/**************************************** * TESTMIO - Test Memory File Functions * ****************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char zp = $80; //Zero Page Location for Memory Pointer char lsb, msb; //Memory Pointer Contents char passed; //Flags char f[255]; //Array to use as file char fp,mp,op; //Memory File Pointers char c, e, i; //Testing Variables char s[128]; //Array for String Read/Writes char digits = "0123456789"; char upcase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char locase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; alias char outfil = $9000; //Output File main: mp = 0; //Initialize Memory Pointer putln("Opening memory file at $8000."); mp = mopen(zp, &$8000); puts(" Memory pointer: "); prbyte(mp); if (mp == zp) pass(); else fail(); puts(" Address: "); lsb, msb = maddr(mp); prbyte(msb); prbyte(lsb); passed = 1; if (msb <> $80) passed = 0; if (lsb <> $00) passed = 0; if (passed) pass(); else fail(); puts(" Error? "); e = merror(mp); prbyte(e); if (e) { puts(" Yes"); fail(); } else { puts(" No "); pass(); } newlin(); putln("Reading File using mgetc()"); while (!meof(mp)) { c = mgetc(mp); if (c < 32 ) c = 32; putc(c); } newlin(); anykey(); putln("Reading File using mgets()"); mp = mopen(zp, &$8000); while (!meof(mp)) { lsb, msb = maddr(mp); prbyte(msb); prbyte(lsb); i, c = mgets(mp, &s); printf(i, " %r"); printf(c, " %h: "); puts(&s); if (c <> $0A) newlin(); } anykey(); /* Test mputc() with mopen() to array */ putln("Opening array f as memory file"); fp = mopen(zp+2, &f); puts(" Memory pointer: "); prbyte(fp); if (merror(fp)) fail(); else pass(); putln("Writing file using mgetc()"); for (i=32; i<127; i++) {putc(i); mputc(fp,i);} newlin(); mputc(fp, 13); //Carriage Return putln("Checking Array Contents"); passed = 1; for (i=0; i<95; i++) {c = f[i]; putc(c); if (i+32<>c) passed = 0;} newlin(); //if (f[95]<>13) passed = 0; if (passed) pass(); else fail(); anykey(); /* Test mputs(), mputln(), and mclose() with mopen() to alias */ putln("Filling memory area outfil"); for (i = 0; i<255; i++) outfil[i] = '@'; putln("Opening location outfil as memory file"); op = mopen(zp+4, &outfil); puts(" Memory pointer: "); prbyte(op); if (merror(op)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Writing upcase to file using mputln():"); mputln(op, &upcase); if (merror(op)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Writing locase to file using mputln():"); mputln(op, &locase); if (merror(op)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Writing digits to file using mputs():"); mputs(op, &digits); if (merror(op)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Flushing file:"); if (mflush(op)) fail(); else pass(); anykey(); /* Test mgetc(), and mgets() with mopen() to alias */ putln("Opening location outfil as memory file"); op = mopen(zp+4, &outfil); puts(" Memory pointer: "); prbyte(op); if (merror(op)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Reading from file using mgetc(): "); i=0; while () {c=mgetc(op);s[i]=c;if (c<' ') break; i++;} s[i]=0; puts(&s); strdst(&upcase); if (strcmp(&s)) fail(); else pass(); puts("Reading from file using mgets(): "); i,c = mgets(op, &s); putln(&s); printf(i, " Characters read: %d"); if (strlen(&locase)+1 == i) pass(); else fail(); printf(c, " Last char read: %h"); if (c == 13) pass(); else fail(); puts("Reading from file using mgets(): "); i,c = mgets(op, &s); putln(&s); printf(i, " Characters read: %d"); if (strlen(&digits) == i) pass(); else fail(); printf(c, " Last char read: %h"); if (c) fail(); else pass(); puts("Checking for End of File: "); e = meof(op); putdec(e); if (e) pass(); else fail(); puts("Closing File:"); mclose(op); if (merror(op)) pass(); else fail(); anykey(); putln("Clearing memory at $9000."); memdst(&$9000); memset(0, 255); mp = 0; //Initialize Memory Pointer putln("Opening memory file at $9000."); mp = mopen(zp, &$9000); putln("Writing to memory file using mwrite()"); msrc(&digits); mwrite(mp, 10); msrc(&upcase); mwrite(mp, 26); msrc(&locase); mwrite(mp, 26); newlin(); putln("Opening memory file at $9000."); mp = mopen(zp, &$9000); putln("Reading from memory file using mread()"); iarray(&s); mread(mp, 10); puts(&s); putc(':'); if (strcmp(&digits)) pass(); else fail(); iarray(&s); mread(mp, 26); puts(&s); putc(':'); if (strcmp(&upcase)) pass(); else fail(); iarray(&s); mread(mp, 26); puts(&s); putc(':'); if (strcmp(&locase)) pass(); else fail(); mread(mp,0); putdec(s); putc(':'); if (s) fail(); else pass(); goto exit; void anykey() {newlin(); putln("Press any key..."); getc(); newlin();} void pass() { putln(" Passed"); } void fail() { putln(" Failed"); } void iarray() { memdst(); memset(0, 255); }