// // MachineDocument.swift // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 04/01/2016. // Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // import Cocoa import AudioToolbox class MachineDocument: NSDocument, NSWindowDelegate, CSMachineDelegate, CSOpenGLViewDelegate, CSOpenGLViewResponderDelegate, CSBestEffortUpdaterDelegate, CSAudioQueueDelegate { lazy var actionLock = NSLock() lazy var drawLock = NSLock() var machine: CSMachine! var name: String! { get { return nil } } func aspectRatio() -> NSSize { return NSSize(width: 4.0, height: 3.0) } @IBOutlet weak var openGLView: CSOpenGLView! @IBOutlet var optionsPanel: MachinePanel! @IBAction func showOptions(_ sender: AnyObject!) { optionsPanel?.setIsVisible(true) } fileprivate var audioQueue: CSAudioQueue! = nil fileprivate var bestEffortUpdater: CSBestEffortUpdater! override var windowNibName: String? { return "MachineDocument" } override func windowControllerDidLoadNib(_ aController: NSWindowController) { super.windowControllerDidLoadNib(aController) // establish the output aspect ratio and audio let displayAspectRatio = self.aspectRatio() aController.window?.contentAspectRatio = displayAspectRatio openGLView.perform(glContext: { self.machine.setView(self.openGLView, aspectRatio: Float(displayAspectRatio.width / displayAspectRatio.height)) }) self.machine.delegate = self self.bestEffortUpdater = CSBestEffortUpdater() // callbacks from the OpenGL may come on a different thread, immediately following the .delegate set; // hence the full setup of the best-effort updater prior to setting self as a delegate self.openGLView.delegate = self self.openGLView.responderDelegate = self setupClockRate() self.optionsPanel?.establishStoredOptions() // bring OpenGL view-holding window on top of the options panel self.openGLView.window!.makeKeyAndOrderFront(self) // start accepting best effort updates self.bestEffortUpdater.delegate = self } func machineDidChangeClockRate(_ machine: CSMachine!) { setupClockRate() } func machineDidChangeClockIsUnlimited(_ machine: CSMachine!) { self.bestEffortUpdater.runAsUnlimited = machine.clockIsUnlimited } fileprivate func setupClockRate() { // establish and provide the audio queue, taking advice as to an appropriate sampling rate let maximumSamplingRate = CSAudioQueue.preferredSamplingRate() let selectedSamplingRate = self.machine.idealSamplingRate(from: NSRange(location: 0, length: NSInteger(maximumSamplingRate))) if selectedSamplingRate > 0 { audioQueue = CSAudioQueue(samplingRate: Float64(selectedSamplingRate)) audioQueue.delegate = self self.machine.audioQueue = self.audioQueue self.machine.setAudioSamplingRate(selectedSamplingRate, bufferSize:audioQueue.preferredBufferSize) } self.bestEffortUpdater.clockRate = self.machine.clockRate } override func close() { bestEffortUpdater.flush() actionLock.lock() drawLock.lock() openGLView.invalidate() openGLView.openGLContext!.makeCurrentContext() actionLock.unlock() drawLock.unlock() super.close() } // MARK: configuring func configureAs(_ analysis: CSStaticAnalyser) { if let machine = analysis.newMachine() { self.machine = machine } analysis.apply(to: self.machine) if let optionsPanelNibName = analysis.optionsPanelNibName { Bundle.main.loadNibNamed(optionsPanelNibName, owner: self, topLevelObjects: nil) self.optionsPanel.machine = self.machine showOptions(self) } } override func read(from url: URL, ofType typeName: String) throws { if let analyser = CSStaticAnalyser(fileAt: url) { self.displayName = analyser.displayName self.configureAs(analyser) } else { throw NSError(domain: "MachineDocument", code: -1, userInfo: nil) } } // MARK: the pasteboard func paste(_ sender: AnyObject!) { let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general() if let string = pasteboard.string(forType: NSPasteboardTypeString) { self.machine.paste(string) } } // MARK: CSBestEffortUpdaterDelegate final func bestEffortUpdater(_ bestEffortUpdater: CSBestEffortUpdater!, runForCycles cycles: UInt, didSkipPreviousUpdate: Bool) { runForNumberOfCycles(Int32(cycles)) } func runForNumberOfCycles(_ numberOfCycles: Int32) { let cyclesToRunFor = min(numberOfCycles, Int32(bestEffortUpdater.clockRate / 10)) if actionLock.try() { self.machine.runForNumber(ofCycles: cyclesToRunFor) actionLock.unlock() } } // MARK: CSAudioQueueDelegate final func audioQueueIsRunningDry(_ audioQueue: CSAudioQueue) { bestEffortUpdater.update() } // MARK: CSOpenGLViewDelegate final func openGLView(_ view: CSOpenGLView, drawViewOnlyIfDirty onlyIfDirty: Bool) { bestEffortUpdater.update() if drawLock.try() { self.machine.drawView(forPixelSize: view.backingSize, onlyIfDirty: onlyIfDirty) drawLock.unlock() } } final func openGLView(_ view: CSOpenGLView, didReceiveFileAt URL: URL) { let mediaSet = CSMediaSet(fileAt: URL) if let mediaSet = mediaSet { mediaSet.apply(to: self.machine) } } // MARK: NSDocument overrides override func data(ofType typeName: String) throws -> Data { throw NSError(domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain, code: unimpErr, userInfo: nil) } // MARK: Input management fileprivate func withKeyboardMachine(_ action: (CSKeyboardMachine) -> ()) { if let keyboardMachine = self.machine as? CSKeyboardMachine { action(keyboardMachine) } } fileprivate func withJoystickMachine(_ action: (CSJoystickMachine) -> ()) { if let joystickMachine = self.machine as? CSJoystickMachine { action(joystickMachine) } } fileprivate func sendJoystickEvent(_ machine: CSJoystickMachine, keyCode: UInt16, isPressed: Bool) { switch keyCode { case 123: machine.setDirection(.left, onPad: 0, isPressed: isPressed) case 126: machine.setDirection(.up, onPad: 0, isPressed: isPressed) case 124: machine.setDirection(.right, onPad: 0, isPressed: isPressed) case 125: machine.setDirection(.down, onPad: 0, isPressed: isPressed) default: machine.setButtonAt(0, onPad: 0, isPressed: isPressed) } } func windowDidResignKey(_ notification: Notification) { self.withKeyboardMachine { $0.clearAllKeys() } } func keyDown(_ event: NSEvent) { self.withKeyboardMachine { $0.setKey(event.keyCode, isPressed: true) } self.withJoystickMachine { sendJoystickEvent($0, keyCode: event.keyCode, isPressed: true) } } func keyUp(_ event: NSEvent) { self.withKeyboardMachine { $0.setKey(event.keyCode, isPressed: false) } self.withJoystickMachine { sendJoystickEvent($0, keyCode: event.keyCode, isPressed: false) } } func flagsChanged(_ newModifiers: NSEvent) { self.withKeyboardMachine { $0.setKey(VK_Shift, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.shift)) $0.setKey(VK_Control, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.control)) $0.setKey(VK_Command, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.command)) $0.setKey(VK_Option, isPressed: newModifiers.modifierFlags.contains(.option)) } } }