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// IWM.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 05/05/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "IWM.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace Apple;
namespace {
const int CA0 = 1 << 0;
const int CA1 = 1 << 1;
const int CA2 = 1 << 2;
const int LSTRB = 1 << 3;
const int ENABLE = 1 << 4;
const int DRIVESEL = 1 << 5; /* This means drive select, like on the original Disk II. */
const int Q6 = 1 << 6;
const int Q7 = 1 << 7;
const int SEL = 1 << 8; /* This is an additional input, not available on a Disk II, with a confusingly-similar name to SELECT but a distinct purpose. */
IWM::IWM(int clock_rate) {}
// MARK: - Bus accessors
uint8_t IWM::read(int address) {
// Per Inside Macintosh:
// "Before you can read from any of the disk registers you must set up the state of the IWM so that it
// can pass the data through to the MC68000's address space where you'll be able to read it. To do that,
// you must first turn off Q7 by reading or writing dBase+q7L. Then turn on Q6 by accessing dBase+q6H.
// After that, the IWM will be able to pass data from the disk's RD/SENSE line through to you."
// My thoughts: I'm unclear on how passing data from RD/SENSE is conflated with reading "any of the disk
// registers", but the text reads as though the access happens internally but isn't passed on in the case
// of Q6 and Q7 being in the incorrect state.
printf("Read %d: ", address&1);
switch(state_ & (Q6 | Q7 | ENABLE)) {
printf("Invalid read\n");
return 0xff;
// "Read all 1s".
case 0:
printf("Reading all 1s\n");
return 0xff;
case ENABLE: /* Read data register. */
printf("Reading data register\n");
return 0x00;
case Q6: case Q6|ENABLE: {
[If A = 0], Read status register:
bits 0-3: same as mode register.
bit 5: 1 = either /ENBL1 or /ENBL2 is currently low.
bit 6: 1 = MZ (reserved for future compatibility; should always be read as 0).
bit 7: 1 = SENSE input high; 0 = SENSE input low.
(/ENBL1 is low when the first drive's motor is on; /ENBL2 is low when the second drive's motor is on.
If the 1-second timer is enabled, motors remain on for one second after being programmatically disabled.)
printf("Reading status ([%d] including ", (state_&DRIVESEL) ? 2 : 1);
// Determine the SENSE input.
uint8_t sense = 0;
switch(state_ & (CA2 | CA1 | CA0 | SEL)) {
case 0: // Head step direction.
printf("head step direction)\n");
case SEL: // Disk in place.
printf("disk in place)\n");
sense = 0x80;
case CA0: // Disk head stepping.
printf("head stepping)\n");
case CA0|SEL: // Disk locked (i.e. write-protect tab).
printf("disk locked)\n");
case CA1: // Disk motor running.
printf("disk motor running)\n");
case CA1|SEL: // Head at track 0.
printf("head at track 0)\n");
case CA1|CA0|SEL: // Tachometer (?)
case CA2: // Read data, lower head.
printf("data, lower head)\n");
case CA2|SEL: // Read data, upper head.
printf("data, upper head)\n");
case CA2|CA1: // Single- or double-sided drive.
printf("single- or double-sided drive)\n");
case CA2|CA1|CA0|SEL: // Drive installed.
printf("drive installed)\n");
return (mode_&0x1f) | sense;
} break;
case Q7: case Q7|ENABLE:
Read write-handshake register:
bits 0-5: reserved for future use (currently read as 1).
bit 6: 1 = write state (cleared to 0 if a write underrun occurs).
bit 7: 1 = write data buffer ready for data.
printf("Reading write handshake\n");
return 0x1f;
return 0xff;
void IWM::write(int address, uint8_t input) {
switch(state_ & (Q6 | Q7 | ENABLE)) {
default: break;
case Q7|Q6:
Write mode register:
bit 0: 1 = latch mode (should be set in asynchronous mode).
bit 1: 0 = synchronous handshake protocol; 1 = asynchronous.
bit 2: 0 = 1-second on-board timer enable; 1 = timer disable.
bit 3: 0 = slow mode; 1 = fast mode.
bit 4: 0 = 7Mhz; 1 = 8Mhz (7 or 8 mHz clock descriptor).
bit 5: 1 = test mode; 0 = normal operation.
bit 6: 1 = MZ-reset.
bit 7: reserved for future expansion.
mode_ = input;
printf("IWM mode is now %02x\n", mode_);
case Q7|Q6|ENABLE: // Write data register.
printf("Data register write\n");
// MARK: - Switch access
void IWM::access(int address) {
// Keep a record of switch state; bits in state_
// should correlate with the anonymous namespace constants
// defined at the top of this file — CA0, CA1, etc.
address &= 0xf;
const auto mask = 1 << (address >> 1);
if(address & 1) {
state_ |= mask;
} else {
state_ &= ~mask;
void IWM::set_select(bool enabled) {
// Augment switch state with the value of the SEL line;
// it's active low, which is implicitly inverted here for
// consistency in the meaning of state_ bits.
if(!enabled) state_ |= 0x100;
else state_ &= ~0x100;
// MARK: - Active logic
void IWM::run_for(const Cycles cycles) {