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; C02 library stdio.h02 assembly language subroutines
; Requires external routines getkey, prchr, delchr, and newlin
; external zero page locations strlo and strhi
; and external constants DELKEY, ESCKEY, and RTNKEY
;char getchr()
getchr: JMP getkey ;Call external getkey routine
;void putchr(c)
putchr: JMP prchr ;Call external print character
;char getstr(&s)
getstr: STX strlo ;Save Pointer in Store Index
STY strhi
LDY #$00 ;Initialize character offset
getstl: JSR getchr ;Get Keypress
getstd: CMP #DELKEY ;If Delete
BNE getste ;Then
TYA ; If Offset is Zero
BEQ getstl ; Get Next Character
DEY ; Else Decrement Offset
JSR delchr ; Delete Previous Character
JMP getstl ; and Get Next Character
getste: CMP #ESCKEY ;Else If Escape
BNE getstc ;Then
LDY #$FF ; Return -1
BNE getsty
getstc: CMP #RTNKEY ;Else If Not Carriage Return
BEQ getstx
JSR putchr ; Echo Character
STA (strlo),Y ; Store Character at offset
INY ; increment offset and
BPL getstl ; loop if less than 128
getstx: JSR newlin ;Else Advance Cursor to Next Line
LDA #$00 ; Terminate String
STA (strlo),Y ; and
getsty: TYA ; Return String Length
;char outstr(n, &s)
outstr: LDA #$00 ;Set Start Position to 0
;and fall into outsub
;char outsub(n, &s)
outsub: STX strlo ;Save pointer in Store Index
STY strhi
TAY ;Initialize character offset
outsul: LDA (strlo),Y ;Read next character in string
BEQ outsux ;If Not 0
JSR putchr ; Print character at offset,
INY ; increment offset, and
BPL outsul ; loop if less than 128
outsux: TAY ;Return number of
RTS ; characters printed
;char putstr(*s)
putstr: JSR outstr ;Write string to screen
JMP newlin ;Call external newline routine and return