;*** Needs to be Tested and Debugged **** ;C02 library block.h02 assembly language subroutines ;Requires External Zero Page Variables ;BLKLO, BLKHI, DSTLO, DSTHI, SRCLO, SRCHI ;External Variables ;BLKSLO, BLKSHI, BLKELO, BLKEHI, BLKLEN, TEMP0, TEMP1, TEMP2 ;External Routines ;MEMCMP, MEMCPY, MEMSRC, RESDST, SAVDST, SETDST, SETSRC, SETSRD ;blkbgn(&b) - Set Block Start Address ;Args: X,Y = Address ;Sets: BLKSLO, BLKSHI = Block Start Address ;Affects: Z, N BLKBGN: STX BLKSLO ;Save Block Start LSB STY BLKSHI ;Save Block Start MSB RTS ;blkend(&b) - Set Block End Address (+1) ;Args: X,Y = Address ;Sets: BLKELO, BLKEHI = Block End Address ;Affects: Z, N BLKEND: STX BLKELO ;Save Block End LSB STY BLKEHI ;Save Block End MSB RTS ;blkrst() - Reset Block Segment Pointer to Start Address ;Uses: BLKSLO, BLKSHI = Block Start Address ;Sets: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: Z, N ;Returns: X = Block Pointer LSB ; Y = Block Pointer MSB BLKRST: LDX BLKSLO ;Load X with Block Start LSB LDY BLKSHI ;Load Y with Block Start MSB ;and fall into BLKPTR ;blkptr() - Set Block Pointer Address ;Args: X,Y = Address LSB, MSN ;Sets: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: Z, N ;Returns: X = Block Pointer LSB ; Y = Block Pointer MSB BLKPTR: STX BLKLO ;Store X in Block Pointer LSB STY BLKHI ;Store Y in Block Pointer MSB RTS ;Exit Routine ;blkcpe() - Compare Block Pointer to Block End ;Uses: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ; BLKELO, BLKEHI = Block End Address ;Affects: X,N ;Returns: C=0,Z=0 if Pointer before End ; C=1,Z=1 if Pointer at End ; C=1,Z=0 if Pointer after End BLKCPE: LDX BLKHI ;Get Block Pointer MSB CPX BLKEHI ;Compare to Block End MSB BCC BLKCPX ;If Pointer Not Less than BNE BLKCPX ;or Equal to End LDX BLKLO ; Get Block Pointer LSB CPX BLKELO ; Compare to Block End LSB BLKCPX: RTS ;blkset(c) - Set All Bytes in Block to Character c ;Args: c - Value to Set all Bytes to ;Uses: BLKSLO, BLKSHI - Block Start Address ; BLKELO, BLKEHI - Block End Address ;Sets: BLKLO, BLKHI = Start of Block ;Returns: A - Value of Argument n BLKSET: JSR BLKRST ;Reset Block Pointer LDY #0 ;Initialize Index BLKSEL: JSR BLKCPE ;Compare Pointer to Block End BCS BLKSEX ;If Past End, Exit Routine STA (BLKLO),Y ;Store Value at Block Pointer Address INC BLKLO ;Increment Block Pointer LSB BNE BLKSEL ;If Not End of Page, Loop INC BLKHI ;Increment Block Pointer MSB BNE BLKSEL ;If Not End of Memory, Loop BLKSEX: JMP BLKRST ;Reset Block Pointer and Return ;blkput(n, &m) - Append n Bytes of m to Block ;Args: n = Number of Bytes to Append ; m = Array of Bytes to Append ;Uses: BLKELO, BLKEHI - Block End Address ;Sets: DSTLO, DSTHI = Pointer to Bytes in Block ; SRCHI, SRCLO = Pointer to m ; TEMP0 = Number of Bytes to Append ;Updates: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ;Returns: A=$FF - Append Successful ; A=$00 - Block Overflow BLKPUT: JSR MEMSRC ;Set Source Address & Number of Bytes JSR BLKDST ;Set Destination to Block Pointer JMP BLKNCP ;Move Block Pointer and Copy ;blkget(n, &m) - Read n Bytes of Current Segment into Array m ;Args: A = Number of Bytes to Read ; Y,X = Address of Array ;Uses: BLKELO, BLKEHI = Block End Address ;Sets: DSTLO, DSTHI = Address of Array ; SRCHI, SRCLO = Current Pointer in Block ; TEMP0 = Number of Bytes to Append ;Updates: BLKLO, BLKHI = Next Segment in Block ;Returns: A=$FF - Append Successful ; A=$00 - Block Overflow BLKGET: JSR SETDST ;Set Destination Address JSR MEMSRA ;Save Number of Bytes to Copy JSR BLKSRC ;Set Source Pointer to Block Pointer BLKNCP: JSR BLKNXT ;Move Block Pointer BEQ BLKRTS ;If Past End of Block, Return False BLKCPY: LDY #0 ;Copy Source To Destination JSR MEMCPL ; LDA #$FF ;Return TRUE RTS ;blkmem(n, &m) - Search for n Bytes of m in Block ;Args: n = Number of Bytes to Compare ; m = Array of Bytes to Search For ;Sets: DSTLO, DSTHI = Pointer to Segment in Block ; SRCHI, SRCLO = Pointer to m ; TEMP0 = Number of Bytes to Compare ;Returns: A=$FF - Bytes found ; A=$00 - Bytes not found BLKMEM: JSR MEMSRC ;Initialize Source, Index, and Count JSR BLKDSS ;Set Destination Pointer To Block Start LDX #DSTLO ;Set BLKNXX Pointer to SRCLO,SRCHI BLKMEL: LDY #0 ;Initialize Index JSR MEMCML ;Compare Source to Destination BEQ BLKTRU ;If Equal, Exit TRUE JSR BLKNXX ;Move Destination Pointer BNE BLKMEL ;If Not Past Block End, Loop BLKFLS: LDA #FALSE ; Return FALSE RTS ;blkseg(n) - Set Block Segment Length ;Args: n - Segment Length ;Sets: TEMP0 = Segment Size ;Returns: A=$FF - Segment Length Successfully Set ; A=$00 - Error: Segment Length not Set BLKSEG: STA BLKLEN ;Store Argument in Block Length ORA #0 ;If Segment Length is Zero BEQ BLKFLS ; Return False BLKTRU: LDA #TRUE ;Return TRUE BLKRTS: RTS ;BLKNXD() - Move Destination Pointer to Next Segment ;Uses: BLKLEN - Block Segment Length ;Updates: DSTLO, DSTHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: C,N,Z ;Returns: A=$FF - Destination Pointer Moved ; A=$00 - Error: Pointer Overflow or Length 0 BLKNXD: LDX #DSTLO ;Set X to Destination Pointer JMP BLKNXX ;and Move to Next Segment ;blknxx() - Move Pointer to Next Segment ;Args: X = Zero Page Address of Pointer ;Uses: BLKLEN - Block Segment Length ;Updates: DSTLO, DSTHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: C,N,Z ;Returns: A=$FF - Destination Pointer Moved ; A=$00 - Error: Pointer Overflow or Length 0 BLKNXX: LDA BLKLEN ;Get Segment Length BEQ BLKRTS ;If 0 Return False CLC ADC 0,X ;Add to Pointer LSB STA 0,X LDA 1,X ;Add Carry ADC #0 ;to Pointer MSB STA 1,X ;If Destination MSB CMP BLKEHI ; < Block End MSB BCC BLKTRU ; Return True LDA 0,X ;If Destination LSB CMP BLKELO ; < Block End LSB BCC BLKTRU ; Return True BCS BLKFLS ;Return False ;blknxt(n) - Move Block Pointer to Next Segment ;Uses: BLKLEN - Block Segment Length ;Updates: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: C,N,Z ;Returns: A=$FF - Destination Pointer Moved ; A=$00 - Error: Pointer Overflow or Length 0 BLKNXT: LDA BLKLEN ;Get Segment Length BEQ BLKRTS ;If 0 Return False CLC ADC BLKLO ;Add to Block Pointer LSB STA BLKLO LDA BLKHI ;Add Carry ADC #0 ;to Block Pointer MSB STA BLKHI ;If Block Pointer MSB JSR BLKCPE ;Compare Pointer to End BCC BLKTRU ; Return True BCS BLKFLS ;Else Return False ;blkprv(n) - Move Block Pointer to Previous Segment ;Uses: BLKLEN - Block Segment Length ;Updates: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ;Affects: C,N,Z ;Returns: A=$FF - Destination Pointer Moved ; A=$00 - Error: Pointer Underflow or Length 0 BLKPRV: LDA BLKLEN ;Get Segment Length BEQ BLKRTS ;If 0 Return False LDA BLKLO ;From Block Pointer LSB SEC SBC BLKLEN ;Subtract Segment Length STA BLKLO LDA BLKHI ;Subtract Borrow SBC #0 ;from Block Pointer MSB STA BLKHI ;If Block Pointer MSB CMP BLKEHI ; >= Block Start MSB BCS BLKTRU ; Exit True LDA BLKLO ;Else If Destination LSB BLKPRL: CMP BLKELO ; >= Block End LSB BCS BLKTRU ; Return True BCC BLKFLS ;Else Return False ;blksrt(&m) - Sort Block ;Args: m = Array of at least n Bytes for Temporary Storage ;Sets: TEMP1,TEMP2 = Pointer to Array m ;Uses: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ; BLKSLO, BLKSHI = Block Start Address ; BLKELO, BLKEHI = Block End Address ; BLKLEN = Block Segment Size ; DSTLO, DSTHI = Pointer to Segment in Block ; SRCHI, SRCLO = Pointer to Segment in Block ;Affects: A,Y,C,N,Z BLKSRT: LDA BLKLEN ;Get Segment Length BEQ BLKRTS ;If 0 Return STA TEMP0 ;Else Set Memory Swap Byte Count JSR BLKRST ;Set Block Pointer to Block Start BLKSRP: LDY #0 ;If First Byte of LDA (BLKLO),Y ; Current Segment is Null BEQ BLKRTS ; Return JSR BLKSRC ;Copy Block Pointer to Source Pointer JSR BLKDST ;Copy Block Pointer and Destination Pointer BLKSRD: JSR BLKNXD ;Move Destination Pointer BCS BLKSRE ;If Not Past Block End LDY #0 ; LDA (DSTLO),Y ;and Destination String Populated BEQ BLKSRE ; JSR STRCML ; Compare Destination String with Source String BPL BLKSRD ; If Destination < Source JSR SETSRD ; Set Source Pointer to Destination Pointer JMP BLKSRD ; Check Next Destination Segment BLKSRE: LDA SRCHI ;If Source Pointer CMP BLKHI ; <> Block Pointer BNE BLKSRS LDA SRCLO CMP BLKLO BEQ BLKSRN BLKSRS: JSR BLKSWL ; Swap Source and Pointer BLKSRN: JSR BLKNXT ;Move Block Pointer BNE BLKSRP ;If Not Past End, Check Next Segment RTS ;Return ;blkstr(&s) - Search for String s in Block and ; Copy Segment to Destination Array if Found ;Args: Y,X = Address of Search String ;Uses: DSTLO.DSTHI = Address of Destination Array ;Sets: SRCLO,SRCHI = Pointer to Segment in Block (if found) ; TEMP0 = Index within segment ; TEMP1,TEMP2 = Destination String Pointer ;Affects: Y,C ;Returns: A=$FF,N=1,Z=0 if Found ; A=$00,N=0,Z=1 if Not Found BLKSTR: JSR SETSRC ;Set Source Pointer to Search String JSR SAVDST ;Save Destination Pointer JSR GETSRC LDA BLKLEN ;Get Segment Length JSR MEMSRC ;Save Number of Bytes to Copy JSR SETDSS ;Set Destination Pointer to Search String LDX BLKSLO ;Set Source Pointer To Block Start LDY BLKSHI JSR SETSRC LDX #SRCLO ;Set BLKNXX Pointer to SRCLO,SRCHI BLKSTL: LDY #0 ;Initialize Index JSR STRCML ;Compare Source to Destination BEQ BLKSTS ;If Not Equal JSR BLKNXX ; Move Source Pointer to Next Segment BNE BLKSTL ; If Not Past Block End, Loop JSR RESDST ; Else Restore Destination String and Return LDA #$00 ; and Return FALSE RTS ;Else BLKSTS: JSR RESDST ; Restore Destination Pointer JMP BLKCPY ; Copy Source to Destination ;blkswp(n, &m) - Swap n Bytes of Array with Block Segment ;Args: n = Number of bytes to swap ; m = Array to swap bytes from ;Sets: TEMP0 = Number of Bytes to Swap ;Uses: BLKLO, BLKHI = Block Pointer ; DSTLO, DSTHI = Pointer to Temporary Storage Array ;Affects: A,Y,C,N,Z BLKSWP: JSR MEMSRC ;Set Source Address and Index BLKSWL: JSR BLKDST ;Set Destination Pointer to Block Pointer LDY #0 ;Initialize Index JMP MEMSWL ;Swap Bytes ;blksrc() - Set Source Pointer to Block Pointer ;Uses: BLKLO,BLKHI = Block Segment Pointer ;Sets: SRCLO,SRCHI = Source Array Pointer ;Affects: X,N,Z ;Returns: Y = 0 BLKSRC: LDX BLKLO LDY BLKHI JMP SETSRC ;Set Source and Return ;blkdst() - Set Destination Pointer to Block Pointer ;Uses: BLKLO,BLKHI = Block Segment Pointer ;Sets: DSTLO,DSTHI = Destination Array Pointer ;Affects: N,Z ;Returns: X = Block Pointer LSB ; Y = Block Pointer MSB BLKDST: LDX BLKLO LDY BLKHI JMP SETDST ;Set Destination and Return ;blkdst() - Set Destination Pointer to Block Start ;Uses: BLKSLO,BLKSHI = Block Start Address ;Sets: DSTLO,DSTHI = Destination Array Pointer ;Affects: N,Z ;Returns: X = Block Start LSB ; Y = Block Start MSB BLKDSS: LDX BLKSLO LDY BLKSHI JMP SETDST ;Set Destination and Return ;Block Debug Routine BLKDBG: LDA DSTHI CMP #$43 BNE BLKDBX LDA DSTLO CMP #$57 BNE BLKDBX NOP ;Break Point BLKDBX: RTS ;Print Destination Address BLKPDA LDA DSTHI ;Print Destination MSB JSR PRBYTE LDA DSTLO ;Print Destination LSB JSR PRBYTE JMP PUTSPC ;Print Space ;Print Destination Address BLKPSA LDA SRCHI ;Print Source MSB JSR PRBYTE LDA SRCLO ;Print Source LSB JSR PRBYTE JMP PUTSPC ;Print Space