mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 00:34:09 +00:00
Moves the CIAs into the Chipset class.
This reflects the routing of interrupt signals for now, but also prepares for the addition of disk drives.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,18 +13,19 @@
#include "../../Processors/68000/68000.hpp"
#include "../../Components/6526/6526.hpp"
#include "../../Analyser/Static/Amiga/Target.hpp"
#include "../Utility/MemoryPacker.hpp"
#include "../Utility/MemoryFuzzer.hpp"
#include "../../Storage/Disk/Drive.hpp"
//#define NDEBUG
#define LOG_PREFIX "[Amiga] "
#include "../../Outputs/Log.hpp"
#include "Chipset.hpp"
#include "MemoryMap.hpp"
namespace Amiga {
@ -37,10 +38,7 @@ class ConcreteMachine:
ConcreteMachine(const Analyser::Static::Amiga::Target &target, const ROMMachine::ROMFetcher &rom_fetcher) :
chipset_(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(memory_.chip_ram.data()), memory_.chip_ram.size() >> 1),
@ -61,40 +59,17 @@ class ConcreteMachine:
// MARK: - MC68000::BusHandler.
using Microcycle = CPU::MC68000::Microcycle;
HalfCycles perform_bus_operation(const CPU::MC68000::Microcycle &cycle, int) {
// TODO: clean up below.
// Probably: let the Chipset own the CIAs, killing the need to pass hsyncs/vsyncs
// and CIA interrupt lines back and forth. Then the two run_fors can return, at most,
// an interrupt level and a duration. Possibly give the chipset a reference to the
// 68k so it can set IPL directly?
// Do a quick advance check for Chip RAM access; add a suitable delay if required.
Chipset::Changes net_changes;
HalfCycles access_delay;
if(cycle.operation & Microcycle::NewAddress && *cycle.address < 0x20'0000) {
// TODO: shouldn't delay if the overlay bit is set?
net_changes = chipset_.run_until_cpu_slot();
access_delay = net_changes.duration;
access_delay = chipset_.run_until_cpu_slot().duration;
// Compute total length.
const HalfCycles total_length = cycle.length + access_delay;
// The CIAs are on the E clock.
cia_divider_ += total_length;
const HalfCycles e_clocks = cia_divider_.divide(HalfCycles(20));
if(e_clocks > HalfCycles(0)) {
net_changes += chipset_.run_for(total_length);
chipset_.set_cia_interrupts(cia_a_.get_interrupt_line(), cia_b_.get_interrupt_line());
// Check for assertion of reset.
@ -139,12 +114,12 @@ class ConcreteMachine:
if(cycle.operation & Microcycle::Read) {
uint16_t result = 0xffff;
if(!(address & 0x1000)) result &= 0xff00 | (cia_a_.read(reg) << 0);
if(!(address & 0x2000)) result &= 0x00ff | (cia_b_.read(reg) << 8);
if(!(address & 0x1000)) result &= 0xff00 | (chipset_.cia_a.read(reg) << 0);
if(!(address & 0x2000)) result &= 0x00ff | (chipset_.cia_b.read(reg) << 8);
} else {
if(!(address & 0x1000)) cia_a_.write(reg, cycle.value8_low());
if(!(address & 0x2000)) cia_b_.write(reg, cycle.value8_high());
if(!(address & 0x1000)) chipset_.cia_a.write(reg, cycle.value8_low());
if(!(address & 0x2000)) chipset_.cia_b.write(reg, cycle.value8_high());
LOG("CIA " << (((address >> 12) & 3)^3) << " " << (cycle.operation & Microcycle::Read ? "read " : "write ") << std::dec << (reg & 0xf) << " of " << PADHEX(2) << +cycle.value8_low());
@ -168,33 +143,6 @@ class ConcreteMachine:
&memory_.regions[address >> 18].contents[address],
memory_.regions[address >> 18].read_write_mask
// if(address < 0x4'0000) {
// switch((cycle.operation | memory_.regions[address >> 18].read_write_mask) & (Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::Read | Microcycle::PermitRead | Microcycle::PermitWrite)) {
// default:
// if(cycle.operation & (Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::SelectByte)) {
// printf("Ignored!\n");
// }
// break;
// case Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::Read | Microcycle::PermitRead:
// case Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::Read | Microcycle::PermitRead | Microcycle::PermitWrite:
// printf("%04x -> %04x\n", *cycle.address, cycle.value->full);
// break;
// case Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::Read | Microcycle::PermitRead:
// case Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::Read | Microcycle::PermitRead | Microcycle::PermitWrite:
// printf("%04x -> %02x\n", *cycle.address, cycle.value->halves.low);
// break;
// case Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::PermitWrite:
// case Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::PermitWrite | Microcycle::PermitRead:
// printf("%04x <- %04x\n", *cycle.address, cycle.value->full);
// break;
// case Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::PermitWrite:
// case Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::PermitWrite | Microcycle::PermitRead:
// printf("%04x <- %02x\n", *cycle.address, cycle.value->halves.low);
// break;
// }
// }
return access_delay;
@ -204,172 +152,16 @@ class ConcreteMachine:
CPU::MC68000::Processor<ConcreteMachine, true> mc68000_;
// MARK: - Memory map.
struct MemoryMap {
std::array<uint8_t, 512*1024> chip_ram{};
std::array<uint8_t, 512*1024> kickstart{0xff};
struct MemoryRegion {
uint8_t *contents = nullptr;
unsigned int read_write_mask = 0;
} regions[64]; // i.e. top six bits are used as an index.
MemoryMap() {
// Address spaces that matter:
// 00'0000 – 08'0000: chip RAM. [or overlayed KickStart]
// – 10'0000: extended chip ram for ECS.
// – 20'0000: auto-config space (/fast RAM).
// ...
// bf'd000 – c0'0000: 8250s.
// c0'0000 – d8'0000: pseudo-fast RAM.
// ...
// dc'0000 – dd'0000: optional real-time clock.
// df'f000 - e0'0000: custom chip registers.
// ...
// f0'0000 — : 512kb Kickstart (or possibly just an extra 512kb reserved for hypothetical 1mb Kickstart?).
// f8'0000 — : 256kb Kickstart if 2.04 or higher.
// fc'0000 – : 256kb Kickstart otherwise.
set_region(0xfc'0000, 0x1'00'0000, kickstart.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead);
void reset() {
void set_overlay(bool enabled) {
if(overlay_ == enabled) {
overlay_ = enabled;
if(enabled) {
set_region(0x00'0000, 0x08'0000, kickstart.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead);
} else {
// Mirror RAM to fill out the address range up to $20'0000.
set_region(0x00'0000, 0x08'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x08'0000, 0x10'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x10'0000, 0x18'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x18'0000, 0x20'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
bool overlay_ = false;
void set_region(int start, int end, uint8_t *base, unsigned int read_write_mask) {
assert(!(start & ~0xfc'0000));
assert(!((end - (1 << 18)) & ~0xfc'0000));
base -= start;
for(int c = start >> 18; c < end >> 18; c++) {
regions[c].contents = base;
regions[c].read_write_mask = read_write_mask;
} memory_;
MemoryMap memory_;
// MARK: - Chipset.
Chipset chipset_;
// MARK: - CIAs.
class CIAAHandler: public MOS::MOS6526::PortHandler {
CIAAHandler(MemoryMap &map) : map_(map) {}
void set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// Parallel port output.
LOG("TODO: parallel output " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
} else {
// b7: /FIR1
// b6: /FIR0
// b5: /RDY
// b4: /TRK0
// b3: /WPRO
// b2: /CHNG
// b1: /LED [output]
// b0: OVL [output]
LOG("LED & memory map: " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
if(observer_) {
observer_->set_led_status(led_name, !(value & 2));
map_.set_overlay(value & 1);
uint8_t get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port port) {
if(port) {
LOG("TODO: parallel input?");
} else {
LOG("TODO: CIA A, port A input — FIR, RDY, TRK0, etc");
// Announce that TRK0 is upon us.
return 0xef;
return 0xff;
void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) {
observer_ = observer;
if(observer) {
observer->register_led(led_name, Activity::Observer::LEDPresentation::Persistent);
MemoryMap &map_;
Activity::Observer *observer_ = nullptr;
inline static const std::string led_name = "Power";
} cia_a_handler_;
struct CIABHandler: public MOS::MOS6526::PortHandler {
void set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// Serial port control.
// b7: /DTR
// b6: /RTS
// b5: /CD
// b4: /CTS
// b3: /DSR
// b2: SEL
// b1: POUT
// b0: BUSY
LOG("TODO: DTR/RTS/etc: " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
} else {
// Disk motor control, drive and head selection,
// and stepper control:
// b7: /MTR
// b6: /SEL3
// b5: /SEL2
// b4: /SEL1
// b3: /SEL0
// b2: /SIDE
// b1: DIR
// b0: /STEP
LOG("TODO: Stepping, etc; " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
uint8_t get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port) {
LOG("Unexpected input for CIA B ");
return 0xff;
} cia_b_handler_;
HalfCycles cia_divider_;
MOS::MOS6526::MOS6526<CIAAHandler, MOS::MOS6526::Personality::P8250> cia_a_;
MOS::MOS6526::MOS6526<CIABHandler, MOS::MOS6526::Personality::P8250> cia_b_;
// MARK: - Activity Source
void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) final {
// MARK: - MachineTypes::ScanProducer.
@ -32,11 +32,14 @@ template <DMAFlag... Flags> struct DMAMask: Mask<DMAFlag, Flags...> {};
Chipset::Chipset(uint16_t *ram, size_t word_size) :
blitter_(*this, ram, word_size),
bitplanes_(*this, ram, word_size),
copper_(*this, ram, word_size),
disk_(*this, ram, word_size),
Chipset::Chipset(MemoryMap &map) :
blitter_(*this, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(map.chip_ram.data()), map.chip_ram.size() >> 1),
bitplanes_(*this, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(map.chip_ram.data()), map.chip_ram.size() >> 1),
copper_(*this, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(map.chip_ram.data()), map.chip_ram.size() >> 1),
disk_(*this, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(map.chip_ram.data()), map.chip_ram.size() >> 1),
crt_(908, 4, Outputs::Display::Type::PAL50, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red4Green4Blue4) {
@ -48,12 +51,12 @@ Chipset::Changes Chipset::run_until_cpu_slot() {
return run<true>();
void Chipset::set_cia_interrupts(bool cia_a, bool cia_b) {
void Chipset::set_cia_interrupts(bool cia_a_interrupt, bool cia_b_interrupt) {
// TODO: are these really latched, or are they active live?
interrupt_requests_ &= ~InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers, InterruptFlag::External>::value;
interrupt_requests_ |=
(cia_a ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers>::value : 0) |
(cia_b ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::External>::value : 0);
(cia_a_interrupt ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::IOPortsAndTimers>::value : 0) |
(cia_b_interrupt ? InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::External>::value : 0);
@ -339,6 +342,7 @@ template <bool stop_on_cpu> Chipset::Changes Chipset::run(HalfCycles length) {
// This code uses 'pixels' as a measure, which is equivalent to one pixel clock time,
// or half a cycle.
auto pixels_remaining = length.as<int>();
int hsyncs = 0, vsyncs = 0;
// Update raster position, spooling out graphics.
while(pixels_remaining) {
@ -369,7 +373,7 @@ template <bool stop_on_cpu> Chipset::Changes Chipset::run(HalfCycles length) {
// Advance intraline counter and pcoossibly ripple upwards into
// lines and fields.
if(line_cycle_ == (line_length_ * 4)) {
line_cycle_ = 0;
@ -385,7 +389,7 @@ template <bool stop_on_cpu> Chipset::Changes Chipset::run(HalfCycles length) {
if(y_ == frame_height_) {
interrupt_requests_ |= InterruptMask<InterruptFlag::VerticalBlank>::value;
@ -398,6 +402,18 @@ template <bool stop_on_cpu> Chipset::Changes Chipset::run(HalfCycles length) {
assert(line_cycle_ < line_length_ * 4);
// The CIAs are on the E clock.
cia_divider_ += changes.duration;
const HalfCycles e_clocks = cia_divider_.divide(HalfCycles(20));
if(e_clocks > HalfCycles(0)) {
set_cia_interrupts(cia_a.get_interrupt_line(), cia_b.get_interrupt_line());
changes.interrupt_level = interrupt_level_;
return changes;
@ -897,3 +913,82 @@ void Chipset::set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType type) {
Outputs::Display::DisplayType Chipset::get_display_type() const {
return crt_.get_display_type();
// MARK: - CIA Handlers.
Chipset::CIAAHandler::CIAAHandler(MemoryMap &map) : map_(map) {}
void Chipset::CIAAHandler::set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// Parallel port output.
LOG("TODO: parallel output " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
} else {
// b7: /FIR1
// b6: /FIR0
// b5: /RDY
// b4: /TRK0
// b3: /WPRO
// b2: /CHNG
// b1: /LED [output]
// b0: OVL [output]
LOG("LED & memory map: " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
if(observer_) {
observer_->set_led_status(led_name, !(value & 2));
map_.set_overlay(value & 1);
uint8_t Chipset::CIAAHandler::get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port port) {
if(port) {
LOG("TODO: parallel input?");
} else {
LOG("TODO: CIA A, port A input — FIR, RDY, TRK0, etc");
// Announce that TRK0 is upon us.
return 0xef;
return 0xff;
void Chipset::CIAAHandler::set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) {
observer_ = observer;
if(observer) {
observer->register_led(led_name, Activity::Observer::LEDPresentation::Persistent);
void Chipset::CIABHandler::set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value) {
if(port) {
// Serial port control.
// b7: /DTR
// b6: /RTS
// b5: /CD
// b4: /CTS
// b3: /DSR
// b2: SEL
// b1: POUT
// b0: BUSY
LOG("TODO: DTR/RTS/etc: " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
} else {
// Disk motor control, drive and head selection,
// and stepper control:
// b7: /MTR
// b6: /SEL3
// b5: /SEL2
// b4: /SEL1
// b3: /SEL0
// b2: /SIDE
// b1: DIR
// b0: /STEP
LOG("TODO: Stepping, etc; " << PADHEX(2) << +value);
uint8_t Chipset::CIABHandler::get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port) {
LOG("Unexpected input for CIA B ");
return 0xff;
@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../../Processors/68000/68000.hpp"
#include "../../Activity/Source.hpp"
#include "../../Components/6526/6526.hpp"
#include "../../Outputs/CRT/CRT.hpp"
#include "../../Processors/68000/68000.hpp"
#include "Blitter.hpp"
#include "Copper.hpp"
#include "DMADevice.hpp"
#include "MemoryMap.hpp"
namespace Amiga {
@ -56,17 +59,13 @@ enum class DMAFlag: uint16_t {
class Chipset {
Chipset(uint16_t *ram, size_t word_size);
Chipset(MemoryMap &memory_map);
struct Changes {
int hsyncs = 0;
int vsyncs = 0;
int interrupt_level = 0;
HalfCycles duration;
Changes &operator += (const Changes &rhs) {
hsyncs += rhs.hsyncs;
vsyncs += rhs.vsyncs;
duration += rhs.duration;
return *this;
@ -95,9 +94,43 @@ class Chipset {
void set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType);
Outputs::Display::DisplayType get_display_type() const;
// Activity observation.
void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) {
class CIAAHandler: public MOS::MOS6526::PortHandler {
CIAAHandler(MemoryMap &map);
void set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value);
uint8_t get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port port);
void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer);
MemoryMap &map_;
Activity::Observer *observer_ = nullptr;
inline static const std::string led_name = "Power";
} cia_a_handler_;
struct CIABHandler: public MOS::MOS6526::PortHandler {
void set_port_output(MOS::MOS6526::Port port, uint8_t value);
uint8_t get_port_input(MOS::MOS6526::Port);
} cia_b_handler_;
// CIAs are provided for direct access; it's up to the caller properly
// to distinguish relevant accesses.
MOS::MOS6526::MOS6526<CIAAHandler, MOS::MOS6526::Personality::P8250> cia_a;
MOS::MOS6526::MOS6526<CIABHandler, MOS::MOS6526::Personality::P8250> cia_b;
friend class DMADeviceBase;
// MARK: - E Clock follow along.
HalfCycles cia_divider_;
// MARK: - Interrupts.
uint16_t interrupt_enable_ = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
// MemoryMap.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 04/10/2021.
// Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef MemoryMap_hpp
#define MemoryMap_hpp
namespace Amiga {
struct MemoryMap {
std::array<uint8_t, 512*1024> chip_ram{};
std::array<uint8_t, 512*1024> kickstart{0xff};
struct MemoryRegion {
uint8_t *contents = nullptr;
unsigned int read_write_mask = 0;
} regions[64]; // i.e. top six bits are used as an index.
MemoryMap() {
// Address spaces that matter:
// 00'0000 – 08'0000: chip RAM. [or overlayed KickStart]
// – 10'0000: extended chip ram for ECS.
// – 20'0000: auto-config space (/fast RAM).
// ...
// bf'd000 – c0'0000: 8250s.
// c0'0000 – d8'0000: pseudo-fast RAM.
// ...
// dc'0000 – dd'0000: optional real-time clock.
// df'f000 - e0'0000: custom chip registers.
// ...
// f0'0000 — : 512kb Kickstart (or possibly just an extra 512kb reserved for hypothetical 1mb Kickstart?).
// f8'0000 — : 256kb Kickstart if 2.04 or higher.
// fc'0000 – : 256kb Kickstart otherwise.
set_region(0xfc'0000, 0x1'00'0000, kickstart.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead);
void reset() {
void set_overlay(bool enabled) {
if(overlay_ == enabled) {
overlay_ = enabled;
if(enabled) {
set_region(0x00'0000, 0x08'0000, kickstart.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead);
} else {
// Mirror RAM to fill out the address range up to $20'0000.
set_region(0x00'0000, 0x08'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x08'0000, 0x10'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x10'0000, 0x18'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
set_region(0x18'0000, 0x20'0000, chip_ram.data(), CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitRead | CPU::MC68000::Microcycle::PermitWrite);
bool overlay_ = false;
void set_region(int start, int end, uint8_t *base, unsigned int read_write_mask) {
assert(!(start & ~0xfc'0000));
assert(!((end - (1 << 18)) & ~0xfc'0000));
base -= start;
for(int c = start >> 18; c < end >> 18; c++) {
regions[c].contents = base;
regions[c].read_write_mask = read_write_mask;
#endif /* MemoryMap_hpp */
@ -2007,6 +2007,7 @@
4BCF1FA31DADC3DD0039D2E7 /* Oric.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = Oric.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD060A51FE49D3C006E14BE /* Speaker.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = Speaker.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD0FBC2233706A200148981 /* CSApplication.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CSApplication.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD1552E270B14AC00410C6E /* MemoryMap.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = MemoryMap.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD191D9219113B80042E144 /* OpenGL.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = OpenGL.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD191F22191180E0042E144 /* ScanTarget.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ScanTarget.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BD191F32191180E0042E144 /* ScanTarget.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = ScanTarget.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -4305,6 +4306,7 @@
4BC6236A26F178DA00F83DFE /* DMADevice.hpp */,
4B9EC0E926B384080060A31F /* Keyboard.hpp */,
4BC6237026F94A5B00F83DFE /* Minterms.h */,
4BD1552E270B14AC00410C6E /* MemoryMap.hpp */,
path = Amiga;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user