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2018-01-28 13:45:16 -05:00

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; C02 library hires.h02 assembly language subroutines
; Requires Thomas Magnusson's HIRES Package loaded at $1C00
;void hrinit() - Initialize High Resolution Graphics
HRINIT EQU $1C00 ;Aliased to Initialize Routine
;void hrfclr() - Set Foreground Color
HRFCLR EQU $1C2E ;Set Dot Color Routine Alternate Entry Point
;void hrclrs() - Clear High Resolution Screen
HRCLRS EQU $1C37 ;Aliased to Clear Screen Routine
;void hrsetp(x, y) - Set Pixel to Foreground Color
HRSETP JSR HRSTRT ;Store X and Y Coordinates
JMP $1CB2 ;Execute Draw Dot Routine
;void hrrstp(x, y) - Reset Pixel to Background Color
HRRSTP JSR HRSTRT ;Store X and Y Coordinates
JMP $1CC0 ;Execute Clear Dot Routine
;char hrgetp(x, y) - Get Pixel Status
HRGETP JSR HRSTRT ;Store X and Y Coordinates
JMP $1CCD ;Execute Get Dot Routine
HRSTRX STX 2 ;Store A, Y, and X Registers
;void hrstrt(x, y) - Set Start Point
HRSTRT STA 0 ;Store X Coordinate
STY 1 ;Store Y Coordianate
;void hrdrto(x, y) - Draw To Point
HRDRTO STA 2 ;Store Ending X Coordinate
STY 3 ;Store Ending Y Coordinate
JMP $1D98 ;Execute Draw Line Routine
;void hrclto(x, y) - Clear to Point
HRCLTO STA 2 ;Store Ending X Coordinate
STY 3 ;Store Ending Y Coordinate
JMP $1D98 ;Execute Draw Line Routine
;void hrsave() - Save Image from Tape
HRSAVE EQU $1DA8 ;Aliased to Save ROutine
;void hrload(f, r, b) - Load Image from Tape
HRLOAD JSR HRSTRX ;Store A, Y and X Registers
JMP $1DBA ;Execute Load Routine
;void hrsetc(f, r, b) - Set Screen Colors
HRSETC JSR HRSTRX ;Store A, Y and X Registers
JMP $1DCC ;Execute Set Screen Colors Routine