RCD(UNIT_TESTS) CMN BRS(FIBONACCI) ; #Expect FIBONACCI: 2.236 5.000 ESC BRK ; Calculate the square root of five using this Fibonacci series identity: ; ; F(n) F(n-1) _ ; ------ + ------ → √5 as n → ∞ ; F(n-1) F(n) ; ; FIBONACCI: 2.236 5.000 BGN(FIBONACCI) SET(R0, 1) CPR(R1, R0) _1 ADD(R2, R1, R0) BRO(_2) CPR(R0, R1) CPR(R1, R2) BRI(_1) _2 DIV(R2, R0, R1) DIV(R1, R1, R0) ADD(R0, R1, R2) MUL(R1, R0, R0) EXT(S1, O_FIBONACCI) RTN END(FIBONACCI) END(UNIT_TESTS) RDT(_) ; Preset constants ; Output D format: decimal, leading sign for negative, no padding, no thousands separators, period for decimal, three decimal places DEF(O_FIBONACCI, 'FIBONACCI: \eD0 \eD1\n') END(_)