// // Arithmetic.hpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 08/11/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #pragma once #include "../AccessType.hpp" #include "../Interrupts.hpp" #include "../Perform.hpp" #include "../../../Numeric/Carry.hpp" namespace InstructionSet::x86::Primitive { template void add( modify_t destination, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* DEST ← DEST + SRC [+ CF]; */ /* The OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, and PF flags are set according to the result. */ const IntT result = destination + source + (with_carry ? context.flags.template carry_bit() : 0); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::carried_out() - 1>(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::carried_in<4>(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::overflow(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from(result); destination = result; } template void sub( access_t destination, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* DEST ← DEST - (SRC [+ CF]); */ /* The OF, SF, ZF, AF, CF, and PF flags are set according to the result. */ const IntT result = destination - source - (with_borrow ? context.flags.template carry_bit() : 0); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::carried_out() - 1>(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::carried_in<4>(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from( Numeric::overflow(destination, source, result)); context.flags.template set_from(result); if constexpr (is_writeable(destination_type)) { destination = result; } } template void test( read_t destination, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* TEMP ← SRC1 AND SRC2; SF ← MSB(TEMP); IF TEMP = 0 THEN ZF ← 0; ELSE ZF ← 1; FI: PF ← BitwiseXNOR(TEMP[0:7]); CF ← 0; OF ← 0; */ /* The OF and CF flags are cleared to 0. The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the result (see the “Operation” section above). The state of the AF flag is undefined. */ const IntT result = destination & source; context.flags.template set_from(0); context.flags.template set_from(result); } template void mul( modify_t destination_high, modify_t destination_low, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* IF byte operation THEN AX ← AL * SRC ELSE (* word or doubleword operation *) IF OperandSize = 16 THEN DX:AX ← AX * SRC ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *) EDX:EAX ← EAX * SRC FI; */ /* The OF and CF flags are cleared to 0 if the upper half of the result is 0; otherwise, they are set to 1. The SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are undefined. */ destination_high = (destination_low * source) >> (8 * sizeof(IntT)); destination_low *= source; context.flags.template set_from(destination_high); } template void imul( modify_t destination_high, modify_t destination_low, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* (as modified by https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/daa ...) IF (OperandSize = 8) THEN AX ← AL ∗ SRC (* signed multiplication *) IF (AX = SignExtend(AL)) THEN CF = 0; OF = 0; ELSE CF = 1; OF = 1; FI; ELSE IF OperandSize = 16 THEN DX:AX ← AX ∗ SRC (* signed multiplication *) IF (DX:AX = SignExtend(AX)) THEN CF = 0; OF = 0; ELSE CF = 1; OF = 1; FI; ELSE (* OperandSize = 32 *) EDX:EAX ← EAX ∗ SRC (* signed multiplication *) IF (EDX:EAX = SignExtend(EAX)) THEN CF = 0; OF = 0; ELSE CF = 1; OF = 1; FI; FI; */ using sIntT = typename std::make_signed::type; destination_high = IntT((sIntT(destination_low) * sIntT(source)) >> (8 * sizeof(IntT))); destination_low = IntT(sIntT(destination_low) * sIntT(source)); const auto sign_extension = (destination_low & Numeric::top_bit()) ? IntT(~0) : 0; context.flags.template set_from(destination_high != sign_extension); } template void div( modify_t destination_high, modify_t destination_low, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* IF SRC = 0 THEN #DE; (* divide error *) FI; IF OperandSize = 8 (* word/byte operation *) THEN temp ← AX / SRC; IF temp > FFH THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE AL ← temp; AH ← AX MOD SRC; FI; ELSE IF OperandSize = 16 (* doubleword/word operation *) THEN temp ← DX:AX / SRC; IF temp > FFFFH THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE AX ← temp; DX ← DX:AX MOD SRC; FI; ELSE (* quadword/doubleword operation *) temp ← EDX:EAX / SRC; IF temp > FFFFFFFFH THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE EAX ← temp; EDX ← EDX:EAX MOD SRC; FI; FI; FI; */ /* The CF, OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are undefined. */ if(!source) { interrupt(Interrupt::DivideError, context); return; } // TEMPORARY HACK. Will not work with DWords. const uint32_t dividend = uint32_t((destination_high << (8 * sizeof(IntT))) + destination_low); const auto result = dividend / source; if(IntT(result) != result) { interrupt(Interrupt::DivideError, context); return; } destination_low = IntT(result); destination_high = dividend % source; } template void idiv( modify_t destination_high, modify_t destination_low, read_t source, ContextT &context ) { /* IF SRC = 0 THEN #DE; (* divide error *) FI; IF OperandSize = 8 (* word/byte operation *) THEN temp ← AX / SRC; (* signed division *) IF (temp > 7FH) OR (temp < 80H) (* if a positive result is greater than 7FH or a negative result is less than 80H *) THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE AL ← temp; AH ← AX MOD SRC; FI; ELSE IF OperandSize = 16 (* doubleword/word operation *) THEN temp ← DX:AX / SRC; (* signed division *) IF (temp > 7FFFH) OR (temp < 8000H) (* if a positive result is greater than 7FFFH or a negative result is less than 8000H *) THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE AX ← temp; DX ← DX:AX MOD SRC; FI; ELSE (* quadword/doubleword operation *) temp ← EDX:EAX / SRC; (* signed division *) IF (temp > 7FFFFFFFH) OR (temp < 80000000H) (* if a positive result is greater than 7FFFFFFFH or a negative result is less than 80000000H *) THEN #DE; (* divide error *) ; ELSE EAX ← temp; EDX ← EDX:EAX MOD SRC; FI; FI; FI; */ /* The CF, OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are undefined. */ if(!source) { interrupt(Interrupt::DivideError, context); return; } // TEMPORARY HACK. Will not work with DWords. using sIntT = typename std::make_signed::type; const int32_t dividend = (sIntT(destination_high) << (8 * sizeof(IntT))) + destination_low; auto result = dividend / sIntT(source); // An 8086 quirk: rep IDIV performs an IDIV that switches the sign on its result, // due to reuse of an internal flag. if constexpr (invert) { result = -result; } if(sIntT(result) != result) { interrupt(Interrupt::DivideError, context); return; } destination_low = IntT(result); destination_high = IntT(dividend % sIntT(source)); } template void inc( modify_t destination, ContextT &context ) { /* DEST ← DEST + 1; */ /* The CF flag is not affected. The OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are set according to the result. */ ++destination; context.flags.template set_from(destination == Numeric::top_bit()); context.flags.template set_from(((destination - 1) ^ destination) & 0x10); context.flags.template set_from(destination); } template void dec( modify_t destination, ContextT &context ) { /* DEST ← DEST - 1; */ /* The CF flag is not affected. The OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are set according to the result. */ context.flags.template set_from(destination == Numeric::top_bit()); --destination; context.flags.template set_from(destination); context.flags.template set_from(((destination + 1) ^ destination) & 0x10); } template void neg( modify_t destination, ContextT &context ) { /* IF DEST = 0 THEN CF ← 0 ELSE CF ← 1; FI; DEST ← –(DEST) */ /* The CF flag cleared to 0 if the source operand is 0; otherwise it is set to 1. The OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags are set according to the result. */ context.flags.template set_from(Numeric::carried_in<4>(IntT(0), destination, IntT(-destination))); destination = -destination; context.flags.template set_from(destination); context.flags.template set_from(destination == Numeric::top_bit()); context.flags.template set_from(destination); } }