mirror of https://github.com/TomHarte/CLK.git synced 2024-07-03 11:30:02 +00:00
Thomas Harte dce52d740d Finally gets some pixels back on screen.
For now, just the raw scans, direct to the framebuffer, with no intermediate processing. But it seems to prove that at least some of the proper data is reaching the GPU.
2018-11-11 23:23:42 -05:00

352 lines
12 KiB

// ScanTarget.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 05/11/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "ScanTarget.hpp"
#include "Primitives/Rectangle.hpp"
using namespace Outputs::Display::OpenGL;
namespace {
constexpr int WriteAreaWidth = 2048;
constexpr int WriteAreaHeight = 2048;
constexpr int LineBufferWidth = 2048;
constexpr int LineBufferHeight = 2048;
/// The texture unit from which to source 1bpp input data.
constexpr GLenum SourceData1BppTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE0;
/// The texture unit from which to source 2bpp input data.
constexpr GLenum SourceData2BppTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE1;
/// The texture unit from which to source 4bpp input data.
constexpr GLenum SourceData4BppTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE2;
/// The texture unit which contains raw line-by-line composite or RGB data.
constexpr GLenum UnprocessedLineBufferTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE3;
/// The texture unit which contains line-by-line records of luminance and amplitude-modulated chrominance.
constexpr GLenum CompositeSeparatedTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE4;
/// The texture unit which contains line-by-line records of luminance and demodulated chrominance.
constexpr GLenum DemodulatedCompositeTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE5;
/// The texture unit which contains line-by-line RGB.
constexpr GLenum LineBufferTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE6;
/// The texture unit that contains the current display.
constexpr GLenum AccumulationTextureUnit = GL_TEXTURE7;
#define TextureAddress(x, y) (((y) << 11) | (x))
#define TextureAddressGetY(v) uint16_t((v) >> 11)
#define TextureAddressGetX(v) uint16_t((v) & 0x7ff)
#define TextureSub(a, b) (((a) - (b)) & 0x3fffff)
const GLint internalFormatForDepth(std::size_t depth) {
switch(depth) {
default: return GL_FALSE;
case 1: return GL_R8UI;
case 2: return GL_RG8UI;
case 3: return GL_RGB8UI;
case 4: return GL_RGBA8UI;
const GLenum formatForDepth(std::size_t depth) {
switch(depth) {
default: return GL_FALSE;
case 1: return GL_RED_INTEGER;
case 2: return GL_RG_INTEGER;
case 3: return GL_RGB_INTEGER;
case 4: return GL_RGBA_INTEGER;
ScanTarget::ScanTarget() :
unprocessed_line_texture_(LineBufferWidth, LineBufferHeight, UnprocessedLineBufferTextureUnit, GL_LINEAR) {
// Allocate space for the scans.
const auto buffer_size = scan_buffer_.size() * sizeof(Scan);
glGenBuffers(1, &scan_buffer_name_);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, scan_buffer_name_);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size), NULL, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
// TODO: if this is OpenGL 4.4 or newer, use glBufferStorage rather than glBufferData
// and specify GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT. Then map the buffer now, and let the client
// write straight into it.
glGenTextures(1, &write_area_texture_name_);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &scan_vertex_array_);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, scan_buffer_name_);
test_shader_.reset(new Shader(
"#version 150\n"
"out vec4 fragColour;"
"void main(void) {"
"fragColour = vec4(1.0);"
enable_vertex_attributes(ShaderType::Scan, *test_shader_);
ScanTarget::~ScanTarget() {
glDeleteBuffers(1, &scan_buffer_name_);
glDeleteTextures(1, &write_area_texture_name_);
glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &scan_vertex_array_);
void ScanTarget::set_modals(Modals modals) {
// TODO: consider resizing the write_area_texture_, and setting
// write_area_texture_line_length_ appropriately.
modals_ = modals;
const auto data_type_size = Outputs::Display::size_for_data_type(modals.input_data_type);
if(data_type_size != data_type_size_) {
// TODO: flush output.
data_type_size_ = data_type_size;
write_pointers_.scan_buffer = 0;
write_pointers_.write_area = 0;
// TODO: this, but not to the test shader.
test_shader_->set_uniform("scale", GLfloat(modals.output_scale.x), GLfloat(modals.output_scale.y));
test_shader_->set_uniform("rowHeight", GLfloat(1.0f / modals.expected_vertical_lines));
Outputs::Display::ScanTarget::Scan *ScanTarget::begin_scan() {
if(allocation_has_failed_) return nullptr;
const auto result = &scan_buffer_[write_pointers_.scan_buffer];
const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load();
// Advance the pointer.
const auto next_write_pointer = decltype(write_pointers_.scan_buffer)((write_pointers_.scan_buffer + 1) % scan_buffer_.size());
// Check whether that's too many.
if(next_write_pointer == read_pointers.scan_buffer) {
allocation_has_failed_ = true;
return nullptr;
write_pointers_.scan_buffer = next_write_pointer;
// Fill in extra OpenGL-specific details.
result->line = write_pointers_.line;
vended_scan_ = result;
return &result->scan;
void ScanTarget::end_scan() {
if(vended_scan_) {
vended_scan_->data_y = TextureAddressGetY(vended_write_area_pointer_);
vended_scan_->scan.end_points[0].data_offset += TextureAddressGetX(vended_write_area_pointer_);
vended_scan_->scan.end_points[1].data_offset += TextureAddressGetX(vended_write_area_pointer_);
vended_scan_ = nullptr;
uint8_t *ScanTarget::begin_data(size_t required_length, size_t required_alignment) {
if(allocation_has_failed_) return nullptr;
// Determine where the proposed write area would start and end.
uint16_t output_y = TextureAddressGetY(write_pointers_.write_area);
uint16_t aligned_start_x = TextureAddressGetX(write_pointers_.write_area & 0xffff) + 1;
aligned_start_x += uint16_t((required_alignment - aligned_start_x%required_alignment)%required_alignment);
uint16_t end_x = aligned_start_x + uint16_t(1 + required_length);
if(end_x > WriteAreaWidth) {
output_y = (output_y + 1) % WriteAreaHeight;
aligned_start_x = uint16_t(required_alignment);
end_x = aligned_start_x + uint16_t(1 + required_length);
// Check whether that steps over the read pointer.
const auto end_address = TextureAddress(end_x, output_y);
const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load();
const auto end_distance = TextureSub(end_address, read_pointers.write_area);
const auto previous_distance = TextureSub(write_pointers_.write_area, read_pointers.write_area);
// If allocating this would somehow make the write pointer back away from the read pointer,
// there must not be enough space left.
if(end_distance < previous_distance) {
allocation_has_failed_ = true;
return nullptr;
// Everything checks out, return the pointer.
vended_write_area_pointer_ = write_pointers_.write_area = TextureAddress(aligned_start_x, output_y);
return &write_area_texture_[size_t(write_pointers_.write_area) * data_type_size_];
// Note state at exit:
// write_pointers_.write_area points to the first pixel the client is expected to draw to.
void ScanTarget::end_data(size_t actual_length) {
if(allocation_has_failed_) return;
// The write area was allocated in the knowledge that there's sufficient
// distance left on the current line, so there's no need to worry about carry.
write_pointers_.write_area += actual_length + 1;
void ScanTarget::submit() {
if(allocation_has_failed_) {
// Reset all pointers to where they were.
write_pointers_ = submit_pointers_.load();
} else {
// Advance submit pointer.
allocation_has_failed_ = false;
void ScanTarget::announce(Event event, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
switch(event) {
default: break;
case ScanTarget::Event::BeginHorizontalRetrace:
if(active_line_) {
active_line_->end_points[1].x = x;
active_line_->end_points[1].y = y;
active_line_ = nullptr;
case ScanTarget::Event::EndHorizontalRetrace: {
const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load();
// Attempt to allocate a new line; note allocation failure if necessary.
const auto next_line = uint16_t((write_pointers_.line + 1) % LineBufferHeight);
// Check whether that's too many.
if(next_line == read_pointers.line) {
allocation_has_failed_ = true;
} else {
write_pointers_.line = next_line;
active_line_ = &line_buffer_[size_t(write_pointers_.line)];
active_line_->end_points[0].x = x;
active_line_->end_points[0].y = y;
active_line_->line = write_pointers_.line;
} break;
void ScanTarget::draw() {
// Grab the current read and submit pointers.
const auto submit_pointers = submit_pointers_.load();
const auto read_pointers = read_pointers_.load();
// Submit scans.
if(submit_pointers.scan_buffer != read_pointers.scan_buffer) {
const auto buffer_size = scan_buffer_.size() * sizeof(Scan);
uint8_t *destination = static_cast<uint8_t *>(
glMapBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(buffer_size), GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT)
if(submit_pointers.scan_buffer > read_pointers.scan_buffer) {
// Submit the direct region from the submit pointer to the read pointer.
const size_t offset = read_pointers.scan_buffer * sizeof(Scan);
const size_t length = (submit_pointers.scan_buffer - read_pointers.scan_buffer) * sizeof(Scan);
memcpy(&destination[offset], &scan_buffer_[read_pointers.scan_buffer], length);
glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GLintptr(offset), GLsizeiptr(length));
} else {
// The circular buffer wrapped around; submit the data from the read pointer to the end of
// the buffer and from the start of the buffer to the submit pointer.
const size_t offset = read_pointers.scan_buffer * sizeof(Scan);
const size_t end_length = (scan_buffer_.size() - read_pointers.scan_buffer) * sizeof(Scan);
const size_t start_length = submit_pointers.scan_buffer * sizeof(Scan);
memcpy(&destination[offset], &scan_buffer_[read_pointers.scan_buffer], end_length);
memcpy(&destination[0], &scan_buffer_[0], start_length);
glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GLintptr(offset), GLsizeiptr(end_length));
glFlushMappedBufferRange(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GLsizeiptr(start_length));
// Submit texture.
if(submit_pointers.write_area != read_pointers.write_area) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, write_area_texture_name_);
// Create storage for the texture if it doesn't yet exist; this was deferred until here
// because the pixel format wasn't initially known.
if(!texture_exists_) {
texture_exists_ = true;
const auto start_y = TextureAddressGetY(read_pointers.write_area);
const auto end_y = TextureAddressGetY(submit_pointers.write_area);
if(end_y >= start_y) {
// Submit the direct region from the submit pointer to the read pointer.
glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, start_y,
1 + end_y - start_y,
&write_area_texture_[size_t(TextureAddress(0, start_y))]);
} else {
// The circular buffer wrapped around; submit the data from the read pointer to the end of
// the buffer and from the start of the buffer to the submit pointer.
glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, 0,
1 + end_y,
glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
0, start_y,
WriteAreaHeight - start_y,
&write_area_texture_[size_t(TextureAddress(0, start_y))]);
// TODO: clear composite buffer (if needed).
// TODO: drawing (!)
// All data now having been spooled to the GPU, update the read pointers to
// the submit pointer location.
// TEST: draw all scans.
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, GLsizei(scan_buffer_.size()));
// Rectangle rect(-0.8f, -0.8f, 1.6f, 1.6f);
// rect.draw(1, 1, 0);