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CLK/OSBindings/Mac/Clock SignalTests/65816kromTests.swift
2022-06-22 16:43:00 -04:00

168 lines
6.2 KiB

// krom65816Tests.swift
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 02/11/2020.
// Copyright 2020 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import XCTest
// This utilises krom's SNES-centric 65816 tests, comparing step-by-step to
// the traces offered by LilaQ at emudev.de as I don't want to implement a
// SNES just for the sake of result inspection.
// So:
// https://github.com/PeterLemon/SNES/tree/master/CPUTest/CPU for the tests;
// https://emudev.de/q00-snes/65816-the-cpu/ for the traces.
class Krom65816Tests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: - Test Runner
func runTest(_ name: String, pcLimit: UInt32? = nil) {
var testData: Data?
if let filename = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).url(forResource: name, withExtension: "sfc") {
testData = try? Data(contentsOf: filename)
var testOutput: String?
if let filename = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).url(forResource: name + "-trace_compare", withExtension: "log") {
testOutput = try? String(contentsOf: filename)
let outputLines = testOutput!.components(separatedBy: "\r\n")
// Assumptions about the SFC file format follow; I couldn't find a spec but those
// produced by krom appear just to be binary dumps. Fingers crossed!
let machine = CSTestMachine6502(processor: .processor65816)
machine.setData(testData!, atAddress: 0x8000)
// This reproduces the state seen at the first line of all of LilaQ's traces;
// TODO: determine whether (i) this is the SNES state at reset, or merely how
// some sort of BIOS leaves it; and (ii) if the former, whether I have post-reset
// state incorrect. I strongly suspect it's a SNES-specific artefact?
machine.setValue(0x8000, for: .programCounter)
machine.setValue(0x0000, for: .A)
machine.setValue(0x0000, for: .X)
machine.setValue(0x0000, for: .Y)
machine.setValue(0x00ff, for: .stackPointer)
machine.setValue(0x34, for: .flags)
// There seems to be some Nintendo-special register at address 0x0000.
machine.setValue(0xb5, forAddress: 0x0000)
// Poke some fixed values for SNES registers to get past initial setup.
machine.setValue(0x42, forAddress: 0x4210) // "RDNMI", apparently; this says: CPU version 2, vblank interrupt request.
var allowNegativeError = false
var lineNumber = 1
var previousPC = 0
for line in outputLines {
// At least one of the traces ends with an empty line; my preference is not to
// modify the originals if possible.
if line == "" {
machine.runForNumber(ofInstructions: 1)
let newPC = Int(machine.value(for: .lastOperationAddress))
// Stop right now if a PC limit has been specified and this is it.
if let pcLimit = pcLimit, pcLimit == newPC {
func machineState() -> String {
// Formulate my 65816 state in the same form as the test machine
var cpuState = ""
let emulationFlag = machine.value(for: .emulationFlag) != 0
cpuState += String(format: "%06x ", machine.value(for: .lastOperationAddress))
cpuState += String(format: "A:%04x ", machine.value(for: .A))
cpuState += String(format: "X:%04x ", machine.value(for: .X))
cpuState += String(format: "Y:%04x ", machine.value(for: .Y))
cpuState += String(format: "S:%04x ", machine.value(for: .stackPointer))
cpuState += String(format: "D:%04x ", machine.value(for: .direct))
cpuState += String(format: "DB:%02x ", machine.value(for: .dataBank))
let flags = machine.value(for: .flags)
cpuState += (flags & 0x80) != 0 ? "N" : "n"
cpuState += (flags & 0x40) != 0 ? "V" : "v"
if emulationFlag {
cpuState += "1B"
} else {
cpuState += (flags & 0x20) != 0 ? "M" : "m"
cpuState += (flags & 0x10) != 0 ? "X" : "x"
cpuState += (flags & 0x08) != 0 ? "D" : "d"
cpuState += (flags & 0x04) != 0 ? "I" : "i"
cpuState += (flags & 0x02) != 0 ? "Z" : "z"
cpuState += (flags & 0x01) != 0 ? "C" : "c"
cpuState += " "
return cpuState
// Permit a fix-up of the negative flag only if this line followed a test of $4210.
var cpuState = machineState()
if cpuState != line && allowNegativeError {
machine.setValue(machine.value(for: .flags) ^ 0x80, for: .flags)
cpuState = machineState()
XCTAssertEqual(cpuState, line, "Mismatch on line #\(lineNumber); after instruction #\(String(format:"%02x", machine.value(forAddress: UInt32(previousPC))))")
if cpuState != line {
lineNumber += 1
previousPC = newPC
// Check whether a 'RDNMI' toggle needs to happen by peeking at the next instruction;
// if it's BIT $4210 then toggle the top bit at address $4210.
// Coupling here: assume that by the time the test 65816 is aware it's on a new instruction
// it's because the actual 65816 has read a new opcode, and that if the 65816 has just read
// a new opcode then it has already advanced the program counter.
let programCounter = machine.value(for: .programCounter)
let nextInstr = [
machine.value(forAddress: UInt32(programCounter - 1)),
machine.value(forAddress: UInt32(programCounter + 0)),
machine.value(forAddress: UInt32(programCounter + 1))
allowNegativeError = nextInstr[0] == 0x2c && nextInstr[1] == 0x10 && nextInstr[2] == 0x42
// MARK: - Tests
func testADC() { runTest("CPUADC") }
func testAND() { runTest("CPUAND") }
func testASL() { runTest("CPUASL") }
func testBIT() { runTest("CPUBIT") }
func testBRA() { runTest("CPUBRA") }
func testCMP() { runTest("CPUCMP") }
func testDEC() { runTest("CPUDEC") }
func testEOR() { runTest("CPUEOR") }
func testINC() { runTest("CPUINC") }
func testJMP() { runTest("CPUJMP") }
func testLDR() { runTest("CPULDR") }
func testLSR() { runTest("CPULSR") }
func testMOV() { runTest("CPUMOV") }
func testORA() { runTest("CPUORA") }
func testPHL() { runTest("CPUPHL") }
func testPSR() { runTest("CPUPSR") }
func testROL() { runTest("CPUROL") }
func testROR() { runTest("CPUROR") }
func testSBC() { runTest("CPUSBC") }
func testSTR() { runTest("CPUSTR") }
func testTRN() { runTest("CPUTRN") }
// Ensure the MSC tests stop before they attempt to test STP and WAI;
// the test relies on SNES means for scheduling a future interrupt.
func testMSC() { runTest("CPUMSC", pcLimit: 0x8523) }