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// Z80.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 14/05/2017.
// Copyright © 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef Z80_hpp
#define Z80_hpp
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include "../MicroOpScheduler.hpp"
#include "../RegisterSizes.hpp"
namespace CPU {
namespace Z80 {
The list of registers that can be accessed via @c set_value_of_register and @c set_value_of_register.
enum Register {
A, Flags, AF,
B, C, BC,
D, E, DE,
H, L, HL,
ADash, FlagsDash, AFDash,
BDash, CDash, BCDash,
DDash, EDash, DEDash,
HDash, LDash, HLDash,
IXh, IXl, IX,
IYh, IYl, IY,
R, I,
Flags as defined on the Z80; can be used to decode the result of @c get_flags or to form a value for @c set_flags.
enum Flag: uint8_t {
Sign = 0x80,
Zero = 0x40,
Bit5 = 0x20,
HalfCarry = 0x10,
Bit3 = 0x08,
Parity = 0x04,
Overflow = 0x04,
Subtract = 0x02,
Carry = 0x01
Subclasses will be given the task of performing bus operations, allowing them to provide whatever interface they like
between a Z80 and the rest of the system. @c BusOperation lists the types of bus operation that may be requested.
@c None is reserved for internal use. It will never be requested from a subclass.
enum BusOperation {
ReadOpcode = 0,
Read, Write,
Input, Output,
// BusRequest, BusAcknowledge,
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struct MachineCycle {
const BusOperation operation;
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const int length;
const uint16_t *address;
uint8_t *const value;
struct MicroOp {
enum {
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2017-05-19 23:28:38 +00:00
} type;
void *source;
void *destination;
MachineCycle machine_cycle;
@abstact An abstract base class for emulation of a 6502 processor via the curiously recurring template pattern/f-bounded polymorphism.
@discussion Subclasses should implement @c perform_bus_operation(BusOperation operation, uint16_t address, uint8_t *value) in
order to provide the bus on which the 6502 operates and @c flush(), which is called upon completion of a continuous run
of cycles to allow a subclass to bring any on-demand activities up to date.
Additional functionality can be provided by the host machine by providing a jam handler and inserting jam opcodes where appropriate;
that will cause call outs when the program counter reaches those addresses. @c return_from_subroutine can be used to exit from a
jammed state.
template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
uint8_t a_, i_, r_;
RegisterPair bc_, de_, hl_;
RegisterPair afDash_, bcDash_, deDash_, hlDash_;
RegisterPair ix_, iy_, pc_, sp_;
uint8_t carry_flag_, sign_result_, bit5_result_, half_carry_flag_, bit3_result_, parity_overflow_flag_, subtract_flag_;
int number_of_cycles_;
const MicroOp **program_table_;
uint8_t operation_;
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RegisterPair address_, temporary_;
void decode_base_operation(uint8_t operation) {
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#define XX {MicroOp::None, 0}
#define FETCH(x, y) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Read, 3, &y.full, &x}}, {MicroOp::Increment16, &y.full}
#define FETCHL(x, y) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Read, 3, &y.full, &x}}
#define STOREL(x, y) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Write, 3, &y.full, &x}}
#define FETCH16(x, y) FETCH(x.bytes.low, y), FETCH(x.bytes.high, y)
#define FETCH16L(x, y) FETCH(x.bytes.low, y), FETCHL(x.bytes.high, y)
#define PUSH(x) STOREL(x.bytes.high, sp_), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &sp_.full}, STOREL(x.bytes.low, sp_), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &sp_.full}
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#define WAIT(n) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Internal, n} }
2017-05-18 02:42:30 +00:00
#define Program(...) { __VA_ARGS__, {MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram} }
static const MicroOp base_program_table[256][20] = {
{ {MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram} }, /* 0x00 NOP */
Program(FETCH16(bc_, pc_)), /* 0x01 LD BC, nn */
XX, /* 0x02 LD (BC), A */
XX, /* 0x03 INC BC */
XX, /* 0x04 INC B */
XX, /* 0x05 DEC B */
Program(FETCH(bc_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x06 LD B, n */
XX, /* 0x07 RLCA */
XX, /* 0x08 EX AF, AF' */
XX, /* 0x09 ADD HL, BC */
XX, /* 0x0a LD A, (BC) */
XX, /* 0x0b DEC BC */
XX, /* 0x0c INC C */
XX, /* 0x0d DEC C */
Program(FETCH(bc_.bytes.low, pc_)), /* 0x0e LD C, n */
XX, /* 0x0f RRCA */
XX, /* 0x10 DJNZ */
Program(FETCH16(de_, pc_)), /* 0x11 LD DE, nn */
XX, /* 0x12 LD (DE), A */
XX, /* 0x13 INC DE */
XX, /* 0x14 INC D */
XX, /* 0x15 DEC D */
Program(FETCH(de_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x16 LD D, n */
XX, /* 0x17 RLA */
XX, /* 0x18 JR */
XX, /* 0x19 ADD HL, DE */
XX, /* 0x1a LD A, (DE) */
XX, /* 0x1b DEC DE */
XX, /* 0x1c INC E */
XX, /* 0x1d DEC E */
Program(FETCH(de_.bytes.low, pc_)), /* 0x1e LD E, n */
XX, /* 0x1f RRA */
XX, /* 0x20 JR NZ */
Program(FETCH16(hl_, pc_)), /* 0x21 LD HL, nn */
XX, /* 0x22 LD (nn), HL */
XX, /* 0x23 INC HL */
XX, /* 0x24 INC H */
XX, /* 0x25 DEC H */
Program(FETCH(hl_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x26 LD H, n */
XX, /* 0x27 DAA */
XX, /* 0x28 JR Z */
XX, /* 0x29 ADD HL, HL */
2017-05-19 02:11:54 +00:00
Program(FETCH16(address_, pc_), FETCH16L(hl_, address_)), /* 0x2a LD HL, (nn) */
XX, /* 0x2b DEC HL */
XX, /* 0x2c INC L */
XX, /* 0x2d DEC L */
Program(FETCH(hl_.bytes.low, pc_)), /* 0x2e LD L, n */
XX, /* 0x2f CPL */
XX, /* 0x30 JR NC */
Program(FETCH16(sp_, pc_)), /* 0x31 LD SP, nn */
XX, /* 0x32 LD (nn), A */
XX, /* 0x33 INC SP */
XX, /* 0x34 INC (HL) */
XX, /* 0x35 DEC (HL) */
XX, /* 0x36 LD (HL), n */
XX, /* 0x37 SCF */
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x38
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x40
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x48
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x50
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x58
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x60
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x68
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x70
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x78
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x80
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x88
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x90
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0x98
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xa0
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xa8
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xb0
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xb8
XX, /* 0xc0 RET NZ */
XX, /* 0xc1 POP BC */
XX, /* 0xc2 JP NZ */
Program(FETCH16L(address_, pc_), {MicroOp::Move16, &address_.full, &pc_.full}), /* 0xc3 JP nn */
XX, /* 0xc4 CALL NZ */
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Program(WAIT(2), PUSH(bc_)), /* 0xc5 PUSH BC */
XX, /* 0xc6 ADD A, n */
XX, /* 0xc7 RST 00h */
XX, /* 0xc8 RET Z */
XX, /* 0xc9 RET */
XX, /* 0xca JP Z */
XX, /* 0xcb [CB page] */
XX, /* 0xcc CALL Z */
Program(FETCH16(address_, pc_), WAIT(1), PUSH(pc_), {MicroOp::Move16, &address_.full, &pc_.full}), /* 0xcd CALL */
XX, /* 0xce ADC A, n */
XX, /* 0xcf RST 08h */
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XX, /* 0xd0 RET NC */
XX, /* 0xd1 POP DE */
XX, /* 0xd2 JP NC */
XX, /* 0xd3 OUT (n), A */
XX, /* 0xd4 CALL NC */
Program(WAIT(2), PUSH(de_)), /* 0xd5 PUSH DE */
XX, /* 0xd6 SUB n */
XX, /* 0xd7 RST 10h */
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xd8
2017-05-19 23:28:38 +00:00
XX, /* 0xe0 RET PO */
XX, /* 0xe1 POP HL */
XX, /* 0xe2 JP PO */
XX, /* 0xe3 EX (SP), HL */
XX, /* 0xe4 CALL PO */
Program(WAIT(2), PUSH(hl_)), /* 0xe5 PUSH HL */
XX, /* 0xe6 AND n */
XX, /* 0xe7 RST 20h */
XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 0xe8
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XX, /* 0xf0 RET p */
XX, /* 0xf1 POP AF */
XX, /* 0xf2 JP P */
XX, /* 0xf3 DI */
XX, /* 0xf4 CALL P */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::AssembleAF}, PUSH(temporary_)), /* 0xf5 PUSH AF */
XX, /* 0xf6 OR n */
XX, /* 0xf7 RST 30h */
XX, /* 0xf8 RET M */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Move16, &hl_.full, &sp_.full}), /* 0xf9 LD SP, HL */
XX, /* 0xfa JP M */
XX, /* 0xfb EI */
XX, /* 0xfc CALL M */
XX, /* 0xfd [FD page] */
XX, /* 0xfe CP n */
XX, /* 0xff RST 38h */
if(base_program_table[operation][0].type == MicroOp::None) {
printf("Unknown Z80 operation %02x!!!\n", operation);
// program_table_ = base_program_table;
Processor() {
// set_base_program_table();
Runs the Z80 for a supplied number of cycles.
@discussion Subclasses must implement @c perform_machine_cycle(MachineCycle *cycle) .
If it is a read operation then @c value will be seeded with the value 0xff.
@param number_of_cycles The number of cycles to run the Z80 for.
void run_for_cycles(int number_of_cycles) {
static const MicroOp fetch_decode_execute[] = {
{ MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {ReadOpcode, 4, &pc_.full, &operation_}},
{ MicroOp::DecodeOperation },
{ MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram }
#define checkSchedule() \
if(!scheduled_programs_[schedule_programs_read_pointer_]) {\
number_of_cycles_ += number_of_cycles;
while(1) {
const MicroOp *operation = &scheduled_programs_[schedule_programs_read_pointer_][schedule_program_program_counter_];
switch(operation->type) {
case MicroOp::BusOperation:
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if(number_of_cycles_ < operation->machine_cycle.length) {
static_cast<T *>(this)->perform_machine_cycle(&operation->machine_cycle);
case MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram:
case MicroOp::DecodeOperation:
case MicroOp::Increment16: (*(uint16_t *)operation->source)++; break;
case MicroOp::Decrement16: (*(uint16_t *)operation->source)--; break;
case MicroOp::Move8: *(uint8_t *)operation->destination = *(uint8_t *)operation->source; break;
case MicroOp::Move16: *(uint16_t *)operation->destination = *(uint16_t *)operation->source; break;
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2017-05-19 23:28:38 +00:00
case MicroOp::AssembleAF:
temporary_.bytes.high = a_;
temporary_.bytes.low = get_flags();
printf("Unhandled Z80 operation %d\n", operation->type);
Called to announce the end of a run_for_cycles period, allowing deferred work to take place.
Users of the Z80 template may override this.
void flush() {}
int perform_machine_cycle(const MachineCycle *cycle) {
return 0;
Gets the flags register.
@see set_flags
@returns The current value of the flags register.
uint8_t get_flags() {
carry_flag_ |
(sign_result_ & Flag::Sign) |
(bit5_result_ & Flag::Bit5) |
half_carry_flag_ |
(bit3_result_ & Flag::Bit3) |
parity_overflow_flag_ |
Sets the flags register.
@see set_flags
@param flags The new value of the flags register.
void set_flags(uint8_t flags) {
carry_flag_ = flags & Flag::Carry;
sign_result_ = flags;
bit5_result_ = flags;
half_carry_flag_ = flags & Flag::HalfCarry;
bit3_result_ = flags;
parity_overflow_flag_ = flags & Flag::Parity;
subtract_flag_ = flags & Flag::Subtract;
Gets the value of a register.
@see set_value_of_register
@param r The register to set.
@returns The value of the register. 8-bit registers will be returned as unsigned.
uint16_t get_value_of_register(Register r) {
switch (r) {
case Register::ProgramCounter: return pc_.full;
case Register::StackPointer: return sp_.full;
case Register::A: return a_;
case Register::Flags: return get_flags();
case Register::AF: return (uint16_t)((a_ << 8) | get_flags());
case Register::B: return bc_.bytes.high;
case Register::C: return bc_.bytes.low;
case Register::BC: return bc_.full;
case Register::D: return de_.bytes.high;
case Register::E: return de_.bytes.low;
case Register::DE: return de_.full;
case Register::H: return hl_.bytes.high;
case Register::L: return hl_.bytes.low;
case Register::HL: return hl_.full;
case Register::ADash: return afDash_.bytes.high;
case Register::FlagsDash: return afDash_.bytes.low;
case Register::AFDash: return afDash_.full;
case Register::BDash: return bcDash_.bytes.high;
case Register::CDash: return bcDash_.bytes.low;
case Register::BCDash: return bcDash_.full;
case Register::DDash: return deDash_.bytes.high;
case Register::EDash: return deDash_.bytes.low;
case Register::DEDash: return deDash_.full;
case Register::HDash: return hlDash_.bytes.high;
case Register::LDash: return hlDash_.bytes.low;
case Register::HLDash: return hlDash_.full;
case Register::IXh: return ix_.bytes.high;
case Register::IXl: return ix_.bytes.low;
case Register::IX: return ix_.full;
case Register::IYh: return iy_.bytes.high;
case Register::IYl: return iy_.bytes.low;
case Register::IY: return iy_.full;
case Register::R: return r_;
case Register::I: return i_;
default: return 0;
Sets the value of a register.
@see get_value_of_register
@param r The register to set.
@param value The value to set. If the register is only 8 bit, the value will be truncated.
void set_value_of_register(Register r, uint16_t value) {
switch (r) {
case Register::ProgramCounter: pc_.full = value; break;
case Register::StackPointer: sp_.full = value; break;
case Register::A: a_ = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::AF: a_ = (uint8_t)(value >> 8); // deliberate fallthrough...
case Register::Flags: set_flags((uint8_t)value); break;
case Register::B: bc_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::C: bc_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::BC: bc_.full = value; break;
case Register::D: de_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::E: de_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::DE: de_.full = value; break;
case Register::H: hl_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::L: hl_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::HL: hl_.full = value; break;
case Register::ADash: afDash_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::FlagsDash: afDash_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::AFDash: afDash_.full = value; break;
case Register::BDash: bcDash_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::CDash: bcDash_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::BCDash: bcDash_.full = value; break;
case Register::DDash: deDash_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::EDash: deDash_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::DEDash: deDash_.full = value; break;
case Register::HDash: hlDash_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::LDash: hlDash_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::HLDash: hlDash_.full = value; break;
case Register::IXh: ix_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::IXl: ix_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::IX: ix_.full = value; break;
case Register::IYh: iy_.bytes.high = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::IYl: iy_.bytes.low = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::IY: iy_.full = value; break;
case Register::R: r_ = (uint8_t)value; break;
case Register::I: i_ = (uint8_t)value; break;
default: break;
#endif /* Z80_hpp */