// // MemoryMap.cpp // Clock Signal // // Created by Thomas Harte on 04/01/2024. // Copyright © 2024 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved. // #include "MemoryMap.hpp" using namespace Apple::IIgs; using PagingType = Apple::II::PagingType; void MemoryMap::set_storage(std::vector &ram, std::vector &rom) { // Keep a pointer for later; also note the proper RAM offset. ram_base = ram.data(); shadow_base[0] = ram_base; // i.e. all unshadowed writes go to where they've already gone (to make a no-op). shadow_base[1] = &ram[ram.size() - 0x02'0000]; // i.e. all shadowed writes go somewhere in the last // 128bk of RAM. // Establish bank mapping. uint8_t next_region = 0; auto region = [&]() -> uint8_t { assert(next_region != this->regions.size()); return next_region++; }; auto set_region = [this](uint8_t bank, uint16_t start, uint16_t end, uint8_t region) { assert((end == 0xffff) || !(end&0xff)); assert(!(start&0xff)); // Fill in memory map. size_t target = size_t((bank << 8) | (start >> 8)); for(int c = start; c < end; c += 0x100) { region_map[target] = region; ++target; } }; auto set_regions = [set_region, region](uint8_t bank, std::initializer_list addresses, std::vector allocated_regions = {}) { uint16_t previous = 0x0000; auto next_region = allocated_regions.begin(); for(uint16_t address: addresses) { set_region(bank, previous, address, next_region != allocated_regions.end() ? *next_region : region()); previous = address; assert(next_region != allocated_regions.end() || allocated_regions.empty()); if(next_region != allocated_regions.end()) ++next_region; } assert(next_region == allocated_regions.end()); }; // Current beliefs about the IIgs memory map: // // * language card banking applies to banks $00, $01, $e0 and $e1; // * auxiliary memory switches apply to bank $00 only; // * shadowing may be enabled only on banks $00 and $01, or on all RAM pages; and // * whether bit 16 of the address is passed to the Mega II is selectable — this affects both the destination // of odd-bank shadows, and whether bank $e1 is actually distinct from $e0. // // So: // // * bank $00 needs to be divided by auxiliary and language card zones; // * banks $01, $e0 and $e1 need to be divided by language card zones only; and // * ROM banks and all other fast RAM banks don't need subdivision. // Language card zones: // // $D000–$E000 4kb window, into either bank 1 or bank 2 // $E000–end 12kb window, always the same RAM. // Auxiliary zones: // // $0000–$0200 Zero page (and stack) // $0200–$0400 [space in between] // $0400–$0800 Text Page 1 // $0800–$2000 [space in between] // $2000–$4000 High-res Page 1 // $4000–$C000 [space in between] // Card zones: // // $C100–$C2FF either cards or IIe-style ROM // $C300–$C3FF IIe-supplied 80-column card replacement ROM // $C400–$C7FF either cards or IIe-style ROM // $C800–$CFFF Standard extended card area // Reserve region 0 as that for unmapped memory. region(); // Bank $00: all locations potentially affected by the auxiliary switches or the // language switches. set_regions(0x00, { 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0xc000, 0xc100, 0xc300, 0xc400, 0xc800, 0xd000, 0xe000, 0xffff }); // Bank $01: all locations potentially affected by the language switches and card switches. set_regions(0x01, { 0xc000, 0xc100, 0xc300, 0xc400, 0xc800, 0xd000, 0xe000, 0xffff }); // Banks $02–[end of RAM]: a single region. const auto fast_region = region(); const uint8_t fast_ram_bank_limit = uint8_t(ram.size() / 0x01'0000); for(uint8_t bank = 0x02; bank < fast_ram_bank_limit; bank++) { set_region(bank, 0x0000, 0xffff, fast_region); } // [Banks $80–$e0: empty]. // Banks $e0, $e1: all locations potentially affected by the language switches or marked for IO. // Alas, separate regions are needed due to the same ROM appearing on both pages. for(uint8_t c = 0; c < 2; c++) { set_regions(0xe0 + c, {0xc000, 0xc100, 0xc300, 0xc400, 0xc800, 0xd000, 0xe000, 0xffff}); } // [Banks $e2–[ROM start]: empty]. // ROM banks: directly mapped to ROM. const uint8_t rom_bank_count = uint8_t(rom.size() >> 16); const uint8_t first_rom_bank = uint8_t(0x100 - rom_bank_count); const uint8_t rom_region = region(); for(uint8_t c = 0; c < rom_bank_count; ++c) { set_region(first_rom_bank + c, 0x0000, 0xffff, rom_region); } // Apply proper storage to those banks. auto set_storage = [this](uint32_t address, const uint8_t *read, uint8_t *write) { // Don't allow the reserved null region to be modified. assert(region_map[address >> 8]); // Either set or apply a quick bit of testing as to the logic at play. auto ®ion = regions[region_map[address >> 8]]; if(read) read -= address; if(write) write -= address; if(!region.read) { region.read = read; region.write = write; } else { assert(region.read == read); assert(region.write == write); } }; // This is highly redundant, but decouples this step from the above. for(size_t c = 0; c < 0x80'0000; c += 0x100) { if(c < ram.size() - 0x02'0000) { set_storage(uint32_t(c), &ram[c], &ram[c]); } } uint8_t *const slow_ram = &ram[ram.size() - 0x02'0000] - 0xe0'0000; for(size_t c = 0xe0'0000; c < 0xe2'0000; c += 0x100) { set_storage(uint32_t(c), &slow_ram[c], &slow_ram[c]); } for(uint32_t c = 0; c < uint32_t(rom_bank_count); c++) { set_storage((first_rom_bank + c) << 16, &rom[c << 16], nullptr); } // Set shadowing as working from banks 0 and 1 (forever). shadow_banks[0] = true; // TODO: set 1Mhz flags. // Apply initial language/auxiliary state. set_paging<~0>(); } void MemoryMap::set_shadow_register(uint8_t value) { const uint8_t diff = value ^ shadow_register_; shadow_register_ = value; if(diff & 0x40) { // IO/language-card inhibit. set_paging(); } if(diff & 0x3f) { set_shadowing(); } } uint8_t MemoryMap::get_shadow_register() const { return shadow_register_; } void MemoryMap::set_speed_register(uint8_t value) { speed_register_ = value; // Enable or disable shadowing from banks 0x02–0x80. for(size_t c = 0x01; c < 0x40; c++) { shadow_banks[c] = speed_register_ & 0x10; } } void MemoryMap::set_state_register(uint8_t value) { auxiliary_switches_.set_state(value); language_card_.set_state(value); } uint8_t MemoryMap::get_state_register() const { return language_card_.get_state() | auxiliary_switches_.get_state(); } void MemoryMap::access(uint16_t address, bool is_read) { auxiliary_switches_.access(address, is_read); if((address & 0xfff0) == 0xc080) language_card_.access(address, is_read); } void MemoryMap::assert_is_region(uint8_t start, uint8_t end) { assert(region_map[start] == region_map[start-1]+1); assert(region_map[end-1] == region_map[start]); assert(region_map[end] == region_map[end-1]+1); } template void MemoryMap::set_paging() { // Establish whether main or auxiliary RAM // is exposed in bank $00 for a bunch of regions. if constexpr (type & PagingType::Main) { const auto set = [&](std::size_t page, const auto &flags) { auto ®ion = regions[region_map[page]]; region.read = flags.read ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base; region.write = flags.write ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base; }; const auto state = auxiliary_switches_.main_state(); // Base: $0200–$03FF. set(0x02, state.base); assert_is_region(0x02, 0x04); // Region $0400–$07ff. set(0x04, state.region_04_08); assert_is_region(0x04, 0x08); // Base: $0800–$1FFF. set(0x08, state.base); assert_is_region(0x08, 0x20); // Region $2000–$3FFF. set(0x20, state.region_20_40); assert_is_region(0x20, 0x40); // Base: $4000–$BFFF. set(0x40, state.base); assert_is_region(0x40, 0xc0); } // Update whether base or auxiliary RAM is visible in: (i) the zero // and stack pages; and (ii) anywhere that the language card is exposing RAM instead of ROM. if constexpr (bool(type & PagingType::ZeroPage)) { // Affects bank $00 only, and should be a single region. auto ®ion = regions[region_map[0]]; region.read = region.write = auxiliary_switches_.zero_state() ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base; assert(region_map[0x0000] == region_map[0x0001]); assert(region_map[0x0001]+1 == region_map[0x0002]); } // Establish whether ROM or card switches are exposed in the distinct // regions C100–C2FF, C300–C3FF, C400–C7FF and C800–CFFF. // // On the IIgs it intersects with the current shadow register. if constexpr (bool(type & (PagingType::CardArea | PagingType::Main))) { const bool inhibit_banks0001 = shadow_register_ & 0x40; const auto state = auxiliary_switches_.card_state(); auto apply = [&state, this](uint32_t bank_base) { auto &c0_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xc0]]; auto &c1_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xc1]]; auto &c3_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xc3]]; auto &c4_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xc4]]; auto &c8_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xc8]]; const uint8_t *const rom = ®ions[region_map[0xffd0]].read[0xffc100] - ((bank_base << 8) + 0xc100); // This is applied dynamically as it may be added or lost in banks $00 and $01. c0_region.flags |= Region::IsIO; const auto apply_region = [&](bool flag, auto ®ion) { region.write = nullptr; if(flag) { region.read = rom; region.flags &= ~Region::IsIO; } else { region.flags |= Region::IsIO; } }; apply_region(state.region_C1_C3, c1_region); apply_region(state.region_C3, c3_region); apply_region(state.region_C4_C8, c4_region); apply_region(state.region_C8_D0, c8_region); // Sanity checks. assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc1] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc0]+1); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc2] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc1]); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc3] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc2]+1); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc4] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc3]+1); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc7] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc4]); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xc8] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc7]+1); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xcf] == region_map[bank_base | 0xc8]); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xd0] == region_map[bank_base | 0xcf]+1); }; if(inhibit_banks0001) { // Set no IO in the Cx00 range for banks $00 and $01, just // regular RAM (or possibly auxiliary). const auto auxiliary_state = auxiliary_switches_.main_state(); for(uint8_t region = region_map[0x00c0]; region < region_map[0x00d0]; region++) { regions[region].read = auxiliary_state.base.read ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base; regions[region].write = auxiliary_state.base.write ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base; regions[region].flags &= ~Region::IsIO; } for(uint8_t region = region_map[0x01c0]; region < region_map[0x01d0]; region++) { regions[region].read = regions[region].write = ram_base; regions[region].flags &= ~Region::IsIO; } } else { // Obey the card state for banks $00 and $01. apply(0x0000); apply(0x0100); } // Obey the card state for banks $e0 and $e1. apply(0xe000); apply(0xe100); } // Update the region from // $D000 onwards as per the state of the language card flags — there may // end up being ROM or RAM (or auxiliary RAM), and the first 4kb of it // may be drawn from either of two pools. if constexpr (bool(type & (PagingType::LanguageCard | PagingType::ZeroPage | PagingType::Main))) { const auto language_state = language_card_.state(); const auto zero_state = auxiliary_switches_.zero_state(); const auto main = auxiliary_switches_.main_state(); const bool inhibit_banks0001 = shadow_register_ & 0x40; auto apply = [&language_state, this](uint32_t bank_base, uint8_t *ram) { // This assumes bank 1 is the one before bank 2 when RAM is linear. uint8_t *const d0_ram_bank = ram - (language_state.bank2 ? 0x0000 : 0x1000); // Crib the ROM pointer from a page it's always visible on. const uint8_t *const rom = ®ions[region_map[0xffd0]].read[0xff'd000] - ((bank_base << 8) + 0xd000); auto &d0_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xd0]]; d0_region.read = language_state.read ? d0_ram_bank : rom; d0_region.write = language_state.write ? nullptr : d0_ram_bank; auto &e0_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xe0]]; e0_region.read = language_state.read ? ram : rom; e0_region.write = language_state.write ? nullptr : ram; // Assert assumptions made above re: memory layout. assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xd0] + 1 == region_map[bank_base | 0xe0]); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xe0] == region_map[bank_base | 0xff]); }; auto set_no_card = [this](uint32_t bank_base, uint8_t *read, uint8_t *write) { auto &d0_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xd0]]; d0_region.read = read; d0_region.write = write; auto &e0_region = regions[region_map[bank_base | 0xe0]]; e0_region.read = read; e0_region.write = write; // Assert assumptions made above re: memory layout. assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xd0] + 1 == region_map[bank_base | 0xe0]); assert(region_map[bank_base | 0xe0] == region_map[bank_base | 0xff]); }; if(inhibit_banks0001) { set_no_card(0x0000, main.base.read ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base, main.base.write ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base); set_no_card(0x0100, ram_base, ram_base); } else { apply(0x0000, zero_state ? &ram_base[0x01'0000] : ram_base); apply(0x0100, ram_base); } // The pointer stored in region_map[0xe000] has already been adjusted for // the 0xe0'0000 addressing offset. uint8_t *const e0_ram = regions[region_map[0xe000]].write; apply(0xe000, e0_ram); apply(0xe100, e0_ram); } } // IIgs specific: sets or resets the ::IsShadowed flag across affected banks as // per the current state of the shadow register. // // Completely distinct from the auxiliary and language card switches. void MemoryMap::set_shadowing() { // Relevant bits: // // b5: inhibit shadowing, text page 2 [if ROM 03; as if always set otherwise] // b4: inhibit shadowing, auxiliary high-res graphics // b3: inhibit shadowing, super high-res graphics // b2: inhibit shadowing, high-res graphics page 2 // b1: inhibit shadowing, high-res graphics page 1 // b0: inhibit shadowing, text page 1 // // The interpretations of how the overlapping high-res and super high-res inhibit // bits apply used below is taken from The Apple IIgs Technical Reference, P. 178. // Of course, zones are: // // $0400–$0800 Text Page 1 // $0800–$0C00 Text Page 2 [ROM 03 machines] // $2000–$4000 High-res Page 1, and Super High-res in odd banks // $4000–$6000 High-res Page 2, and Huper High-res in odd banks // $6000–$a000 Odd banks only, rest of Super High-res // [plus IO and language card space, subject to your definition of shadowing] enum Inhibit { TextPage1 = 0x01, HighRes1 = 0x02, HighRes2 = 0x04, SuperHighRes = 0x08, AuxiliaryHighRes = 0x10, TextPage2 = 0x20, }; // Clear all shadowing. shadow_pages.reset(); // Text Page 1, main and auxiliary — $0400–$0800. { const bool should_shadow_text1 = !(shadow_register_ & Inhibit::TextPage1); if(should_shadow_text1) { shadow_pages |= shadow_text1; } } // Text Page 2, main and auxiliary — 0x0800–0x0c00. // // The mask applied will be all 0 for a pre-ROM03 machine. { const bool should_shadow_text2 = !(shadow_register_ & Inhibit::TextPage2); if(should_shadow_text2) { shadow_pages |= shadow_text2; } } // Hi-res graphics Page 1, main and auxiliary — $2000–$4000; // also part of the super high-res graphics page on odd pages. // // Even test applied: // high-res graphics page 1 inhibit bit alone is definitive. // // Odd test: // (high-res graphics inhibit or auxiliary high res graphics inhibit) _and_ // (super high-res inhibit). // { const bool should_shadow_highres1 = !(shadow_register_ & Inhibit::HighRes1); if(should_shadow_highres1) { shadow_pages |= shadow_highres1; } const bool should_shadow_aux_highres1 = !( shadow_register_ & (Inhibit::HighRes1 | Inhibit::AuxiliaryHighRes) && shadow_register_ & Inhibit::SuperHighRes ); if(should_shadow_aux_highres1) { shadow_pages |= shadow_highres1_aux; } } // Hi-res graphics Page 2, main and auxiliary — $4000–$6000; // also part of the super high-res graphics page. // // Test applied: much like that for page 1. { const bool should_shadow_highres2 = !(shadow_register_ & Inhibit::HighRes2); if(should_shadow_highres2) { shadow_pages |= shadow_highres2; } const bool should_shadow_aux_highres2 = !( shadow_register_ & (Inhibit::HighRes2 | Inhibit::AuxiliaryHighRes) && shadow_register_ & Inhibit::SuperHighRes ); if(should_shadow_aux_highres2) { shadow_pages |= shadow_highres2_aux; } } // Residue of Super Hi-Res — $6000–$a000 (odd pages only). // // Test applied: // auxiliary high res graphics inhibit and super high-res inhibit { const bool should_shadow_superhighres = !( shadow_register_ & Inhibit::SuperHighRes && shadow_register_ & Inhibit::AuxiliaryHighRes ); if(should_shadow_superhighres) { shadow_pages |= shadow_superhighres; } } } void MemoryMap::setup_shadow_maps(bool is_rom03) { static constexpr int shadow_shift = 10; static constexpr int auxiliary_offset = 0x1'0000 >> shadow_shift; for(size_t c = 0x0400 >> shadow_shift; c < 0x0800 >> shadow_shift; c++) { shadow_text1[c] = shadow_text1[c+auxiliary_offset] = true; } // Shadowing of text page 2 was added only with the ROM03 machine. if(is_rom03) { for(size_t c = 0x0800 >> shadow_shift; c < 0x0c00 >> shadow_shift; c++) { shadow_text2[c] = shadow_text2[c+auxiliary_offset] = true; } } for(size_t c = 0x2000 >> shadow_shift; c < 0x4000 >> shadow_shift; c++) { shadow_highres1[c] = true; shadow_highres1_aux[c+auxiliary_offset] = true; } for(size_t c = 0x4000 >> shadow_shift; c < 0x6000 >> shadow_shift; c++) { shadow_highres2[c] = true; shadow_highres2_aux[c+auxiliary_offset] = true; } for(size_t c = 0x6000 >> shadow_shift; c < 0xa000 >> shadow_shift; c++) { shadow_superhighres[c+auxiliary_offset] = true; } }