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// Instruction.hpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 15/01/21.
// Copyright © 2021 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include "Model.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace InstructionSet::x86 {
Operations are documented below to establish expectations as to which
instruction fields will be meaningful for each; this is a work-in-progress
and may currently contain errors in the opcode descriptions — especially
where implicit register dependencies are afoot.
enum class Operation: uint8_t {
// 8086 instructions.
/// ASCII adjust after addition; source will be AL and destination will be AX.
/// ASCII adjust before division; destination will be AX and source will be a multiplier.
/// ASCII adjust after multiplication; destination will be AX and source will be a divider.
/// ASCII adjust after subtraction; source will be AL and destination will be AX.
/// Decimal adjust after addition; source and destination will be AL.
/// Decimal adjust after subtraction; source and destination will be AL.
/// If data size is word, convert byte into word; source will be AL, destination will be AH.
/// If data size is DWord, convert word to dword; AX will be expanded to fill EAX.
/// In both cases, conversion will be by sign extension.
/// If data size is Word, converts word to double word; source will be AX and destination will be DX.
/// If data size is DWord, converts double word to quad word (i.e. CDW); source will be EAX and destination will be EDX:EAX.
/// In both cases, conversion will be by sign extension.
/// Escape, for a coprocessor; perform the bus cycles necessary to read the source and destination and perform a NOP.
/// Stops the processor until the next interrupt is fired.
/// Waits until the WAIT input is asserted; if an interrupt occurs then it is serviced but returns to the WAIT.
/// Add with carry; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Add; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Subtract with borrow; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Subtract; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Unsigned multiply; multiplies the source value by EAX, AX or AL, storing the result in EDX:EAX, DX:AX or AX.
/// Single operand signed multiply; multiplies the source value by EAX, AX or AL, storing the result in EDX:EAX, DX:AX or AX.
/// Unsigned divide; divide the AX, DX:AX or EDX:AX by the source(), storing the quotient in AL, AX or EAX and the remainder in AH, DX or EDX.
/// Signed divide; divide the source value by AX or AL, storing the quotient in AL and the remainder in AH.
/// Increment; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Decrement; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Reads from the port specified by source to the destination.
/// Writes to the port specified by destination from the source.
// Various jumps; see the displacement to calculate targets.
/// Near call.
/// Relative call; see displacement().
/// Far call; if destination is Source::Immediate then see the segment() and offset() fields; otherwise take segment and offset by indirection.
/// Return from interrupt.
/// Near return; if source is not ::None then it will be an ::Immediate indicating how many additional bytes to remove from the stack.
/// Far return; if source is not ::None then it will be an ::Immediate indicating how many additional bytes to remove from the stack.
/// Near jump with an absolute destination.
/// Near jump with a relative destination.
/// Far jump; if destination is Source::Immediate then see the segment() and offset() fields; otherwise take segment and offset by indirection.
/// Relative jump performed only if CX = 0; see the displacement.
/// Generates a software interrupt of the level stated in the operand.
/// Generates a software interrupt of level 4 if overflow is set.
/// Load status flags to AH.
/// Load status flags from AH.
/// Load a segment and offset from the source into DS and the destination.
/// Load a segment and offset from the source into ES and the destination.
/// Computes the effective address of the source and loads it into the destination.
/// Move string; moves a byte or word from DS:SI to ES:DI. If a segment override is provided, it overrides the the source.
/// Load string; reads from DS:SI into AL or AX, subject to segment override.
/// Store string; store AL or AX to ES:DI.
/// Compare [bytes or words, per operation size]; source and destination implied to be DS:[SI] and ES:[DI].
/// Scan string; reads a byte or word from DS:SI and compares it to AL or AX.
// Perform a possibly-conditional loop, decrementing CX. See the displacement.
/// Loads the destination with the source.
/// Negatives; source indicates what to negative.
/// Logical NOT; source indicates what to negative.
/// Logical AND; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Logical OR of source onto destination.
/// Logical XOR of source onto destination.
/// NOP; no further fields.
/// POP from the stack to destination.
/// POP from the stack to the flags register.
/// PUSH the source to the stack.
/// PUSH the flags register to the stack.
/// Rotate the destination left through carry the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the rotation is by a single position only.
/// Rotate the destination right through carry the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the rotation is by a single position only.
/// Rotate the destination left the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the rotation is by a single position only.
/// Rotate the destination right the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the rotation is by a single position only.
/// Arithmetic shift left the destination by the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the shift is by a single position only.
/// Arithmetic shift right the destination by the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the shift is by a single position only.
/// Logical shift right the destination by the number of bits indicated by source; if the source is a register then implicitly its size is 1.
/// If it is ::None then the shift is by a single position only.
/// Clear carry flag; no source or destination provided.
/// Clear direction flag; no source or destination provided.
/// Clear interrupt flag; no source or destination provided.
/// Set carry flag.
/// Set direction flag.
/// Set interrupt flag.
/// Complement carry flag; no source or destination provided.
/// Compare; source, destination, operand and displacement will be populated appropriately.
/// Sets flags based on the result of a logical AND of source and destination.
/// Exchanges the contents of the source and destination.
/// Load AL with DS:[AL+BX].
/// Set AL to FFh if carry is set; 00h otherwise.
// 8086 exclusives.
/// Set destination to ~0 if CL is non-zero.
/// Set destination to ~0.
/// Perform an IDIV and negative the result.
// 80186 additions.
/// Checks whether the signed value in the destination register is within the bounds
/// stored at the location indicated by the source register, which will point to two
/// 16- or 32-bit words, the first being a signed lower bound and the second
/// a signed upper.
/// Raises a bounds exception if not.
/// Create stack frame. See the Instruction getters `nesting_level()`
/// and `dynamic_storage_size()`.
/// Procedure exit; copies BP to SP, then pops a new BP from the stack.
/// Inputs a byte, word or double word from the port specified by DX, writing it to
/// ES:[e]DI and incrementing or decrementing [e]DI as per the
/// current EFLAGS DF flag.
/// Outputs a byte, word or double word from ES:[e]DI to the port specified by DX,
/// incrementing or decrementing [e]DI as per the current EFLAGS DF flag.
/// Pushes all general purpose registers to the stack, in the order:
/// AX, CX, DX, BX, [original] SP, BP, SI, DI.
/// Pops all general purpose registers from the stack, in the reverse of
/// the PUSHA order, i.e. DI, SI, BP, [final] SP, BX, DX, CX, AX.
// 80286 additions.
/// Read a segment selector from the destination and one from the source.
/// If the destination RPL is less than the source, set ZF and set the destination RPL to the source.
/// Otherwise clear ZF and don't modify the destination selector.
/// Clears the task-switched flag in CR0.
/// Loads access rights.
/// Loads the global descriptor table register from the source.
/// 32-bit operand: read a 16-bit limit followed by a 32-bit base.
/// 16-bit operand: read a 16-bit limit followed by a 24-bit base.
/// Stores the global descriptor table register at the destination;
/// Always stores a 16-bit limit followed by a 32-bit base though
/// the highest byte may be zero.
/// Loads the interrupt descriptor table register from the source.
/// 32-bit operand: read a 16-bit limit followed by a 32-bit base.
/// 16-bit operand: read a 16-bit limit followed by a 24-bit base.
/// Stores the interrupt descriptor table register at the destination.
/// Always stores a 16-bit limit followed by a 32-bit base though
/// the highest byte may be zero.
/// Loads the local descriptor table register.
/// The source will contain a segment selector pointing into the local descriptor table.
/// That selector is loaded into the local descriptor table register, along with the corresponding
/// segment limit and base from the global descriptor table.
/// Stores the local descriptor table register.
/// Verifies the segment indicated by source for reading, setting ZF.
/// ZF is set if: (i) the selector is not null; (ii) the selector is within GDT or LDT bounds;
/// (iii) the selector points to code or data; (iv) the segment is readable;
/// (v) the segment is either a conforming code segment, or the segment's DPL
/// is greater than or equal to both the CPL and the selector's RPL.
/// Otherwise ZF is clear.
/// Verifies a segment for writing. Operates as per VERR but checks for writeability
/// rather than readability.
/// Loads a 16-bit value from source into the machine status word.
/// The low order four bits of the source are copied into CR0, with the caveat
/// that if PE is set, the processor will enter protected mode, but if PE is clear
/// then there will be no change in protected mode.
/// Usurped in function by MOV CR0 as of the 80286.
/// Stores the machine status word, i.e. copies the low 16 bits of CR0 into the destination.
/// Load the segment limit from descriptor specified by source into destination,
/// setting ZF if successful.
/// Load the source operand into the segment selector field of the task register.
/// Store the segment seleector of the task register into the destination.
/// Three-operand form of IMUL; multiply the immediate by the source and write to the destination.
/// Undocumented (but used); loads all registers, including internal ones.
// 80386 additions.
// TODO: expand detail on all operations below.
/// Loads a pointer to FS.
/// Loads a pointer to GS.
/// Loads a pointer to SS.
/// Shift left double.
/// Shift right double.
/// Bit scan forwards.
/// Bit scan reverse.
/// Bit test.
/// Bit test and complement.
/// Bit test and reset.
/// Bit test and set.
/// Move from the source to the destination, extending the source with zeros.
/// The instruction data size dictates the size of the source; the destination will
/// be either 16- or 32-bit depending on the current processor operating mode.
/// Move from the source to the destination, applying a sign extension.
/// The instruction data size dictates the size of the source; the destination will
/// be either 16- or 32-bit depending on the current processor operating mode.
/// Two-operand form of IMUL; multiply the source by the destination and write to the destination.
// Various conditional sets; each sets the byte at the location given by the operand
// to $ff if the condition is met; $00 otherwise.
// Various special-case moves (i.e. those where it is impractical to extend the
// Source enum, so the requirement for special handling is loaded into the operation).
// In all cases the Cx, Dx and Tx Source aliases can be used to reinterpret the relevant
// source or destination.
MOVtoCr, MOVfromCr,
MOVtoDr, MOVfromDr,
MOVtoTr, MOVfromTr,
enum class DataSize: uint8_t {
Byte = 0,
Word = 1,
DWord = 2,
None = 3,
template <DataSize size> struct DataSizeType { using type = uint8_t; };
template <> struct DataSizeType<DataSize::Word> { using type = uint16_t; };
template <> struct DataSizeType<DataSize::DWord> { using type = uint32_t; };
constexpr int byte_size(DataSize size) {
return (1 << int(size)) & 7;
constexpr int bit_size(DataSize size) {
return (8 << int(size)) & 0x3f;
enum class AddressSize: uint8_t {
b16 = 0,
b32 = 1,
template <AddressSize size> struct AddressSizeType { using type = uint16_t; };
template <> struct AddressSizeType<AddressSize::b32> { using type = uint32_t; };
constexpr DataSize data_size(AddressSize size) {
return DataSize(int(size) + 1);
constexpr int byte_size(AddressSize size) {
return 2 << int(size);
constexpr int bit_size(AddressSize size) {
return 16 << int(size);
enum class Source: uint8_t {
// These are in SIB order; this matters for packing later on.
/// AL, AX or EAX depending on size.
/// CL, CX or ECX depending on size.
/// DL, DX or EDX depending on size.
/// BL, BX or BDX depending on size.
/// AH if size is 1; SP or ESP otherwise.
/// CH if size is 1; BP or EBP otherwise.
/// DH if size is 1; SI or ESI otherwise.
/// BH if size is 1; DI or EDI otherwise.
// Aliases for the dual-purpose enums.
eSP = eSPorAH, AH = eSPorAH,
eBP = eBPorCH, CH = eBPorCH,
eSI = eSIorDH, DH = eSIorDH,
eDI = eDIorBH, BH = eDIorBH,
// Aliases for control, test and debug registers.
C0 = 0, C1 = 1, C2 = 2, C3 = 3, C4 = 4, C5 = 5, C6 = 6, C7 = 7,
T0 = 0, T1 = 1, T2 = 2, T3 = 3, T4 = 4, T5 = 5, T6 = 6, T7 = 7,
D0 = 0, D1 = 1, D2 = 2, D3 = 3, D4 = 4, D5 = 5, D6 = 6, D7 = 7,
// Segment registers.
/// @c None can be treated as a source that produces 0 when encountered;
/// it is semantically valid to receive it with that meaning in some contexts —
/// e.g. to indicate no index in indirect addressing.
/// It's listed here in order to allow an [optional] segment override to fit into three bits.
/// The address included within this instruction should be used as the source.
/// The immediate value included within this instruction should be used as the source.
/// The ScaleIndexBase associated with this source should be used.
Indirect = 0b11000,
// Elsewhere, as an implementation detail, the low three bits of an indirect source
// are reused; (Indirect-1) is also used as a sentinel value but is not a valid member
// of the enum and isn't exposed externally.
/// The ScaleIndexBase associated with this source should be used, but
/// its base should be ignored (and is guaranteed to be zero if the default
/// getter is used).
IndirectNoBase = Indirect - 1,
constexpr bool is_register(Source source) {
return source < Source::None;
constexpr bool is_segment_register(Source source) {
return is_register(source) && source >= Source::ES;
enum class Repetition: uint8_t {
None, RepE, RepNE, Rep,
/// @returns @c true if @c operation supports repetition mode @c repetition; @c false otherwise.
template <Model model>
constexpr Operation rep_operation(Operation operation, Repetition repetition) {
switch(operation) {
case Operation::IDIV:
if constexpr (model == Model::i8086) {
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::IDIV_REP : Operation::IDIV;
default: return operation;
case Operation::INS:
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::INS_REP : Operation::INS;
case Operation::OUTS:
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::OUTS_REP : Operation::OUTS;
case Operation::LODS:
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::LODS_REP : Operation::LODS;
case Operation::MOVS:
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::MOVS_REP : Operation::MOVS;
case Operation::STOS:
return repetition != Repetition::None ? Operation::STOS_REP : Operation::STOS;
case Operation::CMPS:
switch(repetition) {
case Repetition::None: return Operation::CMPS;
case Repetition::RepE: return Operation::CMPS_REPE;
case Repetition::RepNE: return Operation::CMPS_REPNE;
case Operation::SCAS:
switch(repetition) {
case Repetition::None: return Operation::SCAS;
case Repetition::RepE: return Operation::SCAS_REPE;
case Repetition::RepNE: return Operation::SCAS_REPNE;
/// Provides a 32-bit-style scale, index and base; to produce the address this represents,
/// calcluate base() + (index() << scale()).
/// This form of indirect addressing is used to describe both 16- and 32-bit indirect addresses,
/// even though it is a superset of that supported prior to the 80386.
/// This class can represent only exactly what a SIB byte can — a scale of 0 to 3, a base
/// that is any one of the eight general purpose registers, and an index that is one of the seven
/// general purpose registers excluding eSP or is ::None.
/// It cannot natively describe a base of ::None.
class ScaleIndexBase {
constexpr ScaleIndexBase() noexcept {}
constexpr ScaleIndexBase(uint8_t sib) noexcept : sib_(sib) {}
constexpr ScaleIndexBase(int scale, Source index, Source base) noexcept :
scale << 6 |
(int(index != Source::None ? index : Source::eSP) << 3) |
)) {}
constexpr ScaleIndexBase(Source index, Source base) noexcept : ScaleIndexBase(0, index, base) {}
constexpr explicit ScaleIndexBase(Source base) noexcept : ScaleIndexBase(0, Source::None, base) {}
/// @returns the power of two by which to multiply @c index() before adding it to @c base().
constexpr int scale() const {
return sib_ >> 6;
/// @returns the @c index for this address; this is guaranteed to be one of eAX, eBX, eCX, eDX, None, eBP, eSI or eDI.
constexpr Source index() const {
constexpr Source sources[] = {
Source::eAX, Source::eCX, Source::eDX, Source::eBX, Source::None, Source::eBP, Source::eSI, Source::eDI,
static_assert(sizeof(sources) == 8);
return sources[(sib_ >> 3) & 0x7];
/// @returns the @c base for this address; this is guaranteed to be one of eAX, eBX, eCX, eDX, eSP, eBP, eSI or eDI.
constexpr Source base() const {
return Source(sib_ & 0x7);
constexpr uint8_t without_base() const {
return sib_ & ~0x3;
bool operator ==(const ScaleIndexBase &rhs) const {
// Permit either exact equality or index and base being equal
// but transposed with a scale of 1.
(sib_ == rhs.sib_) ||
!scale() && !rhs.scale() &&
rhs.index() == base() &&
rhs.base() == index()
operator uint8_t() const {
return sib_;
// Data is stored directly as an 80386 SIB byte.
uint8_t sib_ = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(ScaleIndexBase) == 1);
static_assert(alignof(ScaleIndexBase) == 1);
/// Provides the location of an operand's source or destination.
/// Callers should use .source() as a first point of entry. If it directly nominates a register
/// then use the register contents directly. If it indicates ::DirectAddress or ::Immediate
/// then ask the instruction for the address or immediate value that was provided in
/// the instruction.
/// If .source() indicates ::Indirect then use base(), index() and scale() to construct an address.
/// In all cases, the applicable segment is indicated by the instruction.
class DataPointer {
/// Constricts a DataPointer referring to the given source; it shouldn't be ::Indirect.
constexpr DataPointer(Source source) noexcept : source_(source) {}
/// Constricts a DataPointer with a source of ::Indirect and the specified sib.
constexpr DataPointer(ScaleIndexBase sib) noexcept : sib_(sib) {}
/// Constructs a DataPointer with a source and SIB; use the source to indicate
/// whether the base field of the SIB is effective.
constexpr DataPointer(Source source, ScaleIndexBase sib) noexcept : source_(source), sib_(sib) {}
/// Constructs an indirect DataPointer referencing the given base, index and scale.
/// Automatically maps Source::Indirect to Source::IndirectNoBase if base is Source::None.
constexpr DataPointer(Source base, Source index, int scale) noexcept :
source_(base != Source::None ? Source::Indirect : Source::IndirectNoBase),
sib_(scale, index, base) {}
constexpr bool operator ==(const DataPointer &rhs) const {
// Require a SIB match only if source_ is ::Indirect or ::IndirectNoBase.
source_ == rhs.source_ && (
source_ < Source::IndirectNoBase ||
(source_ == Source::Indirect && sib_ == rhs.sib_) ||
(source_ == Source::IndirectNoBase && sib_.without_base() == rhs.sib_.without_base())
constexpr Source source() const {
return source_;
constexpr int scale() const {
return sib_.scale();
constexpr Source index() const {
return sib_.index();
/// @returns The default segment to use for this access.
constexpr Source default_segment() const {
switch(source_) {
case Source::IndirectNoBase:
return Source::None;
case Source::Indirect:
switch(base()) {
default: return Source::DS;
case Source::eBP:
case Source::eSP: return Source::SS;
case Source::eDI: return Source::ES;
constexpr Source base() const {
return sib_.base();
Source source_ = Source::Indirect;
ScaleIndexBase sib_;
template<bool is_32bit> class Instruction {
using DisplacementT = typename std::conditional<is_32bit, int32_t, int16_t>::type;
using ImmediateT = typename std::conditional<is_32bit, uint32_t, uint16_t>::type;
using AddressT = ImmediateT;
constexpr Instruction() noexcept {}
constexpr Instruction(Operation operation) noexcept :
Instruction(operation, Source::None, Source::None, ScaleIndexBase(), false, AddressSize::b16, Source::None, DataSize::None, 0, 0) {}
constexpr Instruction(
Operation operation,
Source source,
Source destination,
ScaleIndexBase sib,
bool lock,
AddressSize address_size,
Source segment_override,
DataSize data_size,
DisplacementT displacement,
ImmediateT operand) noexcept :
(int(address_size) << 7) |
(displacement ? 0x40 : 0x00) |
(operand ? 0x20 : 0x00) |
int(source) |
(source == Source::Indirect ? (uint8_t(sib) & 7) : 0)
(int(data_size) << 14) |
(lock ? (1 << 13) : 0) |
((uint8_t(sib) & 0xf8) << 2) |
int(destination) |
(destination == Source::Indirect ? (uint8_t(sib) & 7) : 0)
)) {
// Decisions on whether to include operand, displacement and/or size extension words
// have implicitly been made in the int packing above; honour them here.
int extension = 0;
if(has_operand()) {
extensions_[extension] = operand;
if(has_displacement()) {
extensions_[extension] = ImmediateT(displacement);
// Patch in a fully-resolved segment.
Source segment = segment_override;
if(segment == Source::None) segment = this->source().default_segment();
if(segment == Source::None) segment = this->destination().default_segment();
if(segment == Source::None) segment = Source::DS;
source_data_dest_sib_ |= (int(segment)&7) << 10;
/// @returns The number of bytes used for meaningful content within this class. A receiver must use at least @c sizeof(Instruction) bytes
/// to store an @c Instruction but is permitted to reuse the trailing sizeof(Instruction) - packing_size() for any purpose it likes. Teleologically,
/// this allows a denser packing of instructions into containers.
constexpr size_t packing_size() const {
offsetof(Instruction<is_32bit>, extensions_) +
(has_displacement() + has_operand()) * sizeof(ImmediateT);
/// @returns The @c Operation performed by this instruction.
constexpr Operation operation() const {
return operation_;
/// @returns A @c DataPointer describing the 'destination' of this instruction, conventionally the first operand in Intel-syntax assembly.
constexpr DataPointer destination() const {
return DataPointer(
Source(source_data_dest_sib_ & sib_masks[(source_data_dest_sib_ >> 3) & 3]),
((source_data_dest_sib_ >> 2) & 0xf8) | (source_data_dest_sib_ & 0x07)
/// @returns A @c DataPointer describing the 'source' of this instruction, conventionally the second operand in Intel-syntax assembly.
constexpr DataPointer source() const {
return DataPointer(
Source(mem_exts_source_ & sib_masks[(mem_exts_source_ >> 3) & 3]),
((source_data_dest_sib_ >> 2) & 0xf8) | (mem_exts_source_ & 0x07)
/// @returns @c true if the lock prefix was present on this instruction; @c false otherwise.
constexpr bool lock() const {
return source_data_dest_sib_ & (1 << 13);
/// @returns The address size for this instruction; will always be 16-bit for instructions decoded by a 16-bit decoder but can be 16- or 32-bit for
/// instructions decoded by a 32-bit decoder, depending on the program's use of the address size prefix byte.
constexpr AddressSize address_size() const {
return AddressSize(mem_exts_source_ >> 7);
/// @returns The segment that should be used for data fetches if this operation accepts segment overrides.
constexpr Source data_segment() const {
return Source(
int(Source::ES) +
((source_data_dest_sib_ >> 10) & 7)
/// @returns The data size of this operation — e.g. `MOV AX, BX` has a data size of `::Word` but `MOV EAX, EBX` has a data size of
/// `::DWord`. This value is guaranteed never to be `DataSize::None` even for operations such as `CLI` that don't have operands and operate
/// on data that is not a byte, word or double word.
constexpr DataSize operation_size() const {
return DataSize(source_data_dest_sib_ >> 14);
/// @returns The immediate value provided with this instruction, if any. E.g. `ADD AX, 23h` has the operand `23h`.
constexpr ImmediateT operand() const {
const ImmediateT ops[] = {0, operand_extension()};
return ops[has_operand()];
/// @returns The nesting level argument supplied to an ENTER.
constexpr ImmediateT nesting_level() const {
return operand();
/// @returns The immediate segment value provided with this instruction, if any. Relevant for far calls and jumps; e.g. `JMP 1234h:5678h` will
/// have a segment value of `1234h`.
constexpr uint16_t segment() const {
return uint16_t(operand());
/// @returns The offset provided with this instruction, if any. E.g. `MOV AX, [es:1998h]` has an offset of `1998h`.
constexpr ImmediateT offset() const {
const ImmediateT offsets[] = {0, displacement_extension()};
return offsets[has_displacement()];
/// @returns The displacement provided with this instruction `SUB AX, [SI+BP-23h]` has an offset of `-23h` and `JMP 19h`
/// has an offset of `19h`.
constexpr DisplacementT displacement() const {
return DisplacementT(offset());
/// @returns The dynamic storage size argument supplied to an ENTER.
constexpr ImmediateT dynamic_storage_size() const {
return displacement();
// Standard comparison operator.
constexpr bool operator ==(const Instruction<is_32bit> &rhs) const {
if( operation_ != rhs.operation_ ||
mem_exts_source_ != rhs.mem_exts_source_ ||
source_data_dest_sib_ != rhs.source_data_dest_sib_) {
return false;
// Have already established above that this and RHS have the
// same extensions, if any.
const int extension_count = has_displacement() + has_operand();
for(int c = 0; c < extension_count; c++) {
if(extensions_[c] != rhs.extensions_[c]) return false;
return true;
Operation operation_ = Operation::Invalid;
// Packing and encoding of fields is admittedly somewhat convoluted; what this
// achieves is that instructions will be sized:
// four bytes + up to two extension words
// (extension words being two bytes for 16-bit instructions, four for 32)
// The extension words are used to retain an operand and displacement
// if the instruction has those.
// b7: address size;
// b6: has displacement;
// b5: has operand;
// [b4, b0]: source.
uint8_t mem_exts_source_ = 0;
bool has_displacement() const {
return mem_exts_source_ & (1 << 6);
bool has_operand() const {
return mem_exts_source_ & (1 << 5);
// [b15, b14]: data size;
// [b13]: lock;
// [b12, b10]: segment override;
// [b9, b5]: top five of SIB;
// [b4, b0]: dest.
uint16_t source_data_dest_sib_ = 0;
// {operand}, {displacement}.
ImmediateT extensions_[2]{};
ImmediateT operand_extension() const {
return extensions_[0];
ImmediateT displacement_extension() const {
return extensions_[(mem_exts_source_ >> 5) & 1];
// A lookup table to help with stripping parts of the SIB that have been
// hidden within the source/destination fields.
static constexpr uint8_t sib_masks[] = {
0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x18
static_assert(sizeof(Instruction<true>) <= 16);
static_assert(sizeof(Instruction<false>) <= 10);
// Disassembly aids.
/// @returns @c true if @c operation uses a @c displacement().
bool has_displacement(Operation operation);
/// @returns The maximum number of operands to print in a disassembly of @c operation;
/// i.e. 2 for both source() and destination(), 1 for source() alone, 0 for neither. This is a maximum
/// only — if either source is Source::None then it should not be printed.
int max_displayed_operands(Operation operation);
/// Provides the idiomatic name of the @c Operation given an operation @c DataSize and processor @c Model.
std::string to_string(Operation, DataSize, Model);
/// @returns @c true if the idiomatic name of @c Operation implies the data size (e.g. stosb), @c false otherwise (e.g. ld).
bool mnemonic_implies_data_size(Operation);
/// Provides the name of the @c DataSize, i.e. 'byte', 'word' or 'dword'.
std::string to_string(DataSize);
/// Provides the name of the @c Source at @c DataSize, e.g. for Source::eAX it might return AL, AX or EAX.
std::string to_string(Source, DataSize);
/// Provides the printable version of @c pointer as an appendage for @c instruction.
/// See notes below re: @c offset_length and @c immediate_length.
/// If @c operation_size is the default value of @c ::None, it'll be taken from the @c instruction.
template <bool is_32bit>
std::string to_string(
DataPointer pointer,
Instruction<is_32bit> instruction,
int offset_length,
int immediate_length,
DataSize operation_size = InstructionSet::x86::DataSize::None
/// Provides the printable version of @c instruction.
/// Internally, instructions do not retain the original sizes of offsets/displacements or immediates so the following are available:
/// If @c offset_length is '2' or '4', truncates any printed offset to 2 or 4 digits if it is compatible with being that length.
/// If @c immediate_length is '2' or '4', truncates any printed immediate value to 2 or 4 digits if it is compatible with being that length.
template<bool is_32bit>
std::string to_string(
std::pair<int, Instruction<is_32bit>> instruction,
Model model,
int offset_length = 0,
int immediate_length = 0);