/********************************* * SLIBTEST - Test Module stdlib * *********************************/ //Specify System Header using -H option #include #include char aa, yy, xx; void prtcma(aa) {putchr(','); prbyte(aa);} void prtlin() {putstr(); newlin();} void prtok() {prtlin(" OK");} void prtopr(aa,yy,xx) {prbyte(aa); putchr(yy); prbyte(xx); putchr("=");} main: tstabs: //Test abs() char onum, anum, cnum; putstr("ABS()"); onum = 0; do { //test abs() positive numbers anum = abs(onum); if (onum <> anum) goto abserr; onum++; } while (onum < $80); do { //test abs() negative numbers anum = abs(onum); cnum = -onum; if (anum <> cnum) goto abserr; onum++; } while (onum); prtok(); tstmnx: //Test min() and max() char lnum, rnum, nnum, xnum; putstr("MAX(), MIN()"); lnum = 0; do { rnum = 0; do { xnum = max(lnum,rnum); nnum = min(lnum,rnum); if (lnum > rnum) { if (xnum <> lnum) maxerr(); if (nnum <> rnum) minerr(); } else { if (xnum <> rnum) maxerr(); if (nnum <> lnum) minerr(); } } while (rnum); } while (lnum); prtok(); tstmlt: //Test mult() char mltplr, mltpnd, acmlsb, acmmsb, acmlst; char prodct, ovrflw; putstr("MULT()"); mltplr = 1; do { if (!mltplr & $F) putchr('.'); mltpnd = 1; acmlst = 0; acmlsb = 0; acmmsb = 0; do { acmlsb = acmlsb + mltplr; if (acmlsb acmlsb) goto mlterr; mltpnd++; } while (mltpnd); mltplr++; } while (mltplr); prtok(); tstdiv: //Test div() char maxmpd, divdnd, divisr, quotnt; putstr("DIV()"); mltplr = 255; maxmpd = 1; drloop: mltpnd = 1; acmlsb = 0; ddloop: acmlsb = acmlsb + mltplr; prodct = mult(mltplr, mltpnd); quotnt = div(prodct, mltpnd); if (quotnt <> mltplr) goto derror; mltpnd++; if (mltpnd < maxmpd) goto ddloop; mltplr>>; maxmpd<<; if (mltplr <> 0) goto drloop; prtok(); tstrnd: //Test rand() and rands() char countr, rndnum, rndtbl[255]; putstr("RAND()"); rands(1); //Seed Random Number Generator; countr = 0; riloop: rndtbl[countr] = 0; countr++; if (countr <> 0) goto riloop; rnloop: rndnum = rand(); if (rndtbl[rndnum] > 0) goto rnderr; rndtbl[rndnum] = $FF; countr++; if (countr < 255) goto rnloop; prtok(); tstros: //Test rotatl(), rotatr(), swap() char lbyte, rbyte, obyte, sbyte, tbyte, scount; tstc2a: //Test ctoa(); char srcchr, dstchr, tststr[4]; putstr("ATOC(), CTOA()"); srcchr = 0; do { ctoa(srcchr, &tststr); dstchr = atoc(&tststr); if (srcchr <> dstchr) goto c2aerr; srcchr++; } while (srcchr); prtok(); goto exit; abserr: putstr("ABS("); prbyte(onum); putstr(")="); prbyte(anum); prtcma(cnum); newlin(); goto exit; maxerr: putstr("MAX("); prbyte(lnum); prtcma(rnum); putstr(")="); prbyte(xnum); newlin(); goto exit; minerr: putstr("MIN("); prbyte(lnum); prtcma(rnum); putstr(")="); prbyte(nnum); newlin(); goto exit; mlterr: newlin(); prtopr(mltplr,'*',mltpnd); prbyte(prodct); prtcma(acmlsb); newlin(); goto exit; derror: newlin(); prtopr(divdnd,'/',divisr); prbyte(quotnt); prtcma(mltplr); newlin(); goto exit; rnderr: newlin(); putstr("RAND()="); prbyte(rndnum); prtcma(countr); newlin(); goto exit; rtlerr: newlin(); putstr("ROTATL("); prbyte(obyte); prtcma(scount); putstr(")="); prbyte(rbyte); prtcma(tbyte); newlin(); goto exit; rtrerr: newlin(); putstr("ROTATR("); prbyte(obyte); prtcma(scount); putstr(")="); prbyte(rbyte); prtcma(tbyte); newlin(); goto exit; shlerr: newlin(); putstr("SHIFTL("); prbyte(obyte); prtcma(scount); putstr(")="); prbyte(lbyte); prtcma(sbyte); newlin(); goto exit; shrerr: newlin(); putstr("SHIFTR("); prbyte(obyte); prtcma(scount); putstr(")="); prbyte(lbyte); prtcma(sbyte); newlin(); goto exit; swperr: newlin(); putstr("SWAP("); prbyte(obyte); putstr(")="); prbyte(sbyte); prtcma(tbyte); newlin(); goto exit; c2aerr: putstr("CTOA("); prbyte(srcchr); putstr(")="); prbyte(dstchr); newlin(); goto exit;