#include "scantargetwidget.h" #include #include #include #include "../../ClockReceiver/TimeTypes.hpp" ScanTargetWidget::ScanTargetWidget(QWidget *parent) : QOpenGLWidget(parent) {} ScanTargetWidget::~ScanTargetWidget() {} void ScanTargetWidget::initializeGL() { setDefaultClearColour(); // Follow each swapped frame with an additional update. connect(this, &QOpenGLWidget::frameSwapped, this, &ScanTargetWidget::vsync); } void ScanTargetWidget::paintGL() { if(requested_redraw_time_) { vsyncPredictor.add_timer_jitter(Time::nanos_now() - requested_redraw_time_); requested_redraw_time_ = 0; } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Gmynastics ahoy: if a producer has been specified or previously connected then: // // (i) if it's a new producer, generate a new scan target and pass it on; // (ii) in any case, check whether the underlyiung framebuffer has changed; and // (iii) draw. // // The slightly convoluted scan target forwarding arrangement works around an issue // with QOpenGLWidget under macOS, which I did not fully diagnose, in which creating // a scan target in ::initializeGL did not work (and no other arrangement really works // with regard to starting up). if(isConnected || producer) { if(producer) { isConnected = true; framebuffer = defaultFramebufferObject(); scanTarget = std::make_unique(framebuffer); producer->set_scan_target(scanTarget.get()); producer = nullptr; } // Qt reserves the right to change the framebuffer object due to window resizes or if setParent is called; // therefore check whether it has changed. const auto newFramebuffer = defaultFramebufferObject(); if(framebuffer != newFramebuffer) { framebuffer = newFramebuffer; scanTarget->set_target_framebuffer(framebuffer); } vsyncPredictor.begin_redraw(); const int devicePixelRatio = QPaintDevice::devicePixelRatio(); const int outputWidth = width()*devicePixelRatio; const int outputHeight = height()*devicePixelRatio; scanTarget->update(outputWidth, outputHeight); scanTarget->draw(outputWidth, outputHeight); glFinish(); // Make sure all costs are properly accounted for in the vsync predictor. vsyncPredictor.end_redraw(); } } void ScanTargetWidget::vsync() { if(!isConnected) return; vsyncPredictor.announce_vsync(); const auto time_now = Time::nanos_now(); requested_redraw_time_ = vsyncPredictor.suggested_draw_time(); const auto delay_time = (requested_redraw_time_ - time_now) / 1'000'000; if(delay_time > 0) { QTimer::singleShot(delay_time, this, SLOT(repaint())); } else { requested_redraw_time_ = 0; repaint(); } } void ScanTargetWidget::resizeGL(int w, int h) { const int devicePixelRatio = QPaintDevice::devicePixelRatio(); glViewport(0, 0, w*devicePixelRatio, h*devicePixelRatio); } void ScanTargetWidget::setScanProducer(MachineTypes::ScanProducer *producer) { this->producer = producer; repaint(); } void ScanTargetWidget::stop() { makeCurrent(); scanTarget.reset(); isConnected = false; setDefaultClearColour(); vsyncPredictor.pause(); requested_redraw_time_ = 0; } void ScanTargetWidget::setDefaultClearColour() { // Retain the default background colour. const QColor backgroundColour = palette().color(QWidget::backgroundRole()); glClearColor(backgroundColour.redF(), backgroundColour.greenF(), backgroundColour.blueF(), 1.0); }