// // 68000Tests.m // Clock SignalTests // // Created by Thomas Harte on 13/03/2019. // Copyright © 2019 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #import #include #include #include "68000.hpp" /*! Provides a 68000 with 64kb of RAM in its low address space; /RESET will put the supervisor stack pointer at 0xFFFF and begin execution at 0x0400. */ class RAM68000: public CPU::MC68000::BusHandler { public: RAM68000() : m68000_(*this) { ram_.resize(256*1024); // Setup the /RESET vector. ram_[0] = 0; ram_[1] = 0xffff; ram_[2] = 0; ram_[3] = 0x0400; } void set_program(const std::vector &program) { memcpy(&ram_[512], program.data(), program.size() * sizeof(uint16_t)); } void will_perform(uint32_t address, uint16_t opcode) { --instructions_remaining_; } void run_for_instructions(int count) { instructions_remaining_ = count + 1; while(instructions_remaining_) { run_for(HalfCycles(2)); } } void run_for(HalfCycles cycles) { m68000_.run_for(cycles); } uint16_t *ram_at(uint32_t address) { return &ram_[address >> 1]; } HalfCycles perform_bus_operation(const CPU::MC68000::Microcycle &cycle, int is_supervisor) { const uint32_t word_address = cycle.word_address(); using Microcycle = CPU::MC68000::Microcycle; if(cycle.data_select_active()) { if(cycle.operation & Microcycle::InterruptAcknowledge) { cycle.value->halves.low = 10; } else { switch(cycle.operation & (Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::Read)) { default: break; case Microcycle::SelectWord | Microcycle::Read: cycle.value->full = ram_[word_address]; break; case Microcycle::SelectByte | Microcycle::Read: cycle.value->halves.low = ram_[word_address] >> cycle.byte_shift(); break; case Microcycle::SelectWord: printf("w %08x of %02x\n", *cycle.address, cycle.value->full); ram_[word_address] = cycle.value->full; break; case Microcycle::SelectByte: ram_[word_address] = (cycle.value->full & cycle.byte_mask()) | (ram_[word_address] & (0xffff ^ cycle.byte_mask())); break; } } } return HalfCycles(0); } CPU::MC68000::Processor::State get_processor_state() { return m68000_.get_state(); } void set_processor_state(const CPU::MC68000::Processor::State &state) { m68000_.set_state(state); } CPU::MC68000::Processor &processor() { return m68000_; } private: CPU::MC68000::Processor m68000_; std::vector ram_; int instructions_remaining_; }; class CPU::MC68000::ProcessorStorageTests { public: ProcessorStorageTests(const CPU::MC68000::ProcessorStorage &storage, const char *coverage_file_name) { false_valids_ = [NSMutableSet set]; false_invalids_ = [NSMutableSet set]; FILE *source = fopen(coverage_file_name, "rb"); // The file format here is [2 bytes opcode][2 ASCII characters:VA for valid, IN for invalid]... // The file terminates with four additional bytes that begin with two zero bytes. // // The version of the file I grabbed seems to cover all opcodes, making their enumeration // arguably redundant; the code below nevertheless uses the codes from the file. // // Similarly, I'm testing for exactly the strings VA or IN to ensure no further // types creep into any updated version of the table that I then deal with incorrectly. uint16_t last_observed = 0; while(true) { // Fetch opcode number. uint16_t next_opcode = fgetc(source) << 8; next_opcode |= fgetc(source); if(next_opcode < last_observed) break; last_observed = next_opcode; // Determine whether it's meant to be valid. char type[3]; type[0] = fgetc(source); type[1] = fgetc(source); type[2] = '\0'; // TEMPORARY: factor out A- and F-line exceptions. if((next_opcode&0xf000) == 0xa000) continue; if((next_opcode&0xf000) == 0xf000) continue; if(!strcmp(type, "VA")) { // Test for validity. if(!storage.instructions[next_opcode].micro_operations) { [false_invalids_ addObject:@(next_opcode)]; } continue; } if(!strcmp(type, "IN")) { // Test for invalidity. if(storage.instructions[next_opcode].micro_operations) { [false_valids_ addObject:@(next_opcode)]; } continue; } assert(false); } fclose(source); } NSSet *false_valids() const { return false_valids_; } NSSet *false_invalids() const { return false_invalids_; } private: NSMutableSet *false_invalids_; NSMutableSet *false_valids_; }; @interface NSSet (CSHexDump) - (NSString *)hexDump; @end @implementation NSSet (CSHexDump) - (NSString *)hexDump { NSMutableArray *components = [NSMutableArray array]; for(NSNumber *number in [[self allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]) { [components addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%04x", number.intValue]]; } return [components componentsJoinedByString:@" "]; } @end @interface M68000Tests : XCTestCase @end @implementation M68000Tests { std::unique_ptr _machine; } - (void)setUp { _machine.reset(new RAM68000()); } - (void)tearDown { _machine.reset(); } - (void)testABCD { for(int d = 0; d < 100; ++d) { _machine.reset(new RAM68000()); _machine->set_program({ 0xc100 // ABCD D0, D0 }); auto state = _machine->get_processor_state(); const uint8_t bcd_d = ((d / 10) * 16) + (d % 10); state.data[0] = bcd_d; _machine->set_processor_state(state); _machine->run_for_instructions(1); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); const uint8_t double_d = (d * 2) % 100; const uint8_t bcd_double_d = ((double_d / 10) * 16) + (double_d % 10); XCTAssert(state.data[0] == bcd_double_d, "%02x + %02x = %02x; should equal %02x", bcd_d, bcd_d, state.data[0], bcd_double_d); } } - (void)testDivideByZero { _machine->set_program({ 0x7000, // MOVE #0, D0; location 0x400 0x3200, // MOVE D0, D1; location 0x402 0x82C0, // DIVU; location 0x404 /* Next instruction would be at 0x406 */ }); auto state = _machine->get_processor_state(); state.supervisor_stack_pointer = 0x1000; _machine->set_processor_state(state); _machine->run_for_instructions(3); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.supervisor_stack_pointer == 0x1000 - 6, @"Exception information should have been pushed to stack."); const uint16_t *stack_top = _machine->ram_at(state.supervisor_stack_pointer); XCTAssert(stack_top[1] == 0x0000 && stack_top[2] == 0x0406, @"Return address should point to instruction after DIVU."); } - (void)testMOVE { _machine->set_program({ 0x303c, 0xfb2e, // MOVE #fb2e, D0 0x3200, // MOVE D0, D1 0x3040, // MOVEA D0, A0 0x3278, 0x0400, // MOVEA.w (0x0400), A1 0x387c, 0x0400, // MOVE #$400, A4 0x2414, // MOVE.l (A4), D2 }); // Perform MOVE #fb2e, D0 _machine->run_for_instructions(1); auto state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.data[0] == 0xfb2e); // Perform MOVE D0, D1 _machine->run_for_instructions(1); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.data[1] == 0xfb2e); // Perform MOVEA D0, A0 _machine->run_for_instructions(1); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.address[0] == 0xfffffb2e, "A0 was %08x instead of 0xfffffb2e", state.address[0]); // Perform MOVEA.w (0x1000), A1 _machine->run_for_instructions(1); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.address[1] == 0x0000303c, "A1 was %08x instead of 0x0000303c", state.address[1]); // Perform MOVE #$400, A4, MOVE.l (A4), D2 _machine->run_for_instructions(1); state = _machine->get_processor_state(); XCTAssert(state.address[4] == 0x0400, "A4 was %08x instead of 0x00000400", state.address[4]); XCTAssert(state.data[2] == 0x303cfb2e, "D2 was %08x instead of 0x303cfb2e", state.data[2]); } - (void)testVectoredInterrupt { _machine->set_program({ 0x46f8, 0x2000, // MOVE $2000, SR 0x4e71, // NOP 0x4e71, // NOP }); _machine->run_for_instructions(1); _machine->processor().set_interrupt_level(1); _machine->run_for_instructions(1); } - (void)testOpcodeCoverage { // Perform an audit of implemented instructions. CPU::MC68000::ProcessorStorageTests storage_tests( _machine->processor(), [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:@"OPCLOGR2" ofType:@"BIN"].UTF8String ); // This is a list of instructions nominated as valid with OPCLOGR2.BIN but with no obvious decoding — // the disassemblers I tried couldn't figure them out, and I didn't spot them anywhere in the PRM. NSSet *const undecodables = [NSSet setWithArray:@[ // These look like malformed MOVEs. @(0x2e7d), @(0x2e7e), @(0x2e7f), @(0x2efd), @(0x2efe), @(0x2eff), @(0x2f7d), @(0x2f7e), @(0x2f7f), @(0x2fc0), @(0x2fc1), @(0x2fc2), @(0x2fc3), @(0x2fc4), @(0x2fc5), @(0x2fc6), @(0x2fc7), @(0x2fc8), @(0x2fc9), @(0x2fca), @(0x2fcb), @(0x2fcc), @(0x2fcd), @(0x2fce), @(0x2fcf), @(0x2fd0), @(0x2fd1), @(0x2fd2), @(0x2fd3), @(0x2fd4), @(0x2fd5), @(0x2fd6), @(0x2fd7), @(0x2fd8), @(0x2fd9), @(0x2fda), @(0x2fdb), @(0x2fdc), @(0x2fdd), @(0x2fde), @(0x2fdf), @(0x2fe0), @(0x2fe1), @(0x2fe2), @(0x2fe3), @(0x2fe4), @(0x2fe5), @(0x2fe6), @(0x2fe7), @(0x2fe8), @(0x2fe9), @(0x2fea), @(0x2feb), @(0x2fec), @(0x2fed), @(0x2fee), @(0x2fef), @(0x2ff0), @(0x2ff1), @(0x2ff2), @(0x2ff3), @(0x2ff4), @(0x2ff5), @(0x2ff6), @(0x2ff7), @(0x2ff8), @(0x2ff9), @(0x2ffa), @(0x2ffb), @(0x2ffc), @(0x2ffd), @(0x2ffe), @(0x2fff), @(0x3e7d), @(0x3e7e), @(0x3e7f), @(0x3efd), @(0x3efe), @(0x3eff), @(0x3f7d), @(0x3f7e), @(0x3f7f), @(0x3fc0), @(0x3fc1), @(0x3fc2), @(0x3fc3), @(0x3fc4), @(0x3fc5), @(0x3fc6), @(0x3fc7), @(0x3fc8), @(0x3fc9), @(0x3fca), @(0x3fcb), @(0x3fcc), @(0x3fcd), @(0x3fce), @(0x3fcf), @(0x3fd0), @(0x3fd1), @(0x3fd2), @(0x3fd3), @(0x3fd4), @(0x3fd5), @(0x3fd6), @(0x3fd7), @(0x3fd8), @(0x3fd9), @(0x3fda), @(0x3fdb), @(0x3fdc), @(0x3fdd), @(0x3fde), @(0x3fdf), @(0x3fe0), @(0x3fe1), @(0x3fe2), @(0x3fe3), @(0x3fe4), @(0x3fe5), @(0x3fe6), @(0x3fe7), @(0x3fe8), @(0x3fe9), @(0x3fea), @(0x3feb), @(0x3fec), @(0x3fed), @(0x3fee), @(0x3fef), @(0x3ff0), @(0x3ff1), @(0x3ff2), @(0x3ff3), @(0x3ff4), @(0x3ff5), @(0x3ff6), @(0x3ff7), @(0x3ff8), @(0x3ff9), @(0x3ffa), @(0x3ffb), @(0x3ffc), @(0x3ffd), @(0x3ffe), @(0x3fff), @(0x46c8), @(0x46c9), @(0x46ca), @(0x46cb), @(0x46cc), @(0x46cd), @(0x46ce), @(0x46cf), @(0x46fd), @(0x46fe), @(0x46ff), @(0x47c0), @(0x47c1), @(0x47c2), @(0x47c3), @(0x47c4), @(0x47c5), @(0x47c6), @(0x47c7), @(0x47c8), @(0x47c9), @(0x47ca), @(0x47cb), @(0x47cc), @(0x47cd), @(0x47ce), @(0x47cf), @(0x47d8), @(0x47d9), @(0x47da), @(0x47db), @(0x47dc), @(0x47dd), @(0x47de), @(0x47df), @(0x47e0), @(0x47e1), @(0x47e2), @(0x47e3), @(0x47e4), @(0x47e5), @(0x47e6), @(0x47e7), @(0x47fc), @(0x47fd), @(0x47fe), @(0x47ff), @(0x4e80), @(0x4e81), @(0x4e82), @(0x4e83), @(0x4e84), @(0x4e85), @(0x4e86), @(0x4e87), @(0x4e88), @(0x4e89), @(0x4e8a), @(0x4e8b), @(0x4e8c), @(0x4e8d), @(0x4e8e), @(0x4e8f), @(0x4e98), @(0x4e99), @(0x4e9a), @(0x4e9b), @(0x4e9c), @(0x4e9d), @(0x4e9e), @(0x4e9f), @(0x4ea0), @(0x4ea1), @(0x4ea2), @(0x4ea3), @(0x4ea4), @(0x4ea5), @(0x4ea6), @(0x4ea7), @(0x4ebc), @(0x4ebd), @(0x4ebe), @(0x4ebf), @(0x4ec0), @(0x4ec1), @(0x4ec2), @(0x4ec3), @(0x4ec4), @(0x4ec5), @(0x4ec6), @(0x4ec7), @(0x4ec8), @(0x4ec9), @(0x4eca), @(0x4ecb), @(0x4ecc), @(0x4ecd), @(0x4ece), @(0x4ecf), @(0x4ed8), @(0x4ed9), @(0x4eda), @(0x4edb), @(0x4edc), @(0x4edd), @(0x4ede), @(0x4edf), @(0x4ee0), @(0x4ee1), @(0x4ee2), @(0x4ee3), @(0x4ee4), @(0x4ee5), @(0x4ee6), @(0x4ee7), @(0x4efc), @(0x4efd), @(0x4efe), @(0x4eff), @(0x4f88), @(0x4f89), @(0x4f8a), @(0x4f8b), @(0x4f8c), @(0x4f8d), @(0x4f8e), @(0x4f8f), @(0x4fbd), @(0x4fbe), @(0x4fbf), @(0x4fc0), @(0x4fc1), @(0x4fc2), @(0x4fc3), @(0x4fc4), @(0x4fc5), @(0x4fc6), @(0x4fc7), @(0x4fc8), @(0x4fc9), @(0x4fca), @(0x4fcb), @(0x4fcc), @(0x4fcd), @(0x4fce), @(0x4fcf), @(0x4fd8), @(0x4fd9), @(0x4fda), @(0x4fdb), @(0x4fdc), @(0x4fdd), @(0x4fde), @(0x4fdf), @(0x4fe0), @(0x4fe1), @(0x4fe2), @(0x4fe3), @(0x4fe4), @(0x4fe5), @(0x4fe6), @(0x4fe7), @(0x4ffc), @(0x4ffd), @(0x4ffe), @(0x4fff), @(0x50fa), @(0x50fb), @(0x50fc), @(0x50fd), @(0x50fe), @(0x50ff), @(0x51fa), @(0x51fb), @(0x51fc), @(0x51fd), @(0x51fe), @(0x51ff), @(0x52fa), @(0x52fb), @(0x52fc), @(0x52fd), @(0x52fe), @(0x52ff), @(0x53fa), @(0x53fb), @(0x53fc), @(0x53fd), @(0x53fe), @(0x53ff), @(0x54fa), @(0x54fb), @(0x54fc), @(0x54fd), @(0x54fe), @(0x54ff), @(0x55fa), @(0x55fb), @(0x55fc), @(0x55fd), @(0x55fe), @(0x55ff), @(0x56fa), @(0x56fb), @(0x56fc), @(0x56fd), @(0x56fe), @(0x56ff), @(0x57fa), @(0x57fb), @(0x57fc), @(0x57fd), @(0x57fe), @(0x57ff), @(0x58fa), @(0x58fb), @(0x58fc), @(0x58fd), @(0x58fe), @(0x58ff), @(0x59fa), @(0x59fb), @(0x59fc), @(0x59fd), @(0x59fe), @(0x59ff), @(0x5afa), @(0x5afb), @(0x5afc), @(0x5afd), @(0x5afe), @(0x5aff), @(0x5bfa), @(0x5bfb), @(0x5bfc), @(0x5bfd), @(0x5bfe), @(0x5bff), @(0x5cfa), @(0x5cfb), @(0x5cfc), @(0x5cfd), @(0x5cfe), @(0x5cff), @(0x5dfa), @(0x5dfb), @(0x5dfc), @(0x5dfd), @(0x5dfe), @(0x5dff), @(0x5eba), @(0x5ebb), @(0x5ebc), @(0x5ebd), @(0x5ebe), @(0x5ebf), @(0x5efa), @(0x5efb), @(0x5efc), @(0x5efd), @(0x5efe), @(0x5eff), @(0x5fba), @(0x5fbb), @(0x5fbc), @(0x5fbd), @(0x5fbe), @(0x5fbf), @(0x5ffa), @(0x5ffb), @(0x5ffc), @(0x5ffd), @(0x5ffe), @(0x5fff), // These are almost MOVEQs if only bit 8 weren't set. @(0x71c8), @(0x71c9), @(0x71ca), @(0x71cb), @(0x71cc), @(0x71cd), @(0x71ce), @(0x71cf), @(0x71d8), @(0x71d9), @(0x71da), @(0x71db), @(0x71dc), @(0x71dd), @(0x71de), @(0x71df), @(0x71e8), @(0x71e9), @(0x71ea), @(0x71eb), @(0x71ec), @(0x71ed), @(0x71ee), @(0x71ef), @(0x71f8), @(0x71f9), @(0x71fa), @(0x71fb), @(0x71fc), @(0x71fd), @(0x71fe), @(0x71ff), @(0x73c8), @(0x73c9), @(0x73ca), @(0x73cb), @(0x73cc), @(0x73cd), @(0x73ce), @(0x73cf), @(0x73d8), @(0x73d9), @(0x73da), @(0x73db), @(0x73dc), @(0x73dd), @(0x73de), @(0x73df), @(0x73e8), @(0x73e9), @(0x73ea), @(0x73eb), @(0x73ec), @(0x73ed), @(0x73ee), @(0x73ef), @(0x73f8), @(0x73f9), @(0x73fa), @(0x73fb), @(0x73fc), @(0x73fd), @(0x73fe), @(0x73ff), @(0x75c8), @(0x75c9), @(0x75ca), @(0x75cb), @(0x75cc), @(0x75cd), @(0x75ce), @(0x75cf), @(0x75d8), @(0x75d9), @(0x75da), @(0x75db), @(0x75dc), @(0x75dd), @(0x75de), @(0x75df), @(0x75e8), @(0x75e9), @(0x75ea), @(0x75eb), @(0x75ec), @(0x75ed), @(0x75ee), @(0x75ef), @(0x75f8), @(0x75f9), @(0x75fa), @(0x75fb), @(0x75fc), @(0x75fd), @(0x75fe), @(0x75ff), @(0x77c0), @(0x77c1), @(0x77c2), @(0x77c3), @(0x77c4), @(0x77c5), @(0x77c6), @(0x77c7), @(0x77c8), @(0x77c9), @(0x77ca), @(0x77cb), @(0x77cc), @(0x77cd), @(0x77ce), @(0x77cf), @(0x77d0), @(0x77d1), @(0x77d2), @(0x77d3), @(0x77d4), @(0x77d5), @(0x77d6), @(0x77d7), @(0x77d8), @(0x77d9), @(0x77da), @(0x77db), @(0x77dc), @(0x77dd), @(0x77de), @(0x77df), @(0x77e0), @(0x77e1), @(0x77e2), @(0x77e3), @(0x77e4), @(0x77e5), @(0x77e6), @(0x77e7), @(0x77e8), @(0x77e9), @(0x77ea), @(0x77eb), @(0x77ec), @(0x77ed), @(0x77ee), @(0x77ef), @(0x77f0), @(0x77f1), @(0x77f2), @(0x77f3), @(0x77f4), @(0x77f5), @(0x77f6), @(0x77f7), @(0x77f8), @(0x77f9), @(0x77fa), @(0x77fb), @(0x77fc), @(0x77fd), @(0x77fe), @(0x77ff), @(0x79c8), @(0x79c9), @(0x79ca), @(0x79cb), @(0x79cc), @(0x79cd), @(0x79ce), @(0x79cf), @(0x79d8), @(0x79d9), @(0x79da), @(0x79db), @(0x79dc), @(0x79dd), @(0x79de), @(0x79df), @(0x79e8), @(0x79e9), @(0x79ea), @(0x79eb), @(0x79ec), @(0x79ed), @(0x79ee), @(0x79ef), @(0x79f8), @(0x79f9), @(0x79fa), @(0x79fb), @(0x79fc), @(0x79fd), @(0x79fe), @(0x79ff), @(0x7bc8), @(0x7bc9), @(0x7bca), @(0x7bcb), @(0x7bcc), @(0x7bcd), @(0x7bce), @(0x7bcf), @(0x7bd8), @(0x7bd9), @(0x7bda), @(0x7bdb), @(0x7bdc), @(0x7bdd), @(0x7bde), @(0x7bdf), @(0x7be8), @(0x7be9), @(0x7bea), @(0x7beb), @(0x7bec), @(0x7bed), @(0x7bee), @(0x7bef), @(0x7bf8), @(0x7bf9), @(0x7bfa), @(0x7bfb), @(0x7bfc), @(0x7bfd), @(0x7bfe), @(0x7bff), @(0x7dc8), @(0x7dc9), @(0x7dca), @(0x7dcb), @(0x7dcc), @(0x7dcd), @(0x7dce), @(0x7dcf), @(0x7dd8), @(0x7dd9), @(0x7dda), @(0x7ddb), @(0x7ddc), @(0x7ddd), @(0x7dde), @(0x7ddf), @(0x7de8), @(0x7de9), @(0x7dea), @(0x7deb), @(0x7dec), @(0x7ded), @(0x7dee), @(0x7def), @(0x7df8), @(0x7df9), @(0x7dfa), @(0x7dfb), @(0x7dfc), @(0x7dfd), @(0x7dfe), @(0x7dff), @(0x7f40), @(0x7f41), @(0x7f42), @(0x7f43), @(0x7f44), @(0x7f45), @(0x7f46), @(0x7f47), @(0x7f48), @(0x7f49), @(0x7f4a), @(0x7f4b), @(0x7f4c), @(0x7f4d), @(0x7f4e), @(0x7f4f), @(0x7f50), @(0x7f51), @(0x7f52), @(0x7f53), @(0x7f54), @(0x7f55), @(0x7f56), @(0x7f57), @(0x7f58), @(0x7f59), @(0x7f5a), @(0x7f5b), @(0x7f5c), @(0x7f5d), @(0x7f5e), @(0x7f5f), @(0x7f60), @(0x7f61), @(0x7f62), @(0x7f63), @(0x7f64), @(0x7f65), @(0x7f66), @(0x7f67), @(0x7f68), @(0x7f69), @(0x7f6a), @(0x7f6b), @(0x7f6c), @(0x7f6d), @(0x7f6e), @(0x7f6f), @(0x7f70), @(0x7f71), @(0x7f72), @(0x7f73), @(0x7f74), @(0x7f75), @(0x7f76), @(0x7f77), @(0x7f78), @(0x7f79), @(0x7f7a), @(0x7f7b), @(0x7f7c), @(0x7f7d), @(0x7f7e), @(0x7f7f), @(0x7f80), @(0x7f81), @(0x7f82), @(0x7f83), @(0x7f84), @(0x7f85), @(0x7f86), @(0x7f87), @(0x7f88), @(0x7f89), @(0x7f8a), @(0x7f8b), @(0x7f8c), @(0x7f8d), @(0x7f8e), @(0x7f8f), @(0x7f90), @(0x7f91), @(0x7f92), @(0x7f93), @(0x7f94), @(0x7f95), @(0x7f96), @(0x7f97), @(0x7f98), @(0x7f99), @(0x7f9a), @(0x7f9b), @(0x7f9c), @(0x7f9d), @(0x7f9e), @(0x7f9f), @(0x7fa0), @(0x7fa1), @(0x7fa2), @(0x7fa3), @(0x7fa4), @(0x7fa5), @(0x7fa6), @(0x7fa7), @(0x7fa8), @(0x7fa9), @(0x7faa), @(0x7fab), @(0x7fac), @(0x7fad), @(0x7fae), @(0x7faf), @(0x7fb0), @(0x7fb1), @(0x7fb2), @(0x7fb3), @(0x7fb4), @(0x7fb5), @(0x7fb6), @(0x7fb7), @(0x7fb8), @(0x7fb9), @(0x7fba), @(0x7fbb), @(0x7fbc), @(0x7fbd), @(0x7fbe), @(0x7fbf), @(0x7fc0), @(0x7fc1), @(0x7fc2), @(0x7fc3), @(0x7fc4), @(0x7fc5), @(0x7fc6), @(0x7fc7), @(0x7fc8), @(0x7fc9), @(0x7fca), @(0x7fcb), @(0x7fcc), @(0x7fcd), @(0x7fce), @(0x7fcf), @(0x7fd0), @(0x7fd1), @(0x7fd2), @(0x7fd3), @(0x7fd4), @(0x7fd5), @(0x7fd6), @(0x7fd7), @(0x7fd8), @(0x7fd9), @(0x7fda), @(0x7fdb), @(0x7fdc), @(0x7fdd), @(0x7fde), @(0x7fdf), @(0x7fe0), @(0x7fe1), @(0x7fe2), @(0x7fe3), @(0x7fe4), @(0x7fe5), @(0x7fe6), @(0x7fe7), @(0x7fe8), @(0x7fe9), @(0x7fea), @(0x7feb), @(0x7fec), @(0x7fed), @(0x7fee), @(0x7fef), @(0x7ff0), @(0x7ff1), @(0x7ff2), @(0x7ff3), @(0x7ff4), @(0x7ff5), @(0x7ff6), @(0x7ff7), @(0x7ff8), @(0x7ff9), @(0x7ffa), @(0x7ffb), @(0x7ffc), @(0x7ffd), @(0x7ffe), @(0x7fff), @(0xbe7d), @(0xbe7e), @(0xbe7f), @(0xbefd), @(0xbefe), @(0xbeff), @(0xbf7a), @(0xbf7b), @(0xbf7c), @(0xbf7d), @(0xbf7e), @(0xbf7f), @(0xbffd), @(0xbffe), @(0xbfff), // @(0xc6c8), @(0xc6c9), @(0xc6ca), @(0xc6cb), @(0xc6cc), @(0xc6cd), @(0xc6ce), @(0xc6cf), @(0xc6fd), @(0xc6fe), @(0xc6ff), @(0xc7c8), @(0xc7c9), @(0xc7ca), @(0xc7cb), @(0xc7cc), @(0xc7cd), @(0xc7ce), @(0xc7cf), @(0xc7fd), @(0xc7fe), @(0xc7ff), @(0xce88), @(0xce89), @(0xce8a), @(0xce8b), @(0xce8c), @(0xce8d), @(0xce8e), @(0xce8f), @(0xcebd), @(0xcebe), @(0xcebf), @(0xcec8), @(0xcec9), @(0xceca), @(0xcecb), @(0xcecc), @(0xcecd), @(0xcece), @(0xcecf), @(0xcefd), @(0xcefe), @(0xceff), @(0xcf80), @(0xcf81), @(0xcf82), @(0xcf83), @(0xcf84), @(0xcf85), @(0xcf86), @(0xcf87), @(0xcfba), @(0xcfbb), @(0xcfbc), @(0xcfbd), @(0xcfbe), @(0xcfbf), @(0xcfc8), @(0xcfc9), @(0xcfca), @(0xcfcb), @(0xcfcc), @(0xcfcd), @(0xcfce), @(0xcfcf), @(0xcffd), @(0xcffe), @(0xcfff), // These are from the Bcc/BRA/BSR page. @(0xd0fd), @(0xd0fe), @(0xd0ff), @(0xd1fd), @(0xd1fe), @(0xd1ff), @(0xd2fd), @(0xd2fe), @(0xd2ff), @(0xd3fd), @(0xd3fe), @(0xd3ff), @(0xd4fd), @(0xd4fe), @(0xd4ff), @(0xd5fd), @(0xd5fe), @(0xd5ff), @(0xd6fd), @(0xd6fe), @(0xd6ff), @(0xd7fd), @(0xd7fe), @(0xd7ff), @(0xd8fd), @(0xd8fe), @(0xd8ff), @(0xd9fd), @(0xd9fe), @(0xd9ff), @(0xdafd), @(0xdafe), @(0xdaff), @(0xdbfd), @(0xdbfe), @(0xdbff), @(0xdcfd), @(0xdcfe), @(0xdcff), @(0xddfd), @(0xddfe), @(0xddff), @(0xdebd), @(0xdebe), @(0xdebf), @(0xdefd), @(0xdefe), @(0xdeff), @(0xdfba), @(0xdfbb), @(0xdfbc), @(0xdfbd), @(0xdfbe), @(0xdfbf), @(0xdffd), @(0xdffe), @(0xdfff), // The E line is for shifts and rolls; none of the those listed below appear to nominate valid // addressing modes. @(0xe6c0), @(0xe6c1), @(0xe6c2), @(0xe6c3), @(0xe6c4), @(0xe6c5), @(0xe6c6), @(0xe6c7), @(0xe6c8), @(0xe6c9), @(0xe6ca), @(0xe6cb), @(0xe6cc), @(0xe6cd), @(0xe6ce), @(0xe6cf), @(0xe6fa), @(0xe6fb), @(0xe6fc), @(0xe6fd), @(0xe6fe), @(0xe6ff), @(0xe7c0), @(0xe7c1), @(0xe7c2), @(0xe7c3), @(0xe7c4), @(0xe7c5), @(0xe7c6), @(0xe7c7), @(0xe7c8), @(0xe7c9), @(0xe7ca), @(0xe7cb), @(0xe7cc), @(0xe7cd), @(0xe7ce), @(0xe7cf), @(0xe7fa), @(0xe7fb), @(0xe7fc), @(0xe7fd), @(0xe7fe), @(0xe7ff), @(0xeec0), @(0xeec1), @(0xeec2), @(0xeec3), @(0xeec4), @(0xeec5), @(0xeec6), @(0xeec7), @(0xeec8), @(0xeec9), @(0xeeca), @(0xeecb), @(0xeecc), @(0xeecd), @(0xeece), @(0xeecf), @(0xeed0), @(0xeed1), @(0xeed2), @(0xeed3), @(0xeed4), @(0xeed5), @(0xeed6), @(0xeed7), @(0xeed8), @(0xeed9), @(0xeeda), @(0xeedb), @(0xeedc), @(0xeedd), @(0xeede), @(0xeedf), @(0xeee0), @(0xeee1), @(0xeee2), @(0xeee3), @(0xeee4), @(0xeee5), @(0xeee6), @(0xeee7), @(0xeee8), @(0xeee9), @(0xeeea), @(0xeeeb), @(0xeeec), @(0xeeed), @(0xeeee), @(0xeeef), @(0xeef0), @(0xeef1), @(0xeef2), @(0xeef3), @(0xeef4), @(0xeef5), @(0xeef6), @(0xeef7), @(0xeef8), @(0xeef9), @(0xeefa), @(0xeefb), @(0xeefc), @(0xeefd), @(0xeefe), @(0xeeff), @(0xefc0), @(0xefc1), @(0xefc2), @(0xefc3), @(0xefc4), @(0xefc5), @(0xefc6), @(0xefc7), @(0xefc8), @(0xefc9), @(0xefca), @(0xefcb), @(0xefcc), @(0xefcd), @(0xefce), @(0xefcf), @(0xefd0), @(0xefd1), @(0xefd2), @(0xefd3), @(0xefd4), @(0xefd5), @(0xefd6), @(0xefd7), @(0xefd8), @(0xefd9), @(0xefda), @(0xefdb), @(0xefdc), @(0xefdd), @(0xefde), @(0xefdf), @(0xefe0), @(0xefe1), @(0xefe2), @(0xefe3), @(0xefe4), @(0xefe5), @(0xefe6), @(0xefe7), @(0xefe8), @(0xefe9), @(0xefea), @(0xefeb), @(0xefec), @(0xefed), @(0xefee), @(0xefef), @(0xeff0), @(0xeff1), @(0xeff2), @(0xeff3), @(0xeff4), @(0xeff5), @(0xeff6), @(0xeff7), @(0xeff8), @(0xeff9), @(0xeffa), @(0xeffb), @(0xeffc), @(0xeffd), @(0xeffe), @(0xefff) ]]; NSSet *const falseValids = storage_tests.false_valids(); NSSet *const falseInvalids = storage_tests.false_invalids(); XCTAssert(!falseValids.count, "%@ opcodes should be invalid but aren't: %@", @(falseValids.count), falseValids.hexDump); NSMutableSet *const decodedUndecodables = [undecodables mutableCopy]; [decodedUndecodables minusSet:falseInvalids]; XCTAssert(!decodedUndecodables.count, "This test considers these undecodable but they were decoded: %@", decodedUndecodables.hexDump); NSMutableSet *const trimmedInvalids = [falseInvalids mutableCopy]; [trimmedInvalids minusSet:undecodables]; XCTAssert(!trimmedInvalids.count, "%@ opcodes should be valid but aren't: %@", @(trimmedInvalids.count), trimmedInvalids.hexDump); // XCTAssert(!falseInvalids.count, "%@ opcodes should be valid but aren't: %@", @(falseInvalids.count), falseInvalids.hexDump); } @end