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// CRTOpenGL.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 03/02/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "CRT.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
// TODO: figure out correct include paths for other platforms.
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
using namespace Outputs;
struct CRT::OpenGLState {
GLuint vertexShader, fragmentShader;
GLuint shaderProgram;
GLuint arrayBuffer, vertexArray;
GLint positionAttribute;
GLint textureCoordinatesAttribute;
GLint lateralAttribute;
GLint textureSizeUniform, windowSizeUniform;
GLint boundsOriginUniform, boundsSizeUniform;
GLint alphaUniform;
GLuint textureName, shadowMaskTextureName;
CRTSize textureSize;
static GLenum formatForDepth(unsigned int depth)
default: return GL_FALSE;
case 1: return GL_RED;
case 2: return GL_RG;
case 3: return GL_RGB;
case 4: return GL_RGBA;
void CRT::construct_openGL()
_openGL_state = nullptr;
_current_frame = _last_drawn_frame = nullptr;
_composite_shader = _rgb_shader = nullptr;
void CRT::destruct_openGL()
delete (OpenGLState *)_openGL_state;
if(_composite_shader) free(_composite_shader);
if(_rgb_shader) free(_rgb_shader);
void CRT::draw_frame(int output_width, int output_height, bool only_if_dirty)
if(!_current_frame || !only_if_dirty)
if(_current_frame && _current_frame != _last_drawn_frame)
_openGL_state = new OpenGLState;
glGenTextures(1, &_openGL_state->textureName);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _openGL_state->textureName);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &_openGL_state->vertexArray);
glGenBuffers(1, &_openGL_state->arrayBuffer);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _openGL_state->arrayBuffer);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (GLsizeiptr)(_current_frame->number_of_vertices * _current_frame->size_per_vertex), _current_frame->vertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _openGL_state->textureName);
if(_openGL_state->textureSize.width != _current_frame->size.width || _openGL_state->textureSize.height != _current_frame->size.height)
GLenum format = formatForDepth(_current_frame->buffers[0].depth);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, (GLint)format, _current_frame->size.width, _current_frame->size.height, 0, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, _current_frame->buffers[0].data);
_openGL_state->textureSize = _current_frame->size;
if(_openGL_state->textureSizeUniform >= 0) glUniform2f(_openGL_state->textureSizeUniform, _current_frame->size.width, _current_frame->size.height);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, _current_frame->dirty_size.width, _current_frame->dirty_size.height, formatForDepth(_current_frame->buffers[0].depth), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, _current_frame->buffers[0].data);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, (GLsizei)_current_frame->number_of_vertices);
void CRT::set_openGL_context_will_change(bool should_delete_resources)
void CRT::set_composite_sampling_function(const char *shader)
_composite_shader = strdup(shader);
void CRT::set_rgb_sampling_function(const char *shader)
_rgb_shader = strdup(shader);
char *CRT::get_vertex_shader()
// the main job of the vertex shader is just to map from an input area of [0,1]x[0,1], with the origin in the
// top left to OpenGL's [-1,1]x[-1,1] with the origin in the lower left, and to convert input data coordinates
// from integral to floating point; there's also some setup for NTSC, PAL or whatever.
const char *const ntscVertexShaderGlobals =
"out vec2 srcCoordinatesVarying[4];\n"
"out float phase;\n";
const char *const ntscVertexShaderBody =
"phase = srcCoordinates.x * 6.283185308;\n"
"srcCoordinatesVarying[0] = vec2(srcCoordinates.x / textureSize.x, (srcCoordinates.y + 0.5) / textureSize.y);\n"
"srcCoordinatesVarying[3] = srcCoordinatesVarying[0] + vec2(0.375 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
"srcCoordinatesVarying[2] = srcCoordinatesVarying[0] + vec2(0.125 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
"srcCoordinatesVarying[1] = srcCoordinatesVarying[0] - vec2(0.125 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
"srcCoordinatesVarying[0] = srcCoordinatesVarying[0] - vec2(0.325 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n";
// const char *const rgbVertexShaderGlobals =
// "out vec2 srcCoordinatesVarying[5];\n";
// const char *const rgbVertexShaderBody =
// "srcCoordinatesVarying[2] = vec2(srcCoordinates.x / textureSize.x, (srcCoordinates.y + 0.5) / textureSize.y);\n"
// "srcCoordinatesVarying[0] = srcCoordinatesVarying[1] - vec2(1.0 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
// "srcCoordinatesVarying[1] = srcCoordinatesVarying[1] - vec2(0.5 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
// "srcCoordinatesVarying[3] = srcCoordinatesVarying[1] + vec2(0.5 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n"
// "srcCoordinatesVarying[4] = srcCoordinatesVarying[1] + vec2(1.0 / textureSize.x, 0.0);\n";
const char *const vertexShader =
"#version 150\n"
"in vec2 position;\n"
"in vec2 srcCoordinates;\n"
"in float lateral;\n"
"uniform vec2 boundsOrigin;\n"
"uniform vec2 boundsSize;\n"
"out float lateralVarying;\n"
"out vec2 shadowMaskCoordinates;\n"
"uniform vec2 textureSize;\n"
"const float shadowMaskMultiple = 600;\n"
"void main (void)\n"
"lateralVarying = lateral + 1.0707963267949;\n"
"shadowMaskCoordinates = position * vec2(shadowMaskMultiple, shadowMaskMultiple * 0.85057471264368);\n"
"vec2 mappedPosition = (position - boundsOrigin) / boundsSize;"
"gl_Position = vec4(mappedPosition.x * 2.0 - 1.0, 1.0 - mappedPosition.y * 2.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
return nullptr;
// + mappedPosition.x / 131.0
// switch(_signalType)
// {
// case CSCathodeRayViewSignalTypeNTSC: return [NSString stringWithFormat:vertexShader, ntscVertexShaderGlobals, ntscVertexShaderBody];
// case CSCathodeRayViewSignalTypeRGB: return [NSString stringWithFormat:vertexShader, rgbVertexShaderGlobals, rgbVertexShaderBody];
// }
char *CRT::get_fragment_shader()
// assumes y = [0, 1], i and q = [-0.5, 0.5]; therefore i components are multiplied by 1.1914 versus standard matrices, q by 1.0452
const char *const yiqToRGB = "const mat3 yiqToRGB = mat3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1389784, -0.3240608, -1.3176884, 0.6490692, -0.6762444, 1.7799756);";
// assumes y = [0,1], u and v = [-0.5, 0.5]; therefore u components are multiplied by 1.14678899082569, v by 0.8130081300813
const char *const yuvToRGB = "const mat3 yiqToRGB = mat3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, -0.75213899082569, 2.33040137614679, 0.92669105691057, -0.4720325203252, 0.0);";
const char *const fragmentShader =
"#version 150\n"
"in float lateralVarying;\n"
"in vec2 shadowMaskCoordinates;\n"
"out vec4 fragColour;\n"
"uniform sampler2D texID;\n"
"uniform sampler2D shadowMaskTexID;\n"
"uniform float alpha;\n"
"in vec2 srcCoordinatesVarying[4];\n"
"in float phase;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
const char *const ntscFragmentShaderGlobals =
"in vec2 srcCoordinatesVarying[4];\n"
"in float phase;\n"
"// for conversion from i and q are in the range [-0.5, 0.5] (so i needs to be multiplied by 1.1914 and q by 1.0452)\n"
"const mat3 yiqToRGB = mat3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1389784, -0.3240608, -1.3176884, 0.6490692, -0.6762444, 1.7799756);\n";
const char *const ntscFragmentShaderBody =
"vec4 angles = vec4(phase) + vec4(-2.35619449019234, -0.78539816339745, 0.78539816339745, 2.35619449019234);\n"
"vec4 samples = vec4("
" sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[0], angles.x),"
" sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[1], angles.y),"
" sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[2], angles.z),"
" sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[3], angles.w)"
"float y = dot(vec4(0.25), samples);\n"
"samples -= vec4(y);\n"
"float i = dot(cos(angles), samples);\n"
"float q = dot(sin(angles), samples);\n"
"fragColour = 5.0 * texture(shadowMaskTexID, shadowMaskCoordinates) * vec4(yiqToRGB * vec3(y, i, q), 1.0);//sin(lateralVarying));\n";
// const char *const rgbFragmentShaderGlobals =
// "in vec2 srcCoordinatesVarying[5];\n"; // texture(shadowMaskTexID, shadowMaskCoordinates) *
// const char *const rgbFragmentShaderBody =
// "fragColour = sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[2]);";
// @"fragColour = (sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[0]) * -0.1) + \
// (sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[1]) * 0.3) + \
// (sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[2]) * 0.6) + \
// (sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[3]) * 0.3) + \
// (sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[4]) * -0.1);";
// dot(vec3(1.0/6.0, 2.0/3.0, 1.0/6.0), vec3(sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[0]), sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[0]), sample(srcCoordinatesVarying[0])));//sin(lateralVarying));\n";
return nullptr;
// switch(_signalType)
// {
// case CSCathodeRayViewSignalTypeNTSC: return [NSString stringWithFormat:fragmentShader, ntscFragmentShaderGlobals, ntscFragmentShaderBody];
// case CSCathodeRayViewSignalTypeRGB: return [NSString stringWithFormat:fragmentShader, rgbFragmentShaderGlobals, rgbFragmentShaderBody];
// }