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synced 2025-03-24 14:32:39 +00:00
Add nonfunctional FAT12 analyser.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// StaticAnalyser.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 05/12/2023.
// Copyright 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "StaticAnalyser.hpp"
//#include "../AppleII/Target.hpp"
//#include "../AppleIIgs/Target.hpp"
//#include "../Oric/Target.hpp"
//#include "../Disassembler/6502.hpp"
//#include "../Disassembler/AddressMapper.hpp"
#include "../../../Storage/Disk/Track/TrackSerialiser.hpp"
//#include "../../../Storage/Disk/Encodings/AppleGCR/SegmentParser.hpp"
//namespace {
//Analyser::Static::Target *AppleIITarget(const Storage::Encodings::AppleGCR::Sector *sector_zero) {
// using Target = Analyser::Static::AppleII::Target;
// auto *const target = new Target;
// if(sector_zero && sector_zero->encoding == Storage::Encodings::AppleGCR::Sector::Encoding::FiveAndThree) {
// target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::ThirteenSector;
// } else {
// target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::SixteenSector;
// }
// return target;
//Analyser::Static::Target *AppleIIgsTarget() {
// return new Analyser::Static::AppleIIgs::Target();
//Analyser::Static::Target *OricTarget(const Storage::Encodings::AppleGCR::Sector *) {
// using Target = Analyser::Static::Oric::Target;
// auto *const target = new Target;
// target->rom = Target::ROM::Pravetz;
// target->disk_interface = Target::DiskInterface::Pravetz;
// target->loading_command = "CALL 800\n";
// return target;
Analyser::Static::TargetList Analyser::Static::FAT12::GetTargets(const Media &media, const std::string &, TargetPlatform::IntType) {
// This analyser can comprehend disks only.
if(media.disks.empty()) return {};
// auto &disk = media.disks.front();
TargetList targets;
// If the disk image is too large for a 5.25" disk, map this to the IIgs.
/* if(disk->get_maximum_head_position() > Storage::Disk::HeadPosition(40)) {
targets.back()->media = media;
return targets;
// Grab track 0, sector 0: the boot sector.
const auto track_zero = disk->get_track_at_position(Storage::Disk::Track::Address(0, Storage::Disk::HeadPosition(0)));
const auto sector_map = Storage::Encodings::AppleGCR::sectors_from_segment(
Storage::Disk::track_serialisation(*track_zero, Storage::Time(1, 50000)));
const Storage::Encodings::AppleGCR::Sector *sector_zero = nullptr;
for(const auto &pair: sector_map) {
if(!pair.second.address.sector) {
sector_zero = &pair.second;
// If there's no boot sector then if there are also no sectors at all,
// decline to nominate a machine. Otherwise go with an Apple as the default.
if(!sector_zero) {
if(sector_map.empty()) {
return targets;
} else {
targets.back()->media = media;
return targets;
// If the boot sector looks like it's intended for the Oric, create an Oric.
// Otherwise go with the Apple II.
const auto disassembly = Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Disassemble(sector_zero->data, Analyser::Static::Disassembler::OffsetMapper(0xb800), {0xb800});
bool did_read_shift_register = false;
bool is_oric = false;
// Look for a tight BPL loop reading the Oric's shift register address of 0x31c. The Apple II just has RAM there,
// so the probability of such a loop is infinitesimal.
for(const auto &instruction: disassembly.instructions_by_address) {
// Is this a read of the shift register?
(instruction.second.operation == Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Instruction::LDA) ||
(instruction.second.operation == Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Instruction::LDX) ||
(instruction.second.operation == Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Instruction::LDY)
) &&
instruction.second.addressing_mode == Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Instruction::Absolute &&
instruction.second.address == 0x031c) {
did_read_shift_register = true;
if(did_read_shift_register) {
instruction.second.operation == Analyser::Static::MOS6502::Instruction::BPL &&
instruction.second.address == 0xfb) {
is_oric = true;
did_read_shift_register = false;
// Check also for calls into the 0x3xx page above 0x320, as that's where the Oric's boot ROM is.
for(const auto address: disassembly.outward_calls) {
is_oric |= address >= 0x320 && address < 0x400;
if(is_oric) {
} else {
targets.back()->media = media;*/
return targets;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// StaticAnalyser.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 05/12/2023.
// Copyright 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef Analyser_Static_FAT12_StaticAnalyser_hpp
#define Analyser_Static_FAT12_StaticAnalyser_hpp
#include "../StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "../../../Storage/TargetPlatforms.hpp"
#include <string>
namespace Analyser::Static::FAT12 {
TargetList GetTargets(const Media &media, const std::string &file_name, TargetPlatform::IntType potential_platforms);
#endif /* Analyser_Static_FAT12_StaticAnalyser_hpp */
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "Commodore/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "DiskII/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "Enterprise/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "FAT12/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "Macintosh/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "MSX/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "Oric/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
@ -179,10 +180,10 @@ static Media GetMediaAndPlatforms(const std::string &file_name, TargetPlatform::
TargetPlatform::Acorn | TargetPlatform::AmstradCPC | TargetPlatform::Commodore | TargetPlatform::Oric | TargetPlatform::ZXSpectrum)
// HFE (TODO: switch to AllDisk once the MSX stops being so greedy)
Format("ima", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::PCCompatible) // IMG (Enterprise/MS-DOS style)
Format("ima", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::PCCompatible) // IMG (MS-DOS style)
Format("image", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::MacintoshIMG>, TargetPlatform::Macintosh) // IMG (DiskCopy 4.2)
Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::MacintoshIMG>, TargetPlatform::Macintosh) // IMG (DiskCopy 4.2)
Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::Enterprise) // IMG (Enterprise/MS-DOS style)
Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::FAT12) // IMG (Enterprise or MS-DOS style)
Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::PCBooter>, TargetPlatform::PCCompatible) // IMG (PC raw booter)
Format( "ipf",
@ -290,6 +291,7 @@ TargetList Analyser::Static::GetTargets(const std::string &file_name) {
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
425739382B051EA800B7D1E4 /* PCCompatible.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 425739372B051EA800B7D1E4 /* PCCompatible.cpp */; };
425739392B051EA800B7D1E4 /* PCCompatible.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 425739372B051EA800B7D1E4 /* PCCompatible.cpp */; };
4281683A2A37AFB4008ECD27 /* DispatcherTests.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 428168392A37AFB4008ECD27 /* DispatcherTests.mm */; };
429B13602B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 429B135F2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp */; };
429B13612B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 429B135F2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp */; };
42A5E80C2ABBE04600A0DD5D /* NeskellTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 42A5E80B2ABBE04600A0DD5D /* NeskellTests.swift */; };
42A5E8442ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* illegal_rmw_test.bin in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 42A5E8332ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* illegal_rmw_test.bin */; };
42A5E8452ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* arr_bcd_test.bin in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 42A5E8342ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* arr_bcd_test.bin */; };
@ -1164,6 +1166,8 @@
4281572E2AA0334300E16AA1 /* Carry.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = Carry.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
428168372A16C25C008ECD27 /* LineLayout.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = LineLayout.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
428168392A37AFB4008ECD27 /* DispatcherTests.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = DispatcherTests.mm; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
429B135E2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = StaticAnalyser.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
429B135F2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = StaticAnalyser.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
42A5E80B2ABBE04600A0DD5D /* NeskellTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = NeskellTests.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
42A5E8332ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* illegal_rmw_test.bin */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = archive.macbinary; path = illegal_rmw_test.bin; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
42A5E8342ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* arr_bcd_test.bin */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = archive.macbinary; path = arr_bcd_test.bin; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -2402,6 +2406,15 @@
path = PCCompatible;
sourceTree = "<group>";
429B135D2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* FAT12 */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
429B135E2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.hpp */,
429B135F2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp */,
path = FAT12;
sourceTree = "<group>";
42A5E8322ABBE16F00A0DD5D /* Neskell Tests */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
@ -3605,6 +3618,7 @@
4B894507201967B4007DE474 /* Disassembler */,
4BD67DC8209BE4D600AB2146 /* DiskII */,
4B051CA426781D6500CA44E8 /* Enterprise */,
429B135D2B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* FAT12 */,
4BB4BFB622A4372E0069048D /* Macintosh */,
4B89450F201967B4007DE474 /* MSX */,
4B8944F6201967B4007DE474 /* Oric */,
@ -5866,6 +5880,7 @@
4B055ADB1FAE9B460060FFFF /* 6560.cpp in Sources */,
4B17B58C20A8A9D9007CCA8F /* StringSerialiser.cpp in Sources */,
4B055AA01FAE85DA0060FFFF /* MFMSectorDump.cpp in Sources */,
429B13612B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp in Sources */,
4B1A1B1F27320FBC00119335 /* Disk.cpp in Sources */,
4BEBFB522002DB30000708CC /* DiskROM.cpp in Sources */,
4BC23A2D2467600F001A6030 /* OPLL.cpp in Sources */,
@ -6107,6 +6122,7 @@
4B71368E1F788112008B8ED9 /* Parser.cpp in Sources */,
4B12C0ED1FCFA98D005BFD93 /* Keyboard.cpp in Sources */,
4BA0F68E1EEA0E8400E9489E /* ZX8081.cpp in Sources */,
429B13602B1F7BDA006BB4CB /* StaticAnalyser.cpp in Sources */,
4BD468F71D8DF41D0084958B /* 1770.cpp in Sources */,
4B051CA22676F52200CA44E8 /* Enterprise.cpp in Sources */,
4B7F1897215486A200388727 /* StaticAnalyser.cpp in Sources */,
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ SOURCES += \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Disassembler/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/DiskII/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Enterprise/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/FAT12/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Macintosh/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/MSX/*.cpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Oric/*.cpp \
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ HEADERS += \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Disassembler/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/DiskII/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Enterprise/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/FAT12/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Macintosh/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/MSX/*.hpp \
$$SRC/Analyser/Static/Oric/*.hpp \
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/Commodore/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/Disassembler/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/DiskII/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/Enterprise/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/FAT12/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/Macintosh/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/MSX/*.cpp')
SOURCES += glob.glob('../../Analyser/Static/Oric/*.cpp')
Reference in New Issue
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