diff --git a/Analyser/Static/StaticAnalyser.cpp b/Analyser/Static/StaticAnalyser.cpp
index fb0c1b7a5..99668d6e1 100644
--- a/Analyser/Static/StaticAnalyser.cpp
+++ b/Analyser/Static/StaticAnalyser.cpp
@@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/AppleDSK.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/CPCDSK.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/D64.hpp"
-#include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/MacintoshIMG.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/G64.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/DMK.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/FAT12.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/HFE.hpp"
+#include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.hpp"
+#include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/MacintoshIMG.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/MSA.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/NIB.hpp"
 #include "../../Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/OricMFMDSK.hpp"
@@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ static Media GetMediaAndPlatforms(const std::string &file_name, TargetPlatform::
 #define InsertInstance(list, instance, platforms) \
 	potential_platforms |= platforms;\
-	TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher *distinguisher = dynamic_cast<TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher *>(list.back().get());\
-	if(distinguisher) potential_platforms &= distinguisher->target_platform_type(); \
+	TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher *const distinguisher = dynamic_cast<TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher *>(list.back().get());\
+	if(distinguisher) potential_platforms &= distinguisher->target_platform_type();
 #define Insert(list, class, platforms, ...) \
 	InsertInstance(list, new Storage::class(__VA_ARGS__), platforms);
@@ -161,7 +162,11 @@ static Media GetMediaAndPlatforms(const std::string &file_name, TargetPlatform::
 			// HFE (TODO: switch to AllDisk once the MSX stops being so greedy)
 	Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::MacintoshIMG>, TargetPlatform::Macintosh)		// IMG (DiskCopy 4.2)
 	Format("image", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::MacintoshIMG>, TargetPlatform::Macintosh)	// IMG (DiskCopy 4.2)
-	Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::Enterprise)		// IMG (Enterprise/MS-DOS style)
+	Format("img", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::FAT12>, TargetPlatform::Enterprise)			// IMG (Enterprise/MS-DOS style)
+	Format(	"ipf",
+			result.disks,
+			Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::IPF>,
+			TargetPlatform::Amiga | TargetPlatform::AtariST | TargetPlatform::AmstradCPC | TargetPlatform::ZXSpectrum)		// IPF
 	Format("msa", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::MSA>, TargetPlatform::AtariST)				// MSA
 	Format("nib", result.disks, Disk::DiskImageHolder<Storage::Disk::NIB>, TargetPlatform::DiskII)				// NIB
 	Format("o", result.tapes, Tape::ZX80O81P, TargetPlatform::ZX8081)											// O
diff --git a/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.cpp b/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.cpp
index 798683c39..12615430e 100644
--- a/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.cpp
+++ b/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.cpp
@@ -12,47 +12,47 @@ using namespace Concurrency;
 #ifndef USE_GCD
-	: should_destruct_(false)
-#ifdef USE_GCD
-	serial_dispatch_queue_ = dispatch_queue_create("com.thomasharte.clocksignal.asyntaskqueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
+	:
+		should_destruct_(false),
+		thread_([this] () {
+			while(!should_destruct_) {
+				std::function<void(void)> next_function;
+				// Take lock, check for a new task.
+				std::unique_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
+				if(!pending_tasks_.empty()) {
+					next_function = pending_tasks_.front();
+					pending_tasks_.pop_front();
+				}
+				if(next_function) {
+					// If there is a task, release lock and perform it.
+					lock.unlock();
+					next_function();
+				} else {
+					// If there isn't a task, atomically block on the processing condition and release the lock
+					// until there's something pending (and then release it again via scope).
+					processing_condition_.wait(lock);
+				}
+			}
+		})
-	thread_ = std::make_unique<std::thread>([this]() {
-		while(!should_destruct_) {
-			std::function<void(void)> next_function;
-			// Take lock, check for a new task
-			std::unique_lock lock(queue_mutex_);
-			if(!pending_tasks_.empty()) {
-				next_function = pending_tasks_.front();
-				pending_tasks_.pop_front();
-			}
-			if(next_function) {
-				// If there is a task, release lock and perform it
-				lock.unlock();
-				next_function();
-			} else {
-				// If there isn't a task, atomically block on the processing condition and release the lock
-				// until there's something pending (and then release it again via scope)
-				processing_condition_.wait(lock);
-			}
-		}
-	});
+	: serial_dispatch_queue_(dispatch_queue_create("com.thomasharte.clocksignal.asyntaskqueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL))
 AsyncTaskQueue::~AsyncTaskQueue() {
 #ifdef USE_GCD
-	serial_dispatch_queue_ = nullptr;
+	// Set should destruct, and then give the thread a bit of a nudge
+	// via an empty enqueue.
 	should_destruct_ = true;
-	thread_->join();
-	thread_.reset();
+	// Wait for the thread safely to terminate.
+	thread_.join();
@@ -88,16 +88,15 @@ DeferringAsyncTaskQueue::~DeferringAsyncTaskQueue() {
 void DeferringAsyncTaskQueue::defer(std::function<void(void)> function) {
 	if(!deferred_tasks_) {
-		deferred_tasks_ = std::make_shared<std::list<std::function<void(void)>>>();
+		deferred_tasks_ = std::make_unique<TaskList>();
 void DeferringAsyncTaskQueue::perform() {
 	if(!deferred_tasks_) return;
-	std::shared_ptr<std::list<std::function<void(void)>>> deferred_tasks = deferred_tasks_;
-	deferred_tasks_.reset();
-	enqueue([deferred_tasks] {
+	enqueue([deferred_tasks_raw = deferred_tasks_.release()] {
+		std::unique_ptr<TaskList> deferred_tasks(deferred_tasks_raw);
 		for(const auto &function : *deferred_tasks) {
diff --git a/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.hpp b/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.hpp
index da5d052c8..225f49580 100644
--- a/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.hpp
+++ b/Concurrency/AsyncTaskQueue.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 namespace Concurrency {
+using TaskList = std::list<std::function<void(void)>>;
 	An async task queue allows a caller to enqueue void(void) functions. Those functions are guaranteed
 	to be performed serially and asynchronously from the caller. A caller may also request to flush,
@@ -51,12 +53,12 @@ class AsyncTaskQueue {
 #ifdef USE_GCD
 		dispatch_queue_t serial_dispatch_queue_;
-		std::unique_ptr<std::thread> thread_;
-		std::mutex queue_mutex_;
-		std::list<std::function<void(void)>> pending_tasks_;
-		std::condition_variable processing_condition_;
 		std::atomic_bool should_destruct_;
+		std::condition_variable processing_condition_;
+		std::mutex queue_mutex_;
+		TaskList pending_tasks_;
+		std::thread thread_;
@@ -93,9 +95,7 @@ class DeferringAsyncTaskQueue: public AsyncTaskQueue {
 		void flush();
-		// TODO: this is a shared_ptr because of the issues capturing moveables in C++11;
-		// switch to a unique_ptr if/when adapting to C++14
-		std::shared_ptr<std::list<std::function<void(void)>>> deferred_tasks_;
+		std::unique_ptr<TaskList> deferred_tasks_;
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index be4646135..47c6a8f14 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@
 		4B59199C1DAC6C46005BB85C /* OricTAP.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B59199A1DAC6C46005BB85C /* OricTAP.cpp */; };
 		4B595FAD2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B595FAC2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.cpp */; };
 		4B595FAE2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B595FAC2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.cpp */; };
+		4B5B37312777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B5B372F2777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp */; };
+		4B5B37322777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B5B372F2777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp */; };
 		4B5D5C9725F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B5D5C9525F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.cpp */; };
 		4B5D5C9825F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B5D5C9525F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.cpp */; };
 		4B5FADBA1DE3151600AEC565 /* FileHolder.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4B5FADB81DE3151600AEC565 /* FileHolder.cpp */; };
@@ -1393,6 +1395,8 @@
 		4B59199B1DAC6C46005BB85C /* OricTAP.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = OricTAP.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		4B595FAB2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = AudioToggle.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		4B595FAC2086DFBA0083CAA8 /* AudioToggle.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AudioToggle.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		4B5B372F2777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = IPF.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		4B5B37302777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = IPF.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		4B5D5C9525F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = Spectrum.cpp; path = Parsers/Spectrum.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		4B5D5C9625F56FC7001B4623 /* Spectrum.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; name = Spectrum.hpp; path = Parsers/Spectrum.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		4B5FADB81DE3151600AEC565 /* FileHolder.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = FileHolder.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -2859,6 +2863,7 @@
 				4BEBFB4B2002C4BF000708CC /* FAT12.cpp */,
 				4B4518931F75FD1B00926311 /* G64.cpp */,
 				4B4518951F75FD1B00926311 /* HFE.cpp */,
+				4B5B372F2777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp */,
 				4BB4BFAE22A42F290069048D /* MacintoshIMG.cpp */,
 				4B58601C1F806AB200AEE2E3 /* MFMSectorDump.cpp */,
 				4BC131782346DF2B00E4FF3D /* MSA.cpp */,
@@ -2878,6 +2883,7 @@
 				4BEBFB4C2002C4BF000708CC /* FAT12.hpp */,
 				4B4518941F75FD1B00926311 /* G64.hpp */,
 				4B4518961F75FD1B00926311 /* HFE.hpp */,
+				4B5B37302777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.hpp */,
 				4BB4BFAF22A42F290069048D /* MacintoshIMG.hpp */,
 				4B58601D1F806AB200AEE2E3 /* MFMSectorDump.hpp */,
 				4BC131792346DF2B00E4FF3D /* MSA.hpp */,
@@ -5550,6 +5556,7 @@
 				4B7962A22819681F008130F9 /* Decoder.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B055ACF1FAE9B030060FFFF /* SoundGenerator.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B4DEC08252BFA56004583AC /* 65816Base.cpp in Sources */,
+				4B5B37322777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B894519201967B4007DE474 /* ConfidenceCounter.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B055AEE1FAE9BBF0060FFFF /* Keyboard.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B055AED1FAE9BA20060FFFF /* Z80Storage.cpp in Sources */,
@@ -5704,6 +5711,7 @@
 				4B89451E201967B4007DE474 /* Tape.cpp in Sources */,
 				4BAF2B4E2004580C00480230 /* DMK.cpp in Sources */,
 				4BB697CE1D4BA44400248BDF /* CommodoreGCR.cpp in Sources */,
+				4B5B37312777C7FC0047F238 /* IPF.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B0ACC3023775819008902D0 /* TIASound.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B7136861F78724F008B8ED9 /* Encoder.cpp in Sources */,
 				4B0E04EA1FC9E5DA00F43484 /* CAS.cpp in Sources */,
diff --git a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Info.plist b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Info.plist
index c0ae89362..635d364c9 100644
--- a/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Info.plist	
+++ b/OSBindings/Mac/Clock Signal/Info.plist	
@@ -652,6 +652,26 @@
+		<dict>
+			<key>CFBundleTypeExtensions</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>ipf</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
+			<string>Software Preservation Society Disk Image</string>
+			<key>CFBundleTypeOSTypes</key>
+			<array>
+				<string>????</string>
+			</array>
+			<key>CFBundleTypeRole</key>
+			<string>Viewer</string>
+			<key>LSHandlerRank</key>
+			<string>Owner</string>
+			<key>LSTypeIsPackage</key>
+			<false/>
+			<key>NSDocumentClass</key>
+			<string>$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).MachineDocument</string>
+		</dict>
diff --git a/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/DiskImage.hpp b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/DiskImage.hpp
index ed051756f..d12d4709a 100644
--- a/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/DiskImage.hpp
+++ b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/DiskImage.hpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "../Disk.hpp"
 #include "../Track/Track.hpp"
+#include "../../TargetPlatforms.hpp"
 namespace Storage {
 namespace Disk {
@@ -86,8 +87,11 @@ class DiskImageHolderBase: public Disk {
 	Provides a wrapper that wraps a DiskImage to make it into a Disk, providing caching and,
 	thereby, an intermediate store for modified tracks so that mutable disk images can either
 	update on the fly or perform a block update on closure, as appropriate.
+	Implements TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher to return either no information whatsoever, if
+	the underlying image doesn't implement TypeDistinguisher, or else to pass the call along.
-template <typename T> class DiskImageHolder: public DiskImageHolderBase {
+template <typename T> class DiskImageHolder: public DiskImageHolderBase, public TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher {
 		template <typename... Ts> DiskImageHolder(Ts&&... args) :
 			disk_image_(args...) {}
@@ -103,6 +107,14 @@ template <typename T> class DiskImageHolder: public DiskImageHolderBase {
 		T disk_image_;
+		TargetPlatform::Type target_platform_type() final {
+			if constexpr (std::is_base_of<TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher, T>::value) {
+				return static_cast<TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher *>(&disk_image_)->target_platform_type();
+			} else {
+				return TargetPlatform::Type(~0);
+			}
+		}
 #include "DiskImageImplementation.hpp"
diff --git a/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.cpp b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a610564d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+//  IPF.cpp
+//  Clock Signal
+//  Created by Thomas Harte on 25/12/2021.
+//  Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
+#include "IPF.hpp"
+#include "../../Encodings/MFM/Encoder.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace Storage::Disk;
+namespace {
+constexpr uint32_t block(const char (& src)[5]) {
+	return uint32_t(
+		(uint32_t(src[0]) << 24) |
+		(uint32_t(src[1]) << 16) |
+		(uint32_t(src[2]) << 8) |
+		uint32_t(src[3])
+	);
+constexpr size_t block_size(Storage::FileHolder &file, uint8_t header) {
+	uint8_t size_width = header >> 5;
+	size_t length = 0;
+	while(size_width--) {
+		length = (length << 8) | file.get8();
+	}
+	return length;
+IPF::IPF(const std::string &file_name) : file_(file_name) {
+	std::map<uint32_t, Track::Address> tracks_by_data_key;
+	// For now, just build up a list of tracks that exist, noting the file position at which their data begins
+	// plus the other fields that'll be necessary to convert them into flux on demand later.
+	while(true) {
+		const auto start_of_block = file_.tell();
+		const uint32_t type = file_.get32be();
+		uint32_t length = file_.get32be();						// Can't be const because of the dumb encoding of DATA blocks.
+		[[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t crc = file_.get32be();
+		if(file_.eof()) break;
+		// Sanity check: the first thing in a file should be the CAPS record.
+		if(!start_of_block && type != block("CAPS")) {
+			throw Error::InvalidFormat;
+		}
+		switch(type) {
+			default:
+				printf("Ignoring %c%c%c%c, starting at %ld of length %d\n", (type >> 24), (type >> 16) & 0xff, (type >> 8) & 0xff, type & 0xff, start_of_block, length);
+			break;
+			case block("CAPS"):
+				// Analogously to the sanity check above, if a CAPS block is anywhere other
+				// than first then something is amiss.
+				if(start_of_block) {
+					throw Error::InvalidFormat;
+				}
+			break;
+			case block("INFO"): {
+				// There are a lot of useful archival fields in the info chunk, which for emulation
+				// aren't that interesting.
+				// Make sure this is a floppy disk.
+				const uint32_t media_type = file_.get32be();
+				if(media_type != 1) {
+					throw Error::InvalidFormat;
+				}
+				// Determine whether this is a newer SPS-style file.
+				is_sps_format_ = file_.get32be() > 1;
+				// Skip: revision, file key and revision, CRC of the original .ctr, and minimum track.
+				file_.seek(20, SEEK_CUR);
+				track_count_ = int(1 + file_.get32be());
+				// Skip: min side.
+				file_.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);
+				head_count_ = int(1 + file_.get32be());
+				// Skip: creation date, time.
+				file_.seek(8, SEEK_CUR);
+				platform_type_ = 0;
+				for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+					const uint8_t platform = file_.get8();
+					switch(platform) {
+						default: break;
+						case 1:	platform_type_ |= TargetPlatform::Amiga;		break;
+						case 2:	platform_type_ |= TargetPlatform::AtariST;		break;
+						/* Omitted: 3 -> IBM PC */
+						case 4:	platform_type_ |= TargetPlatform::AmstradCPC;	break;
+						case 5:	platform_type_ |= TargetPlatform::ZXSpectrum;	break;
+						/* Omitted: 6 -> Sam Coupé */
+						/* Omitted: 7 -> Archimedes */
+						/* Omitted: 8 -> C64 */
+						/* Omitted: 9 -> Atari 8-bit */
+					}
+				}
+				// If the file didn't declare anything, default to supporting everything.
+				if(!platform_type_) {
+					platform_type_ = ~0;
+				}
+				// Ignore: disk number, creator ID, reserved area.
+			} break;
+			case block("IMGE"): {
+				// Get track location.
+				const uint32_t track = file_.get32be();
+				const uint32_t side = file_.get32be();
+				const Track::Address address{int(side), HeadPosition(int(track))};
+				// Hence generate a TrackDescription.
+				auto pair = tracks_.emplace(address, TrackDescription());
+				TrackDescription &description = pair.first->second;
+				// Read those fields of interest...
+				// Bit density. I've no idea why the density can't just be given as a measurement.
+				description.density = TrackDescription::Density(file_.get32be());
+				if(description.density > TrackDescription::Density::Max) {
+					description.density = TrackDescription::Density::Unknown;
+				}
+				file_.seek(12, SEEK_CUR);	// Skipped: signal type, track bytes, start byte position.
+				description.start_bit_pos = file_.get32be();
+				description.data_bits = file_.get32be();
+				description.gap_bits = file_.get32be();
+				file_.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);	// Skipped: track bits, which is entirely redundant.
+				description.block_count = file_.get32be();
+				file_.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);	// Skipped: encoder process.
+				description.has_fuzzy_bits = file_.get32be() & 1;
+				// For some reason the authors decided to introduce another primary key,
+				// in addition to that which naturally exists of (track, side). So set up
+				// a mapping from the one to the other.
+				const uint32_t data_key = file_.get32be();
+				tracks_by_data_key.emplace(data_key, address);
+			} break;
+			case block("DATA"): {
+				length += file_.get32be();
+				file_.seek(8, SEEK_CUR);	// Skipped: bit size, CRC.
+				// Grab the data key and use that to establish the file starting
+				// position for this track.
+				//
+				// Assumed here: DATA records will come after corresponding IMGE records.
+				const uint32_t data_key = file_.get32be();
+				const auto pair = tracks_by_data_key.find(data_key);
+				if(pair == tracks_by_data_key.end()) {
+					break;
+				}
+				auto description = tracks_.find(pair->second);
+				if(description == tracks_.end()) {
+					break;
+				}
+				description->second.file_offset = file_.tell();
+			} break;
+		}
+		file_.seek(start_of_block + length, SEEK_SET);
+	}
+HeadPosition IPF::get_maximum_head_position() {
+	return HeadPosition(track_count_);
+int IPF::get_head_count() {
+	return head_count_;
+std::shared_ptr<Track> IPF::get_track_at_position([[maybe_unused]] Track::Address address) {
+	// Get the track description, if it exists, and check either that the file has contents for the track.
+	auto pair = tracks_.find(address);
+	if(pair == tracks_.end()) {
+		return nullptr;
+	}
+	const TrackDescription &description = pair->second;
+	if(!description.file_offset) {
+		return nullptr;
+	}
+	// Seek to track content.
+	file_.seek(description.file_offset, SEEK_SET);
+	// Read the block descriptions up front.
+	//
+	// This is less efficient than just seeking for each block in turn,
+	// but is a useful crutch to comprehension of the file format on a
+	// first run through.
+	struct BlockDescriptor {
+		uint32_t data_bits = 0;
+		uint32_t gap_bits = 0;
+		uint32_t gap_offset = 0;
+		bool is_mfm = false;
+		bool has_forward_gap = false;
+		bool has_backwards_gap = false;
+		bool data_unit_is_bits = false;
+		uint32_t default_gap_value = 0;
+		uint32_t data_offset = 0;
+	};
+	std::vector<BlockDescriptor> blocks;
+	blocks.reserve(description.block_count);
+	for(uint32_t c = 0; c < description.block_count; c++) {
+		auto &block = blocks.emplace_back();
+		block.data_bits = file_.get32be();
+		block.gap_bits = file_.get32be();
+		if(is_sps_format_) {
+			block.gap_offset = file_.get32be();
+			file_.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);	// Skip 'cell type' which appears to provide no content.
+		} else {
+			// Skip potlower-resolution copies of data_bits and gap_bits.
+			file_.seek(8, SEEK_CUR);
+		}
+		block.is_mfm = file_.get32be() == 1;
+		const uint32_t flags = file_.get32be();
+		block.has_forward_gap = flags & 1;
+		block.has_backwards_gap = flags & 2;
+		block.data_unit_is_bits = flags & 4;
+		block.default_gap_value = file_.get32be();
+		block.data_offset = file_.get32be();
+	}
+	std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> segments;
+	int block_count = 0;
+	for(auto &block: blocks) {
+		const auto length_of_a_bit = bit_length(description.density, block_count);
+		if(block.gap_offset) {
+			file_.seek(description.file_offset + block.gap_offset, SEEK_SET);
+			while(true) {
+				const uint8_t gap_header = file_.get8();
+				if(!gap_header) break;
+				// Decompose the header and read the length.
+				enum class Type {
+					None, GapLength, SampleLength
+				} type = Type(gap_header & 0x1f);
+				const size_t length = block_size(file_, gap_header);
+				switch(type) {
+					case Type::GapLength:
+						printf("Adding gap length %zu bits\n", length);
+						add_gap(segments, length_of_a_bit, length, block.default_gap_value);
+					break;
+					default:
+					case Type::SampleLength:
+						printf("Adding sampled gap length %zu bits\n", length);
+						add_raw_data(segments, length_of_a_bit, length);
+//						file_.seek(long(length >> 3), SEEK_CUR);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if(block.gap_bits) {
+			add_gap(segments, length_of_a_bit, block.gap_bits, block.default_gap_value);
+		}
+		if(block.data_offset) {
+			file_.seek(description.file_offset + block.data_offset, SEEK_SET);
+			while(true) {
+				const uint8_t data_header = file_.get8();
+				if(!data_header) break;
+				// Decompose the header and read the length.
+				enum class Type {
+					None, Sync, Data, Gap, Raw, Fuzzy
+				} type = Type(data_header & 0x1f);
+				const size_t length = block_size(file_, data_header) * (block.data_unit_is_bits ? 1 : 8);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+				const auto next_chunk = file_.tell() + long(length >> 3);
+				switch(type) {
+					case Type::Gap:
+					case Type::Data:
+						add_unencoded_data(segments, length_of_a_bit, length);
+					break;
+					case Type::Sync:
+					case Type::Raw:
+						add_raw_data(segments, length_of_a_bit, length);
+					break;
+					default:
+						printf("Unhandled data type %d, length %zu bits\n", int(type), length);
+					break;
+				}
+				assert(file_.tell() == next_chunk);
+			}
+		}
+		++block_count;
+	}
+	return std::make_shared<Storage::Disk::PCMTrack>(segments);
+/// @returns The correct bit length for @c block on a track of @c density.
+/// @discussion At least to me, this is the least well-designed part] of the IPF specification; rather than just dictating cell
+/// densities (or, equivalently, lengths) in the file, densities are named according to their protection scheme and the decoder
+/// is required to know all named protection schemes. Which makes IPF unable to handle arbitrary disks (or, indeed, disks
+/// with multiple protection schemes on a single track).
+Storage::Time IPF::bit_length(TrackDescription::Density density, int block) {
+	constexpr unsigned int us = 100'000'000;
+	static constexpr auto us170 = Storage::Time::simplified(170, us);
+	static constexpr auto us180 = Storage::Time::simplified(180, us);
+	static constexpr auto us189 = Storage::Time::simplified(189, us);
+	static constexpr auto us190 = Storage::Time::simplified(190, us);
+	static constexpr auto us199 = Storage::Time::simplified(199, us);
+	static constexpr auto us200 = Storage::Time::simplified(200, us);
+	static constexpr auto us209 = Storage::Time::simplified(209, us);
+	static constexpr auto us210 = Storage::Time::simplified(210, us);
+	static constexpr auto us220 = Storage::Time::simplified(220, us);
+	switch(density) {
+		default:
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::CopylockAmiga:
+			if(block == 4) return us189;
+			if(block == 5) return us199;
+			if(block == 6) return us209;
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::CopylockAmigaNew:
+			if(block == 0) return us189;
+			if(block == 1) return us199;
+			if(block == 2) return us209;
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::CopylockST:
+			if(block == 5) return us210;
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::SpeedlockAmiga:
+			if(block == 1) return us220;
+			if(block == 2) return us180;
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::OldSpeedlockAmiga:
+			if(block == 1) return us210;
+		break;
+		case TrackDescription::Density::AdamBrierleyAmiga:
+			if(block == 1) return us220;
+			if(block == 2) return us210;
+			if(block == 3) return us200;
+			if(block == 4) return us190;
+			if(block == 5) return us180;
+			if(block == 6) return us170;
+		break;
+		// TODO: AdamBrierleyDensityKeyAmiga.
+	}
+	return us200;	// i.e. default to 2µs.
+void IPF::add_gap(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &track, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits, uint32_t value) {
+	auto &segment = track.emplace_back();
+	segment.length_of_a_bit = bit_length;
+	// Empirically, I think gaps require MFM encoding.
+	const auto byte_length = (num_bits + 7) >> 3;
+	segment.data.reserve(byte_length * 16);
+	auto encoder = Storage::Encodings::MFM::GetMFMEncoder(segment.data);
+	while(segment.data.size() < num_bits) {
+		encoder->add_byte(uint8_t(value >> 24));
+		value = (value << 8) | (value >> 24);
+	}
+	assert(segment.data.size() <= (byte_length * 16));
+	segment.data.resize(num_bits);
+void IPF::add_unencoded_data(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &track, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits) {
+	auto &segment = track.emplace_back();
+	segment.length_of_a_bit = bit_length;
+	// Length appears to be in pre-encoded bits; double that to get encoded bits.
+	const auto byte_length = (num_bits + 7) >> 3;
+	segment.data.reserve(num_bits * 16);
+	auto encoder = Storage::Encodings::MFM::GetMFMEncoder(segment.data);
+	for(size_t c = 0; c < num_bits; c += 8) {
+		encoder->add_byte(file_.get8());
+	}
+	assert(segment.data.size() <= (byte_length * 16));
+	segment.data.resize(num_bits * 2);
+void IPF::add_raw_data(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &track, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits) {
+	auto &segment = track.emplace_back();
+	segment.length_of_a_bit = bit_length;
+	const auto num_bits_ceiling = size_t(num_bits + 7) & size_t(~7);
+	segment.data.reserve(num_bits_ceiling);
+	for(size_t bit = 0; bit < num_bits; bit += 8) {
+		const uint8_t next = file_.get8();
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x80);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x40);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x20);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x10);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x08);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x04);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x02);
+		segment.data.push_back(next & 0x01);
+	}
+	assert(segment.data.size() <= num_bits_ceiling);
+	segment.data.resize(num_bits);
diff --git a/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.hpp b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa29aafa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Storage/Disk/DiskImage/Formats/IPF.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+//  IPF.hpp
+//  Clock Signal
+//  Created by Thomas Harte on 25/12/2021.
+//  Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
+#ifndef IPF_hpp
+#define IPF_hpp
+#include "../DiskImage.hpp"
+#include "../../Track/PCMTrack.hpp"
+#include "../../../FileHolder.hpp"
+#include "../../../TargetPlatforms.hpp"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace Storage {
+namespace Disk {
+	Provides a @c DiskImage containing an IPF, which is a mixed stream of raw flux windows and
+	unencoded MFM sections along with gap records that can be used to record write splices, all
+	of which is variably clocked (albeit not at flux transition resolution; as a result IPF files tend to be
+	close in size to more primitive formats).
+class IPF: public DiskImage, public TargetPlatform::TypeDistinguisher {
+	public:
+		/*!
+			Construct an @c IPF containing content from the file with name @c file_name.
+			@throws Storage::FileHolder::Error::CantOpen if this file can't be opened.
+			@throws Error::InvalidFormat if the file doesn't appear to contain an .HFE format image.
+			@throws Error::UnknownVersion if the file looks correct but is an unsupported version.
+		*/
+		IPF(const std::string &file_name);
+		// implemented to satisfy @c Disk
+		HeadPosition get_maximum_head_position() final;
+		int get_head_count() final;
+		std::shared_ptr<Track> get_track_at_position(Track::Address address) final;
+	private:
+		Storage::FileHolder file_;
+		uint16_t seek_track(Track::Address address);
+		struct TrackDescription {
+			long file_offset = 0;
+			enum class Density {
+				Unknown,
+				Noise,
+				Auto,
+				CopylockAmiga,
+				CopylockAmigaNew,
+				CopylockST,
+				SpeedlockAmiga,
+				OldSpeedlockAmiga,
+				AdamBrierleyAmiga,
+				AdamBrierleyDensityKeyAmiga,
+				Max = AdamBrierleyDensityKeyAmiga
+			} density = Density::Unknown;
+			uint32_t start_bit_pos = 0;
+			uint32_t data_bits = 0;
+			uint32_t gap_bits = 0;
+			uint32_t block_count;
+			bool has_fuzzy_bits = false;
+		};
+		int head_count_;
+		int track_count_;
+		std::map<Track::Address, TrackDescription> tracks_;
+		bool is_sps_format_ = false;
+		TargetPlatform::Type target_platform_type() final {
+			return TargetPlatform::Type(platform_type_);
+		}
+		TargetPlatform::IntType platform_type_ = TargetPlatform::Amiga;
+		Time bit_length(TrackDescription::Density, int block);
+		void add_gap(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits, uint32_t value);
+		void add_unencoded_data(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits);
+		void add_raw_data(std::vector<Storage::Disk::PCMSegment> &, Time bit_length, size_t num_bits);
+#endif /* IPF_hpp */
diff --git a/Storage/Storage.hpp b/Storage/Storage.hpp
index f096e63bb..90db2b5cd 100644
--- a/Storage/Storage.hpp
+++ b/Storage/Storage.hpp
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ struct Time {
 	Time(float value) {
+	static constexpr Time simplified(unsigned int _length, unsigned int _clock_rate) {
+		const auto gcd = std::gcd(_length, _clock_rate);
+		return Time(_length / gcd, _clock_rate / gcd);
+	}
 		Reduces this @c Time to its simplest form; eliminates all common factors from @c length