; C02 library stdiox.h02 assembly language subroutines ;Print Byte as Left Justified Decimal Number ;void putdel(b) ;Args: A = number to print ;Sets: TEMP0 - ones digit ; TEMP1 - tens digit ; TEMP2 - hundreds digit ; TEMP3 - number that was printed ;putdem - Alternate Entry Point if number is already in TEMP3 ;putdeh - Alternate Entry Point to print only padding spaces PUTDEL: STA TEMP3 PUTDEM: JSR PUTDEC ;Print Decimal Representation of number LDA TEMP3 ; PUTDEH: CMP #100 ;If Number < 100 BCS PUTDET ; JSR PUTSPC ; Print a Space LDA TEMP3 ; PUTDET: CMP #10 ; If Number < 10 BCS PUTDEX ; JSR PUTSPC ; Print another Space PUTDEX: RTS ;Print Byte as Right Justified Decimal Number ;void putder(b) ;Args: A = number to print ;Sets: TEMP0 - ones digit ; TEMP1 - tens digit ; TEMP2 - hundreds digit ; TEMP3 - number that was printed PUTDER: STA TEMP3 PUTDES: JSR PUTDEH LDA TEMP3 ;Print Byte as Decimal Number ;void putdec(b) ;Args: A = number to print ;Sets: TEMP0 - ones digit ; TEMP1 - tens digit ; TEMP2 - hundreds digit PUTDEC: JSR CUBCD ;Convert Accumulator to Unpacked BCD LDA TEMP2 ;Get High Byte BEQ PUTDE1 ;If Not Zero JSR PUTDEP ; Convert Low Nybble PUTDE1: LDA TEMP1 ;Get Low Byte BNE PUTDE2 ;If Not Zero CMP TEMP2 ; and Hundreds BEQ PUTDE3 ; not Zero PUTDE2: JSR PUTDEP ; Convert It PUTDE3: LDA TEMP0 ;Get Low Byte PUTDEP: ORA #$30 ;Convert to ASCII digit JSR PRCHR ;And Print RTS ;Print a Space PUTSPC: LDA #32 ;Load Space Character JMP PRCHR ;and Print it ;Print Byte in Formatted String ;void printf(b, &s) ;Args: A = number to format ; Y,X = address of formatting string ;Sets: TEMP3 - number to format PRINTF: JSR SETSRC ;Initialize Source String STA TEMP3 ;Save Byte to Format PRINTL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Read next character in string BEQ PRINTX ;If Not 0 CMP #'% ; If Format Specified BEQ PRINTS ; Jump to Formatter PRINTC: JSR PRCHR ; Print character at offset, PRINTY: INY ; increment offset, and BPL PRINTL ; loop if less than 128 PRINTX: RTS ; characters printed ;Process Format Specifier PRINTS: INY ;Increment Offset LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Get Formatting Character BEQ PRINTX ;If NUL, then Exit CMP #'% ;If Percent Sign BEQ PRINTC ; Print it and Continue AND #$DF ;Convert to Upper Case CMP #'L ;If "l" or "L" BNE PRINTR LDA TEMP3 ; Load Byte to Format JSR PUTDEM ; Print Left Justified JMP PRINTY ; and Continue Printing Screen PRINTR: CMP #'R ;If "r" or "R" BNE PRINTD LDA TEMP3 ; Load Byte to Format JSR PUTDES ; Print Right Justified JMP PRINTY ; and Continue Printing Screen PRINTD: CMP #'D ;If "d" or "D" BNE PRINTH LDA TEMP3 ; Load Byte to Format JSR PUTDEC ; Print as Decimal JMP PRINTY ; and Continue Printing Screen PRINTH: CMP #'H ;Else If "h" or "H" BNE PRINTB LDA TEMP3 ; Load Byte to Format JSR PRBYTE ; Print as Hexadecimal JMP PRINTY ; and Continue Printing Screen PRINTB: LDA TEMP3 ;Otherwise JMP PRINTC ; Print Raw Byte and Continue