/****************************************************** * C02 Label Parsing, Generation, and Lookup Routines * ******************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "asm.h" #include "parse.h" #include "label.h" /* Find Last Label of Specified Types * * Args: lbtyp1: First label type * * lbtyp2: Second label type * * Sets: tmplbl - Label name * * Returns: Index into label table * * (-1 if not found) */ int lstlbl(int lbtyp1, int lbtyp2) { int i; DEBUG("Searching for label type %d ", lbtyp1); DEBUG("and label type %d\n",lbtyp2); for (i = lblcnt - 1; i>-1; i--) { if (lbltyp[i] == lbtyp1) break; if (lbltyp[i] == lbtyp2) break; } DEBUG("Search produced label index %d\n", i); if (i>=0) strcpy(tmplbl, lblnam[i]); return i; } /* Set Block Flag for Last Label */ void setblk(int blkflg) { lblblk[lblcnt-1] = blkflg; } /* Set label for next line of * * Assembly Language Code * * to word */ void setlbl(char *lblset) { DEBUG("Setting Label '%s'\n", lblset); if (strlen(lblasm) > 0) { DEBUG("Emitting Label '%s'\n'", lblasm); asmlin("",""); //Emit Block End Label on it's own line } if (strlen(lblset) > LABLEN) ERROR("Label '%s' exceeds maximum size\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE); strcpy(lblasm, lblset); } /* parse label in code */ void prslbl() { DEBUG("Parsing Label '%s''\n", word); CCMNT(nxtchr); skpchr(); //skip ':' setlbl(word); } /* generate new label */ void newlbl(char* lbname) { sprintf(lbname, LABFMT, lblnxt++); DEBUG("Generated new label '%s'\n", lbname); } /* require label * * if label is already set, returns that label * * else generates new label and sets it */ void reqlbl(char* lbname) { if (lblasm[0]) strcpy(lbname, lblasm); else { newlbl(lbname); setlbl(lbname); } } /* Pop Label from Stack and Emit on Next Line */ int poplbl() { int lbtype = lbltyp[--lblcnt]; DEBUG("Popped label type %d\n", lbtype); if (lbtype == LTLOOP) asmlin("JMP", lblnam[lblcnt--]); //Jump to Beginning of Loop if (lbtype == LTFUNC) { if (!lsrtrn) asmlin("RTS", ""); //Return From Subroutine } else if (lbtype == LTDO) strcpy(loplbl, lblnam[lblcnt]); else if (lbtype == LTDWHL) strcpy(endlbl, lblnam[lblcnt]); //strcpy(cndlbl, lblnam[lblcnt]); else setlbl(lblnam[lblcnt]); inblck = lblblk[lblcnt-1]; return lbtype; } /* Push Label onto Stack * * Args: lbltyp - Label type * * Uses: curlbl - Label to push */ void pshlbl(int lbtype, char* lbname) { DEBUG("Pushing label type %d\n", lbtype); strcpy(lblnam[lblcnt], lbname); lbltyp[lblcnt] = lbtype; lblblk[lblcnt++] = FALSE; DEBUG("Pushed label '%s' onto stack\n", lbname); }