C02 Design Considerations Variable Storage ================ Zero Page --------- The 6502 has a Zero Page addressing mode. This differs from the absolute addressing mode in that the address operand is only one byte instead of two and the instructions take less cycles to execute. Also, some systems have very limited RAM, requiring all variables to be stored in zero page. One example is the Atari 2600, which maps the 128 bytes of RAM in the RIOT chip to the range $80-$8F and mirrors it at $180-$18F (for the machine stack). To allow the use of zero page variables, the compiler recognizes the "zeropage" declaration modifier and the "#pragma zeropage" directive, the latter of which specifies a base address for allocating zero page variables. I may add a -Z command line option to allow the specification of the zero page variable base address. ROM Based Code -------------- For compiled programs that will reside in ROM, such as an EPROM or a cartridge, variables will need to reside in a separate memory area than the program. The compiler normally allocates all variables directly after the generated code, const variables first and regular variables afterward. In addition, the regular variables are all all allocated as zero bytes in the assembled object code, which can unnecesarilly inflate the size of the generated binary file. The compiler allows the location of non-const variables to be specified using the "#pragma rambase" directive. I may add a -R command line option to allow the specification of the RAM variable base address. Read/Write Variables -------------------- Some systems used different memory addresses for reading and writing to RAM. One example is Atari 2600 catridges with RAM. The SARA Superchip contained 128 bytes of RAM, which were written at addresses $F000 through $F01F and read from addresses $F080 through $F0FF, while CBS RAM+ had 256 bytes which were written from $F000 though $F0FF and read from $F100 through $F1FF. To allow for this, the compiler recognizes an additional directive, "#pragma writebase" directive. In this case the "#pragma rambase" will specify the base address for reads. When a write base address is specified, the compiler will allocate all variables using the read base address and generate an offset, which will be included in all variable assignments. Thus the code #pragma rambase $F100 #pragma writebase $F000 char b,c; c = b; would generate the assembly code LDA B STA C-256 B EQU $F100 C EQU $F101 I may add a -W command line option to allow the specification of the write base address. Variable Types ============== Pointers -------- The 6502 differs from nearly all other microprocessors by not having a 16 bit index register, instead using indirect indexed mode in conjunction with zero page. On other processors, it would be trivial to dereference a pointer stored anywhere in memory. For example, on the 6800: LDX P ;N = *P LDAA IX There is no direct equivalent on the 6502, but by using indirect indexed mode, any zero page variable pair can be used as a pointer: LDY #0 ;N = *P LDA (P),Y Additionally, accessing elements of a dereferenced zero page pointer is just as trivial: LDY I ;N = *P[I] LDA (P),Y expr ;N - *P[expr] TAY LDA (P),Y However, trying to use a 16-bit value stored outside of zero-page would take extra code and require using a a zero page byte pair: LDY P ;N = *P STY ZP LDY P+1 STY ZP+1 LDY #0 LDA (ZP),Y This violates two principles of the C02 design philosophy: that each token correspond to one or two machine instructions and that the compiler is completely agnostic of the system configuration. Therefore, if pointers are implemented, they will have to be in zero page. Implementation: Declaration of a pointer should use two bytes of zero page storage, the address of which would be taken from the free zero page space specified by the #pragma zeropage directive. P EQU $80 ;char *p Q EQU $82 ;char *q Any pointers declared in a header file would added to the variable table but not allocated, so would be defined in the accompanying assembly file: char *dst; //stddef.h02 char dstlo,dsthi; DST EQU $30 ;stddef.a02 DSTLO EQU $30 DSTHI EQU $31 Since they are 16-bit values, raw pointers cannot be passed into used directly in expressions. But could be used in standalone assignments: LDX Q ;p = q STX P LDY Q+1 ;X is used for LSB and Y as MSB to match STY P+1 ;the address passing convention for functions Likewise if a 16-bit integer variable type was added to C02, then one could be assigned to the other using the exact same assembly code. A derefenced pointer can be used anywhere an array references is allowed and would be subject to the same restrictions. A raw pointer used as an argument to a function will be passed using the same convention as an address: LDY P+1 ;func(p) LDX P JSR FUNC JSR FUNC ;p = func() STY P+1 STX P Since pointers are zero page the address of operator on a pointer will generate a char value: LDA #P ;&p This will allow passing of pointers for use inside of functions using indexed mode: LDA #P ;inc(&p) JSR FUNC TAX ;void inc() INC ($00,X) RTS The memio module makes extensive use of pointer addresses as function arguments. Structs ------- For the declarations STRUCT RECORD { CHAR NAME[8]; CHAR INDEX; CHAR DATA[128]; }; STRUCT RECORD REC; references to the members of the struct REC will generate the code: XXA REC+$09 ;REC.INDEX LDX I ;REC.DATA[I] XXA REC+$0A,X Using the address of operator on a struct member generates assembly code with parentherical expressions, which are not recognized by all assemblers: LDY #>(REC+$0A) ;FUNC(&REC.DATA) LDX #<(REC+$0A) JSR FUNC The compiler could optimize the generation of code for references to the first member of a struct, producing XXA REC ;REC.NAME instead of XXA REC+$00 ;REC.NAME but the machine code produced by the assembler should be indentical in either case. Expression Evaluation ===================== Array Indexes ------------- Array indexing normally uses the X register and indexed addressing mode: LDX I ;R[I] XXA R,X If the index is a constant or literal, absolute addressing is used: LDA R+1 ;R[1] XXA S+0 ;S[0] Specifying a register as the index also uses indexed addressing mode: TAX ;R[A] XXA R,X XXA R,Y ;R[Y] XXA R,X ;R[X] Allowing for an expression as the index in the first term of an expression uses only one extra byte of code and two machine cycles: expression ;R[expr] TAX LDAA R,X while in any other termm is uses an extra three extra bytes of code and ten machine cycles: PHA ;R[expr] expr code ;code to evaluate the expression TAX PLA XXA R,X compared to the extra four to six bytes and six to eight machine cycles used by the equivalent C02 code required to achieve the same result: expr code ;Z = expr STA Z LDX Z ;R[Z] XXA R,X Function Calls -------------- A function call in the first term of an expression requires additional processing by the compiler, since the accumulator holds the return value upon completion of the function call: JSR FUNC ;R = func() STA R Allowing a function call in susbsequent terms, however, requires extensive stack manipulation: whereas the equivalent C02 code generates much simpler machine code: Shift Operators ---------------- In standard C, the shift operators use the number of bits to shift as the operand. Since the 6502 shift and rotate instructions only shift one bit at a time, this would require the use of an index register and six to seven bytes of code expr code ;expr .LOOP LDY B ;>> B LSR DEY BNE .LOOP whereas a library function would require five bytes of code: SHIFTR: LSR ;A=Value to Shift DEY ;Y=Bits to Shift BNE SHIFTR RTS and each function call would use five bytes of code expr code ;shiftr(expr, B) LDY B JSR SHIFTR Following the philosophy that a operator should correspond to a single machine instruction, in C02 shifting is implemented as post-operators using the various available addressing modes: ASL S ;S<< LDX I ;T[I]>> LSR T,X ASL ;A<< Post-Operators and Pre-Operators -------------------------------- Parsing for post-operators in a standalone expression is trivial, since that is the only time the relevant characters will only follow the operand. Implementing pre-operators on standalone expressions would be redundant since their would be no difference in the generated code. Parsing for post-operators and/or preoperators within an expression or evaluation, however, would complicate the detection of operators and comparators. In addition, the code generated from a post-operator or pre-operator withing an expression: DEC I ;R[--I] LDX I XXA R,X LDX I ;R[I++] XXA R,X INC I Is indentical to the code generated when using a standalone post-operator; DEC I ;I-- LDX I ;R[I] XXA R,X LDX I ;R[I] XXA R,X INC I ;I++ Assignments =========== Assignment to a variable generates an STA instruction, using either absolute or indexed addressing mode: expr code ;R = expr STA R expr code ;R[2] = expr STA R+2 expr code ;R[I] = expr LDX I STA R,I while assignment to an index register generates a transfer instruction: expr code ;Y = expr TAY expr code ;X = expr TAX and assignment to the Accumulator is simply a syntactical convenience: expr code ;A = expr Specific to C02 is the implied assignment, which also generates an STA: STA S ;S Allowing an expression as an array index in an assignment is problematic on an NMOS 6502 since the index expression will be evaluated prior to the expression being assigned to the array element and neither index register may be directly pushed or pulled from the stack. The addition of the PLX instruction to the 65C02 would allows this to be done using only two extra bytes of code for each variable assignment: indexp oode ;R[indexp] = expr PHA expr code PLX STA R,X expr oode ;R[expr], S[exps] = func() PHA exps code PHA JSR FUNC PLX STY S,X PLX STA R,X however, this would only work with the A and Y variables of a plural assignment. A workaround for the NMOS 6502 would require an extra five bytes of code indexp oode ;R[indexp] = expr PHA expr code TAY PLA TAX TYA STA R,X and the use of the Y register would limit it to the only the A variable of a plural assigment, whereas the equivalent C02 code would use an extra four to six bytes of code indexp code ;I = indexp; STA I expr code ;R[I] = expr LDX I STA R,X and works with all three variables of a plural assignment. Conditionals ============ Conditionals are separate and distinct from expessions, due to the fact that the comparison operators all set status flags which affect the various branch instructions: CMP DATA Normal Inverted Reg < Data BCC BCS Reg = Data BEQ BNE Reg ≥ Data BCS BCC Reg ≠ Data BNE BEQ CLC:SBC DATA Normal Inverted Reg ≤ Data BCC BCS Reg > Data BCS BCC When compiling a comparison, the generated code will usually, but not always, branch when the condition is false, skipping to the end of the block of code following the comparison. In addition, the logical not operator will invert the comparison. By arranging the eight standard comparisons, along with evaluation of a term as true when non-zero, in this order: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 !0 = < ≤ ≥ > ≠ 0 the comparison can be inverted with a simple exclusive-or. For this reason, The ! operator is logical rather than bitwise and affects the result of the comparison rather than an individual expression or term within the expression. Standalone Expressions ---------------------- Flags Operators --------------- Logical Operators ----------------- Parsing the logical operators && and || is trivial if the preceding condition is a comparison or flag operation, since any expression evaluation is complete before the parse encounters the initial & or | character. For a standalone evaluation of an expression as true or\ false, however, the expression evaluator will mistake the initial character of the && or || as a bitwise operator. Differentiating the two would require changing to a look-ahead parser. One solution is to enclose require parenthises around each comparison when using logical operators, which is allowable in C syntax, but it's just as easy, and arguably cleaner looking, to use the words "and" and "or" instead. This is be allowble in standard C by using the @define directive to alias "and" to "&&" and "or" to "||". The most efficient way to implement logical operators is to use shortcut evaluations. Under the normal circumstances, where the generated code branches when the condition is false, && can be implemented by evaluation the next comparison only in the event of the first condition being true. For ||, however, the following comparison will be evaluated only if the first comparison was false. LDA I ;IF (IN) CMP N BEQ ENDIF LDA I ;IF (IN) CMP N BEQ ENDIF block When chaining multiple && and/or || operators, the shortcut evaluation effectively make them right-associative.