mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-07-07 23:29:06 +00:00

Implements AND, OR and EOR.

As well as introducing a little more nuance to the double-decoding test.
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Harte 2019-04-18 16:34:48 -04:00
parent 9334557fbf
commit 81dcfd9f85

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@ -330,7 +330,9 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
ABCD_SBCD, // Maps source and desintation registers and a register/memory selection bit to an ABCD or SBCD.
ADD_SUB, // Maps a register and a register and mode to an ADD or SUB.
ADDA_SUBA, // Maps a destination register and a source mode and register to an ADDA or SUBA.
ADDQ_SUBQ, // Mags a register and a mode to an ADDQ or SUBQ.
ADDQ_SUBQ, // Maps a register and a mode to an ADDQ or SUBQ.
AND_OR_EOR, // Maps a source register, operation mode and destination register and mode to an AND, OR or EOR.
BRA, // Maps to a BRA. All fields are decoded at runtime.
Bcc_BSR, // Maps to a Bcc or BSR. Other than determining the type of operation, fields are decoded at runtime.
@ -405,9 +407,17 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
{0xf1f0, 0xc100, Operation::ABCD, Decoder::ABCD_SBCD}, // 4-3 (p107)
{0xf1f0, 0x8100, Operation::SBCD, Decoder::ABCD_SBCD}, // 4-171 (p275)
// {0xf000, 0x8000, Operation::OR, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-150 (p226)
// {0xf000, 0xb000, Operation::EOR, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-100 (p204)
// {0xf000, 0xc000, Operation::AND, Decoder::RegOpModeReg}, // 4-15 (p119)
{0xf0c0, 0xc000, Operation::ANDb, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-15 (p119)
{0xf0c0, 0xc040, Operation::ANDw, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-15 (p119)
{0xf0c0, 0xc080, Operation::ANDl, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-15 (p119)
{0xf0c0, 0x8000, Operation::ORb, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-150 (p254)
{0xf0c0, 0x8040, Operation::ORw, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-150 (p254)
{0xf0c0, 0x8080, Operation::ORl, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-150 (p254)
{0xf0c0, 0xb000, Operation::EORb, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-100 (p204)
{0xf0c0, 0xb040, Operation::EORw, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-100 (p204)
{0xf0c0, 0xb080, Operation::EORl, Decoder::AND_OR_EOR}, // 4-100 (p204)
{0xffc0, 0x0600, Operation::ADDb, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
{0xffc0, 0x0640, Operation::ADDw, Decoder::EORI_ORI_ANDI_SUBI_ADDI}, // 4-9 (p113)
@ -562,17 +572,6 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
{0xfff0, 0x4e40, Operation::TRAP, Decoder::TRAP}, // 4-188 (p292)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify no double mappings.
for(int instruction = 0; instruction < 65536; ++instruction) {
int hits = 0;
for(const auto &mapping: mappings) {
if((instruction & mapping.mask) == mapping.value) ++hits;
assert(hits < 2);
std::vector<size_t> micro_op_pointers(65536, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
// The arbitrary_base is used so that the offsets returned by assemble_program into
@ -592,6 +591,9 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
// Perform a linear search of the mappings above for this instruction.
for(size_t instruction = 0; instruction < 65536; ++instruction) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
int hits = 0;
for(const auto &mapping: mappings) {
if((instruction & mapping.mask) == mapping.value) {
auto operation = mapping.operation;
@ -602,6 +604,176 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
const int ea_mode = (instruction >> 3) & 7;
switch(mapping.decoder) {
case Decoder::AND_OR_EOR: {
const bool to_ea = !!((instruction >> 8)&1);
const bool is_eor = (instruction >> 12) == 0xb;
const int op_mode = (instruction >> 6)&7;
// Weed out illegal operation modes.
if(op_mode == 7) continue;
const bool is_byte_access = !!((instruction >> 6)&3);
const bool is_long_word_access = ((instruction >> 6)&3) == 2;
const int data_register = (instruction >> 9) & 7;
const int mode = combined_mode(ea_mode, ea_register);
if(to_ea) {
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_source(storage_, Dn, data_register);
// Only EOR takes Dn as a destination effective address.
if(!is_eor && mode == Dn) continue;
switch(is_long_word_access ? l(mode) : bw(mode)) {
default: continue;
case bw(Dn): // EOR.bw Dn, Dn
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(Dn): // EOR.l Dn, Dn
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nn"));
case bw(Ind): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (An)
case bw(PostInc): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (An)+
op(Action::None, seq("nr", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Increment1 : Action::Increment2) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
case bw(PreDec): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, -(An)
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Decrement1 : Action::Decrement2) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("n nrd", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
case l(PreDec): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, -(An)
op(int(Action::Decrement4) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("n"));
case l(Ind): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (An)+
case l(PostInc): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (An)
op(int(Action::CopyToEffectiveAddress) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("nRd+ nrd", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw- nW", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(Action::Increment4) | MicroOp::DestinationMask);
case bw(d16An): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (d16, An)
case bw(d8AnXn): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (d8, An, Xn)
op(calc_action_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq(pseq("np nrd", mode), { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
case l(d16An): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (d16, An)
case l(d8AnXn): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (d8, An, Xn)
op(calc_action_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq(pseq("np nRd+ nrd", mode), { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw- nW", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
case bw(XXXl): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (xxx).l
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
case bw(XXXw): // [AND/OR/EOR].bw Dn, (xxx).w
op(address_assemble_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("np nrd", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw", { ea(1) }, !is_byte_access));
case l(XXXl): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (xxx).l
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
case l(XXXw): // [AND/OR/EOR].l Dn, (xxx).w
op(address_assemble_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::DestinationMask, seq("np nRd+ nrd", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nw- nW", { ea(1), ea(1) }));
} else {
// EORs can be to EA only.
if(is_eor) continue;
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_source(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_destination(storage_, Dn, data_register);
switch(mode) {
default: continue;
case bw(Dn): // [AND/OR].bw Dn, Dn
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(Dn): // [AND/OR].l Dn, Dn
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nn"));
case bw(Ind): // [AND/OR].bw (An), Dn
case bw(PostInc): // [AND/OR].bw (An)+, Dn
op(Action::None, seq("nr", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Increment1 : Action::Increment2) | MicroOp::SourceMask);
case bw(PreDec): // [AND/OR].bw -(An), Dn
op(int(is_byte_access ? Action::Decrement1 : Action::Decrement2) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("n nr", { a(ea_register) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(PreDec): // [AND/OR].l -(An), Dn
op(int(Action::Decrement4) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("n"));
case l(Ind): // [AND/OR].l (An), Dn,
case l(PostInc): // [AND/OR].l (An)+, Dn
op(int(Action::CopyToEffectiveAddress) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("nR+ nr", { ea(0), ea(0) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np n"));
if(mode == PostInc) {
op(int(Action::Increment4) | MicroOp::SourceMask);
case bw(d16An): // [AND/OR].bw (d16, An), Dn
case bw(d16PC): // [AND/OR].bw (d16, PC), Dn
case bw(d8AnXn): // [AND/OR].bw (d8, An, Xn), Dn
case bw(d8PCXn): // [AND/OR].bw (d8, PX, Xn), Dn
op(calc_action_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq(pseq("np nr", mode), { ea(0) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(d16An): // [AND/OR].l (d16, An), Dn
case l(d16PC): // [AND/OR].l (d16, PC), Dn
case l(d8AnXn): // [AND/OR].l (d8, An, Xn), Dn
case l(d8PCXn): // [AND/OR].l (d8, PX, Xn), Dn
op(calc_action_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq(pseq("np nR+ nr", mode), { ea(0), ea(0) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np n"));
case bw(XXXl): // [AND/OR].bw (xxx).l, Dn
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
case bw(XXXw): // [AND/OR].bw (xxx).w, Dn
op(address_assemble_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np nr", { ea(0) }, !is_byte_access));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(XXXl): // [AND/OR].bw (xxx).l, Dn
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
case l(XXXw): // [AND/OR].bw (xxx).w, Dn
op(address_assemble_for_mode(mode) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np nR+ nr", { ea(0), ea(0) }));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np n"));
case bw(Imm): // [AND/OR].bw #, Dn
op(int(Action::AssembleWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np"));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np"));
case l(Imm): // [AND/OR].l #, Dn
op(Action::None, seq("np"));
op(int(Action::AssembleLongWordDataFromPrefetch) | MicroOp::SourceMask, seq("np"));
op(Action::PerformOperation, seq("np nn"));
} break;
case Decoder::MULU_MULS: {
const int destination_register = (instruction >> 9) & 7;
storage_.instructions[instruction].set_source(storage_, ea_mode, ea_register);
@ -2833,8 +3005,14 @@ struct ProcessorStorageConstructor {
storage_.instructions[instruction].operation = operation;
micro_op_pointers[instruction] = micro_op_start;
// Don't search further through the list of possibilities.
// Don't search further through the list of possibilities, unless this is a debugging build,
// in which case verify there are no double mappings.
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert(hits == 1);