// // 6560.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 05/06/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "6560.hpp" using namespace MOS; /* 0 - 0000 Black 1 - 0001 White 2 - 0010 Red 3 - 0011 Cyan 4 - 0100 Purple 5 - 0101 Green 6 - 0110 Blue 7 - 0111 Yellow 8 - 1000 Orange 9 - 1001 Light orange 10 - 1010 Pink 11 - 1011 Light cyan 12 - 1100 Light purple 13 - 1101 Light green 14 - 1110 Light blue 15 - 1111 Light yellow */ MOS6560::MOS6560() : _crt(new Outputs::CRT::CRT(65 * 4, 4, Outputs::CRT::DisplayType::NTSC60, 1)), _horizontal_counter(0), _vertical_counter(0) { _crt->set_rgb_sampling_function( "vec3 rgb_sample(usampler2D sampler, vec2 coordinate, vec2 icoordinate)" "{" "return vec3(1.0);" "}"); } void MOS6560::set_register(int address, uint8_t value) { switch(address) { case 0x0: _interlaced = !!(value&0x80); _first_column_location = value & 0x7f; break; case 0x1: _first_row_location = value; break; case 0x2: _number_of_columns = value & 0x7f; _video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_video_matrix_start_address & 0x3c00) | ((value & 0x80) << 2)); break; case 0x3: _number_of_rows = (value >> 1)&0x3f; _wide_characters = !!(value&0x01); break; case 0x5: _character_cell_start_address = (uint16_t)((value & 0x0f) << 10); _video_matrix_start_address = (uint16_t)((_video_matrix_start_address & 0x0400) | ((value & 0xf0) << 5)); break; case 0xf: _invertedCells = !!((value >> 3)&1); _borderColour = value & 0x07; _backgroundColour = value >> 4; break; // TODO: audio, primarily default: break; } } uint16_t MOS6560::get_address() { /* Per http://tinyvga.com/6561 : The basic video timing is very simple. For every character the VIC-I is about to display, it first fetches the character code and colour, then the character appearance (from the character generator memory). The character codes are read on every raster line, thus making every line a "bad line". When the raster beam is outside of the text window, the videochip reads from $001c for most time. (Some videochips read from $181c instead.) The address occasionally varies, but it might also be due to a flaky bus. (By reading from unconnected address space, such as $9100-$910f, you can read the data fetched by the videochip on the previous clock cycle.) */ State this_state; // random guesses; who knows? if(_horizontal_counter > 61) this_state = State::ColourBurst; else if(_horizontal_counter > 57) this_state = State::Sync; else { this_state = (_column_counter >= 0 && _row_counter >= 0) ? State::Pixels : State::Border; } _horizontal_counter++; if(_horizontal_counter == 65) { _horizontal_counter = 0; _vertical_counter++; _column_counter = -1; if(_vertical_counter == 261) { _vertical_counter = 0; _row_counter = -1; } if(_row_counter >= 0) { _row_counter++; if(_row_counter == _number_of_rows*8) _row_counter = -1; } else if(_vertical_counter >= _first_row_location * 2) _row_counter = 0; } if(_column_counter >= 0) { _column_counter++; if(_column_counter == _number_of_columns*2) _column_counter = -1; } else if(_horizontal_counter == _first_column_location) _column_counter = 0; return 0x1c; } void MOS6560::set_graphics_value(uint8_t value, uint8_t colour_value) { }