mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 10:31:38 +00:00
Puts in enough logic to be able to launch a non-functional IIe.
This commit is contained in:
OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal
@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ template <bool is_iie> class ConcreteMachine:
// Pick the required ROMs.
using Target = Analyser::Static::AppleII::Target;
std::vector<std::string> rom_names = {"apple2-character.rom"};
size_t rom_size = 12*1024;
switch(target.model) {
@ -266,6 +267,10 @@ template <bool is_iie> class ConcreteMachine:
case Target::Model::IIplus:
case Target::Model::IIe:
rom_size = 15*1024;
const auto roms = rom_fetcher("AppleII", rom_names);
@ -273,12 +278,13 @@ template <bool is_iie> class ConcreteMachine:
throw ROMMachine::Error::MissingROMs;
character_rom_ = std::move(*roms[0]);
rom_ = std::move(*roms[1]);
if(rom_.size() > 12*1024) {
rom_.erase(rom_.begin(), rom_.begin() + static_cast<off_t>(rom_.size()) - 12*1024);
if(rom_.size() > rom_size) {
rom_.erase(rom_.begin(), rom_.end() - static_cast<off_t>(rom_size));
character_rom_ = std::move(*roms[0]);
if(target.disk_controller != Target::DiskController::None) {
// Apple recommended slot 6 for the (first) Disk II.
install_card(6, new AppleII::DiskIICard(rom_fetcher, target.disk_controller == Target::DiskController::SixteenSector));
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CSMachineAppleIIModel) {
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CSMachineAppleIIDiskController) {
@ -168,7 +168,11 @@ static Analyser::Static::ZX8081::Target::MemoryModel ZX8081MemoryModelFromSize(K
using Target = Analyser::Static::AppleII::Target;
std::unique_ptr<Target> target(new Target);
target->machine = Analyser::Machine::AppleII;
target->model = (model == CSMachineAppleIIModelAppleII) ? Target::Model::II : Target::Model::IIplus;
switch(model) {
default: target->model = Target::Model::II; break;
case CSMachineAppleIIModelAppleIIPlus: target->model = Target::Model::IIplus; break;
case CSMachineAppleIIModelAppleIIe: target->model = Target::Model::IIe; break;
switch(diskController) {
case CSMachineAppleIIDiskControllerNone: target->disk_controller = Target::DiskController::None; break;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ Gw
<tabViewItem label="Apple II" identifier="appleii" id="P59-QG-LOa">
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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Gw
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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Gw
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@ -92,12 +92,13 @@ Gw
<menuItem title="Apple II" state="on" id="VBQ-JG-AeM"/>
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@ -128,11 +129,11 @@ Gw
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@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ Gw
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@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ class MachinePicker: NSObject {
var model: CSMachineAppleIIModel = .appleII
switch appleIIModelButton!.selectedTag() {
case 1: model = .appleIIPlus
case 2: model = .appleIIe
case 0: fallthrough
default: model = .appleII
@ -2,5 +2,10 @@ ROM files would ordinarily go here; they are copyright Apple so are not included
Expected files:
apple2o.rom — a 12kb image of the original Apple II's ROMs.
apple2-character.rom — a 2kb image of the Apple II+'s character ROM.
apple2o.rom — an image at least 12kb big, in which the final 12kb is the original Apple II's ROM.
apple2.rom — an image at least 12kb big, in which the final 12kb is the Apple II+'s ROM.
apple2e.rom — a file at least 15kb big, in which the final 12kb is the main portion of the ROM, that is visible from $D000, and the 3kb before that is the portion that can be paged in from $C100.
apple2-character.rom — a 2kb image of the Apple IIe's character ROM.
Apologies for the wackiness around "at least xkb big", it's to allow for use of files such as those on ftp.apple.asimov.net, which tend to be a bunch of other things, then the system ROM.
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