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// AmstradCPC.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 30/07/2017.
// Copyright © 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "AmstradCPC.hpp"
#include "../../Processors/Z80/Z80.hpp"
#include "../../Components/AY38910/AY38910.hpp"
#include "../../Components/6845/CRTC6845.hpp"
using namespace AmstradCPC;
struct CRTCBusHandler {
CRTCBusHandler(uint8_t *ram) :
interrupt_request_(false) {}
inline void perform_bus_cycle(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &state) {
bool is_sync = state.hsync || state.vsync;
// if a transition between sync/border/pixels just occurred, announce it
if(state.display_enable != was_enabled_ || is_sync != was_sync_) {
if(was_sync_) {
crt_->output_sync(cycles_ * 16);
} else {
if(was_enabled_) {
if(cycles_) {
crt_->output_data(cycles_ * 16, pixel_divider_);
pixel_pointer_ = pixel_data_ = nullptr;
} else {
uint8_t *colour_pointer = (uint8_t *)crt_->allocate_write_area(1);
if(colour_pointer) *colour_pointer = border_;
crt_->output_level(cycles_ * 16);
cycles_ = 0;
was_sync_ = is_sync;
was_enabled_ = state.display_enable;
// increment cycles since state changed
// collect some more pixels if output is ongoing
if(!is_sync && state.display_enable) {
if(!pixel_data_) {
pixel_pointer_ = pixel_data_ = crt_->allocate_write_area(320);
if(pixel_pointer_) {
// the CPC shuffles output lines as:
// MA13 MA12 RA2 RA1 RA0 MA9 MA8 MA7 MA6 MA5 MA4 MA3 MA2 MA1 MA0 CCLK
uint16_t address =
((state.refresh_address & 0x3ff) << 1) |
((state.row_address & 0x7) << 11) |
((state.refresh_address & 0x3000) << 2)
switch(mode_) {
case 0:
((uint16_t *)pixel_pointer_)[0] = mode0_output_[ram_[address]];
((uint16_t *)pixel_pointer_)[1] = mode0_output_[ram_[address+1]];
pixel_pointer_ += 4;
case 1:
((uint32_t *)pixel_pointer_)[0] = mode1_output_[ram_[address]];
((uint32_t *)pixel_pointer_)[1] = mode1_output_[ram_[address+1]];
pixel_pointer_ += 8;
case 2:
((uint64_t *)pixel_pointer_)[0] = mode2_output_[ram_[address]];
((uint64_t *)pixel_pointer_)[1] = mode2_output_[ram_[address+1]];
pixel_pointer_ += 16;
case 3:
((uint32_t *)pixel_pointer_)[0] = mode3_output_[ram_[address]];
((uint32_t *)pixel_pointer_)[1] = mode3_output_[ram_[address+1]];
pixel_pointer_ += 8;
// flush the current buffer if full
if(pixel_pointer_ == pixel_data_ + 320) {
crt_->output_data(cycles_ * 16, pixel_divider_);
pixel_pointer_ = pixel_data_ = nullptr;
cycles_ = 0;
// check for a trailing hsync
if(was_hsync_ && !state.hsync) {
if(mode_ != next_mode_) {
mode_ = next_mode_;
switch(mode_) {
case 0: pixel_divider_ = 4; break;
case 1: pixel_divider_ = 2; break;
case 2: pixel_divider_ = 1; break;
if(interrupt_counter_ == 52) {
interrupt_request_ = true;
interrupt_counter_ = false;
if(interrupt_reset_counter_) {
if(!interrupt_reset_counter_) {
if(interrupt_counter_ < 32) {
interrupt_request_ = true;
interrupt_counter_ = 0;
if(!was_vsync_ && state.vsync) {
interrupt_reset_counter_ = 2;
was_vsync_ = state.vsync;
was_hsync_ = state.hsync;
bool get_interrupt_request() {
return interrupt_request_;
void reset_interrupt_request() {
interrupt_request_ = false;
interrupt_counter_ &= ~32;
void setup_output(float aspect_ratio) {
crt_.reset(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(1024, 16, Outputs::CRT::DisplayType::PAL50, 1));
"vec3 rgb_sample(usampler2D sampler, vec2 coordinate, vec2 icoordinate)"
"uint sample = texture(texID, coordinate).r;"
"return vec3(float(sample & 3u), float((sample >> 2) & 3u), float((sample >> 4) & 3u)) / 3.0;"
// TODO: better vectorise the above.
void close_output() {
std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> get_crt() {
return crt_;
void set_next_mode(int mode) {
next_mode_ = mode;
void select_pen(int pen) {
pen_ = pen;
void set_colour(uint8_t colour) {
if(pen_ & 16) {
// printf("border: %d -> %02x\n", colour, mapped_palette_value(colour));
border_ = mapped_palette_value(colour);
// TODO: should flush any border currently in progress
} else {
palette_[pen_] = mapped_palette_value(colour);
// for(int c = 0; c < 16; c++) {
// printf("%02x ", palette_[c]);
// }
// printf("\n");
// TODO: no need for a full regeneration, of every mode, every time
for(int c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
// prepare mode 0
// uint8_t *pixels = (uint8_t *)&mode0_output_[c];
// pixels[0] = palette_[((c & 0x80) >> 4) | ((c & 0x08) >> 3)];
// pixels[1] = palette_[((c & 0x40) >> 5) | ((c & 0x04) >> 2)];
// prepare mode 1
uint8_t *pixels = (uint8_t *)&mode1_output_[c];
pixels[0] = palette_[((c & 0x80) >> 6) | ((c & 0x08) >> 3)];
pixels[1] = palette_[((c & 0x40) >> 5) | ((c & 0x04) >> 2)];
pixels[2] = palette_[((c & 0x20) >> 4) | ((c & 0x02) >> 1)];
pixels[3] = palette_[((c & 0x10) >> 3) | ((c & 0x01) >> 0)];
// mode2_output_[c] = 0xffffff;
void reset_interrupt_counter() {
interrupt_counter_ = 0;
uint8_t mapped_palette_value(uint8_t colour) {
uint8_t r = (colour / 3) % 3;
uint8_t g = (colour / 9) % 3;
uint8_t b = colour % 3;
return (uint8_t)(r | (g << 2) | (b << 4));
unsigned int cycles_;
bool was_enabled_, was_sync_, was_hsync_, was_vsync_;
std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> crt_;
uint8_t *pixel_data_, *pixel_pointer_;
uint8_t *ram_;
int next_mode_, mode_;
unsigned int pixel_divider_;
uint16_t mode0_output_[256];
uint32_t mode1_output_[256];
uint64_t mode2_output_[256];
uint32_t mode3_output_[256];
int pen_;
uint8_t palette_[16];
uint8_t border_;
int interrupt_counter_;
bool interrupt_request_;
int interrupt_reset_counter_;
class ConcreteMachine:
public CPU::Z80::Processor<ConcreteMachine>,
public Machine {
ConcreteMachine() :
crtc_counter_(HalfCycles(4)), // This starts the CRTC exactly out of phase with the memory accesses
crtc_bus_handler_(ram_) {
// primary clock is 4Mhz
inline HalfCycles perform_machine_cycle(const CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle &cycle) {
// Amstrad CPC timing scheme: assert WAIT for three out of four cycles
clock_offset_ = (clock_offset_ + cycle.length) & HalfCycles(7);
set_wait_line(clock_offset_ >= HalfCycles(2));
// Update the CRTC once every eight half cycles; aiming for half-cycle 4 as
// per the initial seed to the crtc_counter_, but any time in the final four
// will do as it's safe to conclude that nobody else has touched video RAM
// during that whole window
crtc_counter_ += cycle.length;
int crtc_cycles = crtc_counter_.divide(HalfCycles(8)).as_int();
if(crtc_cycles) crtc_.run_for(Cycles(1));
// Stop now if no action is strictly required.
if(!cycle.is_terminal()) return HalfCycles(0);
uint16_t address = cycle.address ? *cycle.address : 0x0000;
switch(cycle.operation) {
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::ReadOpcode:
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::Read:
*cycle.value = read_pointers_[address >> 14][address & 16383];
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::Write:
write_pointers_[address >> 14][address & 16383] = *cycle.value;
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::Output:
// Check for a gate array access.
if((address & 0xc000) == 0x4000) {
switch(*cycle.value >> 6) {
case 0: crtc_bus_handler_.select_pen(*cycle.value & 0x1f); break;
case 1: crtc_bus_handler_.set_colour(*cycle.value & 0x1f); break;
case 2:
read_pointers_[0] = (*cycle.value & 4) ? &ram_[0] : os_.data();
read_pointers_[3] = (*cycle.value & 8) ? &ram_[49152] : basic_.data();
if(*cycle.value & 15) crtc_bus_handler_.reset_interrupt_counter();
crtc_bus_handler_.set_next_mode(*cycle.value & 3);
case 3: printf("RAM paging?\n"); break;
// Check for a CRTC access
if(!(address & 0x4000)) {
switch((address >> 8) & 3) {
case 0: crtc_.select_register(*cycle.value); break;
case 1: crtc_.set_register(*cycle.value); break;
case 2: case 3: printf("Illegal CRTC write?\n"); break;
// Check for a PIO access
if(!(address & 0x800)) {
switch((address >> 8) & 3) {
case 0: printf("PSG data: %d\n", *cycle.value); break;
case 1: printf("Vsync, etc: %02x\n", *cycle.value); break;
case 2: printf("Key row, etc: %02x\n", *cycle.value); break;
case 3: printf("PIO control: %02x\n", *cycle.value); break;
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::Input:
// Check for a CRTC access
if(!(address & 0x4000)) {
switch((address >> 8) & 3) {
case 0: case 1: printf("Illegal CRTC read?\n"); break;
case 2: *cycle.value = crtc_.get_status(); break;
case 3: *cycle.value = crtc_.get_register(); break;
// Check for a PIO access
if(!(address & 0x800)) {
switch((address >> 8) & 3) {
case 0: printf("[In] PSG data\n"); break;
case 1: printf("[In] Vsync, etc\n"); break;
case 2: printf("[In] Key row, etc\n"); break;
case 3: printf("[In] PIO control\n"); break;
*cycle.value = 0xff;
case CPU::Z80::PartialMachineCycle::Interrupt:
*cycle.value = 0xff;
default: break;
return HalfCycles(0);
void flush() {}
void setup_output(float aspect_ratio) {
void close_output() {
std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> get_crt() {
return crtc_bus_handler_.get_crt();
std::shared_ptr<Outputs::Speaker> get_speaker() {
return nullptr;
void run_for(const Cycles cycles) {
void configure_as_target(const StaticAnalyser::Target &target) {
// Establish reset memory map as per machine model (or, for now, as a hard-wired 464)
read_pointers_[0] = os_.data();
read_pointers_[1] = &ram_[16384];
read_pointers_[2] = &ram_[32768];
read_pointers_[3] = basic_.data();
write_pointers_[0] = &ram_[0];
write_pointers_[1] = &ram_[16384];
write_pointers_[2] = &ram_[32768];
write_pointers_[3] = &ram_[49152];
void set_rom(ROMType type, std::vector<uint8_t> data) {
// Keep only the two ROMs that are currently of interest.
switch(type) {
case ROMType::OS464: os_ = data; break;
case ROMType::BASIC464: basic_ = data; break;
default: break;
CRTCBusHandler crtc_bus_handler_;
Motorola::CRTC::CRTC6845<CRTCBusHandler> crtc_;
HalfCycles clock_offset_;
HalfCycles crtc_counter_;
uint8_t ram_[65536];
std::vector<uint8_t> os_, basic_;
uint8_t *read_pointers_[4];
uint8_t *write_pointers_[4];
Machine *Machine::AmstradCPC() {
return new ConcreteMachine;