#include "rom.h" #include "common.h" ; ROM code header .WORD CMN_CD, _END_CMN_CD - CMN_CD ; beginning of ROM code * = CMN_CD _CMN .( ; common function interpreter JSR _SAV ; save registers PLA STA _PCL ; set program counter from return address PLA STA _PCH INC _PCL ; advance the program counter BNE _1 INC _PCH _1 JSR _2 ; interpret and execute one common instruction JMP _1 _2 LDY #0 LDA (_PC),Y ; get operand INC _PCL ; advance the program counter BNE _3 INC _PCH _3 TAX ; save operand for later AND #$F0 BEQ _4 ; go to 0X instructions CMP #$F0 ; check for FX functions BEQ _5 ; go to FX instructions LSR ; get offset to XR instructions LSR LSR TAY DEY DEY LDA FN_XR+1,Y ; push high address PHA LDA FN_XR,Y ; push low address PHA TXA ; restore operand AND #$F ; mask to get register ASL ; shift to get offset to register ASL TAX ; back to index RTS ; "return" to routine _4 TXA ; get operand ASL ; shift to get offset to 0X instructions TAY LDA FN_0X+1,Y ; push high address PHA LDA FN_0X,Y ; push low address PHA TXA ; restore operand RTS ; "return" to routine _5 TXA ; get operand AND #$F ; mask to get index ASL ; shift to get offset to FX instructions TAY LDA FN_FX+1,Y ; push high address PHA LDA FN_FX,Y ; push low address PHA TXA ; restore operand RTS ; "return" to routine .) _INI .( ; initialize common ; copy system functions (TODO) ; load program (TODO) LDA #0 ; clear RSI STA _RSI JMP (_PC) ; go to last loaded block .) _SAV .( ; save the registers prior to entering common STA _ACC STX _IDX STY _IDY PHP PLA STA _PS CLD RTS .) _RES .( ; restore the registers prior to leaving common LDA _PS PHA LDA _ACC LDX _IDX LDY _IDY PLP RTS .) _SET .( ; SET r aabbcc.dd 1r dd cc bb aa Rr <- aabbcc.dd - set register LDY #0 LDA (_PC),Y ; transfer four bytes over STA _R0,X INY LDA (_PC),Y STA _R0+1,X INY LDA (_PC),Y STA _R0+2,X INY LDA (_PC),Y STA _R0+3,X LDA #4 ; update program counter CLC ADC _PCL STA _PCL BCC _1 INC _PCH _1 RTS ; done .) _POP .( ; POP r 2r Rr <- RS - pop from stack LDY _RSI ; get register stack index BNE _1 ; all good, something can be popped off the stack BRK ; next pop will cause a stack underflow, abort and call exception handler (TODO) _1 DEY ; transfer four bytes over LDA _RS,Y STA _R0+3,X DEY LDA _RS,Y STA _R0+2,X DEY LDA _RS,Y STA _R0+1,X DEY LDA _RS,Y STA _R0,X STY _RSI ; update register stack index RTS .) _PSH .( ; PSH r 3r RS <- Rr - push onto stack LDY _RSI ; get register stack index CPY #_RSS ; compare against limit BCC _1 ; still room, all okay BRK ; next push will cause a stack overflow, abort and call exception handler (TODO) _1 LDA _R0,X ; transfer four bytes over STA _RS,Y INY LDA _R0+1,X STA _RS,Y INY LDA _R0+2,X STA _RS,Y INY LDA _R0+3,X STA _RS,Y INY STY _RSI ; update register stack index RTS .) _EXC .( ; EXC r 4r Rr <-> RS - exchange Rr with stack LDY _RSI ; RS to RD LDA _RS-1,Y STA _RD+3 LDA _RS-2,Y STA _RD+2 LDA _RS-3,Y STA _RD+1 LDA _RS-4,Y STA _RD LDA _R0,X ; copy Rr to RS STA _RS-4,Y LDA _R0+1,X STA _RS-3,Y LDA _R0+2,X STA _RS-2,Y LDA _R0+3,X STA _RS-1,Y LDA _RD ; copy RD to Rr STA _R0,X LDA _RD+1 STA _R0+1,X LDA _RD+2 STA _R0+2,X LDA _RD+3 STA _R0+3,X RTS .) _ADDRD .( ; add RD to register indexed by X LDA _R0+3,X AND #_MSK_O ; check for existing overflow condition BEQ _4 EOR #_MSK_O BNE _3 ; existing overflow, skip decrement operation _4 CLC ; adding RD LDA _RD ADC _R0,X STA _R0,X LDA _RD+1 ADC _R0+1,X STA _R0+1,X LDA _RD+2 ADC _R0+2,X STA _R0+2,X LDA _RD+3 ADC _R0+3,X STA _R0+3,X AND #_MSK_O ; check for overflow BEQ _2 EOR #_MSK_O BEQ _2 _3 LDA _F ; set overflow ORA #_F_O STA _F BNE _5 _2 LDA _F ; clear overflow AND #_F_O^$FF STA _F _5 RTS .) _INR .( ; INR r 5r Rr <- Rr + 1.0 - increment register LDA #0 ; set RD to plus one STA _RD LDA #_PLS_1 STA _RD+1 LDA #0 STA _RD+2 STA _RD+3 BEQ _ADDRD .) _DCR .( ; DCR r 6r Rr <- Rr - 1.0 - decrement register LDA #0 ; set RD to minus one STA _RD LDA #_MNS_1 STA _RD+1 LDA #$FF STA _RD+2 STA _RD+3 BNE _ADDRD .) _TST .( ; TST r 7r F <- Rr <=> 0.0 - test register RTS .) _DEC .( ; DEC r 8r Rr <- dec(Rr) - convert Rr from hex aabbcc.dd to decimal ######.## RTS .) _HEX .( ; HEX r 9r Rr <- hex(Rr) - convert Rr from decimal ######.## to hex aabbcc.dd RTS .) _ADD .( ; ADD r pq ar pq Rr <- Rp + Rq - addition RTS .) _SUB .( ; SUB r pq br pq Rr <- Rp - Rq - subtraction RTS .) _MUL .( ; MUL r pq cr pq Rr <- Rp * Rq - multiplication RTS .) _DIV .( ; DIV r pq dr pq Rr <- Rp / Rq - division RTS .) _MOD .( ; MOD r pq er pq Rr <- Rp % Rq - modulus RTS .) _ESC .( ; ESC 00 - escape back into regular assembler PLA ; discard the COMMON _1 return address PLA JSR _RES ; restore the registers JMP (_PC) ; get back in the code .) _RTN .( ; RTN 01 - return from subroutine RTS .) _BRS .( ; BRS xxyy 02 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch to subroutine RTS .) _BRA .( ; BRA xxyy 03 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch always RTS .) _BRX .( ; generic branch testing AND _F ; check the bit BNE _BRA ; if set, branch CLC ; not set, advance the program counter over the xxyy offset LDA #2 ADC _PCL STA _PCL LDA #0 ADC _PCH STA _PCH RTS .) _BRE .( ; BRE xxyy 04 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rp = Rq (after CMP) LDA #_F_E BNE _BRX .) _BRG .( ; BRG xxyy 05 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rp > Rq (after CMP) LDA #_F_G BNE _BRX .) _BRL .( ; BRL xxyy 06 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rp < Rq (after CMP) LDA #_F_L BNE _BRX .) _BRZ .( ; BRZ xxyy 07 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rr = 0.0 (after TST) LDA #_F_Z BNE _BRX .) _BRP .( ; BRP xxyy 08 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rr > 0.0 (after TST) LDA #_F_P BNE _BRX .) _BRN .( ; BRN xxyy 09 yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if Rr < 0.0 (after TST) LDA #_F_N BNE _BRX .) _BRO .( ; BRO xxyy 0a yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if overflow (after arithmetic operations) LDA #_F_O BNE _BRX .) _BRU .( ; BRU xxyy 0b yy xx PC <- PC + xxyy - branch if underflow (after arithmetic operations) LDA #_F_U BNE _BRX .) _CPR .( ; CPR pq 0c pq Rp <- Rq - copy register RTS .) _LDI .( ; LDI pq 0d pq Rp <- (Rq:bbcc) - load indirect from memory RTS .) _SVI .( ; SVI pq 0e pq (Rp:bbcc) <- Rq - save indirect to memory RTS .) _CMR .( ; CMR pq 0f pq F <- Rp <=> Rq - compare registers RTS .) _END_CMN_CD ; ROM data header .WORD CMN_DT, _END_CMN_DT - CMN_DT ; beginning of ROM data * = CMN_DT FN_0X .WORD _ESC-1, _RTN-1, _BRS-1, _BRA-1, _BRE-1, _BRG-1, _BRL-1, _BRZ-1, .WORD _BRP-1, _BRN-1, _BRO-1, _BRU-1, _CPR-1, _LDI-1, _SVI-1, _CMR-1 FN_XR .WORD _SET-1, _POP-1, _PSH-1, _EXC-1, _INR-1, _DCR-1, _TST-1, .WORD _DEC-1, _HEX-1, _ADD-1, _SUB-1, _MUL-1, _DIV-1, _MOD-1 _END_CMN_DT ; 6502 addresses .WORD ADDR, 6 ; 6502 NMI, Reset and IRQ * = $FFFA ADDR .WORD 0, _INI, 0