// // Decoder.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 1/15/21. // Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "Decoder.hpp" namespace InstructionSet { namespace M50740 { std::pair Decoder::decode(const uint8_t *source, size_t length) { const uint8_t *const end = source + length; if(phase_ == Phase::Instruction && source != end) { const uint8_t instruction = *source; ++source; ++consumed_; switch(instruction) { default: return std::make_pair(1, Instruction()); #define Map(opcode, operation, addressing_mode) case opcode: instr_ = Instruction(Operation::operation, AddressingMode::addressing_mode); break /* 0x00 – 0x0f */ Map(0x00, BRK, Implied); Map(0x01, ORA, XIndirect); Map(0x02, JSR, ZeroPageIndirect); Map(0x03, BBS, Bit0AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x05, ORA, ZeroPage); Map(0x06, ASL, ZeroPage); Map(0x07, BBS, Bit0ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x08, PHP, Implied); Map(0x09, ORA, Immediate); Map(0x0a, ASL, Accumulator); Map(0x0b, SEB, Bit0Accumulator); Map(0x0d, ORA, Absolute); Map(0x0e, ASL, Absolute); Map(0x0f, SEB, Bit0ZeroPage); /* 0x10 – 0x1f */ Map(0x10, BPL, Relative); Map(0x11, ORA, IndirectY); Map(0x12, CLT, Implied); Map(0x13, BBC, Bit0AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x15, ORA, ZeroPageX); Map(0x16, ASL, ZeroPageX); Map(0x17, BBC, Bit0ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x18, CLC, Implied); Map(0x19, ORA, AbsoluteY); Map(0x1a, DEC, Accumulator); Map(0x1b, CLB, Bit0Accumulator); Map(0x1d, ORA, AbsoluteX); Map(0x1e, ASL, AbsoluteX); Map(0x1f, CLB, Bit0ZeroPage); /* 0x20 – 0x2f */ Map(0x20, JSR, Absolute); Map(0x21, AND, XIndirect); Map(0x22, JSR, SpecialPage); Map(0x23, BBS, Bit1AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x24, BIT, ZeroPage); Map(0x25, AND, ZeroPage); Map(0x26, ROL, ZeroPage); Map(0x27, BBS, Bit1ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x28, PLP, Implied); Map(0x29, AND, Immediate); Map(0x2a, ROL, Accumulator); Map(0x2b, SEB, Bit1Accumulator); Map(0x2c, BIT, Absolute); Map(0x2d, AND, Absolute); Map(0x2e, ROL, Absolute); Map(0x2f, SEB, Bit1ZeroPage); /* 0x30 – 0x3f */ Map(0x30, BMI, Relative); Map(0x31, AND, IndirectY); Map(0x32, SET, Implied); Map(0x33, BBC, Bit1AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x35, AND, ZeroPageX); Map(0x36, ROL, ZeroPageX); Map(0x37, BBC, Bit1ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x38, SEC, Implied); Map(0x39, AND, AbsoluteY); Map(0x3a, INC, Accumulator); Map(0x3b, CLB, Bit1Accumulator); Map(0x3c, LDM, ImmediateZeroPage); Map(0x3d, AND, AbsoluteX); Map(0x3e, ROL, AbsoluteX); Map(0x3f, CLB, Bit1ZeroPage); /* 0x40 – 0x4f */ Map(0x40, RTI, Implied); Map(0x41, EOR, XIndirect); Map(0x42, STP, Implied); Map(0x43, BBS, Bit2AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x44, COM, ZeroPage); Map(0x45, EOR, ZeroPage); Map(0x46, LSR, ZeroPage); Map(0x47, BBS, Bit2ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x48, PHA, Implied); Map(0x49, EOR, Immediate); Map(0x4a, LSR, Accumulator); Map(0x4b, SEB, Bit2Accumulator); Map(0x4c, JMP, Absolute); Map(0x4d, EOR, Absolute); Map(0x4e, LSR, Absolute); Map(0x4f, SEB, Bit2ZeroPage); /* 0x50 – 0x5f */ Map(0x50, BVC, Relative); Map(0x51, EOR, IndirectY); Map(0x53, BBC, Bit2AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x55, EOR, ZeroPageX); Map(0x56, LSR, ZeroPageX); Map(0x57, BBC, Bit2ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x58, CLI, Implied); Map(0x59, EOR, AbsoluteY); Map(0x5b, CLB, Bit2Accumulator); Map(0x5d, EOR, AbsoluteX); Map(0x5e, LSR, AbsoluteX); Map(0x5f, CLB, Bit2ZeroPage); /* 0x60 – 0x6f */ Map(0x60, RTS, Implied); Map(0x61, ADC, XIndirect); Map(0x63, BBS, Bit3AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x64, TST, ZeroPage); Map(0x65, ADC, ZeroPage); Map(0x66, ROR, ZeroPage); Map(0x67, BBS, Bit3ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x68, PLA, Implied); Map(0x69, ADC, Immediate); Map(0x6a, ROR, Accumulator); Map(0x6b, SEB, Bit3Accumulator); Map(0x6c, JMP, AbsoluteIndirect); Map(0x6d, ADC, Absolute); Map(0x6e, ROR, Absolute); Map(0x6f, SEB, Bit3ZeroPage); /* 0x70 – 0x7f */ Map(0x70, BVS, Relative); Map(0x71, ADC, IndirectY); Map(0x73, BBC, Bit3AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x75, ADC, ZeroPageX); Map(0x76, ROR, ZeroPageX); Map(0x77, BBC, Bit3ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x78, SEI, Implied); Map(0x79, ADC, AbsoluteY); Map(0x7b, CLB, Bit3Accumulator); Map(0x7d, ADC, AbsoluteX); Map(0x7e, ROR, AbsoluteX); Map(0x7f, CLB, Bit3ZeroPage); /* 0x80 – 0x8f */ Map(0x80, BRA, Relative); Map(0x81, STA, XIndirect); Map(0x82, RRF, ZeroPage); Map(0x83, BBS, Bit4AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x84, STY, ZeroPage); Map(0x85, STA, ZeroPage); Map(0x86, STX, ZeroPage); Map(0x87, BBS, Bit4ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x88, DEY, Implied); Map(0x8a, TXA, Implied); Map(0x8b, SEB, Bit4Accumulator); Map(0x8c, STY, Absolute); Map(0x8d, STA, Absolute); Map(0x8e, STX, Absolute); Map(0x8f, SEB, Bit4ZeroPage); /* 0x90 – 0x9f */ Map(0x90, BCC, Relative); Map(0x91, STA, IndirectY); Map(0x93, BBC, Bit4AccumulatorRelative); Map(0x94, STY, ZeroPageX); Map(0x95, STA, ZeroPageX); Map(0x96, STX, ZeroPageX); Map(0x97, BBC, Bit4ZeroPageRelative); Map(0x98, TYA, Implied); Map(0x99, STA, AbsoluteY); Map(0x9a, TXS, AbsoluteY); Map(0x9b, CLB, Bit4Accumulator); Map(0x9d, ADC, AbsoluteX); Map(0x9f, CLB, Bit4ZeroPage); /* 0xa0 – 0xaf */ Map(0xa0, LDY, Immediate); Map(0xa1, LDA, XIndirect); Map(0xa2, LDX, Immediate); Map(0xa3, BBS, Bit5AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xa4, LDY, ZeroPage); Map(0xa5, LDA, ZeroPage); Map(0xa6, LDX, ZeroPage); Map(0xa7, BBS, Bit5ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xa8, TAY, Implied); Map(0xa9, LDA, Immediate); Map(0xaa, TAX, Implied); Map(0xab, SEB, Bit5Accumulator); Map(0xac, LDY, Absolute); Map(0xad, LDA, Absolute); Map(0xae, LDX, Absolute); Map(0xaf, SEB, Bit5ZeroPage); /* 0xb0 – 0xbf */ Map(0xb0, BCS, Relative); Map(0xb1, STA, IndirectY); Map(0xb2, JMP, ZeroPageIndirect); Map(0xb3, BBC, Bit5AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xb4, LDY, ZeroPageX); Map(0xb5, LDA, ZeroPageX); Map(0xb6, LDX, ZeroPageY); Map(0xb7, BBC, Bit5ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xb8, CLV, Implied); Map(0xb9, LDA, AbsoluteY); Map(0xba, TSX, AbsoluteY); Map(0xbb, CLB, Bit5Accumulator); Map(0xbc, LDY, AbsoluteX); Map(0xbd, LDA, AbsoluteX); Map(0xbe, LDX, AbsoluteY); Map(0xbf, CLB, Bit5ZeroPage); /* 0xc0 – 0xcf */ Map(0xc0, CPY, Immediate); Map(0xc1, CMP, XIndirect); Map(0xc2, SLW, Implied); Map(0xc3, BBS, Bit6AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xc4, CPY, ZeroPage); Map(0xc5, CMP, ZeroPage); Map(0xc6, DEC, ZeroPage); Map(0xc7, BBS, Bit6ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xc8, INY, Implied); Map(0xc9, CMP, Immediate); Map(0xca, DEX, Implied); Map(0xcb, SEB, Bit6Accumulator); Map(0xcc, CPY, Absolute); Map(0xcd, CMP, Absolute); Map(0xce, DEC, Absolute); Map(0xcf, SEB, Bit6ZeroPage); /* 0xd0 – 0xdf */ Map(0xd0, BNE, Relative); Map(0xd1, CMP, IndirectY); Map(0xd3, BBC, Bit6AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xd5, CMP, ZeroPageX); Map(0xd6, DEC, ZeroPageX); Map(0xd7, BBC, Bit6ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xd8, CLD, Implied); Map(0xd9, CMP, AbsoluteY); Map(0xdb, CLB, Bit6Accumulator); Map(0xdd, CMP, AbsoluteX); Map(0xde, DEC, AbsoluteX); Map(0xdf, CLB, Bit6ZeroPage); /* 0xe0 – 0xef */ Map(0xe0, CPX, Immediate); Map(0xe1, SBC, XIndirect); Map(0xe2, FST, Implied); Map(0xe3, BBS, Bit7AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xe4, CPX, ZeroPage); Map(0xe5, SBC, ZeroPage); Map(0xe6, INC, ZeroPage); Map(0xe7, BBS, Bit7ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xe8, INX, Implied); Map(0xe9, SBC, Immediate); Map(0xea, NOP, Implied); Map(0xeb, SEB, Bit7Accumulator); Map(0xec, CPX, Absolute); Map(0xed, SBC, Absolute); Map(0xee, INC, Absolute); Map(0xef, SEB, Bit7ZeroPage); /* 0xf0 – 0xff */ Map(0xf0, BEQ, Relative); Map(0xf1, SBC, IndirectY); Map(0xf3, BBC, Bit7AccumulatorRelative); Map(0xf5, SBC, ZeroPageX); Map(0xf6, INC, ZeroPageX); Map(0xf7, BBC, Bit7ZeroPageRelative); Map(0xf8, SED, Implied); Map(0xf9, SBC, AbsoluteY); Map(0xfb, CLB, Bit7Accumulator); Map(0xfd, SBC, AbsoluteX); Map(0xfe, INC, AbsoluteX); Map(0xff, CLB, Bit7ZeroPage); #undef Map } // TODO: can I build these into the AddressingMode constants, to avoid the switch? switch(instr_.addressing_mode) { default: operand_size_ = 0; break; } } return std::make_pair(0, Instruction()); } } }