// // Video.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 12/10/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "Video.hpp" using namespace Oric; namespace { const unsigned int PAL50VSyncStartPosition = 256*64; const unsigned int PAL60VSyncStartPosition = 234*64; const unsigned int PAL50VSyncEndPosition = 259*64; const unsigned int PAL60VSyncEndPosition = 238*64; const unsigned int PAL50Period = 312*64; const unsigned int PAL60Period = 262*64; } VideoOutput::VideoOutput(uint8_t *memory) : _ram(memory), _frame_counter(0), _counter(0), _is_graphics_mode(false), _character_set_base_address(0xb400), _phase(0), _v_sync_start_position(PAL50VSyncStartPosition), _v_sync_end_position(PAL50VSyncEndPosition), _counter_period(PAL50Period), _next_frame_is_sixty_hertz(false) { _crt.reset(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(64*6, 6, Outputs::CRT::DisplayType::PAL50, 1)); // TODO: this is a copy and paste from the Electron; factor out. _crt->set_rgb_sampling_function( "vec3 rgb_sample(usampler2D sampler, vec2 coordinate, vec2 icoordinate)" "{" "uint texValue = texture(sampler, coordinate).r;" "texValue >>= 4 - (int(icoordinate.x * 8) & 4);" "return vec3( uvec3(texValue) & uvec3(4u, 2u, 1u));" "}"); _crt->set_output_device(Outputs::CRT::Television); _crt->set_visible_area(_crt->get_rect_for_area(50, 224, 16 * 6, 40 * 6, 4.0f / 3.0f)); } std::shared_ptr VideoOutput::get_crt() { return _crt; } void VideoOutput::run_for_cycles(int number_of_cycles) { // Vertical: 0–39: pixels; otherwise blank; 48–53 sync, 54–56 colour burst // Horizontal: 0–223: pixels; otherwise blank; 256–259 sync #define clamp(action) \ if(cycles_run_for <= number_of_cycles) { action; } else cycles_run_for = number_of_cycles; while(number_of_cycles) { int h_counter =_counter & 63; int cycles_run_for = 0; if(_counter >= _v_sync_start_position && _counter < _v_sync_end_position) { // this is a sync line cycles_run_for = _v_sync_end_position - _counter; clamp(_crt->output_sync((unsigned int)(_v_sync_end_position - _v_sync_start_position) * 6)); } else if(_counter < 224*64 && h_counter < 40) { // this is a pixel line if(!h_counter) { _ink = 0xff; _paper = 0x00; _use_alternative_character_set = _use_double_height_characters = _blink_text = false; set_character_set_base_address(); _phase += 64; _pixel_target = _crt->allocate_write_area(120); if(!_counter) { _phase += 128; // TODO: incorporate all the lines that were missed _frame_counter++; _v_sync_start_position = _next_frame_is_sixty_hertz ? PAL60VSyncStartPosition : PAL50VSyncStartPosition; _v_sync_end_position = _next_frame_is_sixty_hertz ? PAL60VSyncEndPosition : PAL50VSyncEndPosition; _counter_period = _next_frame_is_sixty_hertz ? PAL60Period : PAL50Period; } } cycles_run_for = std::min(40 - h_counter, number_of_cycles); int columns = cycles_run_for; int pixel_base_address = 0xa000 + (_counter >> 6) * 40; int character_base_address = 0xbb80 + (_counter >> 9) * 40; uint8_t blink_mask = (_blink_text && (_frame_counter&32)) ? 0x00 : 0xff; while(columns--) { uint8_t pixels, control_byte; if(_is_graphics_mode && _counter < 200*64) { control_byte = pixels = _ram[pixel_base_address + h_counter]; } else { int address = character_base_address + h_counter; control_byte = _ram[address]; int line = _use_double_height_characters ? ((_counter >> 7) & 7) : ((_counter >> 6) & 7); pixels = _ram[_character_set_base_address + (control_byte&127) * 8 + line]; } uint8_t inverse_mask = (control_byte & 0x80) ? 0x77 : 0x00; pixels &= blink_mask; if(control_byte & 0x60) { if(_pixel_target) { uint8_t colours[2] = { (uint8_t)(_paper ^ inverse_mask), (uint8_t)(_ink ^ inverse_mask), }; _pixel_target[0] = (colours[(pixels >> 4)&1] & 0x0f) | (colours[(pixels >> 5)&1] & 0xf0); _pixel_target[1] = (colours[(pixels >> 2)&1] & 0x0f) | (colours[(pixels >> 3)&1] & 0xf0); _pixel_target[2] = (colours[(pixels >> 0)&1] & 0x0f) | (colours[(pixels >> 1)&1] & 0xf0); } } else { switch(control_byte & 0x1f) { case 0x00: _ink = 0x00; break; case 0x01: _ink = 0x44; break; case 0x02: _ink = 0x22; break; case 0x03: _ink = 0x66; break; case 0x04: _ink = 0x11; break; case 0x05: _ink = 0x55; break; case 0x06: _ink = 0x33; break; case 0x07: _ink = 0x77; break; case 0x08: case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0b: case 0x0c: case 0x0d: case 0x0e: case 0x0f: _use_alternative_character_set = (control_byte&1); _use_double_height_characters = (control_byte&2); _blink_text = (control_byte&4); set_character_set_base_address(); break; case 0x10: _paper = 0x00; break; case 0x11: _paper = 0x44; break; case 0x12: _paper = 0x22; break; case 0x13: _paper = 0x66; break; case 0x14: _paper = 0x11; break; case 0x15: _paper = 0x55; break; case 0x16: _paper = 0x33; break; case 0x17: _paper = 0x77; break; case 0x18: case 0x19: case 0x1a: case 0x1b: case 0x1c: case 0x1d: case 0x1e: case 0x1f: _is_graphics_mode = (control_byte & 4); _next_frame_is_sixty_hertz = !(control_byte & 2); break; default: break; } if(_pixel_target) _pixel_target[0] = _pixel_target[1] = _pixel_target[2] = (uint8_t)(_paper ^ inverse_mask); } if(_pixel_target) _pixel_target += 3; h_counter++; } if(h_counter == 40) { _crt->output_data(40 * 6, 2); } } else { // this is a blank line (or the equivalent part of a pixel line) if(h_counter < 48) { cycles_run_for = 48 - h_counter; clamp( int period = (_counter < 224*64) ? 8 : 48; _crt->output_blank((unsigned int)period * 6); ); } else if(h_counter < 54) { cycles_run_for = 54 - h_counter; clamp(_crt->output_sync(6 * 6)); } else if(h_counter < 56) { cycles_run_for = 56 - h_counter; clamp(_crt->output_colour_burst(2 * 6, _phase, 128)); } else { cycles_run_for = 64 - h_counter; clamp(_crt->output_blank(8 * 6)); } } _counter = (_counter + cycles_run_for)%_counter_period; number_of_cycles -= cycles_run_for; } }