg_Next : std_logic;
signal TmpIn_Current : std_logic;
signal TmpIn_Next : std_logic;
-- Slave
signal sck_EdgeDetDFF : std_logic;
signal SlvSampleSt : std_logic;
signal SlvSMChangeSt : std_logic;
type SlvSMSt_Type is (SlvSt_Idle,SlvSt_B0I,SlvSt_B0,SlvSt_B1,SlvSt_B2,SlvSt_B3,SlvSt_B4,SlvSt_B5,SlvSt_B6,SlvSt_B6W);
signal SlvSMSt_Current : SlvSMSt_Type;
signal SlvSMSt_Next : SlvSMSt_Type;
-- SIF clear SM
signal SPIFClrSt_Current : std_logic;
signal SPIFClrSt_Next : std_logic;
-- WCOL clear SM
signal WCOLClrSt_Current : std_logic;
signal WCOLClrSt_Next : std_logic;
signal MSTR_Next : std_logic;
signal SPIF_Next : std_logic;
signal WCOL_Next : std_logic;
signal MstDSamp_Next : std_logic;
signal MstDSamp_Current : std_logic;
function Fn_RevBitVector(InVector : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable TmpVect : std_logic_vector(InVector'range);
for i in TmpVect'range loop
TmpVect(i) := InVector(InVector'high-i);
end loop;
return TmpVect;
end Fn_RevBitVector;
-- ******************** Resynchronizers ************************************
scki_resync_inst:component rsnc_bit generic map(
add_stgs_num => 0,
inv_f_stgs => 0
port map(
clk => cp2,
di => scki,
do => scki_resync
ss_b_resync_inst:component rsnc_bit generic map(
add_stgs_num => 0,
inv_f_stgs => 0
port map(
clk => cp2,
di => ss_b,
do => ss_b_resync
-- ******************** Resynchronizers ************************************
if (ireset='0') then -- Reset
SPCR <= (others => '0');
SPIF <= '0';
WCOL <= '0';
SPI2X <= '0';
Div_Current <= (others => '0');
DivCntMsb_Current <= '0';
MstSMSt_Current <= MstSt_Idle;
SlvSMSt_Current <= SlvSt_Idle;
SPDR_Sh_Current <= (others => '1');
SPDR_Rc <= (others => '0');
sck_EdgeDetDFF <= '0';
SPIFClrSt_Current <= '0';
WCOLClrSt_Current <= '0';
scko <= '0';
scko_Current <= '0';
misoo <= '0';
mosio <= '0';
TmpIn_Current <= '0';
UpdRcDataRg_Current <= '0';
MstDSamp_Current <= '0';
elsif (cp2='1' and cp2'event) then -- Clock
SPIE <= SPIE_Next;
SPEB <= SPEB_Next;
DORD <= DORD_Next;
CPOL <= CPOL_Next;
CPHA <= CPHA_Next;
SPR <= SPR_Next;
MSTR <= MSTR_Next;
SPIF <= SPIF_Next;
SPI2X <= SPI2X_Next;
WCOL <= WCOL_Next;
Div_Current <= Div_Next;
DivCntMsb_Current <= DivCntMsb_Next;
MstSMSt_Current <= MstSMSt_Next;
SlvSMSt_Current <= SlvSMSt_Next;
SPDR_Sh_Current <= SPDR_Sh_Next;
SPDR_Rc <= SPDR_Rc_Next;
sck_EdgeDetDFF <= scki_resync;
SPIFClrSt_Current <= SPIFClrSt_Next;
WCOLClrSt_Current <= WCOLClrSt_Next;
scko_Current <= scko_Next;
scko <= scko_Next;
misoo <= SPDR_Sh_Next(SPDR_Sh_Next'high);
mosio <= SPDR_Sh_Next(SPDR_Sh_Next'high);
TmpIn_Current <= TmpIn_Next;
UpdRcDataRg_Current <= UpdRcDataRg_Next;
MstDSamp_Current <= MstDSamp_Next;
end if;
end process;
SPIE_Next <= SPIE;
SPEB_Next <= SPEB;
DORD_Next <= DORD;
CPOL_Next <= CPOL;
CPHA_Next <= CPHA;
SPR_Next <= SPR;
SPI2X_Next <= SPI2X;
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPCR_Address and iowe='1') then
SPIE_Next <= dbus_in(7);
SPEB_Next <= dbus_in(6);
DORD_Next <= dbus_in(5);
CPOL_Next <= dbus_in(3);
CPHA_Next <= dbus_in(2);
SPR_Next <= dbus_in(1 downto 0);
end if;
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPSR_Address and iowe='1') then
SPI2X_Next <= dbus_in(0);
end if;
end process;
SPSR(5 downto 1) <= (others => '0');
-- Divider
-- SPI2X | SPR1 | SPR0 | SCK Frequency
-- 0 | 0 | 0 | fosc /4 (2)
-- 0 | 0 | 1 | fosc /16 (8)
-- 0 | 1 | 0 | fosc /64 (32)
-- 0 | 1 | 1 | fosc /128 (64)
-- ------+------+------+-------------
-- 1 | 0 | 0 | fosc /2 (1)
-- 1 | 0 | 1 | fosc /8 (4)
-- 1 | 1 | 0 | fosc /32 (16)
-- 1 | 1 | 1 | fosc /64 (32)
Div_Toggle <= '0';
if(MstSMSt_Current /= MstSt_Idle) then
if(SPI2X='1') then -- Extended mode
case SPR is
when "00" => if (Div_Current="000001") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /2
when "01" => if (Div_Current="000011") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /8
when "10" => if (Div_Current="001111") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /32
when "11" => if (Div_Current="011111") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /64
when others => Div_Toggle <= '0';
end case;
else -- Normal mode
case SPR is
when "00" => if (Div_Current="000001") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /4
when "01" => if (Div_Current="000111") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /16
when "10" => if (Div_Current="011111") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /64
when "11" => if (Div_Current="111111") then Div_Toggle <= '1'; end if; -- fosc /128
when others => Div_Toggle <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Div_Next <= Div_Current;
DivCntMsb_Next <= DivCntMsb_Current;
if(MstSMSt_Current /= MstSt_Idle) then
if(Div_Toggle='1') then
Div_Next <= (others => '0');
DivCntMsb_Next <= not DivCntMsb_Current;
Div_Next <= Div_Current + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
TrStart <= '1' when (fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and iowe='1' and SPEB='1') else '0';
-- Transmitter Master Mode Shift Control SM
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSMSt_Current;
case MstSMSt_Current is
when MstSt_Idle =>
if(TrStart='1' and MSTR='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B0;
end if;
when MstSt_B0 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B1;
end if;
when MstSt_B1 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B2;
end if;
when MstSt_B2 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B3;
end if;
when MstSt_B3 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B4;
end if;
when MstSt_B4 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B5;
end if;
when MstSt_B5 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B6;
end if;
when MstSt_B6 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_B7;
end if;
when MstSt_B7 =>
if(DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') then
MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_Idle;
end if;
when others => MstSMSt_Next <= MstSt_Idle;
end case;
end process;
SPIFClrSt_Next <= SPIFClrSt_Current;
case SPIFClrSt_Current is
when '0' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPSR_Address and iore='1' and SPIF='1' and SPEB='1') then
SPIFClrSt_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and (iore='1' or iowe='1')) then
SPIFClrSt_Next <= '0';
end if;
when others => SPIFClrSt_Next <= SPIFClrSt_Current;
end case;
end process; --SPIFClrCombProc
WCOLClrSt_Next <= WCOLClrSt_Current;
case WCOLClrSt_Current is
when '0' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPSR_Address and iore='1' and WCOL='1') then
WCOLClrSt_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and (iore='1' or iowe='1')) then
WCOLClrSt_Next <= '0';
end if;
when others => WCOLClrSt_Next <= WCOLClrSt_Current;
end case;
end process; --WCOLClrCombProc
MstDSamp_Next <= '0';
case MstDSamp_Current is
when '0' =>
if(MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle) then
if(CPHA=CPOL) then
if(scko_Next='1' and scko_Current='0') then -- Rising edge
MstDSamp_Next <= '1';
end if;
else -- CPHA/=CPOL
if(scko_Next='0' and scko_Current='1') then -- Falling edge
MstDSamp_Next <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
when '1' => MstDSamp_Next <= '0';
when others => MstDSamp_Next <= '0';
end case;
end process; -- MstDataSamplingComb
UpdRcDataRg_Next <= '0';
case UpdRcDataRg_Current is
when '0' =>
if((MSTR='1' and MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle and MstSMSt_Next=MstSt_Idle)or
(MSTR='0' and SlvSMSt_Current/=SlvSt_Idle and SlvSMSt_Next=SlvSt_Idle)) then
UpdRcDataRg_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' => UpdRcDataRg_Next <= '0';
when others => UpdRcDataRg_Next <= '0';
end case;
end process;
TmpIn_Next <= TmpIn_Current;
if(MSTR='1' and MstDSamp_Current='1') then -- Master mode
TmpIn_Next <= misoi;
elsif(MSTR='0' and SlvSampleSt='1' and ss_b_resync='0') then -- Slave mode ???
TmpIn_Next <= mosii;
end if;
end process;
SPDR_Sh_Next <= SPDR_Sh_Current;
if(TrStart='1' and (MstSMSt_Current=MstSt_Idle and SlvSMSt_Current = SlvSt_Idle and not(MSTR='0' and SlvSampleSt='1' and ss_b_resync='0') )) then -- Load
if (DORD='1') then -- the LSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Sh_Next <= Fn_RevBitVector(dbus_in);
else -- the MSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Sh_Next <= dbus_in;
end if;
elsif(MSTR='1' and UpdRcDataRg_Current='1') then -- ???
SPDR_Sh_Next(SPDR_Sh_Next'high) <= '1';
elsif((MSTR='1' and MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle and DivCntMsb_Current='1' and Div_Toggle='1') or
(MSTR='0' and SlvSMSt_Current/=SlvSt_Idle and SlvSMChangeSt='1' and ss_b_resync='0')) then
-- Shift
SPDR_Sh_Next <= SPDR_Sh_Current(SPDR_Sh_Current'high-1 downto SPDR_Sh_Current'low)&TmpIn_Current;
end if;
end process; --ShiftRgComb
scko_Next <= scko_Current;
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPCR_Address and iowe='1') then -- Write to SPCR
scko_Next <= dbus_in(3); -- CPOL
elsif(TrStart='1' and CPHA='1' and MstSMSt_Current=MstSt_Idle) then
scko_Next <= not CPOL;
elsif(MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle and MstSMSt_Next=MstSt_Idle) then -- "Parking"
scko_Next <= CPOL;
elsif(MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle and DivCntMsb_Current/=DivCntMsb_Next) then
scko_Next <= not scko_Current;
end if;
end process;
-- Receiver data register
SPDR_Rc_Next <= SPDR_Rc;
if(UpdRcDataRg_Current='1') then
if(MSTR='0' and CPHA='1') then
if (DORD='1') then -- the LSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Rc_Next <= Fn_RevBitVector(SPDR_Sh_Current(SPDR_Sh_Current'high-1 downto 0)&TmpIn_Current);
else -- the MSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Rc_Next <= SPDR_Sh_Current(SPDR_Sh_Current'high-1 downto 0)&TmpIn_Current;
end if;
if (DORD='1') then -- the LSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Rc_Next <= Fn_RevBitVector(SPDR_Sh_Current);
else -- the MSB of the data word is transmitted first
SPDR_Rc_Next <= SPDR_Sh_Current;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Slave
SlvSampleSt <= '1' when ((sck_EdgeDetDFF='0' and scki_resync='1' and CPOL=CPHA)or -- Rising edge
(sck_EdgeDetDFF='1' and scki_resync='0' and CPOL/=CPHA))else '0'; -- Falling edge
SlvSMChangeSt <= '1' when ((sck_EdgeDetDFF='1' and scki_resync='0' and CPOL=CPHA)or -- Falling edge
(sck_EdgeDetDFF='0' and scki_resync='1' and CPOL/=CPHA))else '0'; -- Rising edge
-- Slave Master Mode Shift Control SM
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSMSt_Current;
if(ss_b_resync='0') then
case SlvSMSt_Current is
when SlvSt_Idle =>
if(MSTR='0') then
if(CPHA='1') then
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B0;
end if;
else -- CPHA='0'
if(SlvSampleSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B0I;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when SlvSt_B0I =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B0;
end if;
when SlvSt_B0 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B1;
end if;
when SlvSt_B1 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B2;
end if;
when SlvSt_B2 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B3;
end if;
when SlvSt_B3 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B4;
end if;
when SlvSt_B4 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B5;
end if;
when SlvSt_B5 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B6;
end if;
when SlvSt_B6 =>
if(SlvSMChangeSt='1') then
if(CPHA='0') then
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_Idle;
else -- CPHA='1'
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_B6W;
end if;
end if;
when SlvSt_B6W =>
SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_Idle;
end if;
when others => SlvSMSt_Next <= SlvSt_Idle;
end case;
end if;
end process;
MSTR_Next <= MSTR;
case MSTR is
when '0' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPCR_Address and iowe='1' and dbus_in(4)='1') then -- TBD (ss_b_resync='0')
MSTR_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if((fn_to_integer(adr)=SPCR_Address and iowe='1' and dbus_in(4)='0') or
(ss_b_resync='0')) then
MSTR_Next <= '0';
end if;
when others => MSTR_Next <= MSTR;
end case;
end process;
WCOL_Next <= WCOL;
case WCOL is
when '0' =>
if(fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and iowe='1' and
((MSTR='0' and (SlvSMSt_Current/=SlvSt_Idle or (SlvSampleSt='1' and ss_b_resync='0'))) or
(MSTR='1' and MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle))) then
WCOL_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(((fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and (iowe='1' or iore='1')) and WCOLClrSt_Current='1') and
not (fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and iowe='1' and
((MSTR='0' and (SlvSMSt_Current/=SlvSt_Idle or (SlvSampleSt='1' and ss_b_resync='0'))) or
(MSTR='1' and MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle)))) then
WCOL_Next <= '0';
end if;
when others => WCOL_Next <= WCOL;
end case;
end process;
SPIF_Next <= SPIF;
case SPIF is
when '0' =>
if((MSTR='0' and SlvSMSt_Current/=SlvSt_Idle and SlvSMSt_Next=SlvSt_Idle) or
(MSTR='1' and MstSMSt_Current/=MstSt_Idle and MstSMSt_Next=MstSt_Idle))then
SPIF_Next <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if((fn_to_integer(adr)=SPDR_Address and (iowe='1' or iore='1') and SPIFClrSt_Current='1') or spiack='1') then
SPIF_Next <= '0';
end if;
when others => SPIF_Next <= SPIF;
end case;
end process;
spimaster <= MSTR;
spe <= SPEB;
-- IRQ
spiirq <= SPIE and SPIF;
case(fn_to_integer(adr)) is
when SPDR_Address => dbus_out <= SPDR_Rc; out_en <= iore;
when SPSR_Address => dbus_out <= SPSR; out_en <= iore;
when SPCR_Address => dbus_out <= SPCR; out_en <= iore;
when others => dbus_out <= (others => '0'); out_en <= '0';
end case;
end process; -- OutMuxComb
spidwrite <= '0';
spiload <= '0';
end RTL;