// // Dave.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 22/06/2021. // Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "Dave.hpp" using namespace Enterprise::Dave; // MARK: - Audio generator Audio::Audio(Concurrency::TaskQueue &audio_queue) : audio_queue_(audio_queue) {} void Audio::write(uint16_t address, uint8_t value) { address &= 0x1f; audio_queue_.enqueue([address, value, this] { switch(address) { case 0: case 2: case 4: channels_[address >> 1].reload = (channels_[address >> 1].reload & 0xff00) | value; break; case 1: case 3: case 5: channels_[address >> 1].reload = uint16_t((channels_[address >> 1].reload & 0x00ff) | ((value & 0xf) << 8)); channels_[address >> 1].distortion = Channel::Distortion((value >> 4)&3); channels_[address >> 1].high_pass = value & 0x40; channels_[address >> 1].ring_modulate = value & 0x80; break; case 6: noise_.frequency = Noise::Frequency(value&3); noise_.polynomial = Noise::Polynomial((value >> 2)&3); noise_.swap_polynomial = value & 0x10; noise_.low_pass = value & 0x20; noise_.high_pass = value & 0x40; noise_.ring_modulate = value & 0x80; break; case 7: channels_[0].sync = value & 0x01; channels_[1].sync = value & 0x02; channels_[2].sync = value & 0x04; use_direct_output_[0] = value & 0x08; use_direct_output_[1] = value & 0x10; // Interrupt bits are handled separately. break; case 8: case 9: case 10: channels_[address - 8].amplitude[0] = value & 0x3f; break; case 12: case 13: case 14: channels_[address - 12].amplitude[1] = value & 0x3f; break; case 11: noise_.amplitude[0] = value & 0x3f; break; case 15: noise_.amplitude[1] = value & 0x3f; break; case 31: global_divider_reload_ = 2 + ((value >> 1)&1); break; } }); } void Audio::set_sample_volume_range(int16_t range) { audio_queue_.enqueue([range, this] { volume_ = range / (63*4); }); } void Audio::update_channel(int c) { auto output = channels_[c].output & 1; channels_[c].output <<= 1; if(channels_[c].sync) { channels_[c].count = channels_[c].reload; output = 0; } else { if(!channels_[c].count) { channels_[c].count = channels_[c].reload; if(channels_[c].distortion == Channel::Distortion::None) output ^= 1; else output = poly_state_[int(channels_[c].distortion)]; } else { --channels_[c].count; } if(channels_[c].high_pass && (channels_[(c+1)%3].output&3) == 2) { output = 0; } } // Ring modulation applies even when sync is enabled, per SIDBasic. if(channels_[c].ring_modulate) { output = ~(output ^ channels_[(c+2)%3].output) & 1; } channels_[c].output |= output; } void Audio::get_samples(std::size_t number_of_samples, int16_t *target) { struct Frame { int16_t left, right; } output_level; Frame *target_frames = reinterpret_cast(target); size_t c = 0; while(c < number_of_samples) { // I'm unclear on the details of the time division multiplexing so, // for now, just sum the outputs. output_level.left = volume_ * (use_direct_output_[0] ? channels_[0].amplitude[0] : ( channels_[0].amplitude[0] * (channels_[0].output & 1) + channels_[1].amplitude[0] * (channels_[1].output & 1) + channels_[2].amplitude[0] * (channels_[2].output & 1) + noise_.amplitude[0] * noise_.final_output )); output_level.right = volume_ * (use_direct_output_[1] ? channels_[0].amplitude[1] : ( channels_[0].amplitude[1] * (channels_[0].output & 1) + channels_[1].amplitude[1] * (channels_[1].output & 1) + channels_[2].amplitude[1] * (channels_[2].output & 1) + noise_.amplitude[1] * noise_.final_output )); while(global_divider_ && c < number_of_samples) { --global_divider_; target_frames[c] = output_level; ++c; } global_divider_ = global_divider_reload_; if(!global_divider_) { global_divider_ = global_divider_reload_; } poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::FourBit)] = poly4_.next(); poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::FiveBit)] = poly5_.next(); poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::SevenBit)] = poly7_.next(); if(noise_.swap_polynomial) { poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::SevenBit)] = poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)]; } // Update tone channels. update_channel(0); update_channel(1); update_channel(2); // Update noise channel. // Step 1: decide whether there is a tick to apply. bool noise_tick = false; if(noise_.frequency == Noise::Frequency::DivideByFour) { if(!noise_.count) { noise_tick = true; noise_.count = 3; } else { --noise_.count; } } else { noise_tick = (channels_[int(noise_.frequency) - 1].output&3) == 2; } // Step 2: tick if necessary. int noise_output = noise_.output & 1; noise_.output <<= 1; if(noise_tick) { switch(noise_.polynomial) { case Noise::Polynomial::SeventeenBit: poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)] = uint8_t(poly17_.next()); break; case Noise::Polynomial::FifteenBit: poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)] = uint8_t(poly15_.next()); break; case Noise::Polynomial::ElevenBit: poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)] = uint8_t(poly11_.next()); break; case Noise::Polynomial::NineBit: poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)] = uint8_t(poly9_.next()); break; } noise_output = poly_state_[int(Channel::Distortion::None)]; } noise_.output |= noise_output; // Low pass: sample channel 2 on downward transitions of the prima facie output. if(noise_.low_pass && (noise_.output & 3) == 2) { noise_.output = (noise_.output & ~1) | (channels_[2].output & 1); } // Apply noise high-pass. if(noise_.high_pass && (channels_[0].output & 3) == 2) { noise_.output &= ~1; } // Update noise ring modulation, if any. if(noise_.ring_modulate) { noise_.final_output = !((noise_.output ^ channels_[1].output) & 1); } else { noise_.final_output = noise_.output & 1; } } } // MARK: - Interrupt source uint8_t TimedInterruptSource::get_new_interrupts() { const uint8_t result = interrupts_; interrupts_ = 0; return result; } void TimedInterruptSource::write(uint16_t address, uint8_t value) { address &= 0x1f; switch(address) { default: break; case 0: case 2: channels_[address >> 1].reload = (channels_[address >> 1].reload & 0xff00) | value; break; case 1: case 3: channels_[address >> 1].reload = uint16_t((channels_[address >> 1].reload & 0x00ff) | ((value & 0xf) << 8)); break; case 7: channels_[0].sync = value & 0x01; channels_[1].sync = value & 0x02; rate_ = InterruptRate((value >> 5) & 3); break; case 31: global_divider_ = Cycles(2 + ((value >> 1)&1)); break; } } void TimedInterruptSource::update_channel(int c, bool is_linked, int decrement) { if(channels_[c].sync) { channels_[c].value = channels_[c].reload; } else { if(decrement <= channels_[c].value) { channels_[c].value -= decrement; } else { // The decrement is greater than the current value, therefore // there'll be at least one flip. // // After decreasing the decrement by the current value + 1, // it'll be clear how many decrements are left after reload. // // Dividing that by the number of decrements necessary for a // flip will provide the total number of flips. const int decrements_after_flip = decrement - (channels_[c].value + 1); const int num_flips = 1 + decrements_after_flip / (channels_[c].reload + 1); // If this is a linked channel, set the interrupt mask if a transition // from high to low is amongst the included flips. if(is_linked && num_flips + channels_[c].level >= 2) { interrupts_ |= uint8_t(Interrupt::VariableFrequency); programmable_level_ ^= true; } channels_[c].level ^= (num_flips & 1); // Apply the modulo number of decrements to the reload value to // figure out where things stand now. channels_[c].value = channels_[c].reload - decrements_after_flip % (channels_[c].reload + 1); } } } void TimedInterruptSource::run_for(Cycles duration) { // Determine total number of ticks. run_length_ += duration; const Cycles cycles = run_length_.divide(global_divider_); if(cycles == Cycles(0)) { return; } // Update the two-second counter, from which the 1Hz, 50Hz and 1000Hz signals // are derived. const int previous_counter = two_second_counter_; two_second_counter_ = (two_second_counter_ + cycles.as()) % 500'000; // Check for a 1Hz rollover. if(previous_counter / 250'000 != two_second_counter_ / 250'000) { interrupts_ |= uint8_t(Interrupt::OneHz); } // Check for 1kHz or 50Hz rollover; switch(rate_) { default: break; case InterruptRate::OnekHz: if(previous_counter / 250 != two_second_counter_ / 250) { interrupts_ |= uint8_t(Interrupt::VariableFrequency); programmable_level_ ^= true; } break; case InterruptRate::FiftyHz: if(previous_counter / 5'000 != two_second_counter_ / 5'000) { interrupts_ |= uint8_t(Interrupt::VariableFrequency); programmable_level_ ^= true; } break; } // Update the two tone channels. update_channel(0, rate_ == InterruptRate::ToneGenerator0, cycles.as()); update_channel(1, rate_ == InterruptRate::ToneGenerator1, cycles.as()); } Cycles TimedInterruptSource::get_next_sequence_point() const { // Since both the 1kHz and 50Hz timers are integer dividers of the 1Hz timer, there's no need // to factor that one in when determining the next sequence point for either of those. switch(rate_) { default: case InterruptRate::OnekHz: return Cycles(250 - (two_second_counter_ % 250)); case InterruptRate::FiftyHz: return Cycles(5000 - (two_second_counter_ % 5000)); case InterruptRate::ToneGenerator0: case InterruptRate::ToneGenerator1: { const auto &channel = channels_[int(rate_) - int(InterruptRate::ToneGenerator0)]; const int cycles_until_interrupt = channel.value + 1 + (!channel.level) * (channel.reload + 1); return Cycles(std::min( 250'000 - (two_second_counter_ % 250'000), cycles_until_interrupt )); } } } uint8_t TimedInterruptSource::get_divider_state() { return uint8_t((two_second_counter_ / 250'000) * 4 | programmable_level_); }