mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-09-28 09:54:49 +00:00

Implemented EX DE, HL and shuffled to allow instruction pages.

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Harte 2017-05-20 17:04:25 -04:00
parent add02a7897
commit 7b234078ae

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@ -104,6 +104,11 @@ struct MicroOp {
} type;
void *source;
@ -136,7 +141,11 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
uint8_t operation_;
RegisterPair address_, temporary_;
void decode_base_operation(uint8_t operation) {
MicroOp **current_instruction_page_;
MicroOp *base_page_[256];
MicroOp *ed_page_[256];
MicroOp *fd_page_[256];
#define XX {MicroOp::None, 0}
#define FETCH(x, y) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Read, 3, &y.full, &x}}, {MicroOp::Increment16, &y.full}
@ -164,11 +173,21 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
Program(FETCHL(temporary_.bytes.low, hl_), {MicroOp::op, &temporary_.bytes.low}), \
Program({MicroOp::op, &a_})
#define ADD16(d, s) Program(WAIT(4), WAIT(3), {MicroOp::Add16, &s.full, &d.full})
#define WAIT(n) {MicroOp::BusOperation, nullptr, nullptr, {Internal, n} }
#define Program(...) { __VA_ARGS__, {MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram} }
typedef MicroOp InstructionTable[256][20];
static const MicroOp base_program_table[256][20] = {
void assemble_page(MicroOp **target, InstructionTable &table) {
for(int c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
target[c] = table[c];
void assemble_base_page(MicroOp **target) {
InstructionTable base_program_table = {
{ {MicroOp::MoveToNextProgram} }, /* 0x00 NOP */
Program(FETCH16(bc_, pc_)), /* 0x01 LD BC, nn */
XX, /* 0x02 LD (BC), A */
@ -178,7 +197,7 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
Program(FETCH(bc_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x06 LD B, n */
XX, /* 0x07 RLCA */
XX, /* 0x08 EX AF, AF' */
XX, /* 0x09 ADD HL, BC */
ADD16(hl_, bc_), /* 0x09 ADD HL, BC */
Program(FETCHL(a_, bc_)), /* 0x0a LD A, (BC) */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &bc_.full}), /* 0x0b DEC BC */
XX, /* 0x0c INC C */
@ -194,7 +213,7 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
Program(FETCH(de_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x16 LD D, n */
XX, /* 0x17 RLA */
XX, /* 0x18 JR */
XX, /* 0x19 ADD HL, DE */
ADD16(hl_, de_), /* 0x19 ADD HL, DE */
Program(FETCHL(a_, de_)), /* 0x1a LD A, (DE) */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &de_.full}), /* 0x1b DEC DE */
XX, /* 0x1c INC E */
@ -210,7 +229,7 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
Program(FETCH(hl_.bytes.high, pc_)), /* 0x26 LD H, n */
XX, /* 0x27 DAA */
XX, /* 0x28 JR Z */
XX, /* 0x29 ADD HL, HL */
ADD16(hl_, hl_), /* 0x29 ADD HL, HL */
Program(FETCH16(address_, pc_), FETCH16L(hl_, address_)), /* 0x2a LD HL, (nn) */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &hl_.full}), /* 0x2b DEC HL */
XX, /* 0x2c INC L */
@ -223,10 +242,10 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Increment16, &sp_.full}), /* 0x33 INC SP */
XX, /* 0x34 INC (HL) */
XX, /* 0x35 DEC (HL) */
XX, /* 0x36 LD (HL), n */
Program(FETCH(temporary_.bytes.low, pc_), STOREL(temporary_.bytes.low, hl_)), /* 0x36 LD (HL), n */
XX, /* 0x37 SCF */
XX, /* 0x38 JR C */
XX, /* 0x39 ADD HL, SP */
ADD16(hl_, sp_), /* 0x39 ADD HL, SP */
XX, /* 0x3a LD A, (nn) */
Program(WAIT(2), {MicroOp::Decrement16, &sp_.full}), /* 0x3b DEC SP */
XX, /* 0x3c INC A */
@ -292,9 +311,9 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
XX, /* 0xe8 RET PE */
XX, /* 0xe9 JP (HL) */
JP(TestPE), /* 0xea JP PE */
XX, /* 0xeb EX DE, HL */
Program({MicroOp::ExDEHL}), /* 0xeb EX DE, HL */
XX, /* 0xec CALL PE */
XX, /* 0xed [ED page] */
Program({MicroOp::SetInstructionPage, ed_page_}), /* 0xed [ED page] */
XX, /* 0xee XOR n */
XX, /* 0xef RST 28h */
XX, /* 0xf0 RET p */
@ -310,20 +329,23 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
JP(TestM), /* 0xfa JP M */
XX, /* 0xfb EI */
XX, /* 0xfc CALL M */
XX, /* 0xfd [FD page] */
Program({MicroOp::SetInstructionPage, fd_page_}), /* 0xfd [FD page] */
XX, /* 0xfe CP n */
XX, /* 0xff RST 38h */
if(base_program_table[operation][0].type == MicroOp::None) {
assemble_page(target, base_program_table);
void decode_operation(uint8_t operation) {
if(current_instruction_page_[operation]->type == MicroOp::None) {
printf("Unknown Z80 operation %02x!!!\n", operation);
// program_table_ = base_program_table;
Processor() {
// set_base_program_table();
@ -344,6 +366,7 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
#define checkSchedule() \
if(!scheduled_programs_[schedule_programs_read_pointer_]) {\
current_instruction_page_ = base_page_;\
@ -367,7 +390,7 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
case MicroOp::DecodeOperation:
case MicroOp::Increment16: (*(uint16_t *)operation->source)++; break;
@ -414,6 +437,20 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
#undef set_parity
case MicroOp::Add16: {
uint16_t sourceValue = *(uint16_t *)operation->source;
uint16_t destinationValue = *(uint16_t *)operation->destination;
int result = sourceValue + destinationValue;
int halfResult = (sourceValue&0xfff) + (destinationValue&0xfff);
bit3_result_ = bit5_result_ = (uint8_t)(result >> 8);
carry_flag_ = (result >> 16) & Flag::Carry;
half_carry_flag_ = (halfResult >> 8) & Flag::HalfCarry;
subtract_flag_ = 0;
*(uint16_t *)operation->destination = (uint16_t)result;
} break;
case MicroOp::TestNZ: if(!zero_result_) { move_to_next_program(); checkSchedule(); } break;
case MicroOp::TestZ: if(zero_result_) { move_to_next_program(); checkSchedule(); } break;
case MicroOp::TestNC: if(carry_flag_) { move_to_next_program(); checkSchedule(); } break;
@ -423,6 +460,17 @@ template <class T> class Processor: public MicroOpScheduler<MicroOp> {
case MicroOp::TestP: if(sign_result_ & 0x80) { move_to_next_program(); checkSchedule(); } break;
case MicroOp::TestM: if(!(sign_result_ & 0x80)) { move_to_next_program(); checkSchedule(); } break;
case MicroOp::ExDEHL: {
uint16_t temp = de_.full;
de_.full = hl_.full;
hl_.full = temp;
} break;
case MicroOp::SetInstructionPage:
current_instruction_page_ = (CPU::Z80::MicroOp **)operation->source;
// printf("Unhandled Z80 operation %d\n", operation->type);