mirror of https://github.com/RevCurtisP/C02.git synced 2024-09-27 14:56:27 +00:00

Moved VERA Display Composer functions to veradisp.h02

This commit is contained in:
Curtis F Kaylor 2019-09-27 12:08:31 -04:00
parent 7674e11b61
commit 7645862022
9 changed files with 465 additions and 317 deletions

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@ -1,36 +1,5 @@
; C02 module vera.h02 assembly language subroutines
;getvid() - Get Video Output Mode
;Returns: A = Video Mode
; Y = Chroma Disabled
; X = Current Field
GETVID: LDA #$00 ;Set Register Offset to Video Output
JSR GETDCR ;Read from Display Composer
LDY #$00 ;Set Chroma Disabled to FALSE
LDX #$00 ;Set Video Field to EVEN
BIT GETVIM ;Test Chroma Disabled Bit
BEQ GETVIE ;If Bit 3 is Set
DEY ; Set Chroma Disabled to TRUE
BIT GETVIM ;Test Chroma Disabled Bit
DEX ; Set Video Field to ODD
GETVIF: AND #$03 ;Isolate Bits 0-2 (Video Output Mode)
GETVIM: .DC $04 ;Chroma Disable Bit Mask
;getbdr() - Get Get Border Color
;Returns: A = Border Color Palette Index
GETBDR: LDA #$03 ;Set Register Offset to Border Color
;getdcr() - Get Display Composer Register
;Args: A = Register Offset
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = Contents of Register
; X = Current Data Port
GETDCR: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
;getmod() - Get Layer 0/1 Mode
;Args: A = Layer (0/1)
;Affects: Y
@ -199,177 +168,6 @@ TILSIT: .DC $08,$10
;Returns: A = Map Width Specifier
; Y = Map Height Specifier
;getvsp() - Get Vertical Stop
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Vertical Stop
GETVSP: LDA #7 ;Set Reg Offset to Vertical Stop
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
LSR ;Shift Left One Bit
JMP GETVSS ;Then Four More Bits and Mask
;getvsr() - Get Vertical Start
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Vertical Start
GETVSR: LDA #6 ;Set Reg Offset to Vertical Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
GETVSS: LSR ;Shift Left Four Bit
AND #$01 ;Isolate Bit 0
TAY ;and Copy MSB to Y
;gethsp() - Get Horizontal Stop
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
GETHSP: LDA #5 ;Set Lookup Index to Horizontal Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
LSR ;Shift Left Two Bits
JMP GETHSS ;then Mask and Return
;gethsr() - Get Horizontal Start
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Horizontal Start
GETHSR: LDA #4 ;Set Lookup Index to Horizontal Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
;.dc $ff ;debug
GETHSS: AND #$03 ;Isolate Bit 0
TAY ;and Copy MSB to Y
;gethvs() - Get Start/Stop Low Byte and High Bits
;Args: X = Low Register
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = High Bits
; X = Low Byte
GETHVS: JSR GETDCR ;Read LSB from Register
;.dc $ff ;debug
PHA ;and Save It
LDA #8 ;Load Register Offset for High Bits
STA $9F20 ;Set As Address LSB
LDA $9F23,X ;and Read High Bits into A
.DC $FA ;PLX ;Restore LSB into X
;getiql() - Get Interrupt Line
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Interrupt Line#
GETIQL: LDA #9 ;Set Register Offset to Interrupt Line
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCX (BIT Absolute)
;getscl() - Get Horizontal and Vertical Scale
;Returns: A,X = Horizontal Scale
; Y = Vertical Scale
GETSCL: LDA #1 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
;getdci() - Get Display Composer Register Pair
;Args: A = Register Offset
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A,X = Integer LSB
; Y = Integer LSB
GETDCI: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
JMP GETREI ;Get Vera Register Pair
;setvsp() - Set Horizontal Stop
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETVSP: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bit
AND #$01
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #7 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$DF ;Set High Bits Mask
JMP SETHST ;OR in High Bits and Write Back
;setvsr() - Set Horizontal Start
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Start
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETVSR: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bit
AND #$01
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #6 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$EF ;Set High Bits Mask
JMP SETHST ;OR in High Bits and Write Back
;sethsp() - Set Horizontal Stop
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETHSP: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bits
AND #$03
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #5 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$F3 ;Set High Bits Mask
JMP SETHST ;OR in High Bits and Write Back
;sethsr() - Set Horizontal St7art
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Start
;Destroys TEMP0,TEMP1,TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETHSR: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bits
AND #$03
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #4 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$FC ;Set High Bits Mask
JSR SETHVS ;Write LSB and Get High Bits
AND TEMP2 ;Mask Start Stop High
ORA TEMP1 ;OR in High Bits
STA $9F23,X ;and Write back to Register
LDA #8 ;Load Register Offset for High Bits
STA $9F20 ;Set As Address LSB
LDA $9F23,X ;and Read High Bits into A
;setvid() - Set Video Output Mode
;Args: A = Video Mode
; Y = Chroma Disabled
;Destroys: TEMP0
SETVID: AND #3 ;Isolate Video Mode Bits
CPY #0 ;Set Chroma Mask to
BEQ SETVIF ; 0 if Y is Zero or
LDY #4 ; 4 if it is not
SETVIF: STY TEMP0 ;Save Chroma Bit
ORA TEMP0 ;Combine with Video Mode Bits
LDX #0 ;Set Register Offset to Video Mode
BEQ SETDCX ;Write to Register
;setbdr() - Set Border Color
;Args: A = Border Color Palette Index
SETBDR: LDX #3 ;Set Register Offset to Border Color
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCX (BIT Absolute)
;setdcr() - Set Display Composer Register
;Args: A = Register Offset
; Y = Value to Write
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = Value Written
; X = Current Data Port
SETDCR: TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
TYA ;Move Write Value to Accumulator
SETDCX: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
JMP SETREG ;Write to Register
;settbs() - Set Layer 0/1 Map Base
;Args: A = Layer (0/1)
; Y,X = Map Base
@ -413,96 +211,4 @@ SETHSC: JSR SAVRXY ;Store Horizontal Scroll in TEMP1,TEMP2
SETLRI: JSR GETLRP ;Get Layer Page in Y
JMP SETREI ;and Write Integer to Register
;setiql() - Set IRQ Line
;Args: Y,X = IRQ Line Number`
;Sets: TEMP1,TEMP2 = IRQ Line Number
;Affecta: A,Y,X
SETIQL: TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumulator
LDX #9 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCP (BIT Absolute)
;setscl() - Set Horizontal and Vertical Scale
;Args: A = Horizontal Scale
; Y = Vertical Scale
SETSCL: LDX #1 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
;setdcp() - Set Display Composer Register Pair
;Args: A = First Register Value
; Y = Second Register Value
; X = Register Offset
;Affects: A,Y
;Returns: X = Current Data Port
SETDCP: STA TEMP1 ;Store First Value as LSB
STY TEMP2 ;Store Second Value as MSB
LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
JMP SETREI ;Set Register to Integer
;rgbclr(r,g,b) - Convert RGB Values to Palette Color
;Args: A = Red Value (0-15)
; Y = Green Value (0-15)
; X = Blue Value (0-15)
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
RGBCLR: PHA ;Save Red Value
TYA ;Copy Green Value to Left Nybble
.DC $DA ;PHX Copy Blue Value
.DC $7A ;PLY to Right Nybble
JSR NYBCAT ;Concatanate Green and Blue
TAX ;and Return as LSB
.DC $7A ;PLY Return Red as MSB
;clrrgb(c) - Convert Palette Color to RGB Values
;Args: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Returns: A = Red Value (0-15)
; Y = Green Value (0-15)
; X = Blue Value (0-15)
TXA ;Copy LSB into Accumulator
JSR NYBCUT ;and Split into Nybbles
.DC $5A ;PHY Return Blue Value
.DC $FA ;PLX in X Register
TAY ;Green Value in Y Register
PLA ;and Red Value in Accumulator
;getclr(idx) - Get Color Entry idx from Palette
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
GETCLR: JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDA $9F23,X ;Read LSB from Data Port
LDY $9F23,X ;Read MSB from Data Port
TAX ;Copy LSB to X Register
;setclr(idx) - Set Color Entry idx in Palette
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
; Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Color Entry Address
SETCLR: JSR SAVRXY ;Save Color Value
JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDA TEMP1 ;Retrieve Color Value LSB
STA $9F23,X ;and Write to Data Port
LDA TEMP2 ;Retrieve Color Value MSB
STA $9F23,X ;Read MSB from Data Port
;setidx(idx) - Set Vera Address to Palette Index
;Args: A = Index
;Returns: A = Bank + Auto-Increment
; Y,X = Address
SETIDX: ASL ;Multiply Index by 2
TAX ;and Set as LSB
LDA #$10 ;Get Palette Page
ADC #$00 ;Add Carry from Multiply
TAY ;and Set as MSB
JMP REGADR ;and Set Address to Register

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@ -15,17 +15,6 @@ char clrrgb();
* Returns: int c - Color Value */
char getclr();
/* Read Display Controller Register *
* Args: char r - Register Offset *
* Returns: char v - Register Value */
char getdcr();
/* Read Video Output Mode *
* Returns: m - Output Mode *
* c - Chroma Disabled *
* f - Current Field */
char getvid();
/* Convert R, G, and B Values *
* to Palette Color Value *
* Args: r - Red Value (0-15) *

x16/include/veraclr.a02 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
; Vera Display Composer Assembly Language Routines for C02
; Requires External Routines NYBCAT, NYBCUT, REGADR, and SAVRXY
; and External Variables TEMP1 and TEMP2
;rgbclr(r,g,b) - Convert RGB Values to Palette Color
;Args: A = Red Value (0-15)
; Y = Green Value (0-15)
; X = Blue Value (0-15)
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
RGBCLR: PHA ;Save Red Value
TYA ;Copy Green Value to Left Nybble
.DC $DA ;PHX Copy Blue Value
.DC $7A ;PLY to Right Nybble
JSR NYBCAT ;Concatanate Green and Blue
TAX ;and Return as LSB
.DC $7A ;PLY Return Red as MSB
;clrrgb(c) - Convert Palette Color to RGB Values
;Args: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Returns: A = Red Value (0-15)
; Y = Green Value (0-15)
; X = Blue Value (0-15)
TXA ;Copy LSB into Accumulator
JSR NYBCUT ;and Split into Nybbles
.DC $5A ;PHY Return Blue Value
.DC $FA ;PLX in X Register
TAY ;Green Value in Y Register
PLA ;and Red Value in Accumulator
;getclr(idx) - Get Color Entry idx from Paleftte
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
GETCLR: JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDA $9F23,X ;Read LSB from Data Port
LDY $9F23,X ;Read MSB from Data Port
TAX ;Copy LSB to X Register
;setclr(idx) - Set Color Entry idx in Palette
;Args: A = Color Entry Index
; Y = Color MSB (0000RRRR)
; X = Color LSB (GGGGBBBB)
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Color Entry Address
SETCLR: JSR SAVRXY ;Save Color Value
JSR SETIDX ;Set Vera Address to Palette Index
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDA TEMP1 ;Retrieve Color Value LSB
STA $9F23,X ;and Write to Data Port
LDA TEMP2 ;Retrieve Color Value MSB
STA $9F23,X ;Read MSB from Data Port
;setidy(idx) - Set Palette Index and Entry Count
;Args: A = Palette Index
; Y = Number of Entries
;Returns: A = Bank + Auto-Increment
; Y,X = Address
SETIDY: STY TEMP0 ;Store Number of Colors
ASL TEMP0 ;and Multiply by 2
;setidx(idx) - Set Vera Address to Palette Index
;Args: A = Index
;Returns: A = Bank + Auto-Increment
; Y,X = Address
SETIDX: ASL ;Multiply Index by 2
TAX ;and Set as LSB
LDA #$10 ;Get Palette Page
ADC #$00 ;Add Carry from Multiply
TAY ;and Set as MSB
JMP REGADR ;and Set Address to Register
;getplt(idx,num) - Set Palette Colors
;Args: A = Starting Index
; Y = Number of Colors (1-128)
;Uses: DSTLO,DSTHI = Address of Destination Array
;Affects: A,X,Y
GETPLT: JSR SETIDY ;Set Vera Address and Entry Count
JMP GETMEA ;Read Color Entries from Vera Memory
;setplt(idx,num) - Set Palette Colors
;Args: A = Starting Index
; Y = Number of Colors (1-128)
;Uses: SRCLO,SRCHI = Address of Color Entries
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETPLT: JSR SETIDY ;Set Vera Address and Entry Count
JMP SETMEA ;Write Color Entries to Vera Memory

x16/include/veraclr.h02 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* vera.h02 - Commander X16 Routines for Vera chip *
/* Convert Palette Color Value *
* to R, G, and B Values *
* Args: int c - Color Value *
* Returns: Red Value (0-15) *
* Green Value (0-15) *
* Blue Value (0-15) */
char clrrgb();
/* Read Color Value from Palette *
* Args: char i - Palette Index *
* Returns: int c - Color Value */
char getclr();
/* Read Color Entries from Palette *
* Args: i - Index into Palette *
* n - Number of Entries *
* Requires: setdst(&array) */
char getplt();
/* Convert R, G, and B Values *
* to Palette Color Value *
* Args: r - Red Value (0-15) *
* g - Green Value (0-15) *
* b - Blue Value (0-15) *
* Returns: int c - Color Value */
char rgbclr();
/* Write Color Value to Palette *
* Args: i - Index into Palette *
* int c - Color Value *
* Returns: int d = Entry Address */
char setclr();
/* Set Vera Address to Palette Index *
* Args: i - Index into Palette *
* int c - Color Value *
* Returns: char b = Bank |Auto-Incr *
* int d = Entry Address */
char setidx();
/* Write Color Entries to Palette *
* Args: i - Index into Palette *
* n - Number of Entries *
* Requires: setsrc(&entries) */
char setplt();

x16/include/veradsp.a02 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
; Vera Display Composer Assembly Language Routines for C02
; Requires External Routines GETDCR and SETDCX
; and External Variables TEMP0, TEMP1, and TEMP2
;getbdr() - Get Get Border Color
;Returns: A = Border Color Palette Index
GETBDR: LDA #$03 ;Set Register Offset to Border Color
;getdcr() - Get Display Composer Register
;Args: A = Register Offset
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = Contents of Register
; X = Current Data Port
GETDCR: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
;getiql() - Get Interrupt Line
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Interrupt Line#
GETIQL: LDA #9 ;Set Register Offset to Interrupt Line
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCX (BIT Absolute)
;getscl() - Get Horizontal and Vertical Scale
;Returns: A,X = Horizontal Scale
; Y = Vertical Scale
GETSCL: LDA #1 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
;getdci() - Get Display Composer Register Pair
;Args: A = Register Offset
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A,X = Integer LSB
; Y = Integer LSB
GETDCI: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
JMP GETREI ;Get Vera Register Pair
;getvid() - Get Video Output Mode
;Returns: A = Video Mode
; Y = Chroma Disabled
; X = Current Field
GETVID: LDA #$00 ;Set Register Offset to Video Output
JSR GETDCR ;Read from Display Composer
LDY #$00 ;Set Chroma Disabled to FALSE
LDX #$00 ;Set Video Field to EVEN
BIT GETVIM ;Test Chroma Disabled Bit
BEQ GETVIE ;If Bit 3 is Set
DEY ; Set Chroma Disabled to TRUE
BIT GETVIM ;Test Chroma Disabled Bit
DEX ; Set Video Field to ODD
GETVIF: AND #$03 ;Isolate Bits 0-2 (Video Output Mode)
GETVIM: .DC $04 ;Chroma Disable Bit Mask
;getvsp() - Get Vertical Stop
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Vertical Stop
GETVSP: LDA #7 ;Set Reg Offset to Vertical Stop
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
LSR ;Shift Left One Bit
JMP GETVSS ;Then Four More Bits and Mask
;getvsr() - Get Vertical Start
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Vertical Start
GETVSR: LDA #6 ;Set Reg Offset to Vertical Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
GETVSS: LSR ;Shift Left Four Bit
AND #$01 ;Isolate Bit 0
TAY ;and Copy MSB to Y
;gethsp() - Get Horizontal Stop
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
GETHSP: LDA #5 ;Set Lookup Index to Horizontal Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
LSR ;Shift Left Two Bits
JMP GETHSS ;then Mask and Return
;gethsr() - Get Horizontal Start
;Affects: A
;Returns: Y,X = Horizontal Start
GETHSR: LDA #4 ;Set Lookup Index to Horizontal Start
JSR GETHVS ;Read Registers
GETHSS: AND #$03 ;Isolate Bit 0
TAY ;and Copy MSB to Y
;gethvs() - Get Start/Stop Low Byte and High Bits
;Args: X = Low Register
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = High Bits
; X = Low Byte
GETHVS: JSR GETDCR ;Read LSB from Register
PHA ;and Save It
LDA #8 ;Load Register Offset for High Bits
STA $9F20 ;Set As Address LSB
LDA $9F23,X ;and Read High Bits into A
.DC $FA ;PLX ;Restore LSB into X
;setbdr() - Set Border Color
;Args: A = Border Color Palette Index
SETBDR: LDX #3 ;Set Register Offset to Border Color
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCX (BIT Absolute)
;setdcr() - Set Display Composer Register
;Args: A = Register Offset
; Y = Value to Write
;Affects: Y
;Returns: A = Value Written
; X = Current Data Port
SETDCR: TAX ;Set LSB to Register Offset
TYA ;Move Write Value to Accumulator
SETDCX: LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
JMP SETREG ;Write to Register
;setvid() - Set Video Output Mode
;Args: A = Video Mode
; Y = Chroma Disabled
;Destroys: TEMP0
SETVID: AND #3 ;Isolate Video Mode Bits
CPY #0 ;Set Chroma Mask to
BEQ SETVIF ; 0 if Y is Zero or
LDY #4 ; 4 if it is not
SETVIF: STY TEMP0 ;Save Chroma Bit
ORA TEMP0 ;Combine with Video Mode Bits
LDX #0 ;Set Register Offset to Video Mode
BEQ SETDCX ;Write to Register
;setiql() - Set IRQ Line
;Args: Y,X = IRQ Line Number`
;Sets: TEMP1,TEMP2 = IRQ Line Number
;Affecta: A,Y,X
SETIQL: TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumulator
LDX #9 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
.DC $2C ;Skip to SETDCP (BIT Absolute)
;setscl() - Set Horizontal and Vertical Scale
;Args: A = Horizontal Scale
; Y = Vertical Scale
SETSCL: LDX #1 ;Set Register Offset to HSCALE,VSCALE
;setdcp() - Set Display Composer Register Pair
;Args: A = First Register Value
; Y = Second Register Value
; X = Register Offset
;Affects: A,Y
;Returns: X = Current Data Port
SETDCP: STA TEMP1 ;Store First Value as LSB
STY TEMP2 ;Store Second Value as MSB
LDY #$00 ;Set MSB to Display Composer Page
JMP SETREI ;Set Register to Integer
;sethsp() - Set Horizontal Stop
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
;Destroys TEMP1,TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETHSP: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bits
AND #$03
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #5 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$F3 ;Set High Bits Mask
BNE SETHVS ;OR in High Bits and Write Back
;sethsr() - Set Horizontal Start
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Start
;Destroys TEMP1,TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETHSR: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bits
AND #$03
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #4 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$FC ;Set High Bits Mask
;sethvs() - Set Horizontal/Vertial Start/Stop
;Args: A = Start/Stop LSB
; Y = High Bits and Mask
; X = LSB Register Offset
;Uses: TEMP1 = Start Stop High Bits
;Destroys: TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
LDA #8 ;Load Register Offset for High Bits
STA $9F20 ;Set As Address LSB
LDA $9F23,X ;and Read High Bits into A
AND TEMP2 ;Mask Start Stop High
ORA TEMP1 ;OR in High Bits
STA $9F23,X ;and Write back to Register
;setvsp() - Set Horizontal Stop
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Stop
;Destroys TEMP1,TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETVSP: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bit
AND #$01
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #7 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$DF ;Set High Bits Mask
BNE SETHVS ;OR in High Bits and Write Back
;setvsr() - Set Horizontal Start
;Args: Y,X = Horizontal Start
;Destroys TEMP1,TEMP2
;Affects: A,X,Y
SETVSR: TYA ;Convert MSB to High Bit
AND #$01
STA TEMP1 ;and Save
TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
LDX #6 ;Set Register Offset to Horizontal Start
LDY #$EF ;Set High Bits Mask
BNE SETHVS ;OR in High Bits and Write Back

x16/include/veradsp.h02 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* veradsp.h02 - Display Composer Functions *
* Commander X16 VERA Chip *
/* Get Border Color *
* Returns: char i = Color Index */
char getbdr();
/* Get Horizontal Stop *
* Returns: int i = Horizontal Stop */
char gethsp();
/* Get Horizontal Start *
* Returns: int i = Horizontal Start */
char gethsr();
/* Get IRQ Line *
* Returns: int i = IRQ Line */
char getiql();
/* Get Horizontal and Vertical Scale *
* Returns: char h = Horizontal Scale *
* char v - Vertical Scale */
char getscl();
/* Get Video Output Mode *
* Returns: char m - Output Mode *
* char c - Chroma Disabled *
* char f - Current Field */
char getvid();
/* Get Vertical Stop *
* Returns: int i = Vertical Stop */
char getvsp();
/* Get Vertical Start *
* Returns: int i = Vertical Start */
char getvsr();
/* Set Border Color *
* Args: char i = Color Index */
char setbdr();
/* Set Horizontal Stop *
* Args: int i = Horizontal Stop */
char sethsp();
/* Set Horizontal Start *
* Args: int i = Horizontal Start */
char sethsr();
/* set IRQ Line *
* Args: int i = IRQ Line */
char setiql();
/* Set Horizontal and Vertical Scale *
* Args: char h = Horizontal Scale *
* char v - Vertical Scale */
char setscl();
/* Set Video Output Mode *
* Args: char m - Output Mode *
* char c - Chroma Disabled */
char setvid();
/* Set Vertical Stop *
* Args: int i = Vertical Stop */
char setvsp();
/* Set Vertical Start *
* Args: int i = Vertical Start */
char setvsr();

View File

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ SETINT: TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumlator
; X = Current Data Port
SETMEM: STA TEMP0 ;Save Number of Bytes
JSR SETSRC ;Save Destination Address
LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
SETMEA: LDX $9F25 ;Get Current Data Port
LDY #0 ;Initialize Counter
SETMEL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Read Byte from Array
STA $9F23,X ;Write Byte to Data Port

View File

@ -21,17 +21,12 @@ char getbyt();
char getint();
/* Read from Vera Memory into Array *
* Args: char opts - Bank | Auto-Increment *
* int addr - Address Bits 0-15 *
* Returns: char count - Bytes Written */
* Args: char n - Number of Bytes *
* int d - Address of Array *
* Requires: setadr(bank,addr) *
* Returns: char count - Bytes Written */
char getmem();
/* Read Vera Internal Register Pair *
* Args: int addr - Register Address *
* Returns: char byte - Register LSB *
* int word - Register Contents */
char getrei();
/* Set Vera Memory Address *
* Args: char opts - Bank | Auto-Increment *
* int addr - Address *
@ -48,7 +43,8 @@ char setbyt();
char setint();
/* Write from Array to Vera Memory *
* Args: int word - Integer to Write *
* Args: char n - Number of Bytes *
* int d - Address of Array *
* Requires: setadr(bank,addr) *
* Returns: char count - Bytes Written */
char setmem();

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
* Prints "HELLO WORLD" and exits *
//Specify System Header using -H option
@ -12,6 +11,8 @@
#include <memory.h02>
#include <nybble.h02>
#include "include/veramem.h02"
#include "include/veradsp.h02"
#include "include/veraclr.h02"
#include "include/vera.h02"
const char abcdef = {1,2,3,4,5,6};