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This file documents the status of the individual parts of EmuTOS.
Here is a quick list of supported emulators/hardware:
This table should be updated regularly. When indicating failure,
if possible add a line telling in which version it did run.
Unless otherwise specified in 'details', systems were tested using
a ROM version of EmuTOS.
system | ok? | who | date | details
Emulators | | | |
ARAnyM 1.0.2 | yes | VRI | 17 Dec 2018 |
Hatari v2.1.0 | yes | VRI | 16 Dec 2018 |
Pacifist v0.48 | yes | LVL | winter 2001 |
SainT v2.40 | yes | (1) | 10 Dec 2017 | 192k ROM only
STeem SSE 3.9.4 | yes | VRI | 16 Dec 2018 |
STonC v0.8.1 | yes | LVL | 9 Feb 2003 |
STonX | yes | THH | 14 Nov 2008 |
TOSBox 1.10a | no | ? | < Sep 2002 |
WinSTon V0.1r2 | no | ? | < Sep 2002 |
WinUAE 4.1.0 | yes | VRI | 19 Dec 2018 |
Atari & compatibles | | | |
STfm | yes | (1) | 23 Nov 2017 |
Mega ST | yes | (8) | 7 Dec 2018 | tested with PRG
STe | yes | (1) | 23 Nov 2017 |
Mega STe | yes | (2) | 26 Jun 2004 | only RAMTOS tested
TT030 | yes | RFB | 30 Nov 2018 | tested with PRG
Falcon030 | yes | (7) | 31 Dec 2016 |
Falcon030 | yes | RFB | 29 Nov 2018 | tested with PRG
Falcon030 + CT60 | yes | RFB | 29 Nov 2018 | tested with PRG
Suska III-C (2K15B) | yes | (5) | 23 Apr 2016 |
Other systems | | | |
Amiga Blizzard 1260 | yes | (3) | Aug 2012 | tested with BlizKick
Amiga 500 + Vampire | yes | VRI | 21 Dec 2018 |
Amiga 600 + Vampire | yes | (6) | Mar 2017 |
Amiga 1000 | yes | (4) | Jul 2012 |
FireBee | yes | VRI | 18 Dec 2018 |
M5484LITE | yes | VRI | 18 Dec 2018 |
(1) reported by Christian Zietz
(2) reported to LVL by Frédéric Pécourt
(3) reported by Michaël Gibs
(4) reported by amiman99
(5) reported by Markus Fröschle
(6) reported by Flype
(7) reported by Stefan Niestegge
(8) reported by Claude Labelle
Now let's talk about the different subsystems, and what is implemented.
NOTE: the information in the following table may be somewhat dated. For
example, most GEMDOS/BIOS/XBIOS functions are known to work without
This is what the first field of the following table means:
? status unknown
- Not yet implemented
> Partially implemented
X Fully implemented and untested
t Fully implemented and partially tested
T tested and working on an emulator or real hardware
Hardware initialization
T CPU setting, tested on: 68000 (real & emu), 68030 (real & emu), 68040 (emu),
68060 (real), 68080 (real), V4e (real)
T 68030 MMU and cache initialization
T Memory controller (both ST and Falcon)
T DMA controller
T WD 1772 / AJAX Floppy disk controller
T ST shifter
T STe shifter
T TT shifter
T ACIAs, IKBD protocol
t MegaST Real-Time Clock (set clock not tested)
T NVRAM (including RTC)
T Blitter
T Microwire
t DMA sound
T NatFeats (a framework for native features on emulators)
BOOT sequence
T configure memory
T execute reset routine
T detect monitor type
T detect graphics resolution
T detect processor type, FPU type and hardware features
T setup a cookie jar with system cookies
T init floppy drives
T boot floppy
t boot DMA (note it does not work with e.g. AHDI)
T execute reset-resident prgs: undocumented TOS feature, disabled by default
T run AUTO prgs
T run 'command.prg'
T run the default shell, EmuCON
T run the GEM desktop
BIOS devices
t 0 PRN: parallel port
t 1 AUX: default serial port
T 2 CON: console (screen)
T 5 raw screen
T 6 ST-compatible serial port
T 7 SCC channel B
T 8 TT-MFP serial port
T 9 SCC channel A
ACIA interrupt handlers
- midierr
- ikbderr
t midi input
T ikbd key events
T IKBD clock
T mouse
t joysticks
BIOS Functions
T 0x00 Getmpb
T 0x01 Bconstat
T 0x02 Bconin
T 0x03 Bconout
T 0x04 Rwabs
T 0x05 Setexc
T 0x06 Tickcal
T 0x07 Getbpb
T 0x08 Bcostat
T 0x09 Mediach
T 0x0a Drvmap
T 0x0b Kbshift
XBIOS Functions
All XBIOS versions:
X 0x00 Initmous
- 0x01 Ssbrk (useless - will not be implemented)
T 0x02 Physbase
T 0x03 Logbase
T 0x04 Getrez
T 0x05 Setscreen
T 0x06 Setpalette
T 0x07 Setcolor
T 0x08 Floprd
T 0x09 Flopwr
T 0x0a Flopfmt
- 0x0b Dbmsg (useless - will not be implemented)
T 0x0c Midiws
X 0x0d Mfpint
X 0x0e Iorec
T 0x0f Rsconf
T 0x10 Keytbl
T 0x11 Random
T 0x12 Protobt
T 0x13 Flopver
- 0x14 Scrdmp
T 0x15 Cursconf
T 0x16 Settime
T 0x17 Gettime
T 0x18 Bioskeys
T 0x19 Ikbdws
T 0x1a Jdisint
T 0x1b Jenabint
T 0x1c Giaccess
T 0x1d Offgibit
T 0x1e Ongibit
T 0x1f Xbtimer
T 0x20 Dosound
- 0x21 Setprt (useless - will not be implemented)
X 0x22 Kbdvbase
T 0x23 Kbrate
- 0x24 Prtblk (useless - will not be implemented)
T 0x25 Vsync
T 0x26 Supexec
- 0x27 Puntaes (useless - will not be implemented)
TOS v1.02:
T 0x29 Floprate
T 0x40 Blitmode
TOS v2.0:
t 0x2a DMAread
t 0x2b DMAwrite
t 0x2c Bconmap
TOS v3.00:
T 0x2e NVMaccess
t 0x50 EsetShift (for TT shifter only)
t 0x51 EgetShift (for TT shifter only)
t 0x52 EsetBank (for TT shifter only)
t 0x53 EsetColor (for TT shifter only)
t 0x54 EsetPalette (for TT shifter only)
t 0x55 EgetPalette (for TT shifter only)
t 0x56 EsetGray (for TT shifter only)
t 0x57 EsetSmear (for TT shifter only)
TOS v4.00:
t 0x58 Vsetmode (for Falcon Videl only)
t 0x59 Vmontype (for Falcon Videl only)
t 0x5a VsetSync (for Falcon Videl only)
t 0x5b VgetSize (for Falcon Videl only)
t 0x5d VsetRGB (for Falcon Videl only)
t 0x5e VgetRGB (for Falcon Videl only)
- 0x96 VsetMask (for Falcon Videl only)
2nd bit in _SND is set:
t 0x80 LockSnd
t 0x81 UnlockSnd
t 0x82 Soundcmd
t 0x83 Setbuffer
t 0x84 Setmode
t 0x85 Settracks
t 0x86 Setmontracks
t 0x87 Setinterrupt
t 0x8c Sndstatus
3rd bit in _SND is set:
t 0x88 Buffoper
t 0x8a Gpio
t 0x8b Devconnect
t 0x8d Buffptr
3&4 bits in _SND are set:
t 0x89 Dsptristate
5th bit in _SND is set:
- 0x60-0x7F, 32 Dsp_* functions
TOS v4 extended XBIOS functionality:
- 16-bit Videl resolution setting
GEMDOS Functions
All GEMDOS versions:
T 0x00 Pterm0
T 0x01 Cconin
T 0x02 Cconout
T 0x03 Cauxin
T 0x04 Cauxout
T 0x05 Cprnout
T 0x06 Crawio
T 0x07 Crawin
T 0x08 Cnecin
T 0x09 Cconws
T 0x0a Cconrs
T 0x0b Cconis
T 0x0e Dsetdrv
T 0x10 Cconos
T 0x11 Cprnos
T 0x12 Cauxis
T 0x13 Cauxos
T 0x19 Dgetdrv
T 0x1a Fsetdta
T 0x20 Super
T 0x2a Tgetdate
T 0x2b Tsetdate
T 0x2c Tgettime
T 0x2d Tsettime
T 0x2f Fgetdta
T 0x30 Sversion
T 0x31 Ptermres
T 0x36 Dfree
T 0x39 Dcreate
T 0x3a Ddelete
T 0x3b Dsetpath
T 0x3c Fcreate
T 0x3d Fopen
T 0x3e Fclose
T 0x3f Fread
T 0x40 Fwrite
T 0x41 Fdelete
T 0x42 Fseek
T 0x43 Fattrib
T 0x45 Fdup
T 0x46 Fforce
T 0x47 Dgetpath
T 0x48 Malloc
T 0x49 Mfree
T 0x4a Mshrink
T 0x4b Pexec
T 0x4c Pterm
T 0x4e Fsfirst
T 0x4f Fsnext
T 0x56 Frename
T 0x57 Fdatime
GEMDOS v0.19 (TOS v2):
T 0x14 Maddalt
T 0x44 Mxalloc
(and Pexec mode 6)
Line-A functions
T $0 - Initialization
t $1 - Put pixel
t $2 - Get pixel
t $3 - Arbitrary line
t $4 - Horizontal line
t $5 - Filled rectangle
t $6 - Filled polygon (see bugs.txt)
t $7 - Bit block transfer (may miss options not needed by VDI)
t $8 - Text block transfer
T $9 - Show mouse
T $A - Hide mouse
t $B - Transform mouse
t $C - Undraw sprite
t $D - Draw sprite
t $E - Copy raster form
t $F - Seedfill
VDI functions
All TOS 1.0 calls are implemented.
T v_opnwk
X v_clswk
T v_opnvwk
T v_clsvwk
T v_clrwk
- v_updwk
> vst_load_fonts (needs GDOS or equivalent)
> vst_unload_fonts (needs GDOS or equivalent)
t vs_clip
T v_pline
T v_pmarker
T v_gtext
T v_fillarea
- v_cellarray (not supported by any current VDI driver)
T v_contourfill
T vr_recfl
T v_bar
T v_arc
T v_pieslice
T v_circle
T v_ellipse
T v_ellarc
T v_ellpie
X v_rbox
T v_rfbox
T v_justified
T vswr_mode
> vs_color
T vsl_type
X vsl_udsty
T vsl_width
> vsl_color
T vsl_ends
T vsm_type
T vsm_height
> vsm_color
T vst_height
T vst_point
T vst_rotation
X vst_font
> vst_color
T vst_effects
T vst_alignment
T vsf_interior
T vsf_style
t vsf_color
T vsf_perimeter
X vsf_udpat
t vro_cpyfm
> vrt_cpyfm
T vr_trnfm
> v_get_pixel
X vsin_mode
X vrq_locator
X vsm_locator
- vrq_valuator
- vsm_valuator
X vrq_choice
X vsm_choice
X vrq_string
X vsm_string
X vsc_form
X vex_timv
T v_show_c
T v_hide_c
X vq_mouse
T vex_butv
T vex_motv
T vex_curv
X vq_key_s
t vq_extnd
> vq_color
> vql_attributes
> vqm_attributes
> vqf_attributes
> vqt_attributes
> vqt_extent
X vqt_width
X vqt_name
- vq_cellarray (not supported by any current VDI driver)
X vqin_mode
X vqt_fontinfo
T vq_chcells
T v_exit_cur
T v_enter_cur
T v_curup
T v_curdown
T v_curright
T v_curleft
T v_curhome
T v_eeos
T v_eeol
T vs_curaddress
T v_curtext
T v_rvon
T v_rvoff
T vq_curaddress
T vq_tabstatus
- v_hardcopy
T v_dspcur (Atari docs are incorrect for this call)
T v_rmcur (Atari docs are incorrect for this call)
- v_form_adv
- v_output_window
- v_clear_disp_list
- v_bit_image
- vs_palette
- vqp_films
- vqp_state
- vsp_state
- vsp_save
- vsp_message
- vqp_error
- v_meta_extents
- v_write_meta
- vm_filename
TOS v4 extended VDI functionality:
- 16-bit support for graphics functions (for now, use fVDI)
AES functions
All AES versions:
t appl_init
X appl_read
X appl_write
t appl_find
t appl_tplay
X appl_trecord
X appl_yield (PC-GEM call)
t appl_exit
X evnt_keybd
t evnt_button
X evnt_mouse
t evnt_mesag
X evnt_timer
t evnt_multi
X evnt_dclick
t menu_bar
t menu_icheck
X menu_ienable
X menu_tnormal
X menu_text
t menu_register
X menu_unregister (PC-GEM call)
X menu_click (PC-GEM call)
X objc_add
X objc_delete
t objc_draw
X objc_find
t objc_offset
X objc_order
X objc_edit
t objc_change
t form_do
t form_dial
t form_alert
X form_error
t form_center
X form_keybd
X form_button
t graf_rubberbox
X graf_dragbox
X graf_mbox
T graf_growbox
T graf_shrinkbox
X graf_watchbox
X graf_slidebox
t graf_handle
t graf_mouse
t graf_mkstate
X scrp_read
X scrp_write
X scrp_clear (PC-GEM call)
X fsel_input
t wind_create
t wind_open
t wind_close
t wind_delete
t wind_get
X wind_set
X wind_find
t wind_update
t wind_calc
t rsrc_load
t rsrc_free
t rsrc_gaddr
X rsrc_saddr
t rsrc_obfix
X shel_read
X shel_write
X shel_get
X shel_put
T shel_find
X shel_envrn
X shel_rdef (PC-GEM call)
X shel_wdef (PC-GEM call)
AES v1.40 (TOS >= v1.04):
T fsel_exinput
t wind_new
AES v3.30 (TOS > v3.06):
- menu_attach
- menu_istart
- menu_popup
- menu_settings
AES v3.40 (TOS >= v4):
- objc_sysvar (3D look)
TOS v4 extended AES functionality:
- RSC file color icon support
Misc desktop functions
- Cartridge file system support (useless - will not be implemented)