Programming Prerequisites
Simon Ellwood edited this page 2017-10-21 14:55:25 +01:00

Purchasing a Xilinx Platform Cable

To program the GODIL, it's best to purchase a Xilinx USB Platform Cable.

There are Chinese clones available on eBay for approx £20 that work perfectly well:


Download the Programming Software

To use the programmer, you need to download and install Xilinx ISE WebPack version 14.7 from here: http://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/ise-design-suite/ise-webpack.html

Be warned, this is a massive (~8GB) download!

The Xilinx site can be very confusing - don't download the newer Vivado Design Suite, as it does not support the devices used by this project.

Download the appropriate .mcs file from the releases section:


The structure of the releases directory is: /releases/$PART/$VERSION/$DATE

There are a range of mcs files to suit all the suitable boards for this project.

Go to the specific page for your FPGA board for information how to proceed further.