C02 Header File for py65mon At the beginning of the program use the directive #include This must be the first include directive. Defined zero-page memory locations (variables): srclo, srchi Source String Pointer (used by library functions). dstlo, dsthi Destination String Pointer (used by library functions). Defined functions: delchr(); Moves cursor one character to the left and deletes character in that position. Note: Writes backspace, space, backspace via prchr($08), prchr($20), and prchr($08). c = getkey(); Waits for keypress and returns ASCII code of key that was pressed. Note: Aliased to rdkey(). newlin(); Advances the cursor to the beginning of then next line. Note: Writes carriage return and line feed via prchr($0D) and prchr($0A). c = rdkey(); Waits for keypress and returns ASCII code of key that was pressed. Note: Continuously reads from memory location getc until a non-zero value is returned. prchr(c); Prints character to screen. Note: Writes argument to memory location putc.