Programs incompatible with EmuTOS ================================= This is a list of programs that have program bugs or shortcomings that prevent them from running properly with EmuTOS, and whose problem has been definitively identified. It is mainly intended to prevent these programs from being added to 'bugs.txt' in the future. Program: STOS programs ---------------------- Error 1: joystick and/or keyboard input doesn't work. Bug analysis: STOS Basic compiler routines check for input using undocumented and TOS-specific locations. Programs using these routines work only with specific TOS versions, and not with EmuTOS. Workaround: Use version of the program that has been fixed to work with modern TOS versions. Error 2: STOS error message "Error #046, press any key" during startup. Bug analysis: This is caused by a divide-by-zero error in vsm_height() when the program is run from the AUTO folder. VDI initialisation does not occur until after AUTO-folder programs have been run, so if a VDI function is called by an AUTO-folder program, internal variables have not been initialised. STOS tries to initialise these variables itself, based on a built-in table of TOS-specific locations. These locations are invalid for EmuTOS, so the required variables remain zero, causing the error. Workaround: Move the program from the AUTO folder to the root of the drive, and run it from there. While STOS programs will then start, most of them will remain unusable due to error 1 above. Program: old game using fixed addresses --------------------------------------- Error: panic during game startup. Bug analysis: Several old, floppy-only games load their data into fixed memory addresses, which won't work when EmuTOS has loaded something else there. This can be detected by tracing programs' OS calls with Hatari (--trace os_all) and checking the used addresses. For example, under older EmuTOS versions, the Gods game demo (from an ST Format cover disk) overwrote itself with its game data because of this, and crashed. Workarounds: In some games this can be worked around by either using the cartridge version of EmuTOS (which uses less memory) or by using a custom high-RAM build of EmuTOS, that uses higher RAM addresses for loading programs and for memory allocation: make 512 UNIQUE=uk DEF="-DSTATIC_ALT_RAM_ADDRESS=0x00080000 -DCONF_WITH_FRB=0" However, this doesn't help with programs which also expect undocumented, OS internal functions and variables to be at certain locations. The best workaround is to use a version of the game that has been fixed to run from HD and with modern TOS versions. Program: Awele v1.01 -------------------- Error: mono desktop colours are inverted after exiting program. Bug analysis: This version of Awele was compiled with PureC and linked with a very early version of Windform. During WinDOM initialisation, malloc() is called to allocate an area to save the palette in. However, although malloc() returns the pointer in A0, the WinDOM code assumes it is in D0. As a result, an area of low memory is pointed to, which is overwritten during Awele execution. At program termination, the palette is restored from the overwritten area, resulting in the error seen. Workaround: Use v1.02 of the game. Program: Cameleon ----------------- Error 1: program exits immediately when 'Start game' is selected. Bug analysis: The program requires an STe. In order to determine whether it is running on an STe, it checks the contents of location 0x995 (hardcoded). On Atari TOS, this is where TOS initialisation happens to store the _MCH cookie but this is *not* how Atari says you should locate it (and it's not where EmuTOS stores it). Error 2: program crashes with a Trace exception on any exit. Bug analysis: During startup, the program switches to supervisor state via the Super() system call. Subsequently, the supervisor stack overwrites the program's user stack. On exit, the user stack pointer is restored and during this a corrupted value is loaded into the SR, causing a trace excpetion. Program: (VDI) Invaders and Anduril ----------------------------------- Error: keys to move an object are ignored (in Invaders, the '-' key; in Anduril, the 'h' & 'j' keys) Bug analysis: Both programs were written by "M.Dheus" who found that the most recent key input from the keyboard was stored at offset 0x6d from the address returned by Kbdvbase(), and used that to read the keyboard. This was never documented by Atari, but was apparently true for all versions of TOS 1. However it is not true for TOS 2, 3, or 4 (or EmuTOS). Program: Ramses --------------- Error: panic Bug analysis: Program calls the Line A initialization $A00A and gets the routine vectors in a2. It gets the address of _v_hide_c, then starts doing undocumented things with the bytes of the actual routine: Program: STVidPlay ------------------ Error: "Error in getting file location" Bug analysis: Program looks for a specific 2-byte sequence in the hard disk driver code pointed to by hdv_rw ($476). If it doesn't find that sequence within bytes 6-48 (or thereabouts) of the start of the driver, it gives the error message. Program: Cubase Lite -------------------- Error: panic Bug analysis: On TOS 1.62 etv_timer vector is a delegate to an internal private function. Cubase Lite tries to guess the address of that private function in an undocumented way, which crashes on EmuTOS. (Somebody could write a loader or TSR to change the etv_timer function so that Cubase will not crash.) Program: Reservoir Gods games (Bugger, Bunion, SkyFall, Sworm) -------------------------------------------------------------- Error: panic Bug analysis: Games use an undocumented TOS4 vector for keyboard input instead of accessing kbdvec correctly. This causes EmuTOS to panic. Workaround: This can be worked around with the following hack.prg: Program: OMIKRON.BASIC V3.01 (interpreter) ------------------------------------------ Error: Panic (bus error) during start Bug analysis: The program relies on undocumented internal TOS variables at several points. First, it expects A0 upon return from Mediach (BIOS function) to point to wplatch (floppy write protect latch variable). On EmuTOS A0 is 0 and hence a bus error occurs when the program wants to modify that variable. Second, it parses the bytes of the 0xA00A (hide cursor) line-A routine to get the address of a variable reflecting the internal state of the mouse cursor. This is done with the same code used in "Ramses" (see above). This also fails on EmuTOS, resulting in another bus error. There may be more accesses to undocumented variables. Program: STSpeech v2.0 ---------------------- Error: panics due to stack corruption Bug analysis: The program installs a custom Timer A interrupt handler, and calls the XBIOS from it. If the Timer A interrupt happens to occur just when an unrelated BIOS/XBIOS call is manipulating _savptr (saving registers), then the nested XBIOS call inside the Timer A handler will trash that BIOS/XBIOS save area, possibly modifying the stack pointer. In the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the BIOS", Atari documented a workaround for this, but STSpeech does not use it. Workaround: Because this problem is timing-dependent, it does not show up on Atari TOS, and only shows up in EmuTOS if BigDOS is installed (BigDOS issues many XBIOS calls). Use program without BigDOS, or anything else doing a lot of XBIOS calls. Program: Protracker v2 STE (Equinox version) -------------------------------------------- Error: crash when "DISK OP." button is selected Bug analysis: The program relies on a TOS-specific code sequence, as follows: 1. it searches the ROM (pointed to by location 4) for the first word equal to 0x47e 2. when found, it uses the longword immediately before as a pointer to an address; in TOS2, this is a pointer to the mediachange handler 3. it stores the long at offset 0x1c from that address in its data segment; in TOS2, this is a pointer to (I think) two bytes of status for the floppy drives Subsequently, when "DISK OP." is selected, the stored long is used as a pointer. In TOS2, the value stored is $4216; in EmuTOS, it's zero, resulting in a crash. Program: Spectrum 512 --------------------- Error: crash during program initialisation Bug analysis: The program relies on a TOS-specific code sequence, as follows: 1. it searches the VBL handler (pointed to by location $70) for the first word containing a value of 0x6100 2. when found, it uses the word immediately following as an index to generate an address, and starts searching at that address for a word containing a value of 0x8606 Under EmuTOS, the address generated is a nonsense address which happens to be odd, causing an immediate address error.