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; Vera Display Composer Assembly Language Routines for C02
; Requires External Routines NYBCAT, NYBCUT, REGADR, and SAVRXY
; and External Variables TEMP1 and TEMP2
;rgbclr(r,g,b) - Convert RGB Values to Palette Color
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;Args: A = Red Value (0-255)
; Y = Green Value (0-255)
; X = Blue Value (0-255)
;Destroys: TEMP0
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
RGBCLR: LSR ;Divide Red Value by 16
PHA ;and Save It
TYA ;Copy Green Value to Accumulator
AND #$F0 ;Strip Low Nybble
STA TEMP0 ;and Store It
TXA ;Copy Blue Value to Accumulator
LSR ;Divide by 16
ORA TEMP0 ;Combine with Green
TAX ;and Return as LSB
PLY ;Return Red as MSB
;clrrgb(c) - Convert Palette Color to RGB Values
;Args: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;Returns: A = Red Value (0-255)
; Y = Green Value (0-255)
; X = Blue Value (0-255)
TXA ;Copy LSB into Accumulator
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
AND #$F0 ;Isolate Green Value
TAY ;and Return in Y
TXA ;Copy LSB into Accumulator
ASL ;Shift Low Nybble Left
TAX ;and Return in X
PLA ;Retrieve MSB (Red)
ASL ;Shift Low Nybble Left
ASL ;and Return in A
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;getclr(idx) - Get Color Entry idx from Palette
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
GETCLR: JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;getcln() - Get Next Color Entry from Palette
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
GETCLN: LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDA $9F23,X ;Read LSB from Data Port
LDY $9F23,X ;Read MSB from Data Port
TAX ;Copy LSB to X Register
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;getrgb() - Get Next Palette Entry as RGB
;Returns: A = Red Value (0-255)
; Y = Green Value (0-255)
; X = Blue Value (0-255)
GETRGB: JSR GETCLN ;Get Next Color Entry
BRA CLRRGB ;Convert to RGB and Return
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;setclr(idx) - Set Color Entry idx in Palette
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
; Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Color Entry Address
SETCLR: JSR SAVRXY ;Save Color Value
JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
JSR RESRXY ;Restore Color Value
;setcln() - Set Next Color Entry in Palette
;Args: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Affects: A,X
SETCLN: TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumulator
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
STA $9F23,X ;and Write to Data Port
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
TYA ;Copy MSB to Accumulator
STA $9F23,X ;and Write to Data Port
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
;setrgb() - Set Next Palette Entry to RGB Color
;Args: A = Red Value (0-255)
; Y = Green Value (0-255)
; X = Blue Value (0-255)
;Destroys: TEMP0
;Destroys: TEMP0
;Affects: A,Y,X
SETRGB: JSR RGBCLR ;Convert RGB to Vera Color Value
BRA SETCLN ;and Write to Next Palette Entry
;setidy(idx) - Set Palette Index and Entry Count
;Args: A = Palette Index
; Y = Number of Entries
;Returns: A = Bank + Auto-Increment
; Y,X = Address
SETIDY: STY TEMP0 ;Store Number of Colors
ASL TEMP0 ;and Multiply by 2
;setidx(idx) - Set Vera Address to Palette Index
;Args: A = Index
;Returns: A = Bank + Auto-Increment
; Y,X = Address
SETIDX: ASL ;Multiply Index by 2
TAX ;and Set as LSB
LDA #$10 ;Get Palette Page
ADC #$00 ;Add Carry from Multiply
TAY ;and Set as MSB
JMP REGADR ;and Set Address to Register
;getplt(idx,num) - Set Palette Colors
;Args: A = Starting Index
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
; Y = Number of Entries (1-128)
;Uses: DSTLO,DSTHI = Address of Destination Array
;Affects: A,X,Y
GETPLT: JSR SETIDY ;Set Vera Address and Entry Count
JMP GETMEA ;Read Color Entries from Vera Memory
;setplt(idx,num) - Set Palette Colors
;Args: A = Starting Index
2019-10-27 18:25:30 +00:00
; Y = Number of Entries (1-128)
;Uses: SRCLO,SRCHI = Address of Color Entries
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETPLT: JSR SETIDY ;Set Vera Address and Entry Count
JMP SETMEA ;Write Color Entries to Vera Memory