mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 18:30:21 +00:00
Factored out the stuff of pushing a fast-loading option onwards and storing it within the user defaults.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,18 @@ unsigned int Machine::perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uin
// test for PC at F92F
if(_use_fast_tape_hack && address == 0xf92f && operation == CPU6502::BusOperation::ReadOpcode)
// advance time on the tape and the VIAs until an interrupt is signalled
while(!_userPortVIA.get_interrupt_line() && !_keyboardVIA.get_interrupt_line())
// run the phase-1 part of this cycle, in which the VIC accesses memory
uint16_t video_address = _mos6560->get_address();
uint8_t video_value = 0xff; // TODO
@ -92,7 +104,6 @@ unsigned int Machine::perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uin
void Machine::mos6522_did_change_interrupt_status(void *mos6522)
// bool irq = _userPortVIA.get_interrupt_line() || _keyboardVIA.get_interrupt_line();
@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ class Machine:
void set_key_state(Key key, bool isPressed) { _keyboardVIA.set_key_state(key, isPressed); }
void clear_all_keys() { _keyboardVIA.clear_all_keys(); }
inline void set_use_fast_tape_hack(bool activate) { _use_fast_tape_hack = activate; }
// to satisfy CPU6502::Processor
unsigned int perform_bus_operation(CPU6502::BusOperation operation, uint16_t address, uint8_t *value);
void synchronise() { _mos6560->synchronise(); }
@ -199,7 +201,10 @@ class Machine:
std::unique_ptr<MOS::MOS6560> _mos6560;
UserPortVIA _userPortVIA;
KeyboardVIA _keyboardVIA;
// Tape
Tape _tape;
bool _use_fast_tape_hack;
@ -683,6 +683,7 @@
4BB73ECF1B587A6700552FC2 /* Clock Signal.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = "Clock Signal.entitlements"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBB142F1CD2CECE00BDB55C /* IntermediateShader.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = IntermediateShader.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBB14301CD2CECE00BDB55C /* IntermediateShader.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = IntermediateShader.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBC34241D2208B100FFC9DF /* CSCommonOptions.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CSCommonOptions.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBF99081C8FBA6F0075DAFB /* CRTInputBufferBuilder.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CRTInputBufferBuilder.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBF99091C8FBA6F0075DAFB /* CRTInputBufferBuilder.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = CRTInputBufferBuilder.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4BBF990A1C8FBA6F0075DAFB /* CRTOpenGL.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CRTOpenGL.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -803,6 +804,7 @@
4B2A53921D117D36003C6002 /* Machine */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
4BBC34241D2208B100FFC9DF /* CSCommonOptions.h */,
4B2A53931D117D36003C6002 /* CSKeyboardMachine.h */,
4B2A53941D117D36003C6002 /* CSMachine+Subclassing.h */,
4B2A53951D117D36003C6002 /* CSMachine.h */,
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
<plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="9532"/>
<customObject id="-2" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="Atari2600Document" customModule="Clock_Signal" customModuleProvider="target">
<customObject id="-2" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="Vic20Document" customModule="Clock_Signal" customModuleProvider="target">
<outlet property="fastLoadingButton" destination="sBT-cU-h7s" id="gWf-9E-D7l"/>
<outlet property="openGLView" destination="DEG-fq-cjd" id="Gxs-2u-n7B"/>
<outlet property="optionsPanel" destination="ota-g7-hOL" id="zeO-di-9i3"/>
<outlet property="window" destination="xOd-HO-29H" id="JIz-fz-R2o"/>
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@
<value key="maxSize" type="size" width="200" height="83"/>
<view key="contentView" id="7Pv-WL-2Rq">
<rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="200" height="83"/>
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<button translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="sBT-cU-h7s">
<rect key="frame" x="18" y="47" width="164" height="18"/>
@ -56,10 +57,13 @@
<behavior key="behavior" changeContents="YES" doesNotDimImage="YES" lightByContents="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
<action selector="setFastLoading:" target="-2" id="ctR-h1-CYI"/>
<popUpButton verticalHuggingPriority="750" translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints="NO" id="MlB-rE-TXV">
<rect key="frame" x="18" y="17" width="165" height="26"/>
<popUpButtonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Danish Machine" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="left" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" borderStyle="borderAndBezel" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" selectedItem="38Y-Wm-1uo" id="UIu-uz-pTu">
<popUpButtonCell key="cell" type="push" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="left" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" borderStyle="borderAndBezel" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="UIu-uz-pTu">
<behavior key="behavior" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="menu"/>
<menu key="menu" id="ajo-u0-WGk">
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@
<constraint firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="MlB-rE-TXV" secondAttribute="trailing" constant="20" id="v18-62-uee"/>
<point key="canvasLocation" x="129" y="46.5"/>
<point key="canvasLocation" x="-2" y="6.5"/>
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#import "CSMachine.h"
#import "CSKeyboardMachine.h"
#import "CSCommonOptions.h"
#import "CSAtari2600.h"
#import "CSElectron.h"
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ class Atari2600Document: MachineDocument {
return atari2600
override var name: String! {
get {
return "atari2600"
// MARK: NSDocument overrides
override class func autosavesInPlace() -> Bool {
@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ class ElectronDocument: MachineDocument {
return electron
override var name: String! {
get {
return "electron"
override func aspectRatio() -> NSSize {
return NSSize(width: 11.0, height: 10.0)
@ -33,8 +38,6 @@ class ElectronDocument: MachineDocument {
override var windowNibName: String? {
@ -69,25 +72,14 @@ class ElectronDocument: MachineDocument {
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setInteger(sender.indexOfSelectedItem, forKey: self.displayTypeUserDefaultsKey)
@IBOutlet var fastLoadingButton: NSButton!
@IBAction func setFastLoading(sender: NSButton!) {
electron.useFastLoadingHack = sender.state == NSOnState
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(electron.useFastLoadingHack, forKey: self.fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey)
private let displayTypeUserDefaultsKey = "electron.displayType"
private let fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey = "electron.fastLoading"
private func establishStoredOptions() {
override func establishStoredOptions() {
let standardUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
displayTypeUserDefaultsKey: 0,
fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey: true
let useFastLoadingHack = standardUserDefaults.boolForKey(self.fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey)
electron.useFastLoadingHack = useFastLoadingHack
self.fastLoadingButton.state = useFastLoadingHack ? NSOnState : NSOffState
let displayType = standardUserDefaults.integerForKey(self.displayTypeUserDefaultsKey)
electron.useTelevisionOutput = (displayType == 1)
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ class MachineDocument:
return nil
var name: String! {
get {
return nil
func aspectRatio() -> NSSize {
return NSSize(width: 4.0, height: 3.0)
@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ class MachineDocument:
self.machine.delegate = self
func machineDidChangeClockRate(machine: CSMachine!) {
@ -168,4 +174,33 @@ class MachineDocument:
$0.setKey(VK_Option, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.AlternateKeyMask))
// MARK: IBActions
var fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey: String {
get {
return "\(self.name).fastLoading"
@IBOutlet var fastLoadingButton: NSButton!
@IBAction func setFastLoading(sender: NSButton!) {
if let commonOptionsMachine = machine as? CSCommonOptions {
let useFastLoadingHack = sender.state == NSOnState
commonOptionsMachine.useFastLoadingHack = useFastLoadingHack
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(useFastLoadingHack, forKey: fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey)
func establishStoredOptions() {
let standardUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey: true
if let commonOptionsMachine = machine as? CSCommonOptions {
let useFastLoadingHack = standardUserDefaults.boolForKey(self.fastLoadingUserDefaultsKey)
commonOptionsMachine.useFastLoadingHack = useFastLoadingHack
self.fastLoadingButton.state = useFastLoadingHack ? NSOnState : NSOffState
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ class Vic20Document: MachineDocument {
return vic20
override var name: String! {
get {
return "vic20"
// MARK: NSDocument overrides
override init() {
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
#import "CSMachine.h"
#import "CSKeyboardMachine.h"
#import "CSCommonOptions.h"
@interface CSElectron : CSMachine <CSKeyboardMachine>
@interface CSElectron : CSMachine <CSKeyboardMachine, CSCommonOptions>
- (void)setOSROM:(nonnull NSData *)rom;
- (void)setBASICROM:(nonnull NSData *)rom;
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
#import "CSMachine.h"
#import "CSKeyboardMachine.h"
#import "CSCommonOptions.h"
@interface CSVic20 : CSMachine <CSKeyboardMachine>
@interface CSVic20 : CSMachine <CSKeyboardMachine, CSCommonOptions>
- (void)setKernelROM:(nonnull NSData *)rom;
- (void)setBASICROM:(nonnull NSData *)rom;
@ -18,4 +19,6 @@
- (void)setPRG:(nonnull NSData *)prg;
- (BOOL)openTAPAtURL:(nonnull NSURL *)URL;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL useFastLoadingHack;
@ -137,4 +137,11 @@
- (void)setUseFastLoadingHack:(BOOL)useFastLoadingHack {
@synchronized(self) {
_useFastLoadingHack = useFastLoadingHack;
_vic20.set_use_fast_tape_hack(useFastLoadingHack ? true : false);
Reference in New Issue
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