mirror of https://github.com/RevCurtisP/C02.git synced 2024-10-01 10:54:56 +00:00

Updated documentation

This commit is contained in:
Curtis F Kaylor 2018-03-06 23:35:47 -05:00
parent cf8264f99a
commit fac6ae6b0a
2 changed files with 151 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -58,14 +58,21 @@ comments my be nested inside C style comments.
Directives are special instructions to the compiler. They do not directy
generate compiled code. A directive is denoted by a leading # character.
Directives are special instructions to the compiler. Depending on the
directive, it may or may not generate compiled code. A directive is
denoted by a leading # character. Unlike a statements, a directives is
not followed by a semicolon.
Note: Unlike standard C and C++, which use a preprocessor to process
directives, the C02 compiler processes directives directly.
The #define directive creates a named constant.
The #define directive creates a named constant. A constant may be used
anywhere a literal would be used. Use of the #define directive is
explained in the CONSTANTS section below.
The #include directive causes the compiler to read and process and external
file. In most cases, #include directives will be used with libraries of
@ -100,12 +107,49 @@ Assembly language files are denoted by the .asm extension. When the
compiler processes an assembly language file, it simply inserts the contents
of the file into the generated code.
Note: Unlike standard C and C++, which use a preprocessor to process
directives, the C02 compiler processes directives directly.
The #pragma directive is used to set various compiler options. When using
a #pragma directive it is followed by the pragma name and possibly an
option, each separated by whitespace.
A constant represents a value between 0 and 255. Values may be written as
Note: The various pragma directives are specific to the cross-compiler and
may be changed or omitted in future versions of the compiler.
The #pragma ascii directive instructs the compiler to convert the characters
in literal strings to a form expected by the target machine.
#pragma ascii high //Sets the high bit to 1 (e.g. Apple II)
#pragma ascii invert //Swaps upper and lower case (e.g. PETSCII)
The #pragma origin directive sets the target address of compiled code.
#pragma origin $0400 //Compiled code starts at address 1024
#pragma origin 8192 //Compiled code starts at address 8192
The #pragma vartable directive forces the variable table to be written.
It should be used before any #include directives that need to generate
code following the table.
The #pragma zeropage variable sets the base address for variables declared
as zeropage.
#Pragma zeropage $80 //Start zeropage variables at address 128
A literal represents a value between 0 and 255. Values may be written as
a number (binary, decimal, osir hexadecimal) or a character literal.
A binary number consists of a % followed by eight binary digits (0 or 1).
@ -125,6 +169,42 @@ Examples:
'A' Character Literal
'\'' Escaped Character Literal
A constant may be used anywhere a literal would be used. Constants are
generally used to make code easier to modify or more readable.
A constant is defined by using the #define directive, followed by an equals
sign, the name of the constant, and the literal value to assign to the
When a constant is referenced in code, it is preceded with a # symbol.
#define TRUE = $FF
#define FALSE = 0
#define BITS = %01010101
#define ZED = 'Z'
if (c == #ZED) return #TRUE;
An enumeration is a sequential list of constants. Enumerations are used to
generate sets of related but distinct values.
An enumeration is defined using the #enum directive, followed by one or
more constants separated by commas.
Note: Values are automatically assigned to the constants in an enumeration.
The first constant following an #enum directive is assigned the value 0,
the second is assigned the value 1, and so on.
A string is a consecutive series of characters terminated by an ASCII null
@ -147,7 +227,6 @@ as a symbol without a suffix.
A variable array represents a block of up to 256 continuous bytes in
memory. An Array reference are written as a symbol suffixed a [ character,
index, and ] character. The lowest index of an array is 0, and the highest
index is one less than the number of bytes in the array. There is no bounds
checking on arrays: referencing an element beyond the end of the array will
@ -186,12 +265,12 @@ Variables may only be of type char and all variable declaration statements
are suffixed with a ; character.
A simple variable declaration may include an initial value definition in
the form of an = character and constant after the variable name.
the form of an = character and literal after the variable name.
A variable array may be declares in one of two ways: the variable name
suffixed with a [ character, a constant specifying the upper bound of
suffixed with a [ character, a literal specifying the upper bound of
the array, and a ] character; or a variable name followed by an = character
and string literal or series of constants separated by , characters and
and string literal or series of literals separated by , characters and
surrounded by { or } characters.
Variables are initialized at compile time. If a variable is changed during
@ -200,11 +279,13 @@ reloaded into memory.
char c; //Defines variable c
char debug = #TRUE; //Defines variable debug initialized to constant
char flag = 1; //Defines variable flag initialized to 1
char i, j; //Defines variables i and j
char r[7]; //Defines 8 byte array r
char s = "string"; //Defines 7 byte array s initialized to "string"
char m = {1,2,3}; //Defines 3 byte array m initialized to 1, 2, and 3
A function declaration consists of the function name suffixed with a (
character, followed zero to three comma separated simple variables and
a ) character. A function declaration terminated with a ; character is
@ -233,15 +314,15 @@ default, return the value of the last processed expression.
An expression is a sseries of one or more terms separated by operators.
An expression is a series of one or more terms separated by operators.
The first term in an expression may be a function call, subscripted array
element, simple variable, constant, or register (A, X, or Y). An expression
element, simple variable, literal, or register (A, X, or Y). An expression
may be preceded with a - character, in which case the first term is assumed
to be the constant 0.
to be a literal 0.
Additional terms are limited to subscripted array elements, simple variables
and constants.
Additional terms are limited to subscripted array elements, simple variables,
literals, and constants.
+ — Add the following value.
@ -269,7 +350,7 @@ A stand-alone expression evaluates to TRUE if the result is non-zero, or
FALSE if the result is zero.
A comparison consists of an expression, a comparator, and a term (subscripted
array element, simple variable, or constant).
array element, simple variable, literal, or constant).
= — Evaluates to TRUE if expression is equal to term
@ -309,17 +390,18 @@ instructions, which precludes their use inside expressions. Standalone
expressions and test-ops generate a single branch instruction, and
therefore result in the most efficient code. Comparisons generate a
compare instruction and one or two branch instructions (=. <. >=, and <>
generate one, while <= and > generate two). A preceding negation operator
generate one, while <= and > generate two). A preceding negation operator
will switch the number of branch instructions used in a comparison, but
otherwise does not change the size of the generated code.
Individual elements of an array are accessed using subscript notation.
Subscripted array elements may be used as a terms in an expression, as well
as the target variable in an assignments. They are written as the variable
name suffixed with a [ character, followed by an index, and the ] character.
The index may be a constant, a simple variable, or a register (A, X or Y).
Subscripted array elements may be used as a terms in an expression, as
well as the target variable in an assignments. They are written as the
variable name suffixed with a [ character, followed by an index, and
the ] character. The index may be a literal, constant, simple variable,
or register (A, X or Y).
z = r[i]; //Store the value from element i of array r into variable z
@ -458,7 +540,7 @@ array elements.
i++; //Increment the contents variable i
b[i]<<; //Left shift the contenta of element i of array b
b[i]<<; //Left shift the contents of element i of array b
Note: Post-operators may only be used in stand-alone statements, although
this may change in the future.
@ -529,7 +611,7 @@ of code to be executed if the evaluation was false.
if (c = 27) goto end;
if (n) q = (n/d) else putstr("Division by 0!");
if (n) q = (n/d) else puts("Division by 0!");
if (r[j]<r[i]) {t=r[i],r[i]=r[j],r[j]=t)}
Note: In order to optimize the compiled code, the if and else statements
@ -549,7 +631,7 @@ by parenthesis) and an opening curly brace, which begins the select block.
This must then be followed by a case statement.
Each use of the case keyword is followed by one or more comma-separated
terms and a colon. If the term is equal to select expression then the
terms and a colon. If the term is equal to the select expression then the
code immediately following the is executed, otherwise, program execution
transfers to the next case or default statement.
@ -613,7 +695,7 @@ select expression will be executed.
The while statement is used to conditionally execute code in a loop. When
using the while keyword, it is followed by an evalution (surrounded by
using the while keyword, it is followed by an evaluation (surrounded by
parenthesis) and the the block of code to be executed while the evaluation
is true. If the evaluation is false when the while statement is entered,
the code in the block will never be executed.
@ -622,8 +704,8 @@ Alternatively, the while keyword may be followed by a pair of empty
parenthesis, in which case an evaluation of true is implied.
c = 'A' ; while (c <= 'Z') {putchr(c); c++;} //Print letters A-Z
while() if (rdkey()) break; //Wait for a keypress
c = 'A' ; while (c <= 'Z') {putc(c); c++;} //Print letters A-Z
while() if (rdkey()) break; //Wait for a keypress
Note: While loops are compiled using the 6502 JMP statements, so the code
blocks may be arbitrarily large.
@ -645,7 +727,7 @@ Examples:
Note: Unlike the other loop structures do/while statements do not use
6502 JMP instructions. This optimizes the compiled code, but limits
the amount of code inside the loop.
the code inside the loop to just under 127 bytes.
@ -657,7 +739,7 @@ a set of values.
When using the if keyword, it is followed by a pair of parenthesis
containing an initialization assignment statement (which is executed once),
a semicolon separator, an evaluation (which determines if the code block
is exectued), another semicolon separator, and an increment assignment
is executed), another semicolon separator, and an increment assignment
(which is executed after each iteration of the code block). This is then
followed by the block of code to be conditionally executed.
@ -665,59 +747,47 @@ The assignments and conditional of a for loop must be populated. If an
infinite loop is desired, use a while () statement.
for (c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) putchr(c); //Print letters A-Z
for (i=strlen(s)-1;i:+;i--) putchr(s[i]); //Print string s backwards
for (i=0;c>0;i++) {c=getchr();s[i]=c} //Read characters into string s
for (c='A'; c<='Z'; c++) putc(c); //Print letters A-Z
for (i=strlen(s)-1;i:+;i--) putc(s[i]); //Print string s backwards
for (i=0;c>0;i++) {c=getc();s[i]=c} //Read characters into string s
Note: For loops are compiled using the 6502 JMP statements, so the code
blocks may be abritrarily large. A for loop generates less efficient code
blocks may be arbitrarily large. A for loop generates less efficient code
more than a simple while loop, but will always execute the increment
assignment on a continue.
The break and continue statements are used to jump to the beginning or
end of a do, for, or while loop. Neither may be used outside of a loop.
A break statement is used to exit out of a do, for, or while loop or a
case block. The continue statement is used to jump to the beginning of
a do, for, or while loop. Neither may be used outside it's corresponding
control structures.
When a break statement is encountered, program execution is transferred
to the statement immediately following the end of the block associated
with the innermost for or while loop. When using the break keyword, it is
followed with a trailing semicolon.
with the innermost do, for, while, or case statement. When using the
break keyword, it is followed with a trailing semicolon.
When a continue statement is encountered, program execution is transferred
to the beginning of the block associated with the innermost for or while
loop. In the case of a for statement, the increment assignment is executed,
followed by the evaluation, and in the case of a while statement, the
evaluation is executed. When using the break keyword, it is followed with
a trailing semicolon.
to the beginning of the block associated with the innermost do, for, or
while statement. In the case of a for statement, the increment assignment
is executed, followed by the evaluation, and in the case of a while
statement, the evaluation is executed. When using the continue keyword, it
is followed with a trailing semicolon.
do {c=rdkey(); if (c=0) continue; if (c=27) break;} while (c<>13);`
for (i=0;i<strlen(s);i++) {if (s[i]=0) break; putchr(s[i]);}
while() {c=rdkey;if (c=0) continue;putchr(c);if (c=13) break;}
Note: The break and continue statements may not be used inside a do/while\
loop. This may change in the future.
The #define directive is recognized but generates an error. The exact
implementation of this directive has not yet been determined, so it has
been reserved for future use.
The #pragma directive is currently unrecognized. It may be implemented in
the future to allow the specification of assembler specific instructions.
The only type recognized by the compiler is char. Since the 6502 is an
8-bit processor, multi-byte types would generate over-complicated code.
For this reason, pointers are not currently implemented, athough the
address of operator can be used with specific statements. In addition,
the signed and unsigned keywords are unrecognized, due to the 6502's
limited signed comparison functionality.
The switch and case keywords are recognized, but generate an error. There
are no plans to implement these keywords. Due to single pass nature of the
compiler, the code generated by a switch/case structure would be no more
efficient than an equivalent series of if/then/else statements.
In addition, the signed and unsigned keywords are unrecognized, due to the
6502's limited signed comparison functionality.
Because of the 6502's peculiar indirect addressing modes, pointers are not
currently implemented. Limited pointer operations may be implemented using
zero page variables in the future.

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@ -10,6 +10,21 @@ C02 does not support pointer type variables or parameters. However, the
address-of operator may be used in function calls and the inline
C02 does not use a preprocessor. All directives are directly processed
by the compiler.
Constant definitions use the same syntax as C, but when a constant is
subsequently referenced in code, it must be prefixed with a # symbol.
Instead of the enum keyword, C02 uses the #enum directive. Values may
not be specified when defining enumerated constants.
Variable and function names may be no more than six characters in length.
@ -33,5 +48,4 @@ STATEMENTS
Instead of the switch statement, C02 uses the select statement. The
select statement works almost identically to the switch statement except
that case blocks do not fall through and the break statement does not
exit a case block.
that case blocks do not fall through.