mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-09-28 09:54:49 +00:00
Thomas Harte 6c09abc6cb Makes a flawed attempt to reformulate this exactly as two separate processes on a common clock with an interchange buffer.
Specifically because closer inspection of the TMS modes shows it isn't quite valid to model output of one line as having fully completed prior to fetching of the next. So some sort of extra buffer is required. At which point it is most natural to continue with the logic that each fetch routine is oriented around the fetching process for a single line, and each output routine has the same view, suggesting separate read/write addresses.

Something is wrong though, as video data is being output too rapidly (I think) and with occasional sync issues (again: subject to investigation).
2018-10-14 16:23:45 -04:00

769 lines
24 KiB

// 9918Base.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 14/12/2017.
// Copyright 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#ifndef TMS9918Base_hpp
#define TMS9918Base_hpp
#include "../../../Outputs/CRT/CRT.hpp"
#include "../../../ClockReceiver/ClockReceiver.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
namespace TI {
namespace TMS {
enum Personality {
TMS9918A, // includes the 9928 and 9929; set TV standard and output device as desired.
#define is_sega_vdp(x) x >= SMSVDP
class Base {
static const uint32_t palette_pack(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
uint32_t result = 0;
uint8_t *const result_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&result);
result_ptr[0] = r;
result_ptr[1] = g;
result_ptr[2] = b;
result_ptr[3] = 0;
return result;
// The default TMS palette.
const uint32_t palette[16] = {
palette_pack(0, 0, 0),
palette_pack(0, 0, 0),
palette_pack(33, 200, 66),
palette_pack(94, 220, 120),
palette_pack(84, 85, 237),
palette_pack(125, 118, 252),
palette_pack(212, 82, 77),
palette_pack(66, 235, 245),
palette_pack(252, 85, 84),
palette_pack(255, 121, 120),
palette_pack(212, 193, 84),
palette_pack(230, 206, 128),
palette_pack(33, 176, 59),
palette_pack(201, 91, 186),
palette_pack(204, 204, 204),
palette_pack(255, 255, 255)
Base(Personality p);
Personality personality_;
std::unique_ptr<Outputs::CRT::CRT> crt_;
// Holds the contents of this VDP's connected DRAM.
std::vector<uint8_t> ram_;
// Holds the state of the DRAM/CRAM-access mechanism.
uint16_t ram_pointer_ = 0;
uint8_t read_ahead_buffer_ = 0;
enum class MemoryAccess {
Read, Write, None
} queued_access_ = MemoryAccess::None;
// Holds the main status register.
uint8_t status_ = 0;
// Current state of programmer input.
bool write_phase_ = false; // Determines whether the VDP is expecting the low or high byte of a write.
uint8_t low_write_ = 0; // Buffers the low byte of a write.
// Various programmable flags.
bool mode1_enable_ = false;
bool mode2_enable_ = false;
bool mode3_enable_ = false;
bool blank_display_ = false;
bool sprites_16x16_ = false;
bool sprites_magnified_ = false;
bool generate_interrupts_ = false;
int sprite_height_ = 8;
size_t pattern_name_address_ = 0; // i.e. address of the tile map.
size_t colour_table_address_ = 0; // address of the colour map (if applicable).
size_t pattern_generator_table_address_ = 0; // address of the tile contents.
size_t sprite_attribute_table_address_ = 0; // address of the sprite list.
size_t sprite_generator_table_address_ = 0; // address of the sprite contents.
uint8_t text_colour_ = 0;
uint8_t background_colour_ = 0;
// This implementation of this chip officially accepts a 3.58Mhz clock, but runs
// internally at 5.37Mhz. The following two help to maintain a lossless conversion
// from the one to the other.
int cycles_error_ = 0;
HalfCycles half_cycles_before_internal_cycles(int internal_cycles);
// Internal mechanisms for position tracking.
int latched_column_ = 0;
// A helper function to output the current border colour for
// the number of cycles supplied.
void output_border(int cycles);
// A struct to contain timing information for the current mode.
struct {
Vertical layout:
Lines 0 to [pixel_lines]: standard data fetch and drawing will occur.
... to [first_vsync_line]: refresh fetches will occur and border will be output.
.. to [2.5 or 3 lines later]: vertical sync is output.
... to [total lines - 1]: refresh fetches will occur and border will be output.
... for one line: standard data fetch will occur, without drawing.
int total_lines = 262;
int pixel_lines = 192;
int first_vsync_line = 227;
// Maximum number of sprite slots to populate;
// if sprites beyond this number should be visible
// then the appropriate status information will be set.
int maximum_visible_sprites = 4;
// Set the position, in cycles, of the two interrupts,
// within a line.
struct {
int column = 4;
int row = 193;
} end_of_frame_interrupt_position;
int line_interrupt_position = -1;
// Enables or disabled the recognition of 0xd0 as a sprite
// list terminator.
bool allow_sprite_terminator = true;
} mode_timing_;
uint8_t line_interrupt_target = 0xff;
uint8_t line_interrupt_counter = 0;
bool enable_line_interrupts_ = false;
bool line_interrupt_pending_ = false;
// The screen mode is a necessary predecessor to picking the line mode,
// which is the thing latched per line.
enum class ScreenMode {
} screen_mode_;
enum class LineMode {
// Temporary buffers collect a representation of this line prior to pixel serialisation.
struct LineBuffer {
// The line mode describes the proper timing diagram for this line.
LineMode line_mode = LineMode::Text;
// Holds the horizontal scroll position to apply to this line;
// of those VDPs currently implemented, affects the Master System only.
uint8_t latched_horizontal_scroll = 0;
// The names array holds pattern names, as an offset into memory, and
// potentially flags also.
struct {
size_t offset;
uint8_t flags;
} names[40];
// The patterns array holds tile patterns, corresponding 1:1 with names.
// Four bytes per pattern is the maximum required by any
// currently-implemented VDP.
uint8_t patterns[40][4];
Horizontal layout (on a 342-cycle clock):
15 cycles right border
58 cycles blanking & sync
13 cycles left border
... i.e. to cycle 86, then:
border up to first_pixel_output_column;
pixels up to next_border_column;
border up to the end.
e.g. standard 256-pixel modes will want to set
first_pixel_output_column = 86, next_border_column = 342.
int first_pixel_output_column;
int next_border_column;
// An active sprite is one that has been selected for composition onto
// this line.
struct ActiveSprite {
int index = 0; // The original in-table index of this sprite.
int row = 0; // The row of the sprite that should be drawn.
int x = 0; // The sprite's x position on screen.
uint8_t image[4]; // Up to four bytes of image information.
int shift_position = 0; // An offset representing how much of the image information has already been drawn.
} active_sprites[8];
int active_sprite_slot = 0; // A pointer to the slot into which a new active sprite will be deposited, if required.
bool sprites_stopped = false; // A special TMS feature is that a sentinel value can be used to prevent any further sprites
// being evaluated for display. This flag determines whether the sentinel has yet been reached.
void reset_sprite_collection();
} line_buffers_[2];
void posit_sprite(LineBuffer &buffer, int sprite_number, int sprite_y, int screen_row);
// There is a delay between reading into the line buffer and outputting from there to the screen. That delay
// is observeable because reading time affects availability of memory accesses and therefore time in which
// to update sprites and tiles, but writing time affects when the palette is used and when the collision flag
// may end up being set. So the two processes are slightly decoupled. The end of reading one line may overlap
// with the beginning of writing the next, hence the two separate line buffers.
struct LineBufferPointer {
int row, column;
} read_pointer_, write_pointer_;
// Extra information that affects the Master System output mode.
struct {
// Programmer-set flags.
bool vertical_scroll_lock = false;
bool horizontal_scroll_lock = false;
bool hide_left_column = false;
bool shift_sprites_8px_left = false;
bool mode4_enable = false;
uint8_t horizontal_scroll = 0;
uint8_t vertical_scroll = 0;
// The Master System's additional colour RAM.
uint32_t colour_ram[32];
bool cram_is_selected = false;
// Holds the vertical scroll position for this frame; this is latched
// once and cannot dynamically be changed until the next frame.
uint8_t latched_vertical_scroll = 0;
} master_system_;
void set_current_screen_mode() {
if(blank_display_) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::Blank;
if(is_sega_vdp(personality_) && master_system_.mode4_enable) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::SMSMode4;
mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 192;
if(mode2_enable_ && mode1_enable_) mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 224;
if(mode2_enable_ && mode3_enable_) mode_timing_.pixel_lines = 240;
mode_timing_.maximum_visible_sprites = 8;
mode_timing_.maximum_visible_sprites = 4;
if(!mode1_enable_ && !mode2_enable_ && !mode3_enable_) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::ColouredText;
if(mode1_enable_ && !mode2_enable_ && !mode3_enable_) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::Text;
if(!mode1_enable_ && mode2_enable_ && !mode3_enable_) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::Graphics;
if(!mode1_enable_ && !mode2_enable_ && mode3_enable_) {
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::MultiColour;
// TODO: undocumented TMS modes.
screen_mode_ = ScreenMode::Blank;
void do_external_slot() {
switch(queued_access_) {
default: return;
case MemoryAccess::Write:
if(master_system_.cram_is_selected) {
master_system_.colour_ram[ram_pointer_ & 0x1f] = palette_pack(
static_cast<uint8_t>(((read_ahead_buffer_ >> 0) & 3) * 255 / 3),
static_cast<uint8_t>(((read_ahead_buffer_ >> 2) & 3) * 255 / 3),
static_cast<uint8_t>(((read_ahead_buffer_ >> 4) & 3) * 255 / 3)
} else {
ram_[ram_pointer_ & 16383] = read_ahead_buffer_;
case MemoryAccess::Read:
read_ahead_buffer_ = ram_[ram_pointer_ & 16383];
queued_access_ = MemoryAccess::None;
Fetching routines follow below; they obey the following rules:
1) input is a start position and an end position; they should perform the proper
operations for the period: start <= time < end.
2) times are measured relative to a 172-cycles-per-line clock (so: they directly
count access windows on the TMS and Master System).
3) time 0 is the beginning of the access window immediately after the last pattern/data
block fetch that would contribute to this line, in a normal 32-column mode. So:
* it's cycle 309 on Mattias' TMS diagram;
* it's cycle 1238 on his V9938 diagram;
* it's after the last background render block in Mask of Destiny's Master System timing diagram.
That division point was selected, albeit arbitrarily, because it puts all the tile
fetches for a single line into the same [0, 171] period.
4) all of these functions are templated with a `use_end` parameter. That will be true if
end is < 172, false otherwise. So functions can use it to eliminate should-exit-not checks,
for the more usual path of execution.
Provided for the benefit of the methods below:
* the function external_slot(), which will perform any pending VRAM read/write.
* the macros slot(n) and external_slot(n) which can be used to schedule those things inside a
switch(start)-based implementation.
All functions should just spool data to intermediary storage. This is because for most VDPs there is
a decoupling between fetch pattern and output pattern, and it's neater to keep the same division
for the exceptions.
#define slot(n) \
if(use_end && end+1 == n) return;\
case n
#define external_slot(n) \
slot(n): do_external_slot();
#define external_slots_2(n) \
external_slot(n); \
#define external_slots_4(n) \
external_slots_2(n); \
#define external_slots_8(n) \
external_slots_4(n); \
#define external_slots_16(n) \
external_slots_8(n); \
#define external_slots_32(n) \
external_slots_16(n); \
TMS9918 Fetching Code
template<bool use_end> void fetch_tms_refresh(int start, int end) {
#define refresh(location) \
slot(location): \
#define refreshes_2(location) \
refresh(location); \
#define refreshes_4(location) \
refreshes_2(location); \
#define refreshes_8(location) \
refreshes_4(location); \
switch(start) {
default: assert(false);
/* 44 external slots */
/* 64 refresh/external slot pairs (= 128 windows) */
#undef refreshes_8
#undef refreshes_4
#undef refreshes_2
#undef refresh
template<bool use_end> void fetch_tms_text(int start, int end) {
#define fetch_tile_name(location, column) slot(location): line_buffer.names[column].offset = ram_[row_base + column];
#define fetch_tile_pattern(location, column) slot(location): line_buffer.patterns[column][0] = ram_[row_offset + size_t(line_buffer.names[column].offset << 3)];
#define fetch_column(location, column) \
fetch_tile_name(location, column); \
external_slot(location+1); \
fetch_tile_pattern(location+2, column);
#define fetch_columns_2(location, column) \
fetch_column(location, column); \
fetch_column(location+3, column+1);
#define fetch_columns_4(location, column) \
fetch_columns_2(location, column); \
fetch_columns_2(location+6, column+2);
#define fetch_columns_8(location, column) \
fetch_columns_4(location, column); \
fetch_columns_4(location+12, column+4);
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[0];//write_pointer_.row & 1];
const size_t row_base = pattern_name_address_ & (0x3c00 | static_cast<size_t>(write_pointer_.row >> 3) * 40);
const size_t row_offset = pattern_generator_table_address_ & (0x3800 | (write_pointer_.row & 7));
switch(start) {
default: assert(false);
/* 47 external slots (= 47 windows) */
/* 40 column fetches (= 120 windows) */
fetch_columns_8(47, 0);
fetch_columns_8(71, 8);
fetch_columns_8(95, 16);
fetch_columns_8(119, 24);
fetch_columns_8(143, 32);
/* 5 more external slots */
#undef fetch_columns_8
#undef fetch_columns_4
#undef fetch_columns_2
#undef fetch_column
#undef fetch_tile_pattern
#undef fetch_tile_name
template<bool use_end> void fetch_tms_character(int start, int end) {
#define sprite_fetch_coordinates(location, sprite) \
slot(location): \
slot(location+1): \
#define sprite_fetch_graphics(location, sprite) \
slot(location): \
slot(location+1): \
slot(location+2): \
slot(location+3): \
#define sprite_fetch_block(location, sprite) \
slot(location): \
slot(location+1): \
slot(location+2): \
slot(location+3): \
slot(location+4): \
#define sprite_y_read(location, sprite) \
#define fetch_tile_name(column) line_buffer.names[column].offset = ram_[(row_base + column) & 0x3fff];
#define fetch_tile(column) {\
line_buffer.patterns[column][0] = ram_[(colour_base + static_cast<size_t>((line_buffer.names[column].offset << 3) >> colour_name_shift)) & 0x3fff]; \
line_buffer.patterns[column][1] = ram_[(pattern_base + static_cast<size_t>(line_buffer.names[column].offset << 3)) & 0x3fff]; \
#define background_fetch_block(location, column) \
slot(location): fetch_tile_name(column) \
external_slot(location+1); \
slot(location+2): \
slot(location+3): fetch_tile(column) \
slot(location+4): fetch_tile_name(column+1) \
sprite_y_read(location+5, column+8); \
slot(location+6): \
slot(location+7): fetch_tile(column+1) \
slot(location+8): fetch_tile_name(column+2) \
sprite_y_read(location+9, column+9); \
slot(location+10): \
slot(location+11): fetch_tile(column+2) \
slot(location+12): fetch_tile_name(column+3) \
sprite_y_read(location+13, column+10); \
slot(location+14): \
slot(location+15): fetch_tile(column+3)
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[0];//write_pointer_.row & 1];
const size_t row_base = pattern_name_address_ + static_cast<size_t>((write_pointer_.row << 2)&~31);
size_t pattern_base = pattern_generator_table_address_;
size_t colour_base = colour_table_address_;
int colour_name_shift = 6;
if(screen_mode_ == ScreenMode::Graphics) {
// If this is high resolution mode, allow the row number to affect the pattern and colour addresses.
pattern_base &= static_cast<size_t>(0x2000 | ((write_pointer_.row & 0xc0) << 5));
colour_base &= static_cast<size_t>(0x2000 | ((write_pointer_.row & 0xc0) << 5));
colour_base += static_cast<size_t>(write_pointer_.row & 7);
colour_name_shift = 0;
if(screen_mode_ == ScreenMode::MultiColour) {
pattern_base += static_cast<size_t>((write_pointer_.row >> 2) & 7);
} else {
pattern_base += static_cast<size_t>(write_pointer_.row & 7);
switch(start) {
default: assert(false);
sprite_fetch_block(2, 0);
sprite_fetch_block(8, 1);
sprite_fetch_coordinates(14, 2);
sprite_fetch_graphics(21, 2);
sprite_fetch_block(25, 3);
sprite_y_read(35, 0);
sprite_y_read(36, 1);
sprite_y_read(37, 2);
sprite_y_read(38, 3);
sprite_y_read(39, 4);
sprite_y_read(40, 5);
sprite_y_read(41, 6);
sprite_y_read(42, 7);
background_fetch_block(43, 0);
background_fetch_block(59, 4);
background_fetch_block(75, 8);
background_fetch_block(91, 12);
background_fetch_block(107, 16);
background_fetch_block(123, 20);
background_fetch_block(139, 24);
background_fetch_block(155, 28);
#undef background_fetch_block
#undef fetch_tile
#undef fetch_tile_name
#undef sprite_y_read
#undef sprite_fetch_block
#undef sprite_fetch_graphics
#undef sprite_fetch_coordinates
Master System Fetching Code
template<bool use_end> void fetch_sms(int start, int end) {
#define sprite_fetch(sprite) {\
line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].x = \
sprite_attribute_table_address_ & size_t(0x3f80 | (line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 1))\
] - (master_system_.shift_sprites_8px_left ? 8 : 0); \
const uint8_t name = ram_[\
sprite_attribute_table_address_ & size_t(0x3f81 | (line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].index << 1))\
] & (sprites_16x16_ ? ~1 : ~0);\
const size_t graphic_location = sprite_generator_table_address_ & size_t(0x2000 | (name << 5) | (line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].row << 2)); \
line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[0] = ram_[graphic_location]; \
line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[1] = ram_[graphic_location+1]; \
line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[2] = ram_[graphic_location+2]; \
line_buffer.active_sprites[sprite].image[3] = ram_[graphic_location+3]; \
#define sprite_fetch_block(location, sprite) \
slot(location): \
slot(location+1): \
slot(location+2): \
slot(location+3): \
slot(location+4): \
slot(location+5): \
#define sprite_y_read(location, sprite) \
slot(location): \
posit_sprite(line_buffer, sprite, ram_[sprite_attribute_table_address_ & (sprite | 0x3f00)], write_pointer_.row); \
posit_sprite(line_buffer, sprite+1, ram_[sprite_attribute_table_address_ & ((sprite + 1) | 0x3f00)], write_pointer_.row); \
#define fetch_tile_name(column, row_info) {\
const size_t scrolled_column = (column - horizontal_offset) & 0x1f;\
const size_t address = row_info.pattern_address_base + (scrolled_column << 1); \
line_buffer.names[column].flags = ram_[address+1]; \
line_buffer.names[column].offset = static_cast<size_t>( \
(((line_buffer.names[column].flags&1) << 8) | ram_[address]) << 5 \
) + row_info.sub_row[(line_buffer.names[column].flags&4) >> 2]; \
#define fetch_tile(column) \
line_buffer.patterns[column][0] = ram_[line_buffer.names[column].offset]; \
line_buffer.patterns[column][1] = ram_[line_buffer.names[column].offset+1]; \
line_buffer.patterns[column][2] = ram_[line_buffer.names[column].offset+2]; \
line_buffer.patterns[column][3] = ram_[line_buffer.names[column].offset+3];
#define background_fetch_block(location, column, sprite, row_info) \
slot(location): fetch_tile_name(column, row_info) \
external_slot(location+1); \
slot(location+2): \
slot(location+3): \
slot(location+4): \
fetch_tile(column) \
fetch_tile_name(column+1, row_info) \
sprite_y_read(location+5, sprite); \
slot(location+6): \
slot(location+7): \
slot(location+8): \
fetch_tile(column+1) \
fetch_tile_name(column+2, row_info) \
sprite_y_read(location+9, sprite+2); \
slot(location+10): \
slot(location+11): \
slot(location+12): \
fetch_tile(column+2) \
fetch_tile_name(column+3, row_info) \
sprite_y_read(location+13, sprite+4); \
slot(location+14): \
slot(location+15): fetch_tile(column+3)
// Determine the coarse horizontal scrolling offset; this isn't applied on the first two lines if the programmer has requested it.
LineBuffer &line_buffer = line_buffers_[0];//write_pointer_ .row & 1];
const int horizontal_offset = (write_pointer_.row >= 16 || !master_system_.horizontal_scroll_lock) ? (line_buffer.latched_horizontal_scroll >> 3) : 0;
// Determine row info for the screen both (i) if vertical scrolling is applied; and (ii) if it isn't.
// The programmer can opt out of applying vertical scrolling to the right-hand portion of the display.
const int scrolled_row = (write_pointer_.row + master_system_.latched_vertical_scroll) % 224;
struct RowInfo {
size_t pattern_address_base;
size_t sub_row[2];
const RowInfo scrolled_row_info = {
pattern_name_address_ & static_cast<size_t>(((scrolled_row & ~7) << 3) | 0x3800),
{static_cast<size_t>((scrolled_row & 7) << 2), 28 ^ static_cast<size_t>((scrolled_row & 7) << 2)}
RowInfo row_info;
if(master_system_.vertical_scroll_lock) {
row_info.pattern_address_base = pattern_name_address_ & static_cast<size_t>(((write_pointer_.row & ~7) << 3) | 0x3800);
row_info.sub_row[0] = size_t((write_pointer_.row & 7) << 2);
row_info.sub_row[1] = 28 ^ size_t((write_pointer_.row & 7) << 2);
} else row_info = scrolled_row_info;
// ... and do the actual fetching, which follows this routine:
switch(start) {
default: assert(false);
sprite_fetch_block(0, 0);
sprite_fetch_block(6, 2);
sprite_fetch_block(17, 4);
sprite_fetch_block(23, 6);
sprite_y_read(31, 0);
sprite_y_read(32, 2);
sprite_y_read(33, 4);
sprite_y_read(34, 6);
sprite_y_read(35, 8);
sprite_y_read(36, 10);
sprite_y_read(37, 12);
sprite_y_read(38, 14);
background_fetch_block(39, 0, 16, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(55, 4, 22, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(71, 8, 28, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(87, 12, 34, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(103, 16, 40, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(119, 20, 46, scrolled_row_info);
background_fetch_block(135, 24, 52, row_info);
background_fetch_block(151, 28, 58, row_info);
#undef background_fetch_block
#undef fetch_tile
#undef fetch_tile_name
#undef sprite_y_read
#undef sprite_fetch_block
#undef sprite_fetch
#undef external_slot
#undef slot
uint32_t *pixel_target_ = nullptr, *pixel_origin_ = nullptr;
void draw_tms_character(int start, int end);
void draw_tms_text(int start, int end);
void draw_sms(int start, int end);
#endif /* TMS9918Base_hpp */