// // Draw.hpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 05/01/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #ifndef Draw_hpp #define Draw_hpp // MARK: - TMS9918 template void Base::draw_tms_character(int start, int end) { LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[output_pointer_.row]; // Paint the background tiles. const int pixels_left = end - start; if(this->screen_mode_ == ScreenMode::MultiColour) { for(int c = start; c < end; ++c) { pixel_target_[c] = palette[ (line_buffer.patterns[c >> 3][0] >> (((c & 4)^4))) & 15 ]; } } else { const int shift = start & 7; int byte_column = start >> 3; int length = std::min(pixels_left, 8 - shift); int pattern = Numeric::bit_reverse(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]) >> shift; uint8_t colour = line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][1]; uint32_t colours[2] = { palette[(colour & 15) ? (colour & 15) : background_colour_], palette[(colour >> 4) ? (colour >> 4) : background_colour_] }; int background_pixels_left = pixels_left; while(true) { background_pixels_left -= length; for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) { pixel_target_[c] = colours[pattern&0x01]; pattern >>= 1; } pixel_target_ += length; if(!background_pixels_left) break; length = std::min(8, background_pixels_left); byte_column++; pattern = Numeric::bit_reverse(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]); colour = line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][1]; colours[0] = palette[(colour & 15) ? (colour & 15) : background_colour_]; colours[1] = palette[(colour >> 4) ? (colour >> 4) : background_colour_]; } } // Paint sprites and check for collisions, but only if at least one sprite is active // on this line. if(line_buffer.active_sprite_slot) { const int shift_advance = sprites_magnified_ ? 1 : 2; // If this is the start of the line clip any part of any sprites that is off to the left. if(!start) { for(int index = 0; index < line_buffer.active_sprite_slot; ++index) { LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index]; if(sprite.x < 0) sprite.shift_position -= shift_advance * sprite.x; } } int sprite_buffer[256]; int sprite_collision = 0; memset(&sprite_buffer[start], 0, size_t(end - start)*sizeof(sprite_buffer[0])); constexpr uint32_t sprite_colour_selection_masks[2] = {0x00000000, 0xffffffff}; constexpr int colour_masks[16] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; // Draw all sprites into the sprite buffer. const int shifter_target = sprites_16x16_ ? 32 : 16; for(int index = line_buffer.active_sprite_slot - 1; index >= 0; --index) { LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index]; if(sprite.shift_position < shifter_target) { const int pixel_start = std::max(start, sprite.x); for(int c = pixel_start; c < end && sprite.shift_position < shifter_target; ++c) { const int shift = (sprite.shift_position >> 1) ^ 7; int sprite_colour = (sprite.image[shift >> 3] >> (shift & 7)) & 1; // A colision is detected regardless of sprite colour ... sprite_collision |= sprite_buffer[c] & sprite_colour; sprite_buffer[c] |= sprite_colour; // ... but a sprite with the transparent colour won't actually be visible. sprite_colour &= colour_masks[sprite.image[2]&15]; pixel_origin_[c] = (pixel_origin_[c] & sprite_colour_selection_masks[sprite_colour^1]) | (palette[sprite.image[2]&15] & sprite_colour_selection_masks[sprite_colour]); sprite.shift_position += shift_advance; } } } status_ |= sprite_collision << StatusSpriteCollisionShift; } } template void Base::draw_tms_text(int start, int end) { LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[output_pointer_.row]; const uint32_t colours[2] = { palette[background_colour_], palette[text_colour_] }; const int shift = start % 6; int byte_column = start / 6; int pattern = Numeric::bit_reverse(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]) >> shift; int pixels_left = end - start; int length = std::min(pixels_left, 6 - shift); while(true) { pixels_left -= length; for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) { pixel_target_[c] = colours[pattern&0x01]; pattern >>= 1; } pixel_target_ += length; if(!pixels_left) break; length = std::min(6, pixels_left); byte_column++; pattern = Numeric::bit_reverse(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column][0]); } } // MARK: - Master System template void Base::draw_sms(int start, int end, uint32_t cram_dot) { if constexpr (is_sega_vdp(personality)) { LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[output_pointer_.row]; int colour_buffer[256]; /* Add extra border for any pixels that fall before the fine scroll. */ int tile_start = start, tile_end = end; int tile_offset = start; if(output_pointer_.row >= 16 || !Storage::horizontal_scroll_lock_) { for(int c = start; c < (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7); ++c) { colour_buffer[c] = 16 + background_colour_; ++tile_offset; } // Remove the border area from that to which tiles will be drawn. tile_start = std::max(start - (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7), 0); tile_end = std::max(end - (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll & 7), 0); } uint32_t pattern; uint8_t *const pattern_index = reinterpret_cast(&pattern); /* Add background tiles; these will fill the colour_buffer with values in which the low five bits are a palette index, and bit six is set if this tile has priority over sprites. */ if(tile_start < end) { const int shift = tile_start & 7; int byte_column = tile_start >> 3; int pixels_left = tile_end - tile_start; int length = std::min(pixels_left, 8 - shift); pattern = *reinterpret_cast(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column]); if(line_buffer.names[byte_column].flags&2) pattern >>= shift; else pattern <<= shift; while(true) { const int palette_offset = (line_buffer.names[byte_column].flags&0x18) << 1; if(line_buffer.names[byte_column].flags&2) { for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) { colour_buffer[tile_offset] = ((pattern_index[3] & 0x01) << 3) | ((pattern_index[2] & 0x01) << 2) | ((pattern_index[1] & 0x01) << 1) | ((pattern_index[0] & 0x01) << 0) | palette_offset; ++tile_offset; pattern >>= 1; } } else { for(int c = 0; c < length; ++c) { colour_buffer[tile_offset] = ((pattern_index[3] & 0x80) >> 4) | ((pattern_index[2] & 0x80) >> 5) | ((pattern_index[1] & 0x80) >> 6) | ((pattern_index[0] & 0x80) >> 7) | palette_offset; ++tile_offset; pattern <<= 1; } } pixels_left -= length; if(!pixels_left) break; length = std::min(8, pixels_left); byte_column++; pattern = *reinterpret_cast(line_buffer.patterns[byte_column]); } } /* Apply sprites (if any). */ if(line_buffer.active_sprite_slot) { const int shift_advance = sprites_magnified_ ? 1 : 2; // If this is the start of the line clip any part of any sprites that is off to the left. if(!start) { for(int index = 0; index < line_buffer.active_sprite_slot; ++index) { LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index]; if(sprite.x < 0) sprite.shift_position -= shift_advance * sprite.x; } } int sprite_buffer[256]; int sprite_collision = 0; memset(&sprite_buffer[start], 0, size_t(end - start)*sizeof(sprite_buffer[0])); // Draw all sprites into the sprite buffer. for(int index = line_buffer.active_sprite_slot - 1; index >= 0; --index) { LineBuffer::ActiveSprite &sprite = line_buffer.active_sprites[index]; if(sprite.shift_position < 16) { const int pixel_start = std::max(start, sprite.x); // TODO: it feels like the work below should be simplifiable; // the double shift in particular, and hopefully the variable shift. for(int c = pixel_start; c < end && sprite.shift_position < 16; ++c) { const int shift = (sprite.shift_position >> 1); const int sprite_colour = (((sprite.image[3] << shift) & 0x80) >> 4) | (((sprite.image[2] << shift) & 0x80) >> 5) | (((sprite.image[1] << shift) & 0x80) >> 6) | (((sprite.image[0] << shift) & 0x80) >> 7); if(sprite_colour) { sprite_collision |= sprite_buffer[c]; sprite_buffer[c] = sprite_colour | 0x10; } sprite.shift_position += shift_advance; } } } // Draw the sprite buffer onto the colour buffer, wherever the tile map doesn't have // priority (or is transparent). for(int c = start; c < end; ++c) { if( sprite_buffer[c] && (!(colour_buffer[c]&0x20) || !(colour_buffer[c]&0xf)) ) colour_buffer[c] = sprite_buffer[c]; } if(sprite_collision) status_ |= StatusSpriteCollision; } // Map from the 32-colour buffer to real output pixels, applying the specific CRAM dot if any. pixel_target_[start] = Storage::colour_ram_[colour_buffer[start] & 0x1f] | cram_dot; for(int c = start+1; c < end; ++c) { pixel_target_[c] = Storage::colour_ram_[colour_buffer[c] & 0x1f]; } // If the VDP is set to hide the left column and this is the final call that'll come // this line, hide it. if(end == 256) { if(Storage::hide_left_column_) { pixel_origin_[0] = pixel_origin_[1] = pixel_origin_[2] = pixel_origin_[3] = pixel_origin_[4] = pixel_origin_[5] = pixel_origin_[6] = pixel_origin_[7] = Storage::colour_ram_[16 + background_colour_]; } } } } // MARK: - Yamaha template template void Base::draw_yamaha(LineBuffer &buffer, int start, int end) { // TODO: sprites. And all other graphics modes. if constexpr (mode == ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics5) { for(int c = start >> 1; c < end >> 1; c++) { pixel_target_[c] = Storage::palette_[ (buffer.bitmap[c >> 2] >> ((c & 3) << 1)) & 3 ]; } return; } } template void Base::draw_yamaha(int start, int end) { LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[output_pointer_.row]; if constexpr (is_yamaha_vdp(personality)) { switch(line_buffer.screen_mode) { case ScreenMode::YamahaGraphics5: draw_yamaha(line_buffer, start, end); break; default: break; } } } // MARK: - Mega Drive // TODO. #endif /* Draw_hpp */