From c6e046253e88df8e33180ccc04908cbe3b5737d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2016 19:13:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Shunted code for the main part up into the header, in
 advance of turning it into a template so as to bring it inside the normal

 Components/6560/6560.cpp | 358 ---------------------------------------
 Components/6560/6560.hpp | 355 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.cpp b/Components/6560/6560.cpp
index 4c393cdcb..d958696e9 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.cpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.cpp
@@ -10,364 +10,6 @@
 using namespace MOS;
-MOS6560::MOS6560() :
-	_crt(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(65*4, 4, Outputs::CRT::NTSC60, 1)),
-	_speaker(new Speaker),
-	_horizontal_counter(0),
-	_vertical_counter(0),
-	_cycles_since_speaker_update(0),
-	_is_odd_frame(false)
-	_crt->set_composite_sampling_function(
-		"float composite_sample(usampler2D texID, vec2 coordinate, vec2 iCoordinate, float phase, float amplitude)"
-		"{"
-			"uint c = texture(texID, coordinate).r;"
-			"float y = float(c >> 4) / 4.0;"
-			"uint yC = c & 15u;"
-			"float phaseOffset = 6.283185308 * float(yC) / 16.0;"
-			"float chroma = cos(phase + phaseOffset);"
-			"return mix(y, step(yC, 14) * chroma, amplitude);"
-		"}");
-	// default to NTSC
-	set_output_mode(OutputMode::NTSC);
-	// show only the centre
-	_crt->set_visible_area(_crt->get_rect_for_area(16, 237, 11*4, 55*4, 4.0f / 3.0f));
-	_speaker->set_input_rate(255681.75);	// assuming NTSC; clock rate / 4
-void MOS6560::set_output_mode(OutputMode output_mode)
-	uint8_t luminances[16] = {		// range is 0–4
-		0, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3,
-		2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3
-	};
-	uint8_t pal_chrominances[16] = {	// range is 0–15; 15 is a special case meaning "no chrominance"
-		15, 15, 5, 13, 2, 10, 0, 8,
-		6, 7, 5, 13, 2, 10, 0, 8,
-	};
-	uint8_t ntsc_chrominances[16] = {
-		15, 15, 2, 10, 4, 12, 6, 14,
-		0, 8, 2, 10, 4, 12, 6, 14,
-	};
-	uint8_t *chrominances;
-	Outputs::CRT::DisplayType display_type;
-	switch(output_mode)
-	{
-		case OutputMode::PAL:
-			chrominances = pal_chrominances;
-			display_type = Outputs::CRT::PAL50;
-			_timing.cycles_per_line = 71;
-			_timing.line_counter_increment_offset = 0;
-			_timing.lines_per_progressive_field = 312;
-			_timing.supports_interlacing = false;
-		break;
-		case OutputMode::NTSC:
-			chrominances = ntsc_chrominances;
-			display_type = Outputs::CRT::NTSC60;
-			_timing.cycles_per_line = 65;
-			_timing.line_counter_increment_offset = 65 - 33;	// TODO: this is a bit of a hack; separate vertical and horizontal counting
-			_timing.lines_per_progressive_field = 261;
-			_timing.supports_interlacing = true;
-		break;
-	}
-	_crt->set_new_display_type((unsigned int)(_timing.cycles_per_line*4), display_type);
-	for(int c = 0; c < 16; c++)
-	{
-		_colours[c] = (uint8_t)((luminances[c] << 4) | chrominances[c]);
-	}
-// TODO: set clock rate
-void MOS6560::set_register(int address, uint8_t value)
-	address &= 0xf;
-	_registers.direct_values[address] = value;
-	switch(address)
-	{
-		case 0x0:
-			_registers.interlaced = !!(value&0x80) && _timing.supports_interlacing;
-			_registers.first_column_location = value & 0x7f;
-		break;
-		case 0x1:
-			_registers.first_row_location = value;
-		break;
-		case 0x2:
-			_registers.number_of_columns = value & 0x7f;
-			_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x3c00) | ((value & 0x80) << 2));
-		break;
-		case 0x3:
-			_registers.number_of_rows = (value >> 1)&0x3f;
-			_registers.tall_characters = !!(value&0x01);
-		break;
-		case 0x5:
-			_registers.character_cell_start_address = (uint16_t)((value & 0x0f) << 10);
-			_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x0200) | ((value & 0xf0) << 6));
-		break;
-		case 0xa:
-		case 0xb:
-		case 0xc:
-		case 0xd:
-			update_audio();
-			_speaker->set_control(address - 0xa, value);
-		break;
-		case 0xe:
-			update_audio();
-			_registers.auxiliary_colour = _colours[value >> 4];
-			_speaker->set_volume(value & 0xf);
-		break;
-		case 0xf:
-		{
-			uint8_t new_border_colour = _colours[value & 0x07];
-			if(_this_state == State::Border && new_border_colour != _registers.borderColour)
-			{
-				output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);
-				_cycles_in_state = 0;
-			}
-			_registers.invertedCells = !((value >> 3)&1);
-			_registers.borderColour = new_border_colour;
-			_registers.backgroundColour = _colours[value >> 4];
-		}
-		break;
-		// TODO: the lightpen, etc
-		default:
-		break;
-	}
-uint8_t MOS6560::get_register(int address)
-	address &= 0xf;
-	int current_line = (_full_frame_counter + _timing.line_counter_increment_offset) / _timing.cycles_per_line;
-	switch(address)
-	{
-		default: return _registers.direct_values[address];
-		case 0x03: return (uint8_t)(current_line << 7) | (_registers.direct_values[3] & 0x7f);
-		case 0x04: return (current_line >> 1) & 0xff;
-	}
-void MOS6560::output_border(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
-	uint8_t *colour_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(1);
-	if(colour_pointer) *colour_pointer = _registers.borderColour;
-	_crt->output_level(number_of_cycles);
-//	_crt->output_blank(number_of_cycles);
-uint16_t MOS6560::get_address()
-	// keep track of the amount of time since the speaker was updated; lazy updates are applied
-	_cycles_since_speaker_update++;
-	// keep an old copy of the vertical count because that test is a cycle later than the actual changes
-	int previous_vertical_counter = _vertical_counter;
-	// keep track of internal time relative to this scanline
-	_horizontal_counter++;
-	_full_frame_counter++;
-	if(_horizontal_counter == _timing.cycles_per_line)
-	{
-		if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
-		{
-			_current_character_row++;
-			if(
-				(_current_character_row == 16) ||
-				(_current_character_row == 8 && !_registers.tall_characters)
-			) {
-				_current_character_row = 0;
-				_current_row++;
-			}
-			_pixel_line_cycle = -1;
-			_columns_this_line = -1;
-			_column_counter = -1;
-		}
-		_horizontal_counter = 0;
-		_horizontal_drawing_latch = false;
-		_vertical_counter ++;
-		if(_vertical_counter == (_registers.interlaced ? (_is_odd_frame ? 262 : 263) : _timing.lines_per_progressive_field))
-		{
-			_vertical_counter = 0;
-			_full_frame_counter = 0;
-			_is_odd_frame ^= true;
-			_current_row = 0;
-			_rows_this_field = -1;
-			_vertical_drawing_latch = false;
-			_base_video_matrix_address_counter = 0;
-			_current_character_row = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	// check for vertical starting events
-	_vertical_drawing_latch |= _registers.first_row_location == (previous_vertical_counter >> 1);
-	_horizontal_drawing_latch |= _vertical_drawing_latch && (_horizontal_counter == _registers.first_column_location);
-	if(_pixel_line_cycle >= 0) _pixel_line_cycle++;
-	switch(_pixel_line_cycle)
-	{
-		case -1:
-			if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
-			{
-				_pixel_line_cycle = 0;
-				_video_matrix_address_counter = _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
-			}
-		break;
-		case 1:	_columns_this_line = _registers.number_of_columns;	break;
-		case 2:	if(_rows_this_field < 0) _rows_this_field = _registers.number_of_rows;	break;
-		case 3: if(_current_row < _rows_this_field) _column_counter = 0;	break;
-	}
-	uint16_t fetch_address = 0x1c;
-	if(_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2)
-	{
-		if(_column_counter&1)
-		{
-			fetch_address = _registers.character_cell_start_address + (_character_code*(_registers.tall_characters ? 16 : 8)) + _current_character_row;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			fetch_address = (uint16_t)(_registers.video_matrix_start_address + _video_matrix_address_counter);
-			_video_matrix_address_counter++;
-			if(
-				(_current_character_row == 15) ||
-				(_current_character_row == 7 && !_registers.tall_characters)
-			) {
-				_base_video_matrix_address_counter = _video_matrix_address_counter;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return fetch_address & 0x3fff;
-void MOS6560::set_graphics_value(uint8_t value, uint8_t colour_value)
-	// TODO: there should be a further two-cycle delay on pixels being output; the reverse bit should
-	// divide the byte it is set for 3:1 and then continue as usual.
-	// determine output state; colour burst and sync timing are currently a guess
-	if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-4) _this_state = State::ColourBurst;
-	else if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-7) _this_state = State::Sync;
-	else
-	{
-		_this_state = (_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2) ? State::Pixels : State::Border;
-	}
-	// apply vertical sync
-	if(
-		(_vertical_counter < 3 && (_is_odd_frame || !_registers.interlaced)) ||
-		(_registers.interlaced &&
-			(
-				(_vertical_counter == 0 && _horizontal_counter > 32) ||
-				(_vertical_counter == 1) || (_vertical_counter == 2) ||
-				(_vertical_counter == 3 && _horizontal_counter <= 32)
-			)
-		))
-		_this_state = State::Sync;
-	// update the CRT
-	if(_this_state != _output_state)
-	{
-		switch(_output_state)
-		{
-			case State::Sync:			_crt->output_sync(_cycles_in_state * 4);										break;
-			case State::ColourBurst:	_crt->output_colour_burst(_cycles_in_state * 4, _is_odd_frame ? 128 : 0, 0);	break;
-			case State::Border:			output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);											break;
-			case State::Pixels:			_crt->output_data(_cycles_in_state * 4, 1);										break;
-		}
-		_output_state = _this_state;
-		_cycles_in_state = 0;
-		pixel_pointer = nullptr;
-		if(_output_state == State::Pixels)
-		{
-			pixel_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(260);
-		}
-	}
-	_cycles_in_state++;
-	if(_this_state == State::Pixels)
-	{
-		if(_column_counter&1)
-		{
-			_character_value = value;
-			if(pixel_pointer)
-			{
-				uint8_t cell_colour = _colours[_character_colour & 0x7];
-				if(!(_character_colour&0x8))
-				{
-					uint8_t colours[2];
-					if(_registers.invertedCells)
-					{
-						colours[0] = cell_colour;
-						colours[1] = _registers.backgroundColour;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						colours[0] = _registers.backgroundColour;
-						colours[1] = cell_colour;
-					}
-					pixel_pointer[0] = colours[(_character_value >> 7)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[2] = colours[(_character_value >> 5)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[4] = colours[(_character_value >> 3)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[6] = colours[(_character_value >> 1)&1];
-					pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&1];
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					uint8_t colours[4] = {_registers.backgroundColour, _registers.borderColour, cell_colour, _registers.auxiliary_colour};
-					pixel_pointer[0] =
-					pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&3];
-					pixel_pointer[2] =
-					pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&3];
-					pixel_pointer[4] =
-					pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&3];
-					pixel_pointer[6] =
-					pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&3];
-				}
-				pixel_pointer += 8;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			_character_code = value;
-			_character_colour = colour_value;
-		}
-		_column_counter++;
-	}
-void MOS6560::update_audio()
-	_speaker->run_for_cycles(_cycles_since_speaker_update >> 2);
-	_cycles_since_speaker_update &= 3;
-#pragma mark - Audio
 MOS6560::Speaker::Speaker() :
 	_control_registers{0, 0, 0, 0},
diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.hpp b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
index 14a13c06a..375437b99 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.hpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
@@ -24,28 +24,285 @@ namespace MOS {
 class MOS6560 {
-		MOS6560();
+		MOS6560() :
+			_crt(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(65*4, 4, Outputs::CRT::NTSC60, 1)),
+			_speaker(new Speaker),
+			_horizontal_counter(0),
+			_vertical_counter(0),
+			_cycles_since_speaker_update(0),
+			_is_odd_frame(false)
+		{
+			_crt->set_composite_sampling_function(
+				"float composite_sample(usampler2D texID, vec2 coordinate, vec2 iCoordinate, float phase, float amplitude)"
+				"{"
+					"uint c = texture(texID, coordinate).r;"
+					"float y = float(c >> 4) / 4.0;"
+					"uint yC = c & 15u;"
+					"float phaseOffset = 6.283185308 * float(yC) / 16.0;"
+					"float chroma = cos(phase + phaseOffset);"
+					"return mix(y, step(yC, 14) * chroma, amplitude);"
+				"}");
+			// default to NTSC
+			set_output_mode(OutputMode::NTSC);
+			// show only the centre
+			_crt->set_visible_area(_crt->get_rect_for_area(16, 237, 11*4, 55*4, 4.0f / 3.0f));
+			_speaker->set_input_rate(255681.75);	// assuming NTSC; clock rate / 4
+		}
 		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> get_crt() { return _crt; }
 		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::Speaker> get_speaker() { return _speaker; }
 		enum OutputMode {
 			Sets the output mode to either PAL or NTSC.
-		void set_output_mode(OutputMode output_mode);
+		void set_output_mode(OutputMode output_mode)
+		{
+			uint8_t luminances[16] = {		// range is 0–4
+				0, 4, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3,
+				2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3
+			};
+			uint8_t pal_chrominances[16] = {	// range is 0–15; 15 is a special case meaning "no chrominance"
+				15, 15, 5, 13, 2, 10, 0, 8,
+				6, 7, 5, 13, 2, 10, 0, 8,
+			};
+			uint8_t ntsc_chrominances[16] = {
+				15, 15, 2, 10, 4, 12, 6, 14,
+				0, 8, 2, 10, 4, 12, 6, 14,
+			};
+			uint8_t *chrominances;
+			Outputs::CRT::DisplayType display_type;
+			switch(output_mode)
+			{
+				case OutputMode::PAL:
+					chrominances = pal_chrominances;
+					display_type = Outputs::CRT::PAL50;
+					_timing.cycles_per_line = 71;
+					_timing.line_counter_increment_offset = 0;
+					_timing.lines_per_progressive_field = 312;
+					_timing.supports_interlacing = false;
+				break;
+				case OutputMode::NTSC:
+					chrominances = ntsc_chrominances;
+					display_type = Outputs::CRT::NTSC60;
+					_timing.cycles_per_line = 65;
+					_timing.line_counter_increment_offset = 65 - 33;	// TODO: this is a bit of a hack; separate vertical and horizontal counting
+					_timing.lines_per_progressive_field = 261;
+					_timing.supports_interlacing = true;
+				break;
+			}
+			_crt->set_new_display_type((unsigned int)(_timing.cycles_per_line*4), display_type);
+			for(int c = 0; c < 16; c++)
+			{
+				_colours[c] = (uint8_t)((luminances[c] << 4) | chrominances[c]);
+			}
+		}
 			Impliedly runs the 6560 for a single cycle, returning the next address that it puts on the bus.
-		uint16_t get_address();
+		uint16_t get_address()
+		{
+			// keep track of the amount of time since the speaker was updated; lazy updates are applied
+			_cycles_since_speaker_update++;
+			// keep an old copy of the vertical count because that test is a cycle later than the actual changes
+			int previous_vertical_counter = _vertical_counter;
+			// keep track of internal time relative to this scanline
+			_horizontal_counter++;
+			_full_frame_counter++;
+			if(_horizontal_counter == _timing.cycles_per_line)
+			{
+				if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
+				{
+					_current_character_row++;
+					if(
+						(_current_character_row == 16) ||
+						(_current_character_row == 8 && !_registers.tall_characters)
+					) {
+						_current_character_row = 0;
+						_current_row++;
+					}
+					_pixel_line_cycle = -1;
+					_columns_this_line = -1;
+					_column_counter = -1;
+				}
+				_horizontal_counter = 0;
+				_horizontal_drawing_latch = false;
+				_vertical_counter ++;
+				if(_vertical_counter == (_registers.interlaced ? (_is_odd_frame ? 262 : 263) : _timing.lines_per_progressive_field))
+				{
+					_vertical_counter = 0;
+					_full_frame_counter = 0;
+					_is_odd_frame ^= true;
+					_current_row = 0;
+					_rows_this_field = -1;
+					_vertical_drawing_latch = false;
+					_base_video_matrix_address_counter = 0;
+					_current_character_row = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			// check for vertical starting events
+			_vertical_drawing_latch |= _registers.first_row_location == (previous_vertical_counter >> 1);
+			_horizontal_drawing_latch |= _vertical_drawing_latch && (_horizontal_counter == _registers.first_column_location);
+			if(_pixel_line_cycle >= 0) _pixel_line_cycle++;
+			switch(_pixel_line_cycle)
+			{
+				case -1:
+					if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
+					{
+						_pixel_line_cycle = 0;
+						_video_matrix_address_counter = _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
+					}
+				break;
+				case 1:	_columns_this_line = _registers.number_of_columns;	break;
+				case 2:	if(_rows_this_field < 0) _rows_this_field = _registers.number_of_rows;	break;
+				case 3: if(_current_row < _rows_this_field) _column_counter = 0;	break;
+			}
+			uint16_t fetch_address = 0x1c;
+			if(_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2)
+			{
+				if(_column_counter&1)
+				{
+					fetch_address = _registers.character_cell_start_address + (_character_code*(_registers.tall_characters ? 16 : 8)) + _current_character_row;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					fetch_address = (uint16_t)(_registers.video_matrix_start_address + _video_matrix_address_counter);
+					_video_matrix_address_counter++;
+					if(
+						(_current_character_row == 15) ||
+						(_current_character_row == 7 && !_registers.tall_characters)
+					) {
+						_base_video_matrix_address_counter = _video_matrix_address_counter;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return fetch_address & 0x3fff;
+		}
 			An owning machine should determine the state of the data bus as a result of the access implied
 			by @c get_address and supply it to set_graphics_value.
-		void set_graphics_value(uint8_t value, uint8_t colour_value);
+		void set_graphics_value(uint8_t value, uint8_t colour_value)
+		{
+			// TODO: there should be a further two-cycle delay on pixels being output; the reverse bit should
+			// divide the byte it is set for 3:1 and then continue as usual.
+			// determine output state; colour burst and sync timing are currently a guess
+			if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-4) _this_state = State::ColourBurst;
+			else if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-7) _this_state = State::Sync;
+			else
+			{
+				_this_state = (_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2) ? State::Pixels : State::Border;
+			}
+			// apply vertical sync
+			if(
+				(_vertical_counter < 3 && (_is_odd_frame || !_registers.interlaced)) ||
+				(_registers.interlaced &&
+					(
+						(_vertical_counter == 0 && _horizontal_counter > 32) ||
+						(_vertical_counter == 1) || (_vertical_counter == 2) ||
+						(_vertical_counter == 3 && _horizontal_counter <= 32)
+					)
+				))
+				_this_state = State::Sync;
+			// update the CRT
+			if(_this_state != _output_state)
+			{
+				switch(_output_state)
+				{
+					case State::Sync:			_crt->output_sync(_cycles_in_state * 4);										break;
+					case State::ColourBurst:	_crt->output_colour_burst(_cycles_in_state * 4, _is_odd_frame ? 128 : 0, 0);	break;
+					case State::Border:			output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);											break;
+					case State::Pixels:			_crt->output_data(_cycles_in_state * 4, 1);										break;
+				}
+				_output_state = _this_state;
+				_cycles_in_state = 0;
+				pixel_pointer = nullptr;
+				if(_output_state == State::Pixels)
+				{
+					pixel_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(260);
+				}
+			}
+			_cycles_in_state++;
+			if(_this_state == State::Pixels)
+			{
+				if(_column_counter&1)
+				{
+					_character_value = value;
+					if(pixel_pointer)
+					{
+						uint8_t cell_colour = _colours[_character_colour & 0x7];
+						if(!(_character_colour&0x8))
+						{
+							uint8_t colours[2];
+							if(_registers.invertedCells)
+							{
+								colours[0] = cell_colour;
+								colours[1] = _registers.backgroundColour;
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								colours[0] = _registers.backgroundColour;
+								colours[1] = cell_colour;
+							}
+							pixel_pointer[0] = colours[(_character_value >> 7)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[2] = colours[(_character_value >> 5)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[4] = colours[(_character_value >> 3)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[6] = colours[(_character_value >> 1)&1];
+							pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&1];
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							uint8_t colours[4] = {_registers.backgroundColour, _registers.borderColour, cell_colour, _registers.auxiliary_colour};
+							pixel_pointer[0] =
+							pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&3];
+							pixel_pointer[2] =
+							pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&3];
+							pixel_pointer[4] =
+							pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&3];
+							pixel_pointer[6] =
+							pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&3];
+						}
+						pixel_pointer += 8;
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					_character_code = value;
+					_character_colour = colour_value;
+				}
+				_column_counter++;
+			}
+		}
 			Causes the 6560 to flush as much pending CRT and speaker communications as possible.
@@ -55,12 +312,85 @@ class MOS6560 {
 			Writes to a 6560 register.
-		void set_register(int address, uint8_t value);
+		void set_register(int address, uint8_t value)
+		{
+			address &= 0xf;
+			_registers.direct_values[address] = value;
+			switch(address)
+			{
+				case 0x0:
+					_registers.interlaced = !!(value&0x80) && _timing.supports_interlacing;
+					_registers.first_column_location = value & 0x7f;
+				break;
+				case 0x1:
+					_registers.first_row_location = value;
+				break;
+				case 0x2:
+					_registers.number_of_columns = value & 0x7f;
+					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x3c00) | ((value & 0x80) << 2));
+				break;
+				case 0x3:
+					_registers.number_of_rows = (value >> 1)&0x3f;
+					_registers.tall_characters = !!(value&0x01);
+				break;
+				case 0x5:
+					_registers.character_cell_start_address = (uint16_t)((value & 0x0f) << 10);
+					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x0200) | ((value & 0xf0) << 6));
+				break;
+				case 0xa:
+				case 0xb:
+				case 0xc:
+				case 0xd:
+					update_audio();
+					_speaker->set_control(address - 0xa, value);
+				break;
+				case 0xe:
+					update_audio();
+					_registers.auxiliary_colour = _colours[value >> 4];
+					_speaker->set_volume(value & 0xf);
+				break;
+				case 0xf:
+				{
+					uint8_t new_border_colour = _colours[value & 0x07];
+					if(_this_state == State::Border && new_border_colour != _registers.borderColour)
+					{
+						output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);
+						_cycles_in_state = 0;
+					}
+					_registers.invertedCells = !((value >> 3)&1);
+					_registers.borderColour = new_border_colour;
+					_registers.backgroundColour = _colours[value >> 4];
+				}
+				break;
+				// TODO: the lightpen, etc
+				default:
+				break;
+			}
+		}
 			Reads from a 6560 register.
-		uint8_t get_register(int address);
+		uint8_t get_register(int address)
+		{
+			address &= 0xf;
+			int current_line = (_full_frame_counter + _timing.line_counter_increment_offset) / _timing.cycles_per_line;
+			switch(address)
+			{
+				default: return _registers.direct_values[address];
+				case 0x03: return (uint8_t)(current_line << 7) | (_registers.direct_values[3] & 0x7f);
+				case 0x04: return (current_line >> 1) & 0xff;
+			}
+		}
 		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> _crt;
@@ -84,7 +414,11 @@ class MOS6560 {
 		std::shared_ptr<Speaker> _speaker;
 		unsigned int _cycles_since_speaker_update;
-		void update_audio();
+		void update_audio()
+		{
+			_speaker->run_for_cycles(_cycles_since_speaker_update >> 2);
+			_cycles_since_speaker_update &= 3;
+		}
 		// register state
 		struct {
@@ -126,7 +460,12 @@ class MOS6560 {
 		uint8_t _colours[16];
 		uint8_t *pixel_pointer;
-		void output_border(unsigned int number_of_cycles);
+		void output_border(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
+		{
+			uint8_t *colour_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(1);
+			if(colour_pointer) *colour_pointer = _registers.borderColour;
+			_crt->output_level(number_of_cycles);
+		}
 		struct {
 			int cycles_per_line;

From 3e65450a54d9137cf3e2bb61598b3e771dd60e37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2016 14:33:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Converted the 6560 fully into a template; worked on
 allowing the typer to run at a much faster rate where hardware has some
 trigger by which it can request the next key.

 Components/6560/6560.cpp            | 10 ++++----
 Components/6560/6560.hpp            | 37 +++++++++++++++--------------
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp | 33 ++++++++++++++-----------
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp |  6 +++--
 Machines/Typer.cpp                  |  8 +++++--
 Machines/Typer.hpp                  |  3 +--
 6 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.cpp b/Components/6560/6560.cpp
index d958696e9..1377ea9fc 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.cpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.cpp
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@
 using namespace MOS;
-MOS6560::Speaker::Speaker() :
+Speaker::Speaker() :
 	_control_registers{0, 0, 0, 0},
 	_shift_registers{0, 0, 0, 0},
 	_counters{2, 1, 0, 0}	// create a slight phase offset for the three channels
-void MOS6560::Speaker::set_volume(uint8_t volume)
+void Speaker::set_volume(uint8_t volume)
 	_volume = volume;
-void MOS6560::Speaker::set_control(int channel, uint8_t value)
+void Speaker::set_control(int channel, uint8_t value)
 	_control_registers[channel] = value;
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static uint8_t noise_pattern[] = {
 #define increment(r) _shift_registers[r] = (_shift_registers[r]+1)%8191;
 #define update(r, m, up) _counters[r]++; if((_counters[r] >> m) == 0x7f) { up(r); _counters[r] = _control_registers[r]&0x7f; }
-void MOS6560::Speaker::get_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples, int16_t *target)
+void Speaker::get_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples, int16_t *target)
 	for(unsigned int c = 0; c < number_of_samples; c++)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ void MOS6560::Speaker::get_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples, int16_t *targ
-void MOS6560::Speaker::skip_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples)
+void Speaker::skip_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples)
 	for(unsigned int c = 0; c < number_of_samples; c++)
diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.hpp b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
index 375437b99..1f463f305 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.hpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
@@ -14,6 +14,24 @@
 namespace MOS {
+// audio state
+class Speaker: public ::Outputs::Filter<Speaker> {
+	public:
+		Speaker();
+		void set_volume(uint8_t volume);
+		void set_control(int channel, uint8_t value);
+		void get_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples, int16_t *target);
+		void skip_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples);
+	private:
+		unsigned int _counters[4];
+		unsigned int _shift_registers[4];
+		uint8_t _control_registers[4];
+		uint8_t _volume;
 	The 6560 Video Interface Chip ('VIC') is a video and audio output chip; it therefore vends both a @c CRT and a @c Speaker.
@@ -22,7 +40,7 @@ namespace MOS {
 	@c set_register and @c get_register provide register access.
-class MOS6560 {
+template <class T> class MOS6560 {
 		MOS6560() :
 			_crt(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(65*4, 4, Outputs::CRT::NTSC60, 1)),
@@ -395,23 +413,6 @@ class MOS6560 {
 		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> _crt;
-		// audio state
-		class Speaker: public ::Outputs::Filter<Speaker> {
-			public:
-				Speaker();
-				void set_volume(uint8_t volume);
-				void set_control(int channel, uint8_t value);
-				void get_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples, int16_t *target);
-				void skip_samples(unsigned int number_of_samples);
-			private:
-				unsigned int _counters[4];
-				unsigned int _shift_registers[4];
-				uint8_t _control_registers[4];
-				uint8_t _volume;
-		};
 		std::shared_ptr<Speaker> _speaker;
 		unsigned int _cycles_since_speaker_update;
 		void update_audio()
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
index baf359b6c..e397735e3 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
@@ -128,7 +128,11 @@ unsigned int Machine::perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uin
-	if(_typer) _typer->update(1);
+	if(_typer && operation == CPU6502::BusOperation::ReadOpcode && address == 0xEB1E)
+	{
+		if(!_typer->type_next_character())
+			_typer.reset();
+	}
 	if(_c1540) _c1540->run_for_cycles(1);
 	return 1;
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ void Machine::mos6522_did_change_interrupt_status(void *mos6522)
 void Machine::setup_output(float aspect_ratio)
-	_mos6560.reset(new MOS::MOS6560());
+	_mos6560.reset(new Vic6560());
 void Machine::close_output()
@@ -164,14 +168,9 @@ void Machine::set_rom(ROMSlot slot, size_t length, const uint8_t *data)
 		case Characters:	target = _characterROM;	max_length = 0x1000;	break;
 		case BASIC:			target = _basicROM;								break;
 		case Drive:
-			if(_c1540)
-				_c1540->set_rom(data);
-			else
-			{
-				// if there's no 1540 now, hold onto the ROM in case one is added later
-				_driveROM.reset(new uint8_t[length]);
-				memcpy(_driveROM.get(), data, length);
-			}
+			_driveROM.reset(new uint8_t[length]);
+			memcpy(_driveROM.get(), data, length);
+			install_disk_rom();
@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ void Machine::add_prg(size_t length, const uint8_t *data)
 void Machine::set_tape(std::shared_ptr<Storage::Tape> tape)
-	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\n");
+	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\nRUN\n");
 void Machine::tape_did_change_input(Tape *tape)
@@ -226,13 +225,19 @@ void Machine::set_disk(std::shared_ptr<Storage::Disk> disk)
 	// install the ROM if it was previously set
-	if(_driveROM)
+	install_disk_rom();
+	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\"*\",8,1\nRUN\n");
+void Machine::install_disk_rom()
+	if(_driveROM && _c1540)
+		_c1540->run_for_cycles(2000000);
-	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\"*\",8,1\n");
 #pragma mark - Typer
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
index fed2b4f11..f8fec0674 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ class Tape: public Storage::TapePlayer {
 		bool _input_level;
+class Vic6560: public MOS::MOS6560<Vic6560> {};
 class Machine:
 	public CPU6502::Processor<Machine>,
@@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ class Machine:
 		uint8_t *_processorWriteMemoryMap[64];
 		void write_to_map(uint8_t **map, uint8_t *area, uint16_t address, uint16_t length);
-		std::unique_ptr<MOS::MOS6560> _mos6560;
+		std::unique_ptr<Vic6560> _mos6560;
 		std::shared_ptr<UserPortVIA> _userPortVIA;
 		std::shared_ptr<KeyboardVIA> _keyboardVIA;
 		std::shared_ptr<SerialPort> _serialPort;
@@ -305,8 +306,9 @@ class Machine:
 		Tape _tape;
 		bool _use_fast_tape_hack;
-		// Disc
+		// Disk
 		std::shared_ptr<::Commodore::C1540::Machine> _c1540;
+		void install_disk_rom();
diff --git a/Machines/Typer.cpp b/Machines/Typer.cpp
index e22c67f21..a17935280 100644
--- a/Machines/Typer.cpp
+++ b/Machines/Typer.cpp
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ void Typer::update(int duration)
-void Typer::type_next_character()
+bool Typer::type_next_character()
+	if(_string == nullptr) return false;
 	if(_delegate->typer_set_next_character(this, _string[_string_pointer], _phase))
 		_phase = 0;
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ void Typer::type_next_character()
 			_string = nullptr;
-			return;
+			return false;
@@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ void Typer::type_next_character()
+	return true;
diff --git a/Machines/Typer.hpp b/Machines/Typer.hpp
index a54f270e8..b85a689e4 100644
--- a/Machines/Typer.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Typer.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class Typer {
 		Typer(const char *string, int delay, int frequency, Delegate *delegate);
 		void update(int duration);
+		bool type_next_character();
 		char *_string;
@@ -31,8 +32,6 @@ class Typer {
 		int _phase;
 		Delegate *_delegate;
 		size_t _string_pointer;
-		void type_next_character();
 class TypeRecipient: public Typer::Delegate {

From be54d8040e40c9161cc769b4497f43ac909eba17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2016 17:39:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Made a first stab at having automatic loading be
 optional. But things are currently arranged such that the machine options are
 communicated too late to have an effect. So work to do.

 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp           |  6 ++--
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp           |  3 +-
 .../Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib | 30 ++++++++++++++-----
 .../Documents/MachineDocument.swift           |  5 +++-
 .../Documents/Vic20Document.swift             | 22 ++++++++++++++
 .../Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/CSVic20.h   |  1 +
 .../Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/  |  7 +++++
 7 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
index e397735e3..dc05075cb 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void Machine::add_prg(size_t length, const uint8_t *data)
 		_rom_address = (uint16_t)(data[0] | (data[1] << 8));
 		_rom_length = (uint16_t)(length - 2);
-		if(_rom_address >= 0x1000 && _rom_address+_rom_length < 0x2000)
+		if(_rom_address >= 0x1000 && _rom_address+_rom_length < 0x2000 && _should_automatically_load_media)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void Machine::add_prg(size_t length, const uint8_t *data)
 void Machine::set_tape(std::shared_ptr<Storage::Tape> tape)
-	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\nRUN\n");
+	if(_should_automatically_load_media) set_typer_for_string("LOAD\nRUN\n");
 void Machine::tape_did_change_input(Tape *tape)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void Machine::set_disk(std::shared_ptr<Storage::Disk> disk)
 	// install the ROM if it was previously set
-	set_typer_for_string("LOAD\"*\",8,1\nRUN\n");
+	if(_should_automatically_load_media) set_typer_for_string("LOAD\"*\",8,1\nRUN\n");
 void Machine::install_disk_rom()
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
index f8fec0674..bb7bea522 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ class Machine:
 		inline void set_use_fast_tape_hack(bool activate) { _use_fast_tape_hack = activate; }
+		inline void set_should_automatically_load_media(bool activate) { _should_automatically_load_media = activate; }
 		// to satisfy CPU6502::Processor
 		unsigned int perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uint16_t address, uint8_t *value);
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ class Machine:
 		// Tape
 		Tape _tape;
-		bool _use_fast_tape_hack;
+		bool _use_fast_tape_hack, _should_automatically_load_media;
 		// Disk
 		std::shared_ptr<::Commodore::C1540::Machine> _c1540;
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib
index 570460d9d..9cd3153db 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib	
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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                     <button translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="sBT-cU-h7s">
-                        <rect key="frame" x="18" y="47" width="164" height="18"/>
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@@ -61,6 +62,16 @@
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@@ -72,7 +83,7 @@
                                     <menuItem title="European Machine" id="5ju-Z0-BDa"/>
                                     <menuItem title="Japanese Machine" id="YlT-9e-azY"/>
                                     <menuItem title="Swedish Machine" id="joU-Bt-XFb"/>
-                                    <menuItem title="US Machine" state="on" id="FXe-ca-cTY"/>
+                                    <menuItem title="US Machine" id="FXe-ca-cTY"/>
@@ -80,14 +91,17 @@
                     <constraint firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="sBT-cU-h7s" secondAttribute="trailing" constant="20" id="79b-2A-2c7"/>
+                    <constraint firstItem="MlB-rE-TXV" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="lbt-Wo-6fc" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="8" id="DIc-Sm-VlA"/>
                     <constraint firstItem="sBT-cU-h7s" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="7Pv-WL-2Rq" secondAttribute="top" constant="20" id="E5m-wo-X92"/>
-                    <constraint firstItem="MlB-rE-TXV" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="sBT-cU-h7s" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="8" id="fis-Fe-CkQ"/>
+                    <constraint firstItem="lbt-Wo-6fc" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="7Pv-WL-2Rq" secondAttribute="leading" constant="20" id="cID-bi-rVP"/>
+                    <constraint firstItem="lbt-Wo-6fc" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="sBT-cU-h7s" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="6" id="ciY-E8-07P"/>
+                    <constraint firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="lbt-Wo-6fc" secondAttribute="trailing" constant="20" id="gMU-gX-3Sg"/>
                     <constraint firstItem="sBT-cU-h7s" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="7Pv-WL-2Rq" secondAttribute="leading" constant="20" id="nDy-Xc-Ug9"/>
                     <constraint firstItem="MlB-rE-TXV" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="7Pv-WL-2Rq" secondAttribute="leading" constant="20" id="qb4-Lp-ZMc"/>
                     <constraint firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="MlB-rE-TXV" secondAttribute="trailing" constant="20" id="v18-62-uee"/>
-            <point key="canvasLocation" x="-2" y="6.5"/>
+            <point key="canvasLocation" x="-2" y="16.5"/>
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift
index 82c9f2499..3c9d8b6cd 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift	
@@ -176,9 +176,12 @@ class MachineDocument:
 	// MARK: IBActions
+	final func prefixedUserDefaultsKey(key: String) -> String {
+		return "\(\(key)"
+	}
 	var fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey: String {
 		get {
-			return "\("
+			return prefixedUserDefaultsKey("fastLoading")
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift
index 3afb2fd20..71f00230d 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift	
@@ -66,4 +66,26 @@ class Vic20Document: MachineDocument {
 	override func readFromData(data: NSData, ofType typeName: String) throws {
+	@IBOutlet var loadAutomaticallyButton: NSButton!
+	var autoloadingUserDefaultsKey: String {
+		get { return prefixedUserDefaultsKey("autoload") }
+	}
+	@IBAction func setShouldLoadAutomatically(sender: NSButton!) {
+		let loadAutomatically = sender.state == NSOnState
+		vic20.shouldLoadAutomatically = loadAutomatically
+		self.loadAutomaticallyButton.state = loadAutomatically ? NSOnState : NSOffState
+	}
+	override func establishStoredOptions() {
+		super.establishStoredOptions()
+		let standardUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
+		standardUserDefaults.registerDefaults([
+			autoloadingUserDefaultsKey: true
+		])
+		let loadAutomatically = standardUserDefaults.boolForKey(self.autoloadingUserDefaultsKey)
+		vic20.shouldLoadAutomatically = loadAutomatically
+		self.loadAutomaticallyButton.state = loadAutomatically ? NSOnState : NSOffState
+	}
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/CSVic20.h b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/CSVic20.h
index 90bd349ec..daaee4c06 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/CSVic20.h	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/CSVic20.h	
@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@
 - (BOOL)openD64AtURL:(nonnull NSURL *)URL;
 @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useFastLoadingHack;
+@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldLoadAutomatically;
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/
index f05fa6494..1ad7165f9 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Machine/Wrappers/	
@@ -197,4 +197,11 @@ using namespace Commodore::Vic20;
+- (void)setShouldLoadAutomatically:(BOOL)shouldLoadAutomatically {
+	@synchronized(self) {
+		_shouldLoadAutomatically = shouldLoadAutomatically;
+		_vic20.set_should_automatically_load_media(shouldLoadAutomatically ? true : false);
+	}

From 285a288c802a2346a3a21af8b742d3bb582b11a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 21:48:09 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Switched to two cycles of options loading, meaning that
 they get set before files are inserted. Might need some further work?

 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp                       | 2 ++
 .../Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/ElectronDocument.swift     | 4 ++--
 .../Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift      | 4 ++--
 OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift | 8 +++++---
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
index bb7bea522..e51c5b8f0 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ class Machine:
 		// Disk
 		std::shared_ptr<::Commodore::C1540::Machine> _c1540;
 		void install_disk_rom();
+		// Autoload string
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/ElectronDocument.swift b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/ElectronDocument.swift
index 2790a44e4..e2981da95 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/ElectronDocument.swift	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/ElectronDocument.swift	
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ElectronDocument: MachineDocument {
 	// MARK: IBActions
-	@IBOutlet var displayTypeButton: NSPopUpButton!
+	@IBOutlet var displayTypeButton: NSPopUpButton?
 	@IBAction func setDisplayType(sender: NSPopUpButton!) {
 		electron.useTelevisionOutput = (sender.indexOfSelectedItem == 1)
 		NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setInteger(sender.indexOfSelectedItem, forKey: self.displayTypeUserDefaultsKey)
@@ -82,6 +82,6 @@ class ElectronDocument: MachineDocument {
 		let displayType = standardUserDefaults.integerForKey(self.displayTypeUserDefaultsKey)
 		electron.useTelevisionOutput = (displayType == 1)
-		self.displayTypeButton.selectItemAtIndex(displayType)
+		self.displayTypeButton?.selectItemAtIndex(displayType)
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift
index 3c9d8b6cd..64969d0e5 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/MachineDocument.swift	
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class MachineDocument:
-	@IBOutlet var fastLoadingButton: NSButton!
+	@IBOutlet var fastLoadingButton: NSButton?
 	@IBAction func setFastLoading(sender: NSButton!) {
 		if let fastLoadingMachine = machine as? CSFastLoading {
 			let useFastLoadingHack = sender.state == NSOnState
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class MachineDocument:
 		if let fastLoadingMachine = machine as? CSFastLoading {
 			let useFastLoadingHack = standardUserDefaults.boolForKey(self.fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey)
 			fastLoadingMachine.useFastLoadingHack = useFastLoadingHack
-			self.fastLoadingButton.state = useFastLoadingHack ? NSOnState : NSOffState
+			self.fastLoadingButton?.state = useFastLoadingHack ? NSOnState : NSOffState
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift
index 71f00230d..7ad6b8c32 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Documents/Vic20Document.swift	
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class Vic20Document: MachineDocument {
 		if let drive = dataForResource("1540", ofType: "bin", inDirectory: "ROMImages/Commodore1540") {
+		establishStoredOptions()
 	override class func autosavesInPlace() -> Bool {
@@ -67,14 +69,14 @@ class Vic20Document: MachineDocument {
-	@IBOutlet var loadAutomaticallyButton: NSButton!
+	@IBOutlet var loadAutomaticallyButton: NSButton?
 	var autoloadingUserDefaultsKey: String {
 		get { return prefixedUserDefaultsKey("autoload") }
 	@IBAction func setShouldLoadAutomatically(sender: NSButton!) {
 		let loadAutomatically = sender.state == NSOnState
 		vic20.shouldLoadAutomatically = loadAutomatically
-		self.loadAutomaticallyButton.state = loadAutomatically ? NSOnState : NSOffState
+		NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(loadAutomatically, forKey: self.autoloadingUserDefaultsKey)
 	override func establishStoredOptions() {
@@ -86,6 +88,6 @@ class Vic20Document: MachineDocument {
 		let loadAutomatically = standardUserDefaults.boolForKey(self.autoloadingUserDefaultsKey)
 		vic20.shouldLoadAutomatically = loadAutomatically
-		self.loadAutomaticallyButton.state = loadAutomatically ? NSOnState : NSOffState
+		self.loadAutomaticallyButton?.state = loadAutomatically ? NSOnState : NSOffState

From 12bad8f23faee16e88c09edeba37f65521026168 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 20:41:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Turned the 6560 into an ordinary template, similar to the
 rest of the project, albeit right now with a fairly shonky internal
 implementation. Fixed a Mac-specific interface sizing issue.

 Components/6560/6560.hpp                      | 321 +++++++++---------
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp           |  15 +-
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp           |  13 +-
 .../Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.hpp b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
index 1f463f305..f90a4792e 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.hpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
@@ -125,6 +125,174 @@ template <class T> class MOS6560 {
+		/*!
+			Runs for cycles. Derr.
+		*/
+		inline void run_for_cycles(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
+		{
+			while(number_of_cycles--)
+			{
+				uint16_t address = get_address();
+				uint8_t pixel_data;
+				uint8_t colour_data;
+				static_cast<T *>(this)->perform_read(address, &pixel_data, &colour_data);
+				set_graphics_value(pixel_data, colour_data);
+			}
+		}
+		/*!
+			Causes the 6560 to flush as much pending CRT and speaker communications as possible.
+		*/
+		inline void synchronise() { update_audio(); }
+		/*!
+			Writes to a 6560 register.
+		*/
+		void set_register(int address, uint8_t value)
+		{
+			address &= 0xf;
+			_registers.direct_values[address] = value;
+			switch(address)
+			{
+				case 0x0:
+					_registers.interlaced = !!(value&0x80) && _timing.supports_interlacing;
+					_registers.first_column_location = value & 0x7f;
+				break;
+				case 0x1:
+					_registers.first_row_location = value;
+				break;
+				case 0x2:
+					_registers.number_of_columns = value & 0x7f;
+					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x3c00) | ((value & 0x80) << 2));
+				break;
+				case 0x3:
+					_registers.number_of_rows = (value >> 1)&0x3f;
+					_registers.tall_characters = !!(value&0x01);
+				break;
+				case 0x5:
+					_registers.character_cell_start_address = (uint16_t)((value & 0x0f) << 10);
+					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x0200) | ((value & 0xf0) << 6));
+				break;
+				case 0xa:
+				case 0xb:
+				case 0xc:
+				case 0xd:
+					update_audio();
+					_speaker->set_control(address - 0xa, value);
+				break;
+				case 0xe:
+					update_audio();
+					_registers.auxiliary_colour = _colours[value >> 4];
+					_speaker->set_volume(value & 0xf);
+				break;
+				case 0xf:
+				{
+					uint8_t new_border_colour = _colours[value & 0x07];
+					if(_this_state == State::Border && new_border_colour != _registers.borderColour)
+					{
+						output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);
+						_cycles_in_state = 0;
+					}
+					_registers.invertedCells = !((value >> 3)&1);
+					_registers.borderColour = new_border_colour;
+					_registers.backgroundColour = _colours[value >> 4];
+				}
+				break;
+				// TODO: the lightpen, etc
+				default:
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+			Reads from a 6560 register.
+		*/
+		uint8_t get_register(int address)
+		{
+			address &= 0xf;
+			int current_line = (_full_frame_counter + _timing.line_counter_increment_offset) / _timing.cycles_per_line;
+			switch(address)
+			{
+				default: return _registers.direct_values[address];
+				case 0x03: return (uint8_t)(current_line << 7) | (_registers.direct_values[3] & 0x7f);
+				case 0x04: return (current_line >> 1) & 0xff;
+			}
+		}
+	private:
+		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> _crt;
+		std::shared_ptr<Speaker> _speaker;
+		unsigned int _cycles_since_speaker_update;
+		void update_audio()
+		{
+			_speaker->run_for_cycles(_cycles_since_speaker_update >> 2);
+			_cycles_since_speaker_update &= 3;
+		}
+		// register state
+		struct {
+			bool interlaced, tall_characters;
+			uint8_t first_column_location, first_row_location;
+			uint8_t number_of_columns, number_of_rows;
+			uint16_t character_cell_start_address, video_matrix_start_address;
+			uint8_t backgroundColour, borderColour, auxiliary_colour;
+			bool invertedCells;
+			uint8_t direct_values[16];
+		} _registers;
+		// output state
+		enum State {
+			Sync, ColourBurst, Border, Pixels
+		} _this_state, _output_state;
+		unsigned int _cycles_in_state;
+		// counters that cover an entire field
+		int _horizontal_counter, _vertical_counter, _full_frame_counter;
+		// latches dictating start and length of drawing
+		bool _vertical_drawing_latch, _horizontal_drawing_latch;
+		int _rows_this_field, _columns_this_line;
+		// current drawing position counter
+		int _pixel_line_cycle, _column_counter;
+		int _current_row;
+		uint16_t _current_character_row;
+		uint16_t _video_matrix_address_counter, _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
+		// data latched from the bus
+		uint8_t _character_code, _character_colour, _character_value;
+		bool _is_odd_frame;
+		// lookup table from 6560 colour index to appropriate PAL/NTSC value
+		uint8_t _colours[16];
+		uint8_t *pixel_pointer;
+		void output_border(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
+		{
+			uint8_t *colour_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(1);
+			if(colour_pointer) *colour_pointer = _registers.borderColour;
+			_crt->output_level(number_of_cycles);
+		}
+		struct {
+			int cycles_per_line;
+			int line_counter_increment_offset;
+			int lines_per_progressive_field;
+			bool supports_interlacing;
+		} _timing;
 			Impliedly runs the 6560 for a single cycle, returning the next address that it puts on the bus.
@@ -321,159 +489,6 @@ template <class T> class MOS6560 {
-		/*!
-			Causes the 6560 to flush as much pending CRT and speaker communications as possible.
-		*/
-		inline void synchronise() { update_audio(); }
-		/*!
-			Writes to a 6560 register.
-		*/
-		void set_register(int address, uint8_t value)
-		{
-			address &= 0xf;
-			_registers.direct_values[address] = value;
-			switch(address)
-			{
-				case 0x0:
-					_registers.interlaced = !!(value&0x80) && _timing.supports_interlacing;
-					_registers.first_column_location = value & 0x7f;
-				break;
-				case 0x1:
-					_registers.first_row_location = value;
-				break;
-				case 0x2:
-					_registers.number_of_columns = value & 0x7f;
-					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x3c00) | ((value & 0x80) << 2));
-				break;
-				case 0x3:
-					_registers.number_of_rows = (value >> 1)&0x3f;
-					_registers.tall_characters = !!(value&0x01);
-				break;
-				case 0x5:
-					_registers.character_cell_start_address = (uint16_t)((value & 0x0f) << 10);
-					_registers.video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_registers.video_matrix_start_address & 0x0200) | ((value & 0xf0) << 6));
-				break;
-				case 0xa:
-				case 0xb:
-				case 0xc:
-				case 0xd:
-					update_audio();
-					_speaker->set_control(address - 0xa, value);
-				break;
-				case 0xe:
-					update_audio();
-					_registers.auxiliary_colour = _colours[value >> 4];
-					_speaker->set_volume(value & 0xf);
-				break;
-				case 0xf:
-				{
-					uint8_t new_border_colour = _colours[value & 0x07];
-					if(_this_state == State::Border && new_border_colour != _registers.borderColour)
-					{
-						output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);
-						_cycles_in_state = 0;
-					}
-					_registers.invertedCells = !((value >> 3)&1);
-					_registers.borderColour = new_border_colour;
-					_registers.backgroundColour = _colours[value >> 4];
-				}
-				break;
-				// TODO: the lightpen, etc
-				default:
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-			Reads from a 6560 register.
-		*/
-		uint8_t get_register(int address)
-		{
-			address &= 0xf;
-			int current_line = (_full_frame_counter + _timing.line_counter_increment_offset) / _timing.cycles_per_line;
-			switch(address)
-			{
-				default: return _registers.direct_values[address];
-				case 0x03: return (uint8_t)(current_line << 7) | (_registers.direct_values[3] & 0x7f);
-				case 0x04: return (current_line >> 1) & 0xff;
-			}
-		}
-	private:
-		std::shared_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> _crt;
-		std::shared_ptr<Speaker> _speaker;
-		unsigned int _cycles_since_speaker_update;
-		void update_audio()
-		{
-			_speaker->run_for_cycles(_cycles_since_speaker_update >> 2);
-			_cycles_since_speaker_update &= 3;
-		}
-		// register state
-		struct {
-			bool interlaced, tall_characters;
-			uint8_t first_column_location, first_row_location;
-			uint8_t number_of_columns, number_of_rows;
-			uint16_t character_cell_start_address, video_matrix_start_address;
-			uint8_t backgroundColour, borderColour, auxiliary_colour;
-			bool invertedCells;
-			uint8_t direct_values[16];
-		} _registers;
-		// output state
-		enum State {
-			Sync, ColourBurst, Border, Pixels
-		} _this_state, _output_state;
-		unsigned int _cycles_in_state;
-		// counters that cover an entire field
-		int _horizontal_counter, _vertical_counter, _full_frame_counter;
-		// latches dictating start and length of drawing
-		bool _vertical_drawing_latch, _horizontal_drawing_latch;
-		int _rows_this_field, _columns_this_line;
-		// current drawing position counter
-		int _pixel_line_cycle, _column_counter;
-		int _current_row;
-		uint16_t _current_character_row;
-		uint16_t _video_matrix_address_counter, _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
-		// data latched from the bus
-		uint8_t _character_code, _character_colour, _character_value;
-		bool _is_odd_frame;
-		// lookup table from 6560 colour index to appropriate PAL/NTSC value
-		uint8_t _colours[16];
-		uint8_t *pixel_pointer;
-		void output_border(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
-		{
-			uint8_t *colour_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(1);
-			if(colour_pointer) *colour_pointer = _registers.borderColour;
-			_crt->output_level(number_of_cycles);
-		}
-		struct {
-			int cycles_per_line;
-			int line_counter_increment_offset;
-			int lines_per_progressive_field;
-			bool supports_interlacing;
-		} _timing;
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
index dc05075cb..097d63cfe 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.cpp
@@ -35,14 +35,9 @@ Machine::Machine() :
 	// establish the memory maps
-	memset(_videoMemoryMap, 0, sizeof(_videoMemoryMap));
 	memset(_processorReadMemoryMap, 0, sizeof(_processorReadMemoryMap));
 	memset(_processorWriteMemoryMap, 0, sizeof(_processorWriteMemoryMap));
-	write_to_map(_videoMemoryMap, _characterROM, 0x0000, sizeof(_characterROM));
-	write_to_map(_videoMemoryMap, _userBASICMemory, 0x2000, sizeof(_userBASICMemory));
-	write_to_map(_videoMemoryMap, _screenMemory, 0x3000, sizeof(_screenMemory));
 	write_to_map(_processorReadMemoryMap, _userBASICMemory, 0x0000, sizeof(_userBASICMemory));
 	write_to_map(_processorReadMemoryMap, _screenMemory, 0x1000, sizeof(_screenMemory));
 	write_to_map(_processorReadMemoryMap, _colorMemory, 0x9400, sizeof(_colorMemory));
@@ -86,9 +81,7 @@ unsigned int Machine::perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uin
 //	}
 	// run the phase-1 part of this cycle, in which the VIC accesses memory
-	uint16_t video_address = _mos6560->get_address();
-	uint8_t video_value = _videoMemoryMap[video_address >> 10] ? _videoMemoryMap[video_address >> 10][video_address & 0x3ff] : 0xff; // TODO
-	_mos6560->set_graphics_value(video_value, _colorMemory[video_address & 0x03ff]);
+	_mos6560->run_for_cycles(1);
 	// run the phase-2 part of the cycle, which is whatever the 6502 said it should be
@@ -151,6 +144,12 @@ void Machine::mos6522_did_change_interrupt_status(void *mos6522)
 void Machine::setup_output(float aspect_ratio)
 	_mos6560.reset(new Vic6560());
+	memset(_mos6560->_videoMemoryMap, 0, sizeof(_mos6560->_videoMemoryMap));
+	write_to_map(_mos6560->_videoMemoryMap, _characterROM, 0x0000, sizeof(_characterROM));
+	write_to_map(_mos6560->_videoMemoryMap, _userBASICMemory, 0x2000, sizeof(_userBASICMemory));
+	write_to_map(_mos6560->_videoMemoryMap, _screenMemory, 0x3000, sizeof(_screenMemory));
+	_mos6560->_colorMemory = _colorMemory;
 void Machine::close_output()
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
index e51c5b8f0..292f655eb 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
@@ -225,7 +225,17 @@ class Tape: public Storage::TapePlayer {
 		bool _input_level;
-class Vic6560: public MOS::MOS6560<Vic6560> {};
+class Vic6560: public MOS::MOS6560<Vic6560> {
+	public:
+		void perform_read(uint16_t address, uint8_t *pixel_data, uint8_t *colour_data)
+		{
+			*pixel_data = _videoMemoryMap[address >> 10] ? _videoMemoryMap[address >> 10][address & 0x3ff] : 0xff; // TODO
+			*colour_data = _colorMemory[address & 0x03ff];
+		}
+		uint8_t *_videoMemoryMap[16];
+		uint8_t *_colorMemory;
 class Machine:
 	public CPU6502::Processor<Machine>,
@@ -291,7 +301,6 @@ class Machine:
 		uint8_t _junkMemory[0x0400];
 		std::unique_ptr<uint8_t> _driveROM;
-		uint8_t *_videoMemoryMap[16];
 		uint8_t *_processorReadMemoryMap[64];
 		uint8_t *_processorWriteMemoryMap[64];
 		void write_to_map(uint8_t **map, uint8_t *area, uint16_t address, uint16_t length);
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib
index 9cd3153db..cd45e6cb1 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Base.lproj/Vic20Document.xib	
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
             <windowPositionMask key="initialPositionMask" leftStrut="YES" rightStrut="YES" topStrut="YES" bottomStrut="YES"/>
             <rect key="contentRect" x="83" y="102" width="200" height="103"/>
             <rect key="screenRect" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="1366" height="768"/>
-            <value key="minSize" type="size" width="200" height="83"/>
-            <value key="maxSize" type="size" width="200" height="83"/>
+            <value key="minSize" type="size" width="200" height="103"/>
+            <value key="maxSize" type="size" width="200" height="103"/>
             <view key="contentView" id="7Pv-WL-2Rq">
                 <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="200" height="103"/>
                 <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>

From 142774be37a7f61281408e23de64c67781a4400e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Harte <>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 21:10:53 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Collapsed 6560 template to a more direct loop, albeit
 with quite a bit still left to fix.

 Components/6560/6560.hpp            | 386 ++++++++++++++--------------
 Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Components/6560/6560.hpp b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
index f90a4792e..c09518130 100644
--- a/Components/6560/6560.hpp
+++ b/Components/6560/6560.hpp
@@ -130,13 +130,196 @@ template <class T> class MOS6560 {
 		inline void run_for_cycles(unsigned int number_of_cycles)
+			// keep track of the amount of time since the speaker was updated; lazy updates are applied
+			_cycles_since_speaker_update += number_of_cycles;
-				uint16_t address = get_address();
+				// keep an old copy of the vertical count because that test is a cycle later than the actual changes
+				int previous_vertical_counter = _vertical_counter;
+				// keep track of internal time relative to this scanline
+				_horizontal_counter++;
+				_full_frame_counter++;
+				if(_horizontal_counter == _timing.cycles_per_line)
+				{
+					if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
+					{
+						_current_character_row++;
+						if(
+							(_current_character_row == 16) ||
+							(_current_character_row == 8 && !_registers.tall_characters)
+						) {
+							_current_character_row = 0;
+							_current_row++;
+						}
+						_pixel_line_cycle = -1;
+						_columns_this_line = -1;
+						_column_counter = -1;
+					}
+					_horizontal_counter = 0;
+					_horizontal_drawing_latch = false;
+					_vertical_counter ++;
+					if(_vertical_counter == (_registers.interlaced ? (_is_odd_frame ? 262 : 263) : _timing.lines_per_progressive_field))
+					{
+						_vertical_counter = 0;
+						_full_frame_counter = 0;
+						_is_odd_frame ^= true;
+						_current_row = 0;
+						_rows_this_field = -1;
+						_vertical_drawing_latch = false;
+						_base_video_matrix_address_counter = 0;
+						_current_character_row = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				// check for vertical starting events
+				_vertical_drawing_latch |= _registers.first_row_location == (previous_vertical_counter >> 1);
+				_horizontal_drawing_latch |= _vertical_drawing_latch && (_horizontal_counter == _registers.first_column_location);
+				if(_pixel_line_cycle >= 0) _pixel_line_cycle++;
+				switch(_pixel_line_cycle)
+				{
+					case -1:
+						if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
+						{
+							_pixel_line_cycle = 0;
+							_video_matrix_address_counter = _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
+						}
+					break;
+					case 1:	_columns_this_line = _registers.number_of_columns;	break;
+					case 2:	if(_rows_this_field < 0) _rows_this_field = _registers.number_of_rows;	break;
+					case 3: if(_current_row < _rows_this_field) _column_counter = 0;	break;
+				}
+				uint16_t fetch_address = 0x1c;
+				if(_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2)
+				{
+					if(_column_counter&1)
+					{
+						fetch_address = _registers.character_cell_start_address + (_character_code*(_registers.tall_characters ? 16 : 8)) + _current_character_row;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						fetch_address = (uint16_t)(_registers.video_matrix_start_address + _video_matrix_address_counter);
+						_video_matrix_address_counter++;
+						if(
+							(_current_character_row == 15) ||
+							(_current_character_row == 7 && !_registers.tall_characters)
+						) {
+							_base_video_matrix_address_counter = _video_matrix_address_counter;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				fetch_address &= 0x3fff;
 				uint8_t pixel_data;
 				uint8_t colour_data;
-				static_cast<T *>(this)->perform_read(address, &pixel_data, &colour_data);
-				set_graphics_value(pixel_data, colour_data);
+				static_cast<T *>(this)->perform_read(fetch_address, &pixel_data, &colour_data);
+				// TODO: there should be a further two-cycle delay on pixels being output; the reverse bit should
+				// divide the byte it is set for 3:1 and then continue as usual.
+				// determine output state; colour burst and sync timing are currently a guess
+				if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-4) _this_state = State::ColourBurst;
+				else if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-7) _this_state = State::Sync;
+				else
+				{
+					_this_state = (_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2) ? State::Pixels : State::Border;
+				}
+				// apply vertical sync
+				if(
+					(_vertical_counter < 3 && (_is_odd_frame || !_registers.interlaced)) ||
+					(_registers.interlaced &&
+						(
+							(_vertical_counter == 0 && _horizontal_counter > 32) ||
+							(_vertical_counter == 1) || (_vertical_counter == 2) ||
+							(_vertical_counter == 3 && _horizontal_counter <= 32)
+						)
+					))
+					_this_state = State::Sync;
+				// update the CRT
+				if(_this_state != _output_state)
+				{
+					switch(_output_state)
+					{
+						case State::Sync:			_crt->output_sync(_cycles_in_state * 4);										break;
+						case State::ColourBurst:	_crt->output_colour_burst(_cycles_in_state * 4, _is_odd_frame ? 128 : 0, 0);	break;
+						case State::Border:			output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);											break;
+						case State::Pixels:			_crt->output_data(_cycles_in_state * 4, 1);										break;
+					}
+					_output_state = _this_state;
+					_cycles_in_state = 0;
+					pixel_pointer = nullptr;
+					if(_output_state == State::Pixels)
+					{
+						pixel_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(260);
+					}
+				}
+				_cycles_in_state++;
+				if(_this_state == State::Pixels)
+				{
+					if(_column_counter&1)
+					{
+						_character_value = pixel_data;
+						if(pixel_pointer)
+						{
+							uint8_t cell_colour = _colours[_character_colour & 0x7];
+							if(!(_character_colour&0x8))
+							{
+								uint8_t colours[2];
+								if(_registers.invertedCells)
+								{
+									colours[0] = cell_colour;
+									colours[1] = _registers.backgroundColour;
+								}
+								else
+								{
+									colours[0] = _registers.backgroundColour;
+									colours[1] = cell_colour;
+								}
+								pixel_pointer[0] = colours[(_character_value >> 7)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[2] = colours[(_character_value >> 5)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[4] = colours[(_character_value >> 3)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[6] = colours[(_character_value >> 1)&1];
+								pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&1];
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								uint8_t colours[4] = {_registers.backgroundColour, _registers.borderColour, cell_colour, _registers.auxiliary_colour};
+								pixel_pointer[0] =
+								pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&3];
+								pixel_pointer[2] =
+								pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&3];
+								pixel_pointer[4] =
+								pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&3];
+								pixel_pointer[6] =
+								pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&3];
+							}
+							pixel_pointer += 8;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						_character_code = pixel_data;
+						_character_colour = colour_data;
+					}
+					_column_counter++;
+				}
@@ -292,203 +475,6 @@ template <class T> class MOS6560 {
 			int lines_per_progressive_field;
 			bool supports_interlacing;
 		} _timing;
-		/*!
-			Impliedly runs the 6560 for a single cycle, returning the next address that it puts on the bus.
-		*/
-		uint16_t get_address()
-		{
-			// keep track of the amount of time since the speaker was updated; lazy updates are applied
-			_cycles_since_speaker_update++;
-			// keep an old copy of the vertical count because that test is a cycle later than the actual changes
-			int previous_vertical_counter = _vertical_counter;
-			// keep track of internal time relative to this scanline
-			_horizontal_counter++;
-			_full_frame_counter++;
-			if(_horizontal_counter == _timing.cycles_per_line)
-			{
-				if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
-				{
-					_current_character_row++;
-					if(
-						(_current_character_row == 16) ||
-						(_current_character_row == 8 && !_registers.tall_characters)
-					) {
-						_current_character_row = 0;
-						_current_row++;
-					}
-					_pixel_line_cycle = -1;
-					_columns_this_line = -1;
-					_column_counter = -1;
-				}
-				_horizontal_counter = 0;
-				_horizontal_drawing_latch = false;
-				_vertical_counter ++;
-				if(_vertical_counter == (_registers.interlaced ? (_is_odd_frame ? 262 : 263) : _timing.lines_per_progressive_field))
-				{
-					_vertical_counter = 0;
-					_full_frame_counter = 0;
-					_is_odd_frame ^= true;
-					_current_row = 0;
-					_rows_this_field = -1;
-					_vertical_drawing_latch = false;
-					_base_video_matrix_address_counter = 0;
-					_current_character_row = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			// check for vertical starting events
-			_vertical_drawing_latch |= _registers.first_row_location == (previous_vertical_counter >> 1);
-			_horizontal_drawing_latch |= _vertical_drawing_latch && (_horizontal_counter == _registers.first_column_location);
-			if(_pixel_line_cycle >= 0) _pixel_line_cycle++;
-			switch(_pixel_line_cycle)
-			{
-				case -1:
-					if(_horizontal_drawing_latch)
-					{
-						_pixel_line_cycle = 0;
-						_video_matrix_address_counter = _base_video_matrix_address_counter;
-					}
-				break;
-				case 1:	_columns_this_line = _registers.number_of_columns;	break;
-				case 2:	if(_rows_this_field < 0) _rows_this_field = _registers.number_of_rows;	break;
-				case 3: if(_current_row < _rows_this_field) _column_counter = 0;	break;
-			}
-			uint16_t fetch_address = 0x1c;
-			if(_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2)
-			{
-				if(_column_counter&1)
-				{
-					fetch_address = _registers.character_cell_start_address + (_character_code*(_registers.tall_characters ? 16 : 8)) + _current_character_row;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					fetch_address = (uint16_t)(_registers.video_matrix_start_address + _video_matrix_address_counter);
-					_video_matrix_address_counter++;
-					if(
-						(_current_character_row == 15) ||
-						(_current_character_row == 7 && !_registers.tall_characters)
-					) {
-						_base_video_matrix_address_counter = _video_matrix_address_counter;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return fetch_address & 0x3fff;
-		}
-		/*!
-			An owning machine should determine the state of the data bus as a result of the access implied
-			by @c get_address and supply it to set_graphics_value.
-		*/
-		void set_graphics_value(uint8_t value, uint8_t colour_value)
-		{
-			// TODO: there should be a further two-cycle delay on pixels being output; the reverse bit should
-			// divide the byte it is set for 3:1 and then continue as usual.
-			// determine output state; colour burst and sync timing are currently a guess
-			if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-4) _this_state = State::ColourBurst;
-			else if(_horizontal_counter > _timing.cycles_per_line-7) _this_state = State::Sync;
-			else
-			{
-				_this_state = (_column_counter >= 0 && _column_counter < _columns_this_line*2) ? State::Pixels : State::Border;
-			}
-			// apply vertical sync
-			if(
-				(_vertical_counter < 3 && (_is_odd_frame || !_registers.interlaced)) ||
-				(_registers.interlaced &&
-					(
-						(_vertical_counter == 0 && _horizontal_counter > 32) ||
-						(_vertical_counter == 1) || (_vertical_counter == 2) ||
-						(_vertical_counter == 3 && _horizontal_counter <= 32)
-					)
-				))
-				_this_state = State::Sync;
-			// update the CRT
-			if(_this_state != _output_state)
-			{
-				switch(_output_state)
-				{
-					case State::Sync:			_crt->output_sync(_cycles_in_state * 4);										break;
-					case State::ColourBurst:	_crt->output_colour_burst(_cycles_in_state * 4, _is_odd_frame ? 128 : 0, 0);	break;
-					case State::Border:			output_border(_cycles_in_state * 4);											break;
-					case State::Pixels:			_crt->output_data(_cycles_in_state * 4, 1);										break;
-				}
-				_output_state = _this_state;
-				_cycles_in_state = 0;
-				pixel_pointer = nullptr;
-				if(_output_state == State::Pixels)
-				{
-					pixel_pointer = _crt->allocate_write_area(260);
-				}
-			}
-			_cycles_in_state++;
-			if(_this_state == State::Pixels)
-			{
-				if(_column_counter&1)
-				{
-					_character_value = value;
-					if(pixel_pointer)
-					{
-						uint8_t cell_colour = _colours[_character_colour & 0x7];
-						if(!(_character_colour&0x8))
-						{
-							uint8_t colours[2];
-							if(_registers.invertedCells)
-							{
-								colours[0] = cell_colour;
-								colours[1] = _registers.backgroundColour;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								colours[0] = _registers.backgroundColour;
-								colours[1] = cell_colour;
-							}
-							pixel_pointer[0] = colours[(_character_value >> 7)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[2] = colours[(_character_value >> 5)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[4] = colours[(_character_value >> 3)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[6] = colours[(_character_value >> 1)&1];
-							pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&1];
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							uint8_t colours[4] = {_registers.backgroundColour, _registers.borderColour, cell_colour, _registers.auxiliary_colour};
-							pixel_pointer[0] =
-							pixel_pointer[1] = colours[(_character_value >> 6)&3];
-							pixel_pointer[2] =
-							pixel_pointer[3] = colours[(_character_value >> 4)&3];
-							pixel_pointer[4] =
-							pixel_pointer[5] = colours[(_character_value >> 2)&3];
-							pixel_pointer[6] =
-							pixel_pointer[7] = colours[(_character_value >> 0)&3];
-						}
-						pixel_pointer += 8;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					_character_code = value;
-					_character_colour = colour_value;
-				}
-				_column_counter++;
-			}
-		}
diff --git a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
index 292f655eb..29a1fe3e5 100644
--- a/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
+++ b/Machines/Commodore/Vic-20/Vic20.hpp
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class Tape: public Storage::TapePlayer {
 class Vic6560: public MOS::MOS6560<Vic6560> {
-		void perform_read(uint16_t address, uint8_t *pixel_data, uint8_t *colour_data)
+		inline void perform_read(uint16_t address, uint8_t *pixel_data, uint8_t *colour_data)
 			*pixel_data = _videoMemoryMap[address >> 10] ? _videoMemoryMap[address >> 10][address & 0x3ff] : 0xff; // TODO
 			*colour_data = _colorMemory[address & 0x03ff];