// // PCCompatible.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 15/11/2023. // Copyright © 2023 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "PCCompatible.hpp" #include "KeyboardMapper.hpp" #include "PIC.hpp" #include "PIT.hpp" #include "DMA.hpp" #include "Memory.hpp" #include "../../InstructionSets/x86/Decoder.hpp" #include "../../InstructionSets/x86/Flags.hpp" #include "../../InstructionSets/x86/Instruction.hpp" #include "../../InstructionSets/x86/Perform.hpp" #include "../../Components/6845/CRTC6845.hpp" #include "../../Components/8255/i8255.hpp" #include "../../Components/8272/CommandDecoder.hpp" #include "../../Components/8272/Results.hpp" #include "../../Components/8272/Status.hpp" #include "../../Components/AudioToggle/AudioToggle.hpp" #include "../../Numeric/RegisterSizes.hpp" #include "../../Outputs/CRT/CRT.hpp" #include "../../Outputs/Speaker/Implementation/LowpassSpeaker.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Disk/Track/TrackSerialiser.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Disk/Encodings/MFM/Constants.hpp" #include "../../Storage/Disk/Encodings/MFM/SegmentParser.hpp" #include "../AudioProducer.hpp" #include "../KeyboardMachine.hpp" #include "../MediaTarget.hpp" #include "../ScanProducer.hpp" #include "../TimedMachine.hpp" #include #include namespace PCCompatible { //bool log = false; //std::string previous; class DMA { public: i8237 controller; DMAPages pages; // Memory is set posthoc to resolve a startup time. void set_memory(Memory *memory) { memory_ = memory; } // TODO: this permits only 8-bit DMA. Fix that. bool write(size_t channel, uint8_t value) { auto address = controller.access(channel, true); if(address == i8237::NotAvailable) { return false; } address |= uint32_t(pages.channel_page(channel) << 16); *memory_->at(address) = value; return true; } private: Memory *memory_; }; class FloppyController { public: FloppyController(PIC &pic, DMA &dma) : pic_(pic), dma_(dma) { // Default: one floppy drive only. drives_[0].exists = true; drives_[1].exists = false; drives_[2].exists = false; drives_[3].exists = false; } void set_digital_output(uint8_t control) { // printf("FDC DOR: %02x\n", control); // b7, b6, b5, b4: enable motor for drive 4, 3, 2, 1; // b3: 1 => enable DMA; 0 => disable; // b2: 1 => enable FDC; 0 => hold at reset; // b1, b0: drive select (usurps FDC?) drives_[0].motor = control & 0x10; drives_[1].motor = control & 0x20; drives_[2].motor = control & 0x40; drives_[3].motor = control & 0x80; if(observer_) { for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { if(drives_[c].exists) observer_->set_led_status(drive_name(c), drives_[c].motor); } } enable_dma_ = control & 0x08; const bool hold_reset = !(control & 0x04); if(!hold_reset && hold_reset_) { // TODO: add a delay mechanism. reset(); } hold_reset_ = hold_reset; if(hold_reset_) { pic_.apply_edge<6>(false); } } uint8_t status() const { // printf("FDC: read status %02x\n", status_.main()); return status_.main(); } void write(uint8_t value) { decoder_.push_back(value); if(decoder_.has_command()) { using Command = Intel::i8272::Command; switch(decoder_.command()) { default: printf("TODO: implement FDC command %d\n", uint8_t(decoder_.command())); break; case Command::ReadData: { printf("FDC: Read from drive %d / head %d / track %d of head %d / track %d / sector %d\n", decoder_.target().drive, decoder_.target().head, drives_[decoder_.target().drive].track, decoder_.geometry().head, decoder_.geometry().cylinder, decoder_.geometry().sector); // log = true; status_.begin(decoder_); // Search for a matching sector. const auto target = decoder_.geometry(); bool found_sector = false; for(auto &pair: drives_[decoder_.target().drive].sectors(decoder_.target().head)) { if( (pair.second.address.track == target.cylinder) && (pair.second.address.sector == target.sector) && (pair.second.address.side == target.head) && (pair.second.size == target.size) ) { found_sector = true; bool wrote_in_full = true; printf("Writing data beginning: "); for(int c = 0; c < 128 << target.size; c++) { if(c < 8) printf("%02x ", pair.second.samples[0].data()[c]); if(!dma_.write(2, pair.second.samples[0].data()[c])) { printf("FDC: DMA not permitted\n"); wrote_in_full = false; break; } } printf("\n"); if(wrote_in_full) { results_.serialise( status_, decoder_.geometry().cylinder, decoder_.geometry().head, decoder_.geometry().sector, decoder_.geometry().size); } else { printf("FDC: didn't write in full\n"); // TODO: Overrun, presumably? } break; } } if(!found_sector) { printf("FDC: sector not found\n"); // TODO: there's more than this, I think. status_.set(Intel::i8272::Status0::AbnormalTermination); results_.serialise( status_, decoder_.geometry().cylinder, decoder_.geometry().head, decoder_.geometry().sector, decoder_.geometry().size); } drives_[decoder_.target().drive].status = decoder_.drive_head(); drives_[decoder_.target().drive].raised_interrupt = true; pic_.apply_edge<6>(true); } break; case Command::Seek: printf("FDC: Seek %d:%d to %d\n", decoder_.target().drive, decoder_.target().head, decoder_.seek_target()); drives_[decoder_.target().drive].track = decoder_.seek_target(); drives_[decoder_.target().drive].raised_interrupt = true; drives_[decoder_.target().drive].status = decoder_.drive_head() | uint8_t(Intel::i8272::Status0::SeekEnded); pic_.apply_edge<6>(true); break; case Command::Recalibrate: printf("FDC: Recalibrate\n"); drives_[decoder_.target().drive].track = 0; drives_[decoder_.target().drive].raised_interrupt = true; drives_[decoder_.target().drive].status = decoder_.target().drive | uint8_t(Intel::i8272::Status0::SeekEnded); pic_.apply_edge<6>(true); break; case Command::SenseInterruptStatus: { printf("FDC: SenseInterruptStatus\n"); int c = 0; for(; c < 4; c++) { if(drives_[c].raised_interrupt) { drives_[c].raised_interrupt = false; status_.set_status0(drives_[c].status); results_.serialise(status_, drives_[0].track); } } bool any_remaining_interrupts = false; for(; c < 4; c++) { any_remaining_interrupts |= drives_[c].raised_interrupt; } if(!any_remaining_interrupts) { pic_.apply_edge<6>(any_remaining_interrupts); } } break; case Command::Specify: printf("FDC: Specify\n"); specify_specs_ = decoder_.specify_specs(); break; // case Command::SenseDriveStatus: { // } break; case Command::Invalid: printf("FDC: Invalid\n"); results_.serialise_none(); break; } decoder_.clear(); // If there are any results to provide, set data direction and data ready. if(!results_.empty()) { using MainStatus = Intel::i8272::MainStatus; status_.set(MainStatus::DataIsToProcessor, true); status_.set(MainStatus::DataReady, true); status_.set(MainStatus::CommandInProgress, true); } } } uint8_t read() { using MainStatus = Intel::i8272::MainStatus; if(status_.get(MainStatus::DataIsToProcessor)) { const uint8_t result = results_.next(); if(results_.empty()) { status_.set(MainStatus::DataIsToProcessor, false); status_.set(MainStatus::CommandInProgress, false); } // printf("FDC read: %02x\n", result); return result; } printf("FDC read?\n"); return 0x80; } void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) { observer_ = observer; for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { if(drives_[c].exists) { observer_->register_led(drive_name(c), 0); } } } void set_disk(std::shared_ptr disk, int drive) { drives_[drive].disk = disk; } private: void reset() { printf("FDC reset\n"); decoder_.clear(); status_.reset(); // Necessary to pass GlaBIOS' POST test, but: why? // // Cf. INT_13_0_2 and the CMP AL, 11000000B following a CALL FDC_WAIT_SENSE. for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { drives_[c].raised_interrupt = true; drives_[c].status = uint8_t(Intel::i8272::Status0::BecameNotReady); } pic_.apply_edge<6>(true); using MainStatus = Intel::i8272::MainStatus; status_.set(MainStatus::DataReady, true); status_.set(MainStatus::DataIsToProcessor, false); } PIC &pic_; DMA &dma_; bool hold_reset_ = false; bool enable_dma_ = false; Intel::i8272::CommandDecoder decoder_; Intel::i8272::Status status_; Intel::i8272::Results results_; Intel::i8272::CommandDecoder::SpecifySpecs specify_specs_; struct DriveStatus { public: bool raised_interrupt = false; uint8_t status = 0; uint8_t track = 0; bool motor = false; bool exists = true; std::shared_ptr disk; Storage::Encodings::MFM::SectorMap §ors(bool side) { if(cached.track == track && cached.side == side) { return cached.sectors; } cached.track = track; cached.side = side; cached.sectors.clear(); if(!disk) { return cached.sectors; } auto raw_track = disk->get_track_at_position( Storage::Disk::Track::Address( side, Storage::Disk::HeadPosition(track) ) ); if(!raw_track) { return cached.sectors; } const bool is_double_density = true; // TODO: use MFM flag here. auto serialisation = Storage::Disk::track_serialisation( *raw_track, is_double_density ? Storage::Encodings::MFM::MFMBitLength : Storage::Encodings::MFM::FMBitLength ); cached.sectors = Storage::Encodings::MFM::sectors_from_segment(std::move(serialisation), is_double_density); return cached.sectors; } private: struct { uint8_t track = 0xff; bool side; Storage::Encodings::MFM::SectorMap sectors; } cached; } drives_[4]; static std::string drive_name(int c) { char name[3] = "A"; name[0] += c; return std::string("Drive ") + name; } Activity::Observer *observer_ = nullptr; }; class KeyboardController { public: KeyboardController(PIC &pic) : pic_(pic) {} // KB Status Port 61h high bits: //; 01 - normal operation. wait for keypress, when one comes in, //; force data line low (forcing keyboard to buffer additional //; keypresses) and raise IRQ1 high //; 11 - stop forcing data line low. lower IRQ1 and don't raise it again. //; drop all incoming keypresses on the floor. //; 10 - lower IRQ1 and force clock line low, resetting keyboard //; 00 - force clock line low, resetting keyboard, but on a 01->00 transition, //; IRQ1 would remain high void set_mode(uint8_t mode) { mode_ = Mode(mode); switch(mode_) { case Mode::NormalOperation: break; case Mode::NoIRQsIgnoreInput: pic_.apply_edge<1>(false); break; case Mode::ClearIRQReset: pic_.apply_edge<1>(false); [[fallthrough]]; case Mode::Reset: reset_delay_ = 5; // Arbitrarily. break; } } void run_for(Cycles cycles) { if(reset_delay_ <= 0) { return; } reset_delay_ -= cycles.as(); if(reset_delay_ <= 0) { post(0xaa); } } uint8_t read() { pic_.apply_edge<1>(false); const uint8_t key = input_; input_ = 0; return key; } void post(uint8_t value) { if(mode_ == Mode::NoIRQsIgnoreInput) { return; } input_ = value; pic_.apply_edge<1>(true); } private: enum class Mode { NormalOperation = 0b01, NoIRQsIgnoreInput = 0b11, ClearIRQReset = 0b10, Reset = 0b00, } mode_; uint8_t input_ = 0; PIC &pic_; int reset_delay_ = 0; }; class MDA { public: MDA() : crtc_(Motorola::CRTC::Personality::HD6845S, outputter_) {} void set_source(const uint8_t *ram, std::vector font) { outputter_.ram = ram; outputter_.font = font; } void run_for(Cycles cycles) { // I _think_ the MDA's CRTC is clocked at 14/9ths the PIT clock. // Do that conversion here. full_clock_ += 14 * cycles.as(); crtc_.run_for(Cycles(full_clock_ / 9)); full_clock_ %= 9; } template void write(uint8_t value) { if constexpr (address & 0x8) { printf("TODO: write MDA control %02x\n", value); } else { if constexpr (address & 0x1) { crtc_.set_register(value); } else { crtc_.select_register(value); } } } template uint8_t read() { if constexpr (address & 0x8) { printf("TODO: read MDA control\n"); return 0xff; } else { return crtc_.get_register(); } } // MARK: - Call-ins for ScanProducer. void set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) { outputter_.crt.set_scan_target(scan_target); } Outputs::Display::ScanStatus get_scaled_scan_status() const { return outputter_.crt.get_scaled_scan_status() / 4.0f; } private: struct CRTCOutputter { CRTCOutputter() : crt(882, 9, 382, 3, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red2Green2Blue2) // TODO: really this should be a Luminance8 and set an appropriate modal tint colour; // consider whether that's worth building into the scan target. { // crt.set_visible_area(Outputs::Display::Rect(0.1072f, 0.1f, 0.842105263157895f, 0.842105263157895f)); crt.set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType::RGB); } void perform_bus_cycle_phase1(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &state) { // Determine new output state. const OutputState new_state = (state.hsync | state.vsync) ? OutputState::Sync : (state.display_enable ? OutputState::Pixels : OutputState::Border); // Upon either a state change or just having accumulated too much local time... if(new_state != output_state || count > 882) { // (1) flush preexisting state. if(count) { switch(output_state) { case OutputState::Sync: crt.output_sync(count); break; case OutputState::Border: crt.output_blank(count); break; case OutputState::Pixels: crt.output_data(count); pixels = pixel_pointer = nullptr; break; } } // (2) adopt new state. output_state = new_state; count = 0; } // Collect pixels if applicable. if(output_state == OutputState::Pixels) { if(!pixels) { pixel_pointer = pixels = crt.begin_data(DefaultAllocationSize); // Flush any period where pixels weren't recorded due to back pressure. if(pixels && count) { crt.output_blank(count); count = 0; } } // TODO: cursor. if(pixels) { const uint8_t attributes = ram[((state.refresh_address << 1) + 1) & 0xfff]; const uint8_t glyph = ram[((state.refresh_address << 1) + 0) & 0xfff]; uint8_t row = font[(glyph * 14) + state.row_address]; const uint8_t intensity = (attributes & 0x08) ? 0x0d : 0x09; uint8_t blank = 0; // Handle irregular attributes. // Cf. http://www.seasip.info/VintagePC/mda.html#memmap switch(attributes) { case 0x00: case 0x08: case 0x80: case 0x88: row = 0; break; case 0x70: case 0x78: case 0xf0: case 0xf8: row ^= 0xff; blank = intensity; break; } if(((attributes & 7) == 1) && state.row_address == 13) { // Draw as underline. std::fill(pixel_pointer, pixel_pointer + 9, intensity); } else { // Draw according to ROM contents, possibly duplicating final column. pixel_pointer[0] = (row & 0x80) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[1] = (row & 0x40) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[2] = (row & 0x20) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[3] = (row & 0x10) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[4] = (row & 0x08) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[5] = (row & 0x04) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[6] = (row & 0x02) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[7] = (row & 0x01) ? intensity : 0; pixel_pointer[8] = (glyph >= 0xc0 && glyph < 0xe0) ? pixel_pointer[7] : blank; } pixel_pointer += 9; } } // Advance. count += 9; // Output pixel row prematurely if storage is exhausted. if(output_state == OutputState::Pixels && pixel_pointer == pixels + DefaultAllocationSize) { crt.output_data(count); count = 0; pixels = pixel_pointer = nullptr; } } void perform_bus_cycle_phase2(const Motorola::CRTC::BusState &) {} Outputs::CRT::CRT crt; enum class OutputState { Sync, Pixels, Border } output_state = OutputState::Sync; int count = 0; uint8_t *pixels = nullptr; uint8_t *pixel_pointer = nullptr; static constexpr size_t DefaultAllocationSize = 720; const uint8_t *ram = nullptr; std::vector font; } outputter_; Motorola::CRTC::CRTC6845 crtc_; int full_clock_; }; struct PCSpeaker { PCSpeaker() : toggle(queue), speaker(toggle) {} void update() { speaker.run_for(queue, cycles_since_update); cycles_since_update = 0; } void set_pit(bool pit_input) { pit_input_ = pit_input; set_level(); } void set_control(bool pit_mask, bool level) { pit_mask_ = pit_mask; level_ = level; set_level(); } void set_level() { // TODO: I think pit_mask_ actually acts as the gate input to the PIT. const bool new_output = (!pit_mask_ | pit_input_) & level_; if(new_output != output_) { update(); toggle.set_output(new_output); output_ = new_output; } } Concurrency::AsyncTaskQueue queue; Audio::Toggle toggle; Outputs::Speaker::PullLowpass speaker; Cycles cycles_since_update = 0; bool pit_input_ = false; bool pit_mask_ = false; bool level_ = false; bool output_ = false; }; class PITObserver { public: PITObserver(PIC &pic, PCSpeaker &speaker) : pic_(pic), speaker_(speaker) {} template void update_output(bool new_level) { switch(channel) { default: break; case 0: pic_.apply_edge<0>(new_level); break; case 2: speaker_.set_pit(new_level); break; } } private: PIC &pic_; PCSpeaker &speaker_; // TODO: // // channel 0 is connected to IRQ 0; // channel 1 is used for DRAM refresh (presumably connected to DMA?); // channel 2 is gated by a PPI output and feeds into the speaker. }; using PIT = i8253; class i8255PortHandler : public Intel::i8255::PortHandler { // Likely to be helpful: https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/wiki/IBM-PC-XT-Keyboard-Protocol public: i8255PortHandler(PCSpeaker &speaker, KeyboardController &keyboard) : speaker_(speaker), keyboard_(keyboard) {} void set_value(int port, uint8_t value) { switch(port) { case 1: // b7: 0 => enable keyboard read (and IRQ); 1 => don't; // b6: 0 => hold keyboard clock low; 1 => don't; // b5: 1 => disable IO check; 0 => don't; // b4: 1 => disable memory parity check; 0 => don't; // b3: [5150] cassette motor control; [5160] high or low switches select; // b2: [5150] high or low switches select; [5160] 1 => disable turbo mode; // b1, b0: speaker control. enable_keyboard_ = !(value & 0x80); keyboard_.set_mode(value >> 6); high_switches_ = value & 0x08; speaker_.set_control(value & 0x01, value & 0x02); break; } // printf("PPI: %02x to %d\n", value, port); } uint8_t get_value(int port) { switch(port) { case 0: // printf("PPI: from keyboard\n"); return enable_keyboard_ ? keyboard_.read() : 0b0011'1101; // Guesses that switches is high and low combined as below. case 2: // Common: // // b7: 1 => memory parity error; 0 => none; // b6: 1 => IO channel error; 0 => none; // b5: timer 2 output; [TODO] // b4: cassette data input; [TODO] return high_switches_ ? // b3, b2: drive count; 00 = 1, 01 = 2, etc // b1, b0: video mode (00 = ROM; 01 = CGA40; 10 = CGA80; 11 = MDA) 0b0000'0011 : // b3, b2: RAM on motherboard (64 * bit pattern) // b1: 1 => FPU present; 0 => absent; // b0: 1 => floppy drive present; 0 => absent. 0b0000'1101; } return 0; }; private: bool high_switches_ = false; PCSpeaker &speaker_; KeyboardController &keyboard_; bool enable_keyboard_ = false; }; using PPI = Intel::i8255::i8255; class IO { public: IO(PIT &pit, DMA &dma, PPI &ppi, PIC &pic, MDA &mda, FloppyController &fdc) : pit_(pit), dma_(dma), ppi_(ppi), pic_(pic), mda_(mda), fdc_(fdc) {} template void out(uint16_t port, IntT value) { switch(port) { default: if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { printf("Unhandled out: %02x to %04x\n", value, port); } else { printf("Unhandled out: %04x to %04x\n", value, port); } break; // On the XT the NMI can be masked by setting bit 7 on I/O port 0xA0. case 0x00a0: printf("TODO: NMIs %s\n", (value & 0x80) ? "masked" : "unmasked"); break; case 0x0000: dma_.controller.write<0>(value); break; case 0x0001: dma_.controller.write<1>(value); break; case 0x0002: dma_.controller.write<2>(value); break; case 0x0003: dma_.controller.write<3>(value); break; case 0x0004: dma_.controller.write<4>(value); break; case 0x0005: dma_.controller.write<5>(value); break; case 0x0006: dma_.controller.write<6>(value); break; case 0x0007: dma_.controller.write<7>(value); break; case 0x0008: dma_.controller.set_command(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0009: dma_.controller.set_reset_request(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x000a: dma_.controller.set_reset_mask(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x000b: dma_.controller.set_mode(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x000c: dma_.controller.flip_flop_reset(); break; case 0x000d: dma_.controller.master_reset(); break; case 0x000e: dma_.controller.mask_reset(); break; case 0x000f: dma_.controller.set_mask(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0020: pic_.write<0>(value); break; case 0x0021: pic_.write<1>(value); break; case 0x0040: pit_.write<0>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0041: pit_.write<1>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0042: pit_.write<2>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0043: pit_.set_mode(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0060: case 0x0061: case 0x0062: case 0x0063: case 0x0064: case 0x0065: case 0x0066: case 0x0067: case 0x0068: case 0x0069: case 0x006a: case 0x006b: case 0x006c: case 0x006d: case 0x006e: case 0x006f: ppi_.write(port, uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0080: dma_.pages.set_page<0>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0081: dma_.pages.set_page<1>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0082: dma_.pages.set_page<2>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0083: dma_.pages.set_page<3>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0084: dma_.pages.set_page<4>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0085: dma_.pages.set_page<5>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0086: dma_.pages.set_page<6>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0087: dma_.pages.set_page<7>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x03b0: case 0x03b2: case 0x03b4: case 0x03b6: if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { mda_.write<0>(uint8_t(value)); mda_.write<1>(uint8_t(value >> 8)); } else { mda_.write<0>(value); } break; case 0x03b1: case 0x03b3: case 0x03b5: case 0x03b7: if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { mda_.write<1>(value); mda_.write<0>(value >> 8); } else { mda_.write<1>(value); } break; case 0x03b8: mda_.write<8>(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x03d0: case 0x03d1: case 0x03d2: case 0x03d3: case 0x03d4: case 0x03d5: case 0x03d6: case 0x03d7: case 0x03d8: case 0x03d9: case 0x03da: case 0x03db: case 0x03dc: case 0x03dd: case 0x03de: case 0x03df: // Ignore CGA accesses. break; case 0x03f2: fdc_.set_digital_output(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x03f4: printf("TODO: FDC write of %02x at %04x\n", value, port); break; case 0x03f5: fdc_.write(uint8_t(value)); break; case 0x0278: case 0x0279: case 0x027a: case 0x0378: case 0x0379: case 0x037a: case 0x03bc: case 0x03bd: case 0x03be: // Ignore parallel port accesses. break; case 0x02e8: case 0x02e9: case 0x02ea: case 0x02eb: case 0x02ec: case 0x02ed: case 0x02ee: case 0x02ef: case 0x02f8: case 0x02f9: case 0x02fa: case 0x02fb: case 0x02fc: case 0x02fd: case 0x02fe: case 0x02ff: case 0x03e8: case 0x03e9: case 0x03ea: case 0x03eb: case 0x03ec: case 0x03ed: case 0x03ee: case 0x03ef: case 0x03f8: case 0x03f9: case 0x03fa: case 0x03fb: case 0x03fc: case 0x03fd: case 0x03fe: case 0x03ff: // Ignore serial port accesses. break; } } template IntT in([[maybe_unused]] uint16_t port) { switch(port) { default: printf("Unhandled in: %04x\n", port); break; case 0x0000: return dma_.controller.read<0>(); case 0x0001: return dma_.controller.read<1>(); case 0x0002: return dma_.controller.read<2>(); case 0x0003: return dma_.controller.read<3>(); case 0x0004: return dma_.controller.read<4>(); case 0x0005: return dma_.controller.read<5>(); case 0x0006: return dma_.controller.read<6>(); case 0x0007: return dma_.controller.read<7>(); case 0x0008: return dma_.controller.status(); case 0x0009: case 0x000a: case 0x000b: case 0x000c: case 0x000f: printf("TODO: DMA read from %04x\n", port); break; case 0x0020: return pic_.read<0>(); case 0x0021: return pic_.read<1>(); case 0x0040: return pit_.read<0>(); case 0x0041: return pit_.read<1>(); case 0x0042: return pit_.read<2>(); case 0x0060: case 0x0061: case 0x0062: case 0x0063: case 0x0064: case 0x0065: case 0x0066: case 0x0067: case 0x0068: case 0x0069: case 0x006a: case 0x006b: case 0x006c: case 0x006d: case 0x006e: case 0x006f: return ppi_.read(port); case 0x0080: return dma_.pages.page<0>(); case 0x0081: return dma_.pages.page<1>(); case 0x0082: return dma_.pages.page<2>(); case 0x0083: return dma_.pages.page<3>(); case 0x0084: return dma_.pages.page<4>(); case 0x0085: return dma_.pages.page<5>(); case 0x0086: return dma_.pages.page<6>(); case 0x0087: return dma_.pages.page<7>(); case 0x0201: break; // Ignore game port. case 0x0278: case 0x0279: case 0x027a: case 0x0378: case 0x0379: case 0x037a: case 0x03bc: case 0x03bd: case 0x03be: // Ignore parallel port accesses. break; case 0x03f4: return fdc_.status(); case 0x03f5: return fdc_.read(); case 0x02e8: case 0x02e9: case 0x02ea: case 0x02eb: case 0x02ec: case 0x02ed: case 0x02ee: case 0x02ef: case 0x02f8: case 0x02f9: case 0x02fa: case 0x02fb: case 0x02fc: case 0x02fd: case 0x02fe: case 0x02ff: case 0x03e8: case 0x03e9: case 0x03ea: case 0x03eb: case 0x03ec: case 0x03ed: case 0x03ee: case 0x03ef: case 0x03f8: case 0x03f9: case 0x03fa: case 0x03fb: case 0x03fc: case 0x03fd: case 0x03fe: case 0x03ff: // Ignore serial port accesses. break; } return IntT(~0); } private: PIT &pit_; DMA &dma_; PPI &ppi_; PIC &pic_; MDA &mda_; FloppyController &fdc_; }; class FlowController { public: FlowController(Registers ®isters, Segments &segments) : registers_(registers), segments_(segments) {} // Requirements for perform. void jump(uint16_t address) { registers_.ip() = address; } void jump(uint16_t segment, uint16_t address) { registers_.cs() = segment; segments_.did_update(Segments::Source::CS); registers_.ip() = address; } void halt() { halted_ = true; } void wait() { printf("WAIT ????\n"); } void repeat_last() { should_repeat_ = true; } // Other actions. void begin_instruction() { should_repeat_ = false; } bool should_repeat() const { return should_repeat_; } void unhalt() { halted_ = false; } bool halted() const { return halted_; } private: Registers ®isters_; Segments &segments_; bool should_repeat_ = false; bool halted_ = false; }; class ConcreteMachine: public Machine, public MachineTypes::TimedMachine, public MachineTypes::AudioProducer, public MachineTypes::MappedKeyboardMachine, public MachineTypes::MediaTarget, public MachineTypes::ScanProducer, public Activity::Source { public: ConcreteMachine( [[maybe_unused]] const Analyser::Static::Target &target, const ROMMachine::ROMFetcher &rom_fetcher ) : keyboard_(pic_), fdc_(pic_, dma_), pit_observer_(pic_, speaker_), ppi_handler_(speaker_, keyboard_), pit_(pit_observer_), ppi_(ppi_handler_), context(pit_, dma_, ppi_, pic_, mda_, fdc_) { // Set up DMA source/target. dma_.set_memory(&context.memory); // Use clock rate as a MIPS count; keeping it as a multiple or divisor of the PIT frequency is easy. static constexpr int pit_frequency = 1'193'182; set_clock_rate(double(pit_frequency)); speaker_.speaker.set_input_rate(double(pit_frequency)); // Fetch the BIOS. [8088 only, for now] const auto bios = ROM::Name::PCCompatibleGLaBIOS; const auto font = ROM::Name::PCCompatibleMDAFont; ROM::Request request = ROM::Request(bios) && ROM::Request(font); auto roms = rom_fetcher(request); if(!request.validate(roms)) { throw ROMMachine::Error::MissingROMs; } const auto &bios_contents = roms.find(bios)->second; context.memory.install(0x10'0000 - bios_contents.size(), bios_contents.data(), bios_contents.size()); // Give the MDA something to read from. const auto &font_contents = roms.find(font)->second; mda_.set_source(context.memory.at(0xb'0000), font_contents); // ... and insert media. insert_media(target.media); } ~ConcreteMachine() { speaker_.queue.flush(); } // MARK: - TimedMachine. void run_for(const Cycles duration) override { const auto pit_ticks = duration.as_integral(); cpu_divisor_ += pit_ticks; int ticks = cpu_divisor_ / 3; cpu_divisor_ %= 3; while(ticks--) { // // First draft: all hardware runs in lockstep, as a multiple or divisor of the PIT frequency. // // // Advance the PIT and audio. // pit_.run_for(1); ++speaker_.cycles_since_update; pit_.run_for(1); ++speaker_.cycles_since_update; pit_.run_for(1); ++speaker_.cycles_since_update; // // Advance CRTC at a more approximate rate. // mda_.run_for(Cycles(3)); // // Perform one CPU instruction every three PIT cycles. // i.e. CPU instruction rate is 1/3 * ~1.19Mhz ~= 0.4 MIPS. // keyboard_.run_for(Cycles(1)); // Query for interrupts and apply if pending. if(pic_.pending() && context.flags.flag()) { // Regress the IP if a REP is in-progress so as to resume it later. if(context.flow_controller.should_repeat()) { context.registers.ip() = decoded_ip_; context.flow_controller.begin_instruction(); } // Signal interrupt. context.flow_controller.unhalt(); InstructionSet::x86::interrupt( pic_.acknowledge(), context ); } // Do nothing if halted. if(context.flow_controller.halted()) { continue; } // Get the next thing to execute. if(!context.flow_controller.should_repeat()) { // Decode from the current IP. decoded_ip_ = context.registers.ip(); const auto remainder = context.memory.next_code(); decoded = decoder.decode(remainder.first, remainder.second); // If that didn't yield a whole instruction then the end of memory must have been hit; // continue from the beginning. if(decoded.first <= 0) { const auto all = context.memory.all(); decoded = decoder.decode(all.first, all.second); } context.registers.ip() += decoded.first; } else { context.flow_controller.begin_instruction(); } /* if(decoded_ip_ >= 0x7c00 && decoded_ip_ < 0x7c00 + 1024) { const auto next = to_string(decoded, InstructionSet::x86::Model::i8086); // if(next != previous) { std::cout << std::hex << decoded_ip_ << " " << next; if(decoded.second.operation() == InstructionSet::x86::Operation::INT) { std::cout << " dl:" << std::hex << +context.registers.dl() << "; "; std::cout << "ah:" << std::hex << +context.registers.ah() << "; "; std::cout << "ch:" << std::hex << +context.registers.ch() << "; "; std::cout << "cl:" << std::hex << +context.registers.cl() << "; "; std::cout << "dh:" << std::hex << +context.registers.dh() << "; "; std::cout << "es:" << std::hex << +context.registers.es() << "; "; std::cout << "bx:" << std::hex << +context.registers.bx(); } std::cout << std::endl; // previous = next; // } }*/ // Execute it. InstructionSet::x86::perform( decoded.second, context ); } } // MARK: - ScanProducer. void set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) override { mda_.set_scan_target(scan_target); } Outputs::Display::ScanStatus get_scaled_scan_status() const override { return mda_.get_scaled_scan_status(); } // MARK: - AudioProducer. Outputs::Speaker::Speaker *get_speaker() override { return &speaker_.speaker; } void flush_output(int outputs) final { if(outputs & Output::Audio) { speaker_.update(); speaker_.queue.perform(); } } // MARK: - MediaTarget bool insert_media(const Analyser::Static::Media &media) override { int c = 0; for(auto &disk : media.disks) { fdc_.set_disk(disk, c); c++; if(c == 4) break; } return true; } // MARK: - MappedKeyboardMachine. MappedKeyboardMachine::KeyboardMapper *get_keyboard_mapper() override { return &keyboard_mapper_; } void set_key_state(uint16_t key, bool is_pressed) override { keyboard_.post(uint8_t(key | (is_pressed ? 0x00 : 0x80))); } // MARK: - Activity::Source. void set_activity_observer(Activity::Observer *observer) final { fdc_.set_activity_observer(observer); } private: PIC pic_; DMA dma_; PCSpeaker speaker_; MDA mda_; KeyboardController keyboard_; FloppyController fdc_; PITObserver pit_observer_; i8255PortHandler ppi_handler_; PIT pit_; PPI ppi_; PCCompatible::KeyboardMapper keyboard_mapper_; struct Context { Context(PIT &pit, DMA &dma, PPI &ppi, PIC &pic, MDA &mda, FloppyController &fdc) : segments(registers), memory(registers, segments), flow_controller(registers, segments), io(pit, dma, ppi, pic, mda, fdc) { reset(); } void reset() { registers.reset(); segments.reset(); } InstructionSet::x86::Flags flags; Registers registers; Segments segments; Memory memory; FlowController flow_controller; IO io; static constexpr auto model = InstructionSet::x86::Model::i8086; } context; // TODO: eliminate use of Decoder8086 and Decoder8086 in gneral in favour of the templated version, as soon // as whatever error is preventing GCC from picking up Decoder's explicit instantiations becomes apparent. InstructionSet::x86::Decoder8086 decoder; // InstructionSet::x86::Decoder decoder; uint16_t decoded_ip_ = 0; std::pair> decoded; int cpu_divisor_ = 0; }; } using namespace PCCompatible; // See header; constructs and returns an instance of the Amstrad CPC. Machine *Machine::PCCompatible(const Analyser::Static::Target *target, const ROMMachine::ROMFetcher &rom_fetcher) { return new PCCompatible::ConcreteMachine(*target, rom_fetcher); } Machine::~Machine() {}